OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 6 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 6 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_06copy_zps7504bca5.jpg" />

    Notes –

    Multiple errors throughout due to the picture in the background. Some text may need to be redone by hand. All other text is complete and accurate.

    JP Text –


    それは一樹が幻で見たあのロボット達であった。しかし一樹の体に伝わって くる森音と振動、物の焼ける匂いが目の前の景色が現実のものだと教えている。

    ロボットのパワーは圧倒的に毒々しい色合いの方が上だった。しかし白い機 体はその機動性と軽量さを生かし、はるかに勝るスピードを武器とし相手のロ ボッ卜に致命的なダメージを与えることに成功する。

    だが動かなくなった敵ロボットに不用意に近付いたその時だった。突然敵ロ ボットの腹部が不自然な爆発を起こす。指向性の強い爆発が白い機体を襲い、 凄まい爆発音と共に一榭の方へとはじき飛ばされる白V、機体。

    一樹の立っている高台の壁にめり込む白い機体。その衡擊で一樹はその機体 の近くへと滑り落ちてしまう。

    「弥生機、通信不能です! 』

    *衛軍司令部で弥生の機体との通信が途絶えたことを告げるオペレーター。 弥生は羅螺軍との戦闘で、*衛ラインを突破したロボットを追っていたのだつ た。


    「主力部隊と交戦中です ! 偵察部隊からの望遠映像転送します』

    倒れている白い機体に近付いて行く ロボットの映像が映る。しかしコタビッ ト部分は建物に邪魔されて見えない。


    恐怖で金縛り状態の一樹に(正確には一樹の側に横たわる白いロボットにだ が)近付いてくる敵ロボット。ぴくりとも動かない白い機体にとどめを刺すか のように、肩の巨大な砲身を向ける。だが白いロボットの腕が伸び、敵の下腹 部に突き刺さる。もともと敵ロボットもかなりのダメージを負っていたのであ ろぅ、各関節から煙を噴いて後ろ向きに倒れてしまう。しかし白いロボットも 動かなくなってしまう。


    思うように動かない足を引きずるように歩き出す一樹の耳に、パイロットの 重傷を告げる耳障りな*子音と共に激しくせき込む声が開こえる。



    このロボットのパイロット、弥生は激しくせき込むと倒れてしまう。慌てて 側に駆け寄る一樹その時 。






    .…选げ…逃げ*さい ……..まだ来る…』

    そううめくよ言うと倒れる弥生。とっさに彼女の体を抱えるが、相手の 重さを意識しながったため、そのまま一緒に倒れそうになってしまう。


    割れたへ*メットが地面に転がり落ち、長い銀髮がパァっと広がる。血にま みれたその端正な顔に思わず息をのむ。 『敵接近 ! パイロットは速やかにコクピットに戻って下さい』




    ま、まだ生きてる? ! ! 』

    弥生を抱え逃げようどするが、体に力の入ゝない人間一人抱えたままで は一樹の恐怖心を和らげられるほど早く移動することは出来ない。






    開いたままのコクピットからそれが見える。慌ててシールドを閉めようとす る—樹。

    「くそっ!!續うすりゃ閉まるんだ!?J 一樹がそう言.った途端、ひとりでに閉まるシールド。


    「ぇっ ! ! ? ? ? 』

    突然、一榭の視党と、ロボットの外部カメラが繫がる。攻幣しようとするロボ ットが目の前に見える。

    「うゎトああああ! !』 反射的に避けようとする一樹の思考波を受け動く白い機体。


    敵の攻擊を何度かかれす*に、自分の思考とロボットの動きが一致している ことに気付く。しかし恐怖がリンクの妨げになっているのか動きが鈍い機体は、 敵の攻撃の直繫を受け凄まじい衝*が走る。


    衝搫を受けるたび痛みにうめく弥生。 樹がもし—人でとのロボットに乗っていたなら、おそらく恐怖に囚われた ままやられてい、たかもしれなv、。しかレ”…。

    『こいっ! !』

    弥生に傷を負わせ、今また彼女に苦痛を与えている敵に激しい怒りを感じる 一樹。揺れから彼女を守ろうと弥生を抱きしめ、怒りを解放する一樹。


    凄まじい力で敵ロボットを引き裂いて行く一樹であったが、許容以上の力を 機体に強いたために白いロポットも動けなくなってしまう。

    「 ……まさか!あの娘の言っていた…だが、だとしたら何故逃げたのだ?』

    あの戦闘の後、動けなくなったロボットに弥生を残し、助けを呼びに行った 一樹は、回収部隊と遭遇した。回収部隊は一榭に避難所へ行くように言うと弥 生機と弥生の救出へと向かい、重傷の弥生だけを発見したのだった。 「しかしまだ確認されたわけではない…とにかく早急に事実の確認をせねばj 考え込む真田の元に弥生の意識が戻った報告が届く。




    「 ……… 』

    呆然と天井を見上げている弥生。 「重傷を負った君の代わりに誰かが操縦していたのは記録に残っている。信じ がたい事だが君が操縦していたのではないんだ…何か覚えてはいないかい? 』

    朦朧とした意識で一樹の顔を見たとき、ぼんやりと思った事を口にする弥生。 「王子様? ? 』

    真田に聞かれて思わず赤面してしまう弥生。あまりにも少女っぽい感想だっ たからだ。真田に、操縦者の特徴を伝える弥生。

    「 ……そうか……やはりなJ


    「弥生くん、辛いところを悪かったね。後のことは心配いらない、君はゆっく り休みたまえ』









    「三月先輩、先輩もここへ……えつ! ?』





    一樹に事情を聞いて笑い出す真田。三月は詳しい経緯を話してはいなかっ のだ。


    「……それより…もうそろそろこれ、何とかしてくれませんか ? 』?椅子に拘束されている-樹が憮然とした表情で眩く。あの時、三月に見つけ


    「すまなかった。詳しい事情はこれから調査しなければならないが、君はがな り特別な存在なんだ。敵の注意を引く行動は避けたかったんでね、逮捕とぃう 手荒なやり方をさせてもらったんだ」


