Reply To: Tenchiforum Mumble moving to Discord!

Forums Getting Started Rules and Announcements Tenchiforum Mumble moving to Discord! Reply To: Tenchiforum Mumble moving to Discord!

    Fun fact : If you didn’t join the server within the first 24 hours using the instant invite, you can’t use the desktop app, nor any other mobile application.

    So you can’t create account yet, for the server of course.

    JG witness my presence on the server yesterday, but today I fooled around with the soft and disconnected myself of it (ya stoopid).

    Now I can’t join it unless I use a browser. (And so my account is useless for now).

    Aaand, of course, if you clic and the connect button below, chrome asks you if you want to lauch an external app, say yes, but then you still need an instant invite to join. Too bad.

    EDIT : Problem solved, don’t know how nor why