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    *With this chapter, we are about to enter Batman and Robin Must Die and Return of Bruce Wayne territory*

    Ch. 15: No Need for Wayne Manor

    The sun had started to set when Dick Grayson saw the familiar headlights of the Batmobile. Inside he could make out the forms of Damian, Kiyone, and Alfred. He was confused as to why Mihoshi was not there but he assumed there was a good reason for it. He had only just arrived from Oberon Sexton’s apartment and his mind was already filled with questions.

    “Find the place okay Alfie?” Dick asked with a smile.

    “It’s always hard to tell one ancestral home from another Master Dick. Was your meeting productive?”

    “Honestly, he was saying things that made me start thinking. I’m not sure if he is on the level with us…”

    Kiyone jumped on that thread immediately. “I agree! I was doing some research and I think that I know who he actually is. I think he’s…”

    “We will talk later Kiyone. I’m fairly confident you and I have come to the same conclusion but perhaps from different angels. I’m looking forward to it, but right now, lets get some information to send to the Justice League.”

    She nodded and the group entered the main hall of the Mansion. Though it was a lot cleaner than what it was when Kiyone was last there, it still did not seem to be completely in order. The lights were completely off and Alfred illuminated the way with candles.

    “Just as a precaution. I am unsure if all of the booby traps left here were disarmed. Master Bruce would want us to have an air of caution in this situation.”


    Damian looked around the room. “So where do we begin Grayson? This was your bright idea…”

    “I thought it was Mihoshi’s.”


    “Well,” Alfred began. “If Master Bruce was stuck in time, he might have had a chance to plant clues here, as Miss Mihoshi suggested. We cannot talk to him from the past, but HE can talk to us, through the architecture. Now, earlier today while Master Damian was at his meeting, I took the liberty of visiting the mansion to follow Master Timothy’s lead. I place all of the fallen Wayne Family portraits in their correct chronological order. You can see them over here.”

    Alfred led the way to an area with over a dozen portraits hanging up in a row. They all showed various Wayne men, all sharing strikingly similar appearances. The first portrait was the aforementioned Mordecai Wayne, who was in Puritan clothing and holding a blue bound book. Next to that painting was a mysterious empty space.

    “What’s this Alfred?” Kiyone asked, acknowledging the space. “Why isn’t there a painting here?”

    “That space is the only acknowledgement of Thomas Wayne, the black sheep of the family. Though the majority of the Wayne Family were philanthropists, our Thomas was known as a devil worshiper who apparently attempted to summon bat demons in a hellish ritual.”

    “Bats?” Dick asked.

    “They appear to be a reoccurring theme in our family. Interesting development, is it not?”

    “Very. It even continues to this casket that Joshua Wayne is holding,” Dick pointed out, looking at a robed Wayne who was indeed holding a bat labeled wooden box. “So do we have any idea what our pal Mordecai is holding?”

    “None at all Master Dick.”

    “Pennyworth, perhaps you can research that in the Batcave. If we are to assume, like that idiot Drake believes, that this man is Father, it may hold some special meaning.”

    Alfred nodded. “I follow your meaning Master Damian. I shall head to the cave at once!”

    “Why don’t you stick to the Batmobile Alfie?” Dick suggested. “The caves are probably below freezing tonight. I think every now and then you deserve the luxury of warmth.”

    “I most heartily agree. Research duty it is then. I bid the three of you good luck. Keep in contact if you require anything.”

    The butler parted ways with the group and made his way back out the entrance. Thus, there were only three remaining inside the formers residence of Bruce Wayne. Dick was staring intently at the painting of Joshua Wayne and Damian was looking off, clearly uneasy about being in his father’s home. Kiyone, however, was trying to take in all of her surroundings. This made sense, as she was the only one who did not stay in the house for any extended period of time.

    “Where do we go from here?” Kiyone asked.

    “Splitting up Scooby Doo style seems like a good place to start,” Dick responded.

    “Scooby Doo?”

