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    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    JGZinv wrote:

    Not sure they’re going to be able to do it justice in just a movie though… too much backstory to have to cover.

    Don’t sweat the little details… 😉


    The story begins in 2013 when skycrapers in London, Moscow, Berlin, and New York are destroyed by simultaneous bombings. The indiscriminate terrorism by an unknown group with unknown motives sets off widespread panic throughout the world.

    There was once a group of nine cyborg fighters who rescued humanity from threats, but they had disbanded to their home countries. Now the man who created them, Dr. Gilmore, has summoned and assembled them back together again. However, the 00 Number Cyborgs’ former leader, a Japanese man named Joe Shimamura (Mamoru Miyano), is now living alone in Tokyo’s Roppongi with his past memories erased.