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Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Worship / Collection / Theory threads Could the other characters pull off their own show? Reply To: Could the other characters pull off their own show?


    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    You know how Pokemon as some mini-movies featuring either Pikcachu or some other

    Pokemon? It could be like that for Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki.Maybe have one where they meet

    one of the Mokonas from either Magic Knight Rayearth,Tsubasa River Chronicle

    or xxxHolic.

    I actually thought that Ryo-Ohki would be getting a mini-series during Ai, to explain what happen.

    That’s a cool idea! Seeing a somewhat recent episode of Stardust Crusaders featuring events from a less serious perspective a la one Iggy’s point of view reminded me of this. It’d be fun.

    Dagon123 wrote:

    What if there was a show JUST about the girls? Do you think it could work?

    As crazy as some may think it, and as painfully obvious as it seems, to me this sounds like the best idea in recent memory if aiming for a fun, new angle for a spin-off; No Need For Tenchi: Really! or something equally facetious comes to mind. Though it’s been brought up in passing for various reasons (chiefly of what I’ve seen has been for lesbian shipping ranging from humorous to semi-serious ends), a serious approach at this setup would yield gold that Tenchi fans of every stripe and color could enjoy.

    Though there’s nothing wrong with this forthcoming approach, I would fear for it becoming a cliche “cute girls doing cute things” modern creation where nothing actually happens because of all things out there, between the length of time it’s been around and its characters’ straight-up potential for emotional exploration, development, slapstick comedy along with heartfelt heartache etc., we all know Tenchi girls have potential for more. We’ve seen the girls fighting over Tenchi, and honestly in a way it really does never get old; but after getting a small taste of ‘what could be’ courtesy of Tenchi Forever, time away from Tenchi for the girls to focus on themselves individually and collectively would do them worlds of good while giving us time to focus on them not as love interests but purely as full-fledged characters entirely standing on their own. (Ironically, though convenient, I just called ‘the girls’ what we all usually do: “The Tenchi Girls” so see how unintentionally or otherwise they’re all accessories for, or at best ancillary to, “the main man” Tenchi? It needn’t be so!)

    A Tenchi series without Tenchi Masaki…I LOVE it! (No offense Tenchi, we still like ya.)