    “Don’t ask. Damian, can you and Kiyone check the family plot? Your knowledge of the Wayne lineage and Kiyone’s deductive reasoning might find us something worthwhile.”

    “That can be arranged. What kind of nonsense are you going to undertake Grayson?”

    “Well,” Dick was starting at a Wayne portrait set in some kind of battle. “I noticed that Solomon’s painting was taken in the library. I want to investigate there and see what I can find. If it is a wild goose chase, I’ll come find you.”

    “*tt* Typical Grayson, needing my help before you even started.”

    “Keep dreaming Damian,” the former Boy Wonder chuckled.


    Stephanie Brown stared at the blue haired, pink eyed girl and tried to wrap her head around the situation she found herself in.

    Earlier that day, she received a call from her “boss,” Barbara Gordon, claiming that she had needed a favor for an important mission. Thinking that this had something to do with going on patrol or, frankly, anything else, she was eager to please her mentor.

    Instead she found herself having a sleepover with an energetic ten year old girl and a cat-rabbit thingy.

    “You want me…to babysit?” She had asked.

    “Look, she’s Dick’s guest and he wants her to have the full ‘American Girl Experience!'” Barbara explained. “Honestly, I’ve met the kid before. She’s cute and very polite.”

    Stephanie had raised an eyebrow. “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

    “Well…” Barbara trailed off for a second, clearly for dramatic effect. “Though she is currently living in Japan, she may be an alien princess.”

    Stephanie remembered herself pausing and asking a dozen questions at once. Regardless, she was told not to let her out tonight while the boys did their “investigations.” So, she called up a friend, made sure her mom was at work, and prepared to have a slumber party…her first one in probably five years.

    At least she wasn’t doing it alone.

    “So…how do you like Gotham?” Stephanie had managed to ask after settling into pajamas. If she was going to have a slumber party, she might as well be comfortable.

    “It’s really nice so far! Mr. Pennyworth took me to a play and even my first American movie!”

    “Really? What was your first movie?” Stephanie asked curiously.

    “Fantastia. Have you ever seen it Kara? It’s great!”

    Stephanie looked to one of her best friends: Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl. Amazingly, the two girls already met some months back during Darkseid’s attempt to kill the world. Small world.

    “Oh yes! Ma Kent insisted that Kal and I see it with her. It was apparently a favorite or her and Pa…” Kara said, starting to trail off. With renewed energy, however, she shrugged it off. “So we never really got to talk at the Fortress. You are from Jurai? I visited there once when I was young! Actually, given your age, you might have been on planet when I was there!”

    “Really?” Sasami asked. “That is so cool!”

    “I love being the only one here who hasn’t gone into space…” Steph muttered to herself.

    “Well, why don’t we go right now? Ryo-Ohki can take us!”

    The blonde young adult looked to the animal eating a raw carrot and silently asked herself what this girl was talking about. She shook her head and returned to the conversation. “Let’s have a rain check on that. I promised Barbara that you would have a typical Earth slumber party.”

    “Steph, I’ve never had a slumber party either! This is so much fun!” Kara laughed.


    Sasami stared at the two older girls. “So we are in our pajamas. What do typical Earth girls do now?”

    “Well…” Stephanie drawled out, thinking of every cliche in the book. “I suppose we would talk about boys and watch movies and maybe paint our nails? I don’t know, I haven’t had a sleepover in ages. I kinda was nearly killed in a gang war that I started not too long back and it kinda jogged me a smidge. Besides, I doubt you know any Earth boys so we can talk about…”

    “Oh, but I do! I just started talking to an Earth boy and he asked me out on a date!”

    “Great Rao!” Kara shouted. “Details! We need details!”

    “I think you both know him…its Damian.”

    “WHAT?! You mean the ten year old who carries swords?!” Stephanie gagged. “You got the mini-devil to go on a date with you!”

    Sasami was taken back by the comment. “Hey, you got it all wrong! Damian is a nice boy who is just going through a hard time now!”

    “He threatened to stab me with one of said swords.”

    The princess blinked at the comment. “Well, that’s in the past, right? Anyone can change. Even Ryoko was a wanted criminal, but now she lives with us!”

