Reply To: Discussion: Episodes 56-60

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Anime Discussion: Episodes 56-60 Reply To: Discussion: Episodes 56-60

    Nil Admirari
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    Episode 58 is now subtitled and available!" />

    Episode 58:

    Washu’s now got all the ingredients she needs to set this right – Beni, Toshika, cute cell phone minigames, and a little bit of rocket launcher space magic. Momo and Tenchi are still stuck in their own cyclical hell, a Groundhogs Day scenario they may never get out of. Ukan follows her orders instead of going completely insane, pulling out her troops and suggesting the school girls retreat as well. The rift looked just about ready to strike, but it looks like Toshika’s power might be just enough to send it back where it came from. And in our final moments, it appears as though our two protagonists have found each other again. I get the feeling that Momo and Beni are going back home very soon.

    Have to say, I’ve been loving the way that they’ve treated Washu’s interfaces through this series. It always has some sort of digitized version of herself somewhere. I laughed aloud when I saw the hacking process upload meter being a version of lemmings, but with mini-Washus." />