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    Of all the games I played in my life, none were more joyful or pure, crazy fun as those in the MarioKart franchise! From playing the original SNES version and MarioKart64 at my cousins’ houses, to playing Double Dash with friends in middle school, to creating our own “league” in MarioKart DS on the bus rides home from high school, to setting up my own MarioKart Wii tournaments in college, MarioKart has been a constant staple in my gaming diet. Now, a new MarioKart game is coming out for a new system, and it looks by all accounts to potentially be the best one yet!

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    I’m super excited for MarioKart 8, and I hope that it continues the long and glorious tradition of fun and creativity in the MK franchise! This thread if for fans of that franchise to share their thoughts, experiences, and news regarding MarioKart in its various forms.

    I’ll start things off with a brief ranking of my favorite entries in the MK line.

    1. MarioKart DS. This game will probably always be my favorite. It was the one that I poured the most heart and soul into over many years. What started as one or two good friends playing over local wireless connection on the bus ride home from school, eventually turned into three years of intense, daily MarioKart races, battles, and tournaments between seven great players! This is also my favorite entry because, of all the MK games, this one required the most skill to play. The “unique” physics of the game allowed several exploitations, such as the forever controversial “snaking,” and being able to dodge the blue shell at will. While most seem to regard those who used these tricks as “cheaters,” it took a hell of a lot of effort and concentration to pull them off, and that’s just what being good at a game is all about.

    2. Mario Kart Double Dash. Like most other Game Cube titles (and the GC itself, really) this game is often overshadowed by the titles before and after it. Double Dash took the pioneering work of MK64 and polished it out into a smooth, pretty product. Years later, Double Dash’s basic format is STILL the foundation on which all new MK games are based on.

    3. MarioKart 7. This game took full advantage of the 3DS’s many capabilities to give us some of the best leaps forward in the entire franchise. The 3D maps were very well constructed, and the addition of the gliders was the first truly exciting new feature in years. Also, this game perfected the worldwide match system that had been introduced in MK DS, and improved upon in MK Wii.

    4. MarioKart64. This game holds the most nostalgia for me, hands down. The introduction of 3D graphics into the franchise was simply magical to a kid my age, and the ability to play with four people, total, opened up a whole world of possibilities for large families and groups of friends. Returning to this game years later, the fun is still there, but one can’t help but notice the clunkiness with which it runs, and the discomfort caused by the N64’s bulky controller.

    5. MarioKart Wii. This was, and still is, a really fun game. It runs smoothly, and the HUGE number of playable characters and Kart customizations was a real treat. This game’s only real sin was that it felt less like its own game, and more of continuation of Double Dash and MK DS. Oh, and the Wii Wheel. Fuck that thing.

    6. Super MarioKart. I can only vaguely recall playing this game when I was very young, so the nostalgia just isn’t there as much for me. As the one that started it all though, this game is still a ground breaker. It changed what racing games could be, and for that it deserves its rightful plaudits.

    7. MarioKart Super Circuit. The only MK game I’ve never actually played. It brought the franchise to the handheld arena, paving the way for MK DS, and for that it has my respect and gratitude.

    Looking back, that wasn’t actually very brief, was it? blush1 Oh well, what can I say? I just love MarioKart too much :D So, does anyone else here like MarioKart? Sound off below!

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  • Replies
      Nil Admirari
      When it came to Nintendo racers, I was always way more of an F-Zero man myself. Mario Kart was good fun but I never really felt like they clicked with me like Super Mario Kart on the SNES did. There really isn’t anything quite like them though. Blur was the closest we’ve gotten to a non-Nintendo arcade racer with power ups and even then the fact that it was grounded in reality took away from part of what made Mario Kart so great.

      Never forget Rainbow Road.

      long time since i played them but i still own Mario Kart for SNES, DS, 3DS and GBA one on the 3DS i still hope to someday own and play N64 one again ;_;
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