    Not having any idea who or what Ryoko was, Stephanie chose not to acknowledge that. “As eternal an optimist you may be, I don’t think you know the caliber of Earth boys there are on this planet. I think I know just the one that you are gonna love!”

    “I don’t get it.”

    “Nobody gets David Bowie. They just know that he is there!” Steph said, rummaging through her DVD collection. “Aha! Here it is! The only movie that is a worth enough follow-up to Fantasia: Labyrinth!”

    “Labyrinth? I’ve never seen it Steph. Is it good?” Supergirl

    Stephanie laughed hard. “You ladies are in for a treat. You guys set up the movie, I’ll make some waffles.”


    Outside in the Wayne Family graveyard, Damian and Kiyone wandered around the gravestones. As they passed by various names, Damian tried to give off little bits of information that he learned about from both his mother and Alfred.

    “Solomon was apparently part of the Underground Railroad. I fail to see why this would be of importance, but we never know what we may find I suppose. Grayson has me so worked up that I wouldn’t be surprised to find Father buried alive in one of these graves,” he was explaining.

    “You really think that?”

    “Again, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

    “So…” Kiyone started. “Are you okay?”

    “Do I seem okay Makibi?”

    “Well, I mean, yes you do. But you’ve been acting different since I met you…”

    Under his domino mask, Damian rolled his eyes. “Are you really going there now? In a graveyard? During an investigation?”

    Kiyone kicked herself internally. Here she was, an alien detective trying her best to fit in with a world of heroes, going on asking about a ten year old’s crush. It was truly an unprofessional thing to say and she immediately regretted it.


    “Save it. Grayson would probably do the same if he were on patrol with me right now. The Princess…Sasami I mean, she is, well, different than anyone else I have known. Grayson and Pennyworth have had their lion’s share of a task taking me in. I am unsure if this was the course of action Father would have wanted, but I would like to think it is the one that would make him proud. Sasami has shown me that, through her damn peppy attitude.” Damian cocked a grin. “You know who else is peppy? Your idiot partner.”


    “Right in one! I’m impressed. You are keeping up.”

    “When did you become so witty?”

    “When did YOU abandon your partner? I may be many things, and I have done many things, but I abandoned Grayson but once and I now regret it. She may be an idiot and a ditz and I would lie if I said she doesn’t get on my nerves, but she is still YOUR partner. Besides…though I hate to admit it she did save my life,” Damian stared intently at her. “If you mention that to ANYONE, do not think I would hesitate to hurt you. Badly.”

    Kiyone ran her hands through her hair. “I love Mihoshi, but she has just caused so much…chaos in my life! I forgive her for all of that, I really do. I won’t say she isn’t stressful, but I just don’t want her to be hurt.”

    “*tt* Sounds like you are justifying it to yourself.”

    “Are you judging me?”

    Damian cocked his head. “I’m ten. I judge everyone.”

    “Fair point.”

    “Is she not a Galaxy Police Officer?”


    Damian shrugged. “This is Earth. I’m sure she could have handled herself here just fine.”

    The teal haired detective stared at the ground and kicked herself yet again. ‘Damn it, the kid is right! I’ve been a terrible partner! I can’t let him know that…’ “Damn it, I’m a terrible partner aren’t I?”

    “I think you are more of a terrible person, but that works too,” Damian admitted. “Just keep your head in the mission Makibi. You’ll have time to make amends with that fool later…why is your bracelet blinking?”

    He pointed to her wrist. Her bracelet was indeed blinking. A holographic display protruded from it, showing a most disturbing message. “There are several forms descending upon Wayne Manor. Looks like almost one hundred people…what the hell?”

    “It seems like we are expecting company,” Damian cracked his knuckles. “Grayson, did you hear that? Grayson?”

    “He can’t hear you sir,” the voice of Alfred rang out of their communicators. “I lost contact with him. He seems to have fallen into some secret Batcave judging by his last transmission.”

    “Keep trying him Pennyworth. Makibi and I will hold down the fort here.”

