Reply To: Tenchi Masaki Kami Tenchi

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Anime Tenchi Masaki Kami Tenchi Reply To: Tenchi Masaki Kami Tenchi

    First off, welcome to the forum, Lupin!

    As far as “Kami Tenchi” goes there is no explanation as to what exactly “he” or “it” is anywhere. “Kami Tenchi” is just a name that was given to the figure in the third OVA by the fans and is not an official title. Also, as to whether or not the figure in the third OVA is this “higher power” that the Chousin are looking for is debatable. Sure it’s implied to be that way, but all that happens is “he” or “it” starts to break the various dimensional barriers which is just an unintended effect of the figure being present at all. We never actually get to see any of its power at work. The Chousin have to fix everything that happens with their own powers so it’s hard to say that the figure we see is more powerful than them when at the end of it all everything still needed the Chousin’s power to be resolved. Again, it seems that was what they were going for but there just isn’t enough information about it to definitively say one way or another that “Kami Tenchi” truly exists or not.

    I would be careful if you try to source anything from the Tenchi Wiki. Some of what’s up there is credible but a lot of it is not. It either has no source, is sourced incorrectly, or has someones opinion so deeply woven into an article that the information given is being skewed to various degrees based on that persons opinion. So if you do look over there for anything take what you see with a grain of salt.