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    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 1" />


    Akabane Shinsuke gets stuck during a mission. Tachibana Rin happens to pass by and saves him. She hates his guts for being unmanly.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 2


    Tachibana Rin joins the odd troop. Despite his shame & fear of her, Shinsuke is forced into taking care of her. She’s an extreme zombie hater and is out to kill them which is against the current policy of catching and experimenting. A female neighbor is out against the perfect family of the community whom she accuses them of hiding a zombie. It turns out to be a never seen cases of Mr. Hide-Zombie who transforms from moment to moment.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 3


    Due to the rareness of zombies these days the department is in danger of being cut entirely. The troop turns an informational event into a promotional event with Rin performing a dance & singing show on stage. She saves the Vice Governor from a zombie, hence, saves the department.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 4 & 5


    Shinsuke & Rin investigate rumors of a zombie in a far off village and are facing a mass attack! They escape barely but nobody believes them as the villagers have removed all evidence…

    While Shinsuke goes off investigating alone the lax members of the troop are captured when going out eating. After managing to get off a call for help Shinsuke rushes to their rescue. He’s useless when the veteran Omori-Machiruda pair arrive to save the day.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 6


    One of the upcoming famous Okuda Yasuda comedy troop has been infected and tries to hold out for the important last breakthrough stage performance. It’s a comedian’s dream and pride to play his role to the last joke. Even Rin couldn’t resist this zombie…

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 7


    Zombie makeup are the rage among highschool girls! Rin is traumatized & mad after being called an old hag. Shinsuke’s brother in law, Sasaki Naohiro, has been infected before getting his sister Sasaki Miwa pregnant! (He visited an infected prostitute to get in the mood.) He has been keeping it secret. Now it’s too obvious to hide. It appears the health care administration is secretly removing evidence of a new zombie strain.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 8


    Naohiro’s secret is out and there’s a possible danger to Miwa’s baby. Naohiro tries to sell himself to an underground zombie market mafia in order to leave behind a large sum of money. Rin is outraged! She buys him off.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 9


    Rin’s childhood friend Sachine has fallen into the trap of a dubious talent recruiter and got infected. “Welcome to Z” is the latest horror massage left behind by a beauty who is spreading a virus that is resistant to immunisation. Rin recognizes her as Sachine. Sachine is on her last breath. Rin is torn between horror, fear, and love. Shinsuke is being chased by a fast Bolt-zombie.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 10


    Rin’s has caught her zombie friend. She’s staying away from work and has entrenched herself at home. The new zombie strain is spreading and new zombie variations appear. The population is unaware of the danger and people foul around with them. Rin secretly delivers her resignation.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 11


    Rin is still locked up in her apartment and won’t come out despite all Shinosuke’s pleas. Miwa’s baby isn’t infected but Naohiro finally turns to a zombie. Shinsuke ends up doing all the capturing work with the ‘useless’ muscle-head sempai. They face the Bolt-zombie again but are unable to fight & capture it. Rin appears and puts the zombie down but ends up getting bitten. Shinsuke snaps and kills the zombie.

    Tamagawa Kuyakusho Of The Dead Episode 12


    The Bolt slayer case and murder is being investigated as he was the governor’s son. Rin is turning fast into a zombie. Everyone tries to be by her side to the last moment but it’s hopeless. Koda confronts Comissioner Machiruda and urges her to let him research a new cure. Machiruda reveals that the new strain was the result of a new vaccine gone wrong, hence, the government tried to cover it up. Rin spends her last moments having fun.

    One year later…

    Naoya has been born. Shinsuke is still depressed over his losses. Koda succeeds in turning Naohiro back. And then Rin returns but the fight is not over yet.