    “You both won’t be alone!” a new voice called out. The pair turned and saw a person that was familiar to them both. It was a masked man wearing sunglasses and a top hat. The mask covered his entire face and was a deep shade of blue.

    “Oberon Sexton? What are you doing here?” Damian asked incredulously.

    “Teaming up with you three I reckon. I came to warn Bruce Wayne about an attempt on his life by the Domino Killer, but I got mixed up with the 99 Fiends that are graciously descending upon us at this moment,” the masked detective explained. “I don’t believe you and I ever had the chance to meet my dear. You are…?” He offered his hand to Kiyone. She hesitated a moment and shook it.

    “Detective Sergeant Makibi. Heard a lot about you and followed your cases intensively,” she said warily. “Funny that you just appeared like that.”

    “There’s nothing funny about this situation my dear,” Oberon replied, grabbing a shovel. “Guess I’ll take the 33 on the left. Anyone have any objections?”

    “None that pertain to the situation I suppose,” Kiyone said, setting her gun to stun.

    “Interesting firearm,” Oberon noted. “Is that standard issue in your precinct?”

    “It is.”

    “Fascinating! Shall we inquire the names and motives of our attackers?”

    Damian laughed. “That’d be prolonging the fun. I’d rather just start bashing heads.”

    The three charged toward the oncoming criminals. Though there were of all shapes and sizes, tall and short, our heroes were unconcerned that they could buy some time until Batman arrived on the scene.


    Meanwhile, in Gotham City…

    “Dance, magic dance!” the three girls were singing along to David Bowie’s beautiful tones.

    “See Sasami? This is what American’s consider to be quality entertainment!” Stephanie Brown was enjoying herself far too much for her own good.

    “I like this a lot, I really do, but this is starting to get kind of weird,” Sasami admitted. “Are the goblins actually children who have been taken away? Is Sarah dreaming? I’m so confused!”

    “Sometimes you just have to go with it,” Steph explained. “What do you think Kara?”

    “I think Hoggle is adorable!”

    “You would.”

    “So Sasami, who is more adorable to you? Hoggle or the Boy Wonder?” Kara asked as she put more syrup on her waffle meal.

    Sasami laughed. “Stop it!”

    “Can I be serious for a moment?” Stephanie asked. “I know the kid. I don’t think he’s had any friends before in his life. He asking you on a date sends up all kinds of red flags!”

    “Well,” the princess breathed. “That’s why I’m going! Damian and I are way too young to go on the kind of date that Ayeka or Ryoko would go on with Tenchi. I just want to be his friend! He may not have any friends, but I don’t have many friends here either.”

    The cabbit meowed hurtfully. “Okay, I have you Ryo-Ohki!”

    “So…it wouldn’t be a date date?” Brown asked.

    “Nope! I’m only 700. I’m way too young for THAT kind of date! That’d be silly!”

    Stephanie blinked, trying to process the young girl’s age. “That it would.”


    “You would think that this was easy!” Kiyone yelled to Damian as she continued to shoot at her enemies. “These guys don’t give up!”

    “Stop yelling in combat Makibi!”

    The Fiends were all utilizing various different weapons. Some used their fists, others used flaming arrows, and a few even utilized flamethrowers. It was hard to attack everyone at the same time, and Kiyone was starting to feel the pressure of the battle at hand. However, she refused to stand down. As a member of the Galaxy Police, she would fight until her last breath.

    A blonde haired woman with goggles pointed her flame thrower toward Damian. Kiyone, noticing this, shot her weapon at her at the same time she kicked a pale man with a mohawk. Damian turned around at this and growled. “I had it under control Makibi!”

    “Stop yelling in combat Squirt!” Kiyone yelled playfully.

    After what seemed like ages of fighting, Kiyone, Damian, and Sexton were backed by a tomb. Panting and bloody, they regarded the situation. “So, how are we doing?” Kiyone panted.

    “About as well as you’d imagine,” Sexton whispered as he adjusted his hat. “This is starting to look bad. I thought you said Batman was on the property.”