    「『パラレルワールド」……君も聞いたことがあるんじやないかな?並行世界と 呼ばれる、次元の異なった場所に無数に存在する世界のことだ」


    で瓜二つの世界もあると言われている。同じ人間、同じ町並み 一説には

    もともと同一の世界であったものが、ちょっとした*実の相違から分裂し、違 う歴史を歩みだしたものだというのである。

    「二十ニ年前、地下鉄工事の現場から-•つのプレートが発見された。*のプレー トがどういう経路をたどったのか知らないが、材質の調查のために私のいた大 学へと持ち込まれ、私と友人とで調べることとなったのだ。」 調奩の結果、プレー卜の材質がかなり特殊な金厲である事と、そこに彫*込 まれた文字が今、現往確認されているどの文字とも当てはまらないことが確認 されたのだ。

    金属を調べ始めた時を同じくして、あの地下工事の現場から奇*な音が聞こ えてくるようになった。その音は次第に大きくなり、っいに発掘に消極的あ った大学や国も調査を行わざるを得なくなった。

    「最初にプレートを調査していた私と…羅蝶(らら)の二人に指揮された発掘隊 による大々的な発掘が行われ、そしてプレー卜の発見された場所の更に地下深 くから巨大な船が発見された……その船は現在の科学力を遙かえる技術の 集大成だった」

    その船に最初に入り込んだ羅蜾と真田は、この船の文明言語を脳にィ*プッ 卜されたのだ。しかしその後、誰が入っても脳への言語イ#ッ卜は行われ爐


    調査の結果その大型艦は宇宙船であること、外宇宙航行のェンジンと技術は 何らかのアクシデントにより破壊され失われたこと、そして她球に着いた後、 工作プラントとして改造が加えられたことなどが分かった。おそらく地球に不 時着した後、地球で生きるためにそうしたのであろう。

    しかし一つ問題があった。それら機械類のコントローノレ*るためのコンピュ ータュニットが女性にしか反応しないのだ。原因は定かではなかったが何らか の生体反応をキーにしているためと思われた。そして羅螺と真田に起こった現 象も不明のままであった。


    「まあ、話は最後まで聞きたまえ」 一樹を制し、話を続ける真田。

    調査も本格的になり、外国からも調查団が来ることとなったある夜、あろぅ 事か蜾螺博士はその船を自らの物とするため、助手の女性、愛真(か,なま)鮎 子に操縦させて乗り逃げをしたのだ。

    しかし大型艦が移動した結果、真下にもうつの小型の船が発見された。そ してその船には一体のロボッ卜が格納されていた。

    「それから二十ニ年後、遗伝子キーを外し、男女どちらでも動かせる巨ボ ッ卜軍団を率いたァホ…いや、悪の軍団が世界征服を宣言したのだ!」 「もしかして…あの時戦っていた相手っていうのが……」

    ATLAS Translation –

    “Moreover,… Phantom?』

    They were those robots whom Kazuki had seen in the phantom. However, the forest sound and it vibrates of transmitting to the body of Kazuki, The smell that the thing is burnt teaches that scenery in the presence is the one of the reality.

    In the power of the robot, a glaring shade was overwhelmingly the above. However, a white airframe makes the best use of the mobility and lightness, It succeeds in the assumption of a far superior speed and arms giving fatal damage to the other party’s [robo] fortune-telling.

    However, that time that had carelessly approached the enemy robot that had not moved. The explosion with an unnatural abdomen of the enemy robot is suddenly caused. The airframe with a white strong explosion of the directivity is attacked, It is white fly V. shed it to one ? with ..threatening.. [mai] explosive sound, Airframe.

    Airframe that crowds wall [nimeri] height from which Kazuki stands and is white. Kazuki slips down by the [**] ? near the airframe.

    “Yayoi machine, It is not possible to communicate. 』

    * Operator who reports communication with airframe of Yayoi to have been broken off in Mamoru Army Headquarters. Yayoi : in the combat with the Rara army, * [Tsu] ..chase of robot that exceeds Mamoru line..

    “Cannot anyone turn?』

    “It is fighting against a leading force.! The [nozotoo] image from the reconnaissance unit is transmitted. 』

    The image of the robot that approaches a white airframe that falls reflects. However, the [kotabitto] part is obstructed to the building and not seen.

    Grandmother of Yayoi pressed on Sanada as manage to be done.

    To Kazuki in the state of the be tied down for fear(White robot [nidaga] that lies accurately on side of Kazuki)Enemy robot that approaches. Like putting an end to one’s life in a white airframe that doesn’t move [pikuritomo], A huge barrel of the shoulder is turned. However, the arm of a white robot expands, It pierces and it sticks in enemy’s abdomen. An original enemy robot is [rou;] ..owing considerable damage.., Smoke is spouted from each joint and it falls backwards. However, a white robot doesn’t move either.

    『[Ni], It doesn’t run away. 』

    To the ear of Kazuki where it begins to walk to drag the foot that doesn’t move as thought, * It ..voice to have a fit of coughing.. ..open.. exceeds it intensely with the consonant jarring ..reporting pilot’s serious injury…

    The abdomen of white V airframe opens and the shadow is road t, It puts it out.

    『[Pairotsuto] of this [robotsuto]?』

    Pilot of this robot, Yayoi falls if it has a fit of coughing intensely. That time of Kazuki at the time of which panicking run-up to side.

    『Pilot [tataka**] cannot continue, The combat cannot be continued, [Konbyu-ta-yunitto] shooting…

    Shooting discontinuance, The pilot combat can be continued. 』

    『White airframe that recognizes pilot tree.

    …… [Da], It is safe or the blood of Yayoi has vividly extended to a white airframe.

