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    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 5" />" />

    Choukoku; Minegishi Minami" />



    Choukoku has showed up and beating up everybody worth fighting. She was once defeated by Yuko and has sworn to beat 100 people in order to defeat Yuko.

    She’s the only member of the “100 poems by 100 poets” club. Everybody she beats she gives them a poem card.

    There are seven cards left and but only six top Rappappa members available. Nezumi suggests to her to take on Atsuko.

    At the hospital Atsuko breaks up two patients in dispute by force which surprises Yuko and piques her interest. While looking after Atsuko Yuko is overcome by sudden nausea, impared vision and keels over. Sado appears at a bad time but Yuko pretends its her periode and teases her. Sado reports the Sanshou Sisters’ incident to which Yuko orders her to keep the Heavenly Queens in check. Sado doesn’t believe she can keep them under control. Yuko tells her that they will lose.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi dances happily having found an opportunity she could use for her goal.

    Atsuko is now closer and more talkative with Daruma who has her scooter stolen the other night. At the school gate, Daruma and Atsuko are told by the new (self proclaimed) student council president Minegishi Minami they got only 10 seconds left before the gate closes. Inside the school someone has been putting up posters saying Atsuko is a murderer. Daruma is upset and removes them.

    Choukoku meets Atsuko and asks if she’s the rumored great fighter. Atsuko replies she’s mistaken. Choukoku suddenly slashes out at Atsuko who doesn’t make a move. Choukoku notes that Atsuko’s the real deal but cannot fight her as she’s not motivated. Nezumi suggests to attack Atsuko’s weakness to force her to fight.

    Choukoku meets Atsuko again and is surprised Nezumi’s peculiar intel was correct. Another intense fight ensures.

    Choukoku is strong but is beaten anyway. It’s the second time she ever lost. Atsuko comments whether one wins or not it’s stupid. Choukoku laughs and tells Atsuko to watch out for there are many bad people who are after her.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi acquires information from the Yabakune and makes a deal to bring down Rappappa wherein she actually doesn’t “pay” anything.

    Sado has been keeping Rappappa in line and had relied Yuko’s wish that the Rappappa members shall not mettle with Atsuko. However, Shibuya is very upset about Rappappa’s reputation being put in doubt due to their inaction. Sado slaps her. Yuko makes a surprise return to Rappappa. She actually left the hospital without permission. Sado is suspicious but thrusts her.