    “He is. He’s tending to Wayne,” Damian explained. “We don’t need him. We have this under control.”

    With that, one of the 99 Fiends made his way to the front of the crowd. He wore a black domino mask and carried a bird on his shoulder. “You have no chance to beat us. You have fought well, but our numbers are too much for you to handle. We know Barbatos has stirred beneath the ground. Give us the Casket and we will leave.”

    “What casket?” Kiyone asked. “You mean the box in the painting? It’s here?”

    “So they say,” Oberon cracked his neck slightly. “They want to search the tomb behind us more than likely.”

    “Then we better not let them in,” Kiyone smiled. “You all ready?”

    Suddenly, a giant light illuminated the graveyard. The Fiends turned to acknowledge it, as did the heroes. “Is that the Batmobile?” Damian asked.

    “Attention criminals! You are breaking and entering on private property! You are all under arrest!” a most familiar voice came from the sky. An intense beam of light came down in front of the tomb and a person stepped out of it. Her blonde hair was hidden by her standard issue blue hat. Her gun was pointed at the Fiends and determination was written on her face.

    Mihoshi had joined the battle.

    “Mihoshi! Where did you come from?” Kiyone yelled. She made a move to go hug her put Mihoshi put her hand up.

    “Kiyone, we are on duty! We cannot show weakness in front of these criminals!”

    The detective blinked. “Who are you and what have you done with Mihoshi?”

    “Kiyoneeee!” Mihoshi whined, her tough facade cracking. “I’m trying to show you how responsible I am! I’m really sorry that you were mad at me and I don’t want you to hate m…stay where you are!” She shot the ground near where one of the Fiends was attempting to attack.

    “Can you save your heartfelt reunion for later?” Damian yelled. “We have a battle to fight and the odds are stacking up, though I refuse to give up!”

    “Don’t worry!” Mihoshi smiled. “I brought help guys!”

    “What are you talking about?” Kiyone asked. “I don’t see…”

    A familiar battle cry was heard throughout the graveyard. Beams of red came down from behind the mob of Fiends. A sound similar to a sonic boom crashed around them as a silver and red blur flew around. A second form followed, this time of a pink and purple hue.

    “I love a good old fashioned ass kicking! I’ll bet I get more than you do Princess!”

    “This isn’t a competition you monster! Regardless, I’ll show you how the true power of Jurai can feel!”

    “So you are admitting that I can take out more of these costumed clowns than you?”

    “Please darling, you couldn’t keep up with me if you tried.”

    Kiyone stared in shock. How in the world did Mihoshi convince Ryoko and Ayeka to come to America to fight for them. And, more importantly, how did she know they would be needing extra help?

    Picking up his shovel, Oberon used the distraction of the three newcomers to bash some skulls in. “Are you going to stand around Baby Boy Wonder, or are you going to lend a hand?”

    “Sexton, watch your mouth!”

    The fight slowly turning in against them, the Fiends started to dwindle down in size. Though nobody was getting killed, miraculously, they were starting to get grievously wounded. It was during this time that the Wayne tomb opened up from the inside. Crawling into view was Dick Grayson, clutching the casket the Fiends desperately desired.

    “I…I found it Robin! I…what the hell is going on?”

    “BARBATOS!” one of the Fiends shouted. “Grab the Casket and retreat!”

    “Not on your life buddy!” Ryoko yelled. “Double points if you get one who grabs the box!”

    “Can I play too?” Mihoshi asked while she shot several Fiends scrambling toward Dick.

    “Are you lot always this casual while people are trying to murder you?” Sexton asked incredulously.

    “Please!” Kiyone replied, now back to back with Mihoshi and covering Damian’s assault. “This is nothing compared to when the fleet of Jurai was after us. On your left!”

    Sexton swiftly swung his shovel in stunned surprise. “I owe you one!”

    “I’ll take you up on that,” Kiyone muttered to herself. “Mihoshi, can you forgive me? I was angry and…for pete’s sake!” The teal haired detective was grazed with an arrow. “That almost hit me!”