    …. ? [ge]… Running away *…….. It still comes…』

    ..[souumekuyo] .. neglecting Yayoi that is [tao]Though her body is held momentarily, Because it did not consider the weight of the other party, It seems to fall together as it is.

    『….. Person 丨 of *?』

    Crack [tahe] * [metto] is a rolling crashing to ground, Long [gin**] extends and [paa;] [tto] extends. It catches one’s breath instinctively the simple face that smears with blood. 『Enemy approach! The pilot must return to the cockpit promptly. 』

    One that returns to me in voice of electronic sound.

    The mouth [bo] fortune-telling without the head with the roaring sound flies instantly.

    The head of the robot that fell ahead begins to move.

    [Ma], Is it still alive? ! ! 』

    Yayoi is hold running away [youdosuruga], It is not possible to move early by softening fear of Kazuki with power of one man who is not [shioshio] held it in the body.

    『Enemy approach. The pilot must return to the flavor bit promptly. 』

    Did * of the electron without this intonation, * [kupidato] #, and the continuing darkness stimulate his survival instinct?, ..Yayoi.. * It runs into [kizuruyona] [to].

    Brain part that moves to new body 1.

    Robot that makes earth tremor and approaches.

    It is seen from the cockpit in the state of opening. Does it try to be closed the shield panicking? The tree.

    “Shit.! [**] [usurya] closes.? J Kazuki is a so remark. As soon as [tta], Shield that closes automatically.

    『Idea wave putter * [**] change completion. It maximum links. 』

    “[E;]! ! ? ? ? 』

    Suddenly, With [mitou] of one ?, An external camera of the robot is ?. The robot that tries to do [seme**] is seen in the presence.

    “[Uwa] [to] [aaaa] ! !』 White airframe that receives idea wave of Kazuki that tries to be avoided by reflex action and moves.

    … Am I moving it??』

    Enemy’s attack ? to * that withers several times, It is noticed that my idea and running on of the robot are corresponding. However, fear hinders the link or the airframe with a slow movement :, ? will be received soon and terrific passage * runs about the enemy attack.


    Yayoi to groan in pain whenever passage ? is received. If the tree took the robot in the person, Caught [tamama] and, perhaps, [raretei] in fear, [Takamoshirena] v,. Cervine [re]”….

    『[Koi]. !』

    ..wound.. ..owing.. [wase] in Yayoi, Kazuki that feels fury in enemy who is paining now and her. Even if she is defended from the shake, Yayoi is embraced closely, Kazuki that liberates anger.

    Yayoi that loses ** while watching profile of such ? in a reassured manner.

    Though Kazuki that tears up the enemy robot by terrific power, It becomes impossible to move power more than the allowance to the airframe and to move in white [ropotto] it is possible to fold strong.

    ” …… Surely. It said about that daughter… However, Why did [datoshitara] run away?』

    After that combat, Yayoi is left for the robot that was not able to move, Kazuki that helped to calling, It encountered the collection force. When one ? is told to go to the refuge, the collection force faces the rescue of the Yayoi machine and Yayoi, Only Yayoi of the serious injury was discovered. “However, it had not been confirmed still… Anyway, the report where the consideration of Yayoi returns to the origin of Sanada who thinks reaches j when the fact is immediately confirmed.

    Sanada who saw the appearance of Yayoi covered with bandages, Breath [wokku] . because it is deep in miserable of that.

    “……… That time, Is it to control whom? It is ..j.. a little gentle though is ..[**].., And, Sanada who questions Yayoi in no uncertain terms.

    ” ……… 』

    Yayoi to look up at blank surprise and ceiling. “Someone having been controlling instead of you who sustained severe injuries remains in the record. You were not controlling though the thing not believed easily… Is not anything remembered? 』

    When you see the face of Kazuki in faint consideration, Yayoi that says thing of which it dimly thinks. “Prince? ? 』

    Yayoi that Sanada blushes instinctively being asked. It is because of the impression too like the girl. To Sanada, Yayoi that tells feature of navigator.

    ” …… Is it so……? ..becoming it.. J still”…… Secretary… The progress of a battle?』

    “Mr. Yayoi, A painful point was bad. The mind distribution is not needed, You are slow rest [tamae]. 』

    It calls Yayoi, Sanada who goes out panicking.

    Yayoi that becomes one person in sickroom.

    『……… Yume(SC)Then, were not you?』

    Yayoi is that time, Getting warm of the boy who had tried to save one’s own skin was recalled.

    Sanada who looks for boy who was controlling from testimony to Yayoi et al..

    “After all, you. 』

    Mitsuki that finds Kazuki in refuge. Mitsuki had been that ? [ke] the moon up to come from Kazuki to this world ahead though the cause was not certain.

    “Mitsuki senior, The senior also : here…… [Etsu] ! ?』

    Many security guards show up suddenly.

    “This child is : so. 』

    [Wo] Mitsuki pointed at

    “…… Indeed, Did you say so? The warp and seem I, [Hatsuno], [Tsuha]』

    Sanada who begins to laugh because it hears circumstances from Kazuki. Mitsuki doesn’t speak detailed details and be [noda].

    “[Iyaa], I in the other side must not do easily either. 』

    “…… From it… This slow already, Will I give it by any means?? 』? It is dazzling in the expression that – tree restrained to the chair is made [****]. That time, After it is found to Mitsuki, The arrest restraint was done by defense forces.

    “It was sorry. Though it will be necessary to investigate detailed circumstances in the future, You are a person that dins and is special. I wanted to avoid the action that attracted the enemy’s attention, I was allowed to do [nayari] ..arrest [toi;u].. rough. “

    ..restraint of Kazuki.. ..solving.. ‘, It begins to speak the past.

    “『Alternate world”…… You are [arunji] and [naikana] ..hearing… It is called the going side by side world, The world that exists innumerably in the place where the dimension is different. “

    In the world that can be called the infinity, The earth where quite the same evolution was accomplished with us is said that it stops and there is the world of two melons, too. Same man, The one that was the same originally world : to same one theory of the town, It is divided from the difference of the little * truth, It is because of being the one to have begun to walk in a different history.

