Surprise! Starting today, we at TenchiforumTranslations will be providing fansubs for the new Tenchi Muyo! series Ai Tenchi Muyo! We’re excited to welcome new team member TITANOFCHAOS as well. We hope you all enjoy the ride along with us as we work to bring you the chaos of the new show. Special thanks to Leopard-Raws for their work in uploading quality footage for us to work with.
Now, the first episode, “Tenchi’s Arrival”, can be found below in torrent form, direct download as well as streaming on youtube. Be sure to stop by the forums and let us know what you think about the show as we progress through the coming weeks and talk with other Tenchi fans about Ai Tenchi Muyo!
-Nil Admirari
Nyaa (Torrent)
Kickass.to (Torrent)
Mega.co.cz (Direct Download)
Youtube.com (Streaming)