    “You almost hit Kiyone?! I’ll never forgive you!” Mihoshi started to bawl now, randomly shooting all over the place. Fiend after Fiend fell in a paralyzed state.

    “Kuramitsu, whatever you are doing, keep it up!” Damian roared.

    Dick stared on in amazement. From what he managed to pick up from Alfred, the group was losing the battle. It seemed that Mihoshi had turned the tide. He clutched the Bat Casket in his arms tightly. Suddenly, an idea sprung in his head. He fiddled with his utility belt and pulled out a small microscopic tool. He placed it on the Casket and charged into battle.

    Using the Casket as a weapon, Dick swung hard on the domino wearing Fiend, who grabbed it and pushed Dick away. “We have what we came here for! Everybody out!”

    The conscious twenty or so Fiends limped their way off of the property. Ryoko and Ayeka started to chase after them, but Dick yelled for them to return. They did as he asked, albeit hesitantly.

    “What the heck was that for? We were winning!” Ryoko pouted.

    “I happen to agree with the lady Batman,” Oberon panted. “That was foolish. You don’t know what we are dealing with.”

    Batman looked at the masked detective’s arm. “You look like you need medical attention. Want me to take you to the hospital?”

    “No, I have a medical kit at my apartment. Meet me there and I will give you everything I know on both the Domino Killer and the 99 Fiends…or however many there are now.”

    “Go on Sexton. We just need to alert Gordon to pick up these goons before Wayne comes out of the deep sleep I put him in,” Batman explained.

    Mihoshi started to say something, but Kiyone covered her mouth. It was clear from past experience that she was going to ask about Dick’s mention of “Bruce Wayne.” Sexton, not noticing anything odd with the situation, merely nodded and made his way off the property.

    The second he left, Damian started to pound on Dick’s chest. “Why did you give up the Casket Grayson? If they discover the tracer you no doubt implanted, all of that would be for nothing!”

    “I don’t think so. At this point, it’s better to let them take it away so Wayne Manor can be left alone for a bit. I think I know who left it there and why. What I don’t know,” Dick added, looking at the three unexpected visitors. “Is how the heck you three knew to come here?”

    “Well,” Mihoshi trailed off. “I managed to catch some really big criminals and wanted to tell Kiyone, but she seemed really upset at me. I stopped back home to ask Tenchi’s honorable grandfather what to do, but he was out in town. But I found the next best thing!”

    Kiyone sighed and hugged her partner. “Mihoshi, I’m so sorry. I was focusing so much on the mission that I took out my frustration on you. Can you forgive me?”

    “OH KIYONEEE!” Mihoshi buried her head into Kiyone’s shoulder. As she patted her partner’s head, she turned to Ryoko and Ayeka.

    “That still doesn’t answer why you two wanted to leave Tenchi in Japan and come here,” Kiyone asked.

    Ryoko snorted with laughter. “Honestly, it’s because of him!” She pointed to Damian, who turned around in confusion.

    “Why would you travel…” Damian started before realization set in. “Hakubi, I will slaughter you. Slowly. With a dull blade.”

    “Young man, if you thought for a single second that I would not want to talk to you in person, you would be wrong!” Ayeka stormed up to him. “Explain to me this: why do you think you can go and court my sister?!”

    Damian crossed his arms and grunted. “Do I really need to explain myself to you woman?”

    “Yes! Yes you do! As Sasami’s older sister….”

    “Look,” Damian put his hands up in defeated protest. “I understand your apprehension in the matter. I am the spawn of assassins and murders. However, I implore you to look past all of that. Your sister has done something no other person has done, gotten me to actually laugh. Not even Father could do that.”

    “Regardless,” Ayeka said. “You both are far too young to be in any kind of serious relationship. I will not allow it!”

    “Serious…Princess, I am ten years old! What makes you think I want ANY part in a serious relationship? I merely wish to get to know your sister more, hence why I asked her to dinner. Is that not what people do? She and I are practically friendless on this planet and that deserves to be rectified! Your sister is a wonderful person, and coming from me that says something.”