    “Before the age 20 [ni], – ? [tsuno] plate was discovered from the site of the subway construction. Though it doesn’t know what route the plate of * traced, It prepares and the material is brought in to the university that I am for ?, It came to examine it by the friend and me. ” Result of [totono**], With the thing that is money 厲 that the material of the play fortune-telling is considerably special, The character that is engraving * is now there, It was confirmed which character to which [arawai] was confirmed and not to apply.

    Similarly, time when it began to examine the metal is done, I came to hear [oto] from the site of that underground construction [**] *. The sound gradually grows, The university and the country that existed passively in the [?nni] excavation could not help also investigating.

    “First with me who was surveying the plate… [**chou]([Rara])An excavation grand by the commanded excavation corps is done to ..drinking.. [ninin], And, the ship of immense proportions of the place where the play fortune-telling had been discovered was discovered from underground deep further…… The ship was a compilation of [**] or the technology that got it as for a present scientific capability. “

    [**] ? and Sanada who enters the ship first, The brain of the civilization language of this ship and it ..* [pu].. was foretold. However, afterwards, Enter by whoever, ..doing.. [ware] [**] is an ivy. language # [] fortune-telling to the brain

    As a result of the investigation, the large-scale warship must be a spaceship, [E;njin] and the technology of the outside space navigation were destroyed by some accidents and lost, And, after it arrives at ? ball, It has been understood that remodeling was added as construction [pu] Lan [to]. Perhaps, after it makes an emergency landing in the earth, It is likely to have done so to live in the earth.

    However, there was one problem. [Konpyu-tayu;nitto] of [kontoro-nore] * [rutame] of those machines reacts only to the woman. The cause seemed it was because some biological reactions were made a key though was not certain. And, the phenomenon that happened to Rara and Sanada was also uncertain.

    “Only the woman reacts and [naitte]… However, I :……”

    “Oh dear, The talk is to the last minute hearing [tamae]. ” Kazuki is controlled, Sanada who keeps talking.

    The investigation becomes real, too, A certain night that came to prepare and for ? group to come from foreign country, Is the [arou;] thing? To make the ship an own thing, the mother-of-pearl doctor :, Assistant’s woman, [Aishin]([Nama] of ..bite.. ,)It controlled to [ayuko] and it rid away.

    However, the result of the movement of a large-scale warship, It struck to the right under and a small ship was discovered. And, an integral [robo] fortune-telling was stored in the ship.

    “After that, after the age 20 [ni], ? [tsutako] key is removed, [A;ho] that led [**] [bo] fortune-telling Army that can move man and woman both… Unpleasantness, Army of evil declared the world domination. ” “It lends it… Saying : the other party who was fighting at that time……”

    Google Translation –

    “Illusion … again?”

    It was a robot that Kazuki who saw in vision. But forest and vibration sound comes through the body of Kazuki, has been teaching landscape in front of you is a thing of the real smell of baking stuff.

    Person of the poisonous hue was overwhelmingly on the power of the robot. But white machine body to succeed in permanent damage to the robot Boku opponent taking advantage of its light weight and mobility, and the weapon speed superior to much.

    But it was at that time that was carelessly approached the enemy robot that you no longer work. Abdomen of the enemy robots cause unnatural sudden explosion. Explosion strong directional hit the white fuselage, white V to be flicked towards the one with the sound 榭 Mai terrible explosion, aircraft.

    White aircraft sinks into the wall of the hill standing Kazuki. Kazuki would slip off to near the aircraft at that 衡擊.

    “Yayoi machine, it is not communicate!”

    * Operator stating that the communication with the aircraft of Yayoi is lost in the Defense Forces Command. In the battle of the Rara army, Yayoi was one he was chasing a robot topped with a * Mamoru line.

    “Do not you turning someone?”

    “The telephoto image transfer from the reconnaissance troops! Is at war with the main force”

    Video of the robot approaches the white aircraft that fall is reflected. But Kotabitto part does not appear to be disturbed by the building.

    Grandmother of Yayoi to draw closer to Sanada to somehow.

    (It’s the white robot lying on the side of Kazuki exactly but) the enemy robot approaching to Kazuki of catch-22 with fear. As if stabbing the final blow to the white aircraft that do not work as well and flutters, I turn a huge barrel of the shoulder. But arm of white robot growth, I pierce the abdomen of the enemy. The fall down backwards and blowing the smoke Ro~u Oh, from each joint enemy robots because we suffered considerable damage originally. But white robot would not move.

    “In, if you do not run away”

    Voice in the ear of Kazuki to start walking to limp that does not work, as I think, seized by a fit of coughing violently tell the serious injury of pilot along with the harsh consonants * is more than open.

    Road t, a figure coming out of the abdomen white V aircraft opens.

    Pairotsuto of this “Robotsuto? “

    I fall down pilot of this robot, Yayoi and coughing violently. At that time Kazuki that run up to the side in a hurry.

    “Pilot war 闕続 line impossible, unable to continue fighting, Con view Tar injection unit …

    Injection stop, combat pilot can continue “

    White aircraft is recognized as the pilot “tree.

    …… It is, is it all right

    Blood of Yayoi had spread to the vivid white aircraft.

    Come …. I still choosed pushing … run away … * min …….. “

    Yayoi collapsing to say I moan so. Face a body of her first impulse, but because it wanted such conscious of the weight of the opponent, it becomes almost fell together as it is.

    丨 people of “….. *? “

    The roll down to the ground is * Met to split, long silver hair is spread Innovation performance §. Breathtaking in spite of himself to the neat face that was on view in the blood. “Enemy approaching! Pilot to return to the cockpit as soon as possible”

    One 榭 back to us in the voice of electronic sound.

    Mouth boxes Bok no head flies with a roaring sound immediately.

    Head of the robot fallen just begins to move.

