“Man I felt rusty making this! Hopefully its good enough to enjoy though, and hey I can only get better right? If you want to help support me on RABtoons and all my projects for entertaining you guys please pledge $1 dollar a month…. https://www.patreon.com/RABtoons . Thanks again guys and see you in the next update…

New Free-to-Play Tenchi Muyo! game, “Tenchi Muyo: Bride Ryōran”
[simpleviewer gallery_id=”45″] “Tenchi Muyo: Bride Ryōran” (or, “Tenchi Muyo: Abundance of Brides”) is a new, free to play web browser game created for Japanese entertainment site DMM.com. The game features a cast of girls ranging from the OVA and GXPseries of Tenchi Muyo!, while featuring artwork from Universe and in Tokyo as well. The game…

Tenchicast 31: No Need for Ai Tenchi Muyo! PT.8 (Episodes 56-60)
In this episode we talk about The End of Ai How do you see the show now? Ai out of 10 #AiTenchiTalkback