    “It does,” Dick interjected for the first time.

    “Even Grayson agrees. I am not ‘courting’ your sister! I want to KNOW your sister. Is that such a crime?” Damian took off his domino mask and stared at her intently. “Look at me. I would NEVER hurt your sister. Yes, I might have what you call a ‘crush’ on her, but is that so wrong? Again, I am ten. That is apparently typical for my age.”

    Ayeka narrowed her eyes. It was clear that she still viewed him as the boy with the attitude she met six months prior. Damian groaned to himself. ‘Of course she has her doubts. I may never get her to approve of me, but I am a Wayne, and Waynes do not back down.’

    “Well…what did Sasami have to say about your proposal?” Ayeka asked suspiciously.

    “She told me it was a date,” Damian bowed with respect, anticipating a challenge from her. “If you wish for me to clarify my position, I will do so. But I ask you to allow me to continue my friendship with your sister…please.”

    Dick put a hand to his mouth. “He said ‘please!'” he whispered to himself. “Alfred, are you listening to this?”

    “I am hanging on every word. I think Master Bruce would be proud of how he has grown.”

    “Very well…” Ayeka relented. “I cannot stop my sister from doing anything. But I will have my eye on you!”

    “I will not disappoint you.”

    “And as for you!” the princess turned to Ryoko. “You told me Sasami had found a boyfriend! You deliberately misled me!”

    “Hey, I call it as I see it!” Ryoko shrugged.

    “So you traveled all over the world…to protest Damian?” Kiyone asked. “That seems rather elaborate. What about you Ryoko? Why are you here?”

    “If you think I would let that demon stay with Lord Tenchi unsupervised for even a moment…”

    “Fair enough,” Kiyone conceded. “Has Barbara’s father been called yet?”

    “I took the liberty of reporting it in Miss Kiyone,” Alfred responded. He had parked the Batmobile and made his way toward them. “I think having Bruce Wayne’s butler around might make things a bit credible.”

    “I agree,” Dick nodded. “So Kiyone, since we’ve got some time to kill, why don’t we swap Sexton stories?”


    Oberon Sexton waited patiently in his apartment. The night’s events had taken a minor toll on him. However, he had hoped this would be the moment. This would be when all of the pieces would be put out on the board.

    He smiled under his mask. He could hear police sirens wailing down the street. This piqued his curiosity. Could Batman have figured it out at last? If he did, he hoped he wouldn’t act too rash. But who was he kidding? He’d probably come in and start accusing him of his role in this. If only he knew what his true endgame was.

    The door to his apartment opened and, as expected, Batman entered in the room. He was not alone. The two detectives, the blonde one and the teal haired one, accompanied him. This was proving to be an interesting development.

    “All of this protection for little old me? I must say, I think it’s a bit much.”

    “We have to be careful Mr. Sexton. This was quite a night.”

    “How is Wayne doing?” Sexton asked. “Did he end up getting injured?”

    “I knocked Wayne out and hid him in his panic room. The butler assisted as well. They are being questioned as we speak. Still, I have a few questions for you, if you wouldn’t mind indulging me.”

    “If you feel that it is necessary.”

    “I had a friend in England, the Knight, who I contacted after I left your apartment earlier today. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. The way that all of the various members of the Black Glove died…it just seemed too coincidental. I asked him to check something out for me. Then a funny thing happened. Officer Makibi, who I brought in on this case along with her partner, did her own digging and had some interesting theories of her own.”

    “Oh?” Oberon asked, taking off his sunglasses. “What might those be?”

    “Though Sexton is a real writer, the Knight found his corpse buried with his dead wife an hour ago. That means you aren’t the real Sexton. You’ve been pulling a fast one on us. The name…’fey king?’ Really? That’s what gave it away to her. This whole thing has been one giant joke, hasn’t it?” With that, Oberon Sextron removed his mask and revealed a white, grinning visage. His green hair briefly flashed before he put the top hat back on.

    Oberon Sexton was actually The Joker." />