    Also, are you still alive? ! “

    To try to escape having such a Yayoi, but not be able to move fast enough to ease the fear of Kazuki is still having one person no human input ゝ power of the body.

    “Enemy approaching! The pilot to return to the Kokubitto promptly “

    Gloom that follows the * # Kupidato e-without this inflection * ‘and stimulate the survival instinct of his

    Do you have done, flee to the port, such yo that case * scratches Yayoi.

    Brain part that you want to move to the new body one.

    Robot approaching to make a thud.

    It can be seen from the cockpit remains open. You want to try it Shimeyo the shield in a hurry – tree.

    As soon as “Damn! Tsu was saying. Do so!? J Kazuki I closed if’s To Be Continued, shield close by itself.

    “Thought wave pattern * recording the completion. And maximum link “


    Suddenly, the vision of one party 榭, external camera of the robot wants establishing connection. Robot that tries to attack Nusa can be seen in the front of.

    white aircraft to move received a wave of Kazuki thinking that “ah ah port pictmap’s!” try to avoid reflexively.

    I … is whether they move? “

    “No way …! Why did you do run away When you were talking about that girl that it is, but …?”

    Kazuki After that battle, leaving the Yayoi to the robot that was stuck, I went to call for help, encountered and recovery unit. Recovery forces opposite to the rescue of the Yayoi Yayoi machine to say to go to the shelter to one 榭, had have found the only Yayoi of serious injury. Report awareness of Yayoi returns to its original Sanada thoughtfully j I must confirm the fact as soon as possible anyway … not been confirmed yet but reach “.

    Sanada saw the figure of Yayoi bandage riddled, Cum a deep sigh to the difference and painful.

    At that time “………, and had piloted Who challenge? J

    Sanada to ask questions to Yayoi in a straightforward manner and, while gently well 禱躇 little.


    Yayoi looking back at the ceiling stunned. “Someone had to steer instead of you who suffered serious injuries and is on record. Thing hard to believe, but you’ve got not had to steer … You’re not going to remember something?”

    When I saw the face of Kazuki in consciousness drugged, Yayoi to the mouth that I thought vaguely. “The Prince?”

    Yayoi you end up blush involuntarily been heard to Sanada. It is because impressions were too girly. To Sanada, and Yayoi to convey the characteristics of the pilot.

    A …… J still so? “……

    “…… Secretary … war situation?”

    “It after. It was bad not worry Yayoi-kun, a painful, you Give a day off slowly”

    Sanada to call out to Yayoi, exiting in a hurry.

    Yayoi to be alone in a hospital room.

    “……… Yume it was not (SC)? “

    At that time, Yayoi had remembered the warmth of the boy who was trying to protect myself.

    Sanada who look for the boy who was steering from the testimony of Yayoi.

    “It was it Kimi after all”

    Mitsuki to find the Kazuki that are in the shelter. Cause is not is uncertain but Mitsuki is than Kazuki

    – It was of had come to this world months month also to before.

    “Mitsuki senior, seniors also …… Yue to here!?”

    Security guard large number of from appearing unexpectedly.

    “This child’ll layer”

    – Mitsuki that point at the 榭.

    “I see …, I like and me. Sled do you was to say so, Hatsuno, Tsuha”

    Sanada which begins to laugh to hear the situation to Kazuki. Mitsuki ‘s not talking detailed history.

    “Gee, I on the other Na also pretty good”

    Being held, “This is not you do something soon … more than …… it?” In a chair -? Trees Kurumeku with a look that was as disappointed at that time, to find in Mitsuki

    After being, he was arrested bound by the defense forces.

    Was sorry “. It is necessary to study future detailed situation, but ne wanted to avoid actions that draw attention. Enemy What a special present Ri is no Kimi, you can let the way rough ~Iu arrest and I got “

    Solve the constraint of Kazuki ‘, I start talking about the past.

    Kana not Ya same there may be “” parallel world “…… you also heard? Called the parallel world, the thing in the world, which exists in countless different places-dimensional “

    Some of the world which can be called the infinite, to stay Earth evolved exactly the same as we

    It is said that there is also in the world of two melon. Same person, the same streets One theory is

    It is for that I used to split the difference from a little of * real, what was the world the same originally, embarked on the history’s differences.

    . “Twenty-two years ago, from the scene of the subway construction – I do not know plate * found to contain a plate of one • is what followed the what route, but it brought to the university had my for-like COPS Material results of 奩 tone. “he became a test equipment and can look at a friend with me, now, and that the material of the play me to be a pretty special gold 厲, character was or reading * Carved out there now often check that is not the case with any characters that are ‘s was confirmed.

    At the same when I started to look into metal, sound odd * began to come hear from the scene of that underground construction work. The sound gradually increases, and national university was Tsu Oh reluctant to dig into the stomach Tsu was also forced to perform an investigation.

    The giant from deeper underground still where it was discovered the play Bok excavation big way by the excavation team was directed to two people … from butterfly (et al et al.) And I was investigating the plate in the “first and is carried out The ship …… the ship was discovered was the culmination of technology changing far the scientific capability of the current “

    The Sanada Luo 蜾 caught in the first to the ship, he was ~I * push Bok to the brain civilization language of this ship. Since then, however, the furnace language Bok Lee # Tsu to the brain is done no matter who enters

    But Ivy.

    It is a spacecraft, the large ship that after arriving at the 她球, remodeling has been added as a work-flops Lan port, and that was lost and technology ~Enjin of outside space navigation is destroyed by some accident investigation I found such. After not wearing at the time the Earth probably would done so in order to live on Earth.

    But there was one problem. Computer ~Yu knit for Ru * Kontoronore their machinery is he not only respond to women. It seemed cause was not clear, but because it is a key biological reactions or any. And phenomena that occurred in Sanada and Rara also remained unknown.

    “I …… but … who do not react only woman”

    Sanada that “Well, Tamae listen to the last story,” and won the Kazuki, to continue the story.

    One night it was decided that research is also in full swing, tone 查団 comes from foreign countries, because it is assumed that own the ship, female assistant, love or true (蜾螺 Dr. raw thing? Ro~u Oh I made a stolen ride to let piloted in) Ayu child.

    However, as a result of large ship is moved, small boat of depression was also found beneath. Bok integral robot has been stored in the ship to them.

    “No § ho … twenty-two years later and then, remove the 遗伝 child key, led the huge boxes Bok Army that move even both men and women, Army of the evil he was declared the world domination!” At that time … maybe ” The willl person you were fighting is …… “

    Free Translation –

    《主語なし》”Also..is it an illusion? ‘

    It was those robots that Kazuki saw with an/the illusion. However, vibrating with the woods sound that will be transmitted to the body of Kazuki thing of smell that burns is teaching that the view of a/the before is a real thing.

    As for the power of a/the robot one of the overwhelmingly spiteful tinge was the top. However, the white body makes the speed that makes the most of the mobility and lightness and surpass considerably a/the weapon and succeed in giving fatal damage to ロボッ 卜 of a/the partner.

    《主語なし》However it approached unpreparedness the enemy robot that stopped moving it was that moment. Suddenly the abdomen of an/the enemy robot causes an unnatural explosion. Directivity of strong explosion sbj white body obj attacks, 凄ま be explosion with 1? the a/the the a/the be and and Of it is white V, the body that are flicked out to one.

    The white body of Kazuki that height of which is standing sink on the wall. The 衡? With Kazuki has slipped off it to soon of the body.

    《主語なし》”It is impossible a Yayoi machine, communication! ‘

    *It is the operator that tells that the communication with the body of Yayoi ceased in 衛 army headquarters. Yayoi is the battle with a Rara corps and*it is つた that was going after the robot that broke through a/the 衛 line.

    《主語なし》”Is not it able to turn someone? ‘

    《主語なし》”It is during fighting with a main corps! 《主語なし》It forwards it the Nozomi 遠 picture from a/the scout corps’

    The picture of the robot that goes approaching the white body that is falling is reflected. However, the コタビット part is interfered with in a/the building and not seen.

    《主語なし》It is the grandmother of Yayoi who approaches Sanada checkmate as it does it by all means.

    《主語なし》) Although it is to the white robot that ties gold with fear and lie down on Kazuki of condition on the side of Kazuki (precisely it is the enemy robot that will approach. 《主語なし》As if I stab finish into the white body that does not move in all of ぴくり the huge gun body of the shoulder is turned. However the arm of a white robot grows and stick a/the jab in the abdomen of an/the enemy. 《主語なし》Spouting smoke from あろぅ, each joint because even an/the enemy robot was carrying quite a lot damage originally it has fallen to a/the negative attitude. 《主語なし》However, not working even a white robot it becomes.

    ‘To, ゃ without an/the escape’

    《主語なし》The voice that coughs intensively with the rasping*consonant that tells the serious wound of a/the pilot, to the ear of Kazuki that begins to walk obtains open こ as I drag the foot that does not move as I think.

    The abdomen of the white V body opens and a/the figure will put out way t.

    《主語なし》’Is it パイロツト of this ロボツト? ‘ The pilot, Yayoi of this robot have fallen when they cough intensively. It is that moment Kazuki that is upset and run up on a/the side.

    ‘The white body that shoots the impossibility, コンビューター unit that continue a/the pilot battle 闕 continuation impossibility, battle and shoot..go out and go out and recognize stop, pilot battle continuation possibility’ ‘樹 with a/the pilot.

    …… The blood of Yayoi spread to the white body vividly whether or not be and be safe.

    …? 《主語なし》げ..it escapes*it comes yet い……..!..’

    《主語なし》I groan wow speaking it is Yayoi that falls so. 《主語なし》Although I have her body suddenly being concerned with the weight of a/the partner な closes come close to falling together as it is った for.

    ‘…..*Of it is person 丨? ‘

    Cracked to*メット rolls fall and long silver 髮 spreads in the ground and with パァ っ. Breath is drunk to the correct face that was covered with blood involuntarily. ‘Enemy approach! As for the pilot be s/he 1 that returns to me with the voice of the 電 consonant that returns’ in a/the cockpit promptly? .

    Mouth ボッ 卜 without the head will fly with roaring sound immediately.

    The head of the robot that fell a little while ago begins to move.

    《主語なし》Is it living yet ま? ! ! 《主語なし》’ It is softened the fear heart of Kazuki as I had it to 1 body the human being without entrance ゝ of power Yayoi, although it does ど that has and will escape it is not possible to move such early.

    ‘Enemy approach! 《主語なし》This intonation without electron of which a/the pilot returns’ to コクビット promptly*with*the darkness that continues with クピダト #, whether his survival instincts are stimulated Yayoi*I seek shelter to るな ト without coming.

    The brain part that transfers it in new body 1.

    The robot that establishes a/the rumble of a ground and will come near.

    《主語なし》It is seen that from a/the cockpit while it opened. Be upset and try to close a/the shield? 樹.

    “くそっ! ! 《主語なし》It closes 續うすりゃ! ? J Kazuki be a/the word so. The shield that closes automatically just then, った.

    ‘Thinking wave putter*録 change completion. 《主語なし》It links biggest’

    “ぇっ! ! ? ? ? 《主語なし》’ Be suddenly, it 1? 《主語なし》Of watch party with, robot of outside camera sbj? a/the the an/the and I it が. 《主語なし》It is seen the robot that tries to do the 攻 strips of white paper in a/the before.

    “うゎ ト ああああ! ! 《主語なし》’ The white body that moves following the thinking wave of Kazuki that I try to avoid reflectively.

    ..Am I moving it? 《主語なし》’ Is it 攻 of an enemy? 《主語なし》I notice that are scratched how many degrees and the movement of the thinking and robot of a/the self be agreeing*to, す. However, fear sbj link of obstacle is whether movement sbj dull body wa, enemy of attack of direct? the a the be Receiving it terrible 衝*runs.


    衝? 《主語なし》It is Yayoi that groans with the び pain that I received. 樹 sbj in case? 《主語なし》I am defeated while I was caught by fear probably, if I was getting on a/the robot with with a/the person and た or even it becomes known and なv. Only’ レ..

    ‘っ that comes! ! ‘ Kazuki that feels intense anger to the enemy who causes a/the damage to Yayoi received and be giving a/the pain to now and also her. It is Kazuki that hugs Yayoi to defend her from a/the shake and release anger.

    Such a ー? 《主語なし》Of while gazing at profile as I felt relieved**it is Yayoi that I lose.

    《主語なし》Even white ロポット has come not to work because it forced the power over permission on the body, although it was Kazuki that goes splitting an/the enemy robot with terrible power.

    “…… It is ever! 《主語なし》Why did it escape if it is, although that daughter is..was saying? 《主語なし》’ Leaving Yayoi for the robot that came not to move, after that battle Kazuki that I did encountered with a/the collection corps to call help. Be the collection corps 1? 《主語なし》To I go to the shelter as speaking it faces to the rescue of a/the Yayoi machine and Yayoi and discovered only seriously wounded Yayoi. 《主語なし》”However, it was not confirmed..the report that the consciousness of Yayoi returned to the source of Sanada that deliberates j reaches if it does not do the confirmation of a/the fact urgently anyway yet.

    Sanada who saw the figure of Yayoi of らけ that is a bandage be っく a deep sigh to the pity.

    《主語なし》”……… Those time, operating was that who being be? I it it J a little? 《主語なし》Although it is being 躇 it is gentle, and it is Sanada who does a/the question to Yayoi frankly.

    “……… ‘

    Yayoi that is looking up a/the ceiling in dumb surprise. 《主語なし》”I carried a/the serious wound your what someone was operating instead it is remaining in a/the record. 《主語なし》Believing difficult case is although you sbj operating were not..something learn wa be not buys? the it I it that it it and it 《主語なし》’ It is Yayoi that mouths that thought dimly, when I saw the face of Kazuki with dim consciousness. 《主語なし》”Am I a prince? ? ‘ Yayoi that is heard by Sanada and have blushed involuntarily. 《主語なし》It is because be girl っぽ so much and was an impression. Yayoi that hands down the characteristic of an/the operation person to, Sanada.

    “…… So or….. After all J “….director..war situation wa? the 《主語なし》’ “Yayoi Mr., painful place it was bad. The case of after is worried and ら nonexistent, you able to give’ a/the holiday slowly, apply the voice to Yayoi and be upset and Sanada who leaves.

    Yayoi that becomes in a/the sickroom 1 person.

    《主語なし》’……… Yume (SC) was not? it ‘ Yayoi was recalling the warmth of the boy that was about to defend that time, self.

    Sanada and others who search the boy who was operating it from the testimony of Yayoi.

    “Mitsuki that finds Kazuki that is in the shelter’ ね that was you after all. Cause wa certain is not although Mitsuki wa Kazuki from? an/the Even a/the piece month was coming in this world before.

    “Here….even a/the Mitsuki senior, senior obtain it and つ! ? ‘ Suddenly the guard personnel of the general trend turns up.

    “This child sbj so よ’? ? 《主語なし》It is Mitsuki that I point at.

    《主語なし》”….Was indeed, it such a thing? Sanada who asks the circumstances to Kazuki’ わ, ハツノ, ツハ that look like そり and I and take out laughter. Mitsuki talks detailed circumstances and be inside っ one yes.

    《主語なし》”It is and hi, even yonder I do it readily’ “….it from..this, or what do not take the trouble to do by now anymore? ‘? 《主語なし》It is restrained to a/the chair-樹 be 眩く with the facial expression as 憮然. 《主語なし》After it was found to that time, Mitsuki it was restrained and was arrest by a/the defense corps.

    《主語なし》”It did not finish. 《主語なし》It is the existence wa you becoming special, although the detailed circumstances must investigate it from this. 《主語なし》Because the action that attracts the attention of an/the enemy wanted to avoid it I solve’ the restraint of Kazuki that had” ね, arrest and ぃう harsh way caused, I begin to speak about the past.

    “‘Alternate world”….you even heard has んじ and nonexistent whether or not な? the are are that you you as for It is said the earth that us accomplished the same evolution entirely, into the world where is said in all of the infinity that is” the world which is called the parallel world and exist in the different place of a/the dimension numerously and that there are the world of two melons entirely. 《主語なし》Because it is the one that the same human being, same street another view in originally the same world was, that the one differs, disunite from the difference of quite*fruit and started to walk history it is.

    “20 ニ year ago subway work of scene from-? the a/the The plate of つ was discovered. 《主語なし》*Of plate sbj how says route obj traced whether know not although, material of tone? the the the is that I it do For it had been decided to be brought to the university that I was and check with me and friend. ” With a touch of that the material of play 卜 is fairly special gold 厲 as a result of 奩, and 彫*the letter that was crowded there was confirmed that it is not applicable in all of which letter is confirmed present 往 now.

    《主語なし》When I began to check metal making it same eccentricity*な sound has come to will heard from the scene of that underground work. The sound was driven to do a/the survey even the university and country that were passive in excavation to become big gradually and be っ.

    《主語なし》”First plate obj investigating was me with..羅 butterflies (pl ら) of two to directed was excavation party by gigantic excavation sbj carried out is, furthermore play 卜 of discovered was place of furthermore underground deeply from huge ship sbj discovered was….the ship wa present family scholastic ability obj 遙 changes technology of compilation was” the ship to first penetrated 羅? a/the the the the the the the the is which that where that that that it Sanada was done the civilization language of this ship to the brain ィ*プッ 卜 that. However, language イ # ッ 卜 to the brain is carried out even if who enters, after that and 爐 つた.

    Survey as a result of the large ship wa spaceship is that, outside universe navigation of ェンジン and technology wa some accidents by destroyed is lost was that, and? an and 《主語なし》I understood etc. that reconstruction was put as engineering プ Lan ト, after I arrived at a/the ball. 《主語なし》It may did so to live with the earth, after it made an emergency landing on the earth probably.

    However, there was one problem. Computer ュニット for コントローノレ*る of those machinery reacts only to a/the woman. 《主語なし》It was thought because it is making some vital reactions a/the key although a/the cause was not certain. And even the phenomenon that broke out in Rara and Sanada was was in the state of indistinct.

    《主語なし》”Hearing until a/the conversation is last “well, as for I, only a/the woman reacts and say な..even with….” I able to give it” it is Sanada who controls Kazuki and continue a/the conversation.

    Does even the survey become substantial and be a tone even from a/the foreign country? 《主語なし》It is and has been decided is it あろぅ that at night, that the group comes? A/the grain doctor caused the woman, love real (or, なま) the sweetfish child of an/the assistant operated, to make the ship a subjective thing and did a/the ride escape.

    However, the small ship of つ was discovered to right under already, as a result that the large ship moved. And ロボッ 卜 of the unit was housed to the ship.

    “Then 20 ニ year later? 《主語なし》ァホ that even men and women which led 巨 ボッ 卜Army that removes a/the biography child key and cause moved..it is and Army of evil a/the world conquest declared! ” “Perhaps..partner って that was fighting that time to say….”

    Excite Translation –

    “Again — Phantom ?” It was those robots that Kazuki looked at at the phantom. However, it gets across to the body of Kazuki. It is taught that an impending scene has coming 森音 and the actual smell of burning vibration and a thing. The direction of poisonous-looking tone of the robot’s power was a top overwhelmingly. However, white opportunity The body uses as arms speed in which Haruka is excelled taking advantage of mobility and lightweight, and is a partner’s ロ. It succeeds in giving a fatal damage to ボッ 卜. [ the ] But it was that time of approaching carelessly the enemy robot which stopped moving. Suddenly enemy ロ Explosion with Votto’s unnatural abdomen is caused. strong directive explosion attacks the white body — white V and the body which are soon flown [ explosion / 凄まい ] with the direction of 1?. White body which sinks into the wall of heights where Kazuki stands. Kazuki is the body at the 衡 ?. It will slide down into the neighborhood.

    “Yayoi opportunity and communication are impossible!” * The operator who tells that the communication with the body of Yayoi stopped in 衛軍司令部. Yayoi had run after the robot which is the battle with a Rara army and broke through * 衛 line — つ た. “– someone cannot be turned — ” It is fighting with the “prime unit! Looking-far image transmission is carried out from a reconnaissance unit.” The fallen white body is approached and it goes. A robot’s image is reflected. However, コタビッ It is interfered with a tow part by the building and it is not visible. The grandmother of Yayoi which draws close to Sanada so that it may carry out somehow.

    The enemy robot with which Kazuki of a binding-firmly state is approached by fear (it is at the white robot which lies in the Kazuki side correctly ). Is the white body in which ぴくり does not move finished off? A gun barrel with the huge shoulder is turned like. But a white robot arm is extended and it is an enemy’s abdomen. It is pierced in a part. Since the enemy robot also undertook the remarkable damage from the first, it is あ. Smoke will be spurted out from wax and each joint and it will fall backward. However, also white robot It will stop moving. ” — alike — escape なきゃ ” To the ear of Kazuki which begins to walk so that the leg which does not move so that it may consider may be dragged, he is a pilot. The voice which has a fit of coughing violently with jarring * consonant which tells a serious injury is 開こえる。. the abdomen of the white V body opens — a figure — the way t — it takes out. “This robot’s pilot ?” If this robot’s pilot and Yayoi have a fit of coughing violently, they will fall. being panicked Kazuki which runs up to a side — that time . “A pilot game 闕続行 impossibility, a battle continuation impossibility, and コンビューターユ knitting ejection — an ejection stop and pilot battle continuation are possible.” “White body which recognizes a tree to be a pilot. it is …… OK か — the blood of Yayoi had spread skillfully on the white body. . — [ — ” ] ? げ — It escapes and is in the * case…….. It still comes. よ言う which groans so, and falling Yayoi. He is a partner although her body is held suddenly. Being conscious of weight, it will become [ ながった sake ] that it is likely to fall together as it is. “….. person [ of * ] ??.” it was divided — it passes, * helmet rolls and falls to the ground, and long 銀髮 spreads with パァ っ. blood — ま It is involuntarily thrilled to the seemly face which was able to be seen. “Enemy approach! A pilot is 1 which returns to self in the voice of a returning [ to a cockpit ]-promptly” electronic sound? . Mouth ボッ 卜 which does not have a head with a roaring sound immediately flies. The head of the robot with which it fell as the point begins to move. ま, ? which is still valid !! ” Although it ど(ed), as for power, 入ゝ one human being who is not held in the body as which will hold Yayoi and will escape. It cannot move early, so that the fear of Kazuki can be softened. ” — enemy approach! a pilot — prompt — substance — please return to a bit — ” * of an electron without this intonation, * クピダト #, and the continuing darkness stimulated his instinct for survival — Yayoi — * crack — it runs into るよな ト. The brains portion which moves to the new body 1. The robot which builds the rumbling of the ground and approaches. It can be seen from the opened cockpit. It is す to shut a shield confusedly. る-tree. “くそっ [!! ] — 續うすりゃ閉まるん — it is — !? — the shield in which J Kazuki is so closed of itself just at the word . った time. “Thinking wave putter * 録変更 completion. The maximum link is carried out.” “ぇっ! !???” In suddenly, 視党 of 1?, and a robot’s external camera, ? is る. Robot which is going to 攻幣 ット is visible at hand. “うゎ ト ああああ! ! ” White body which receives the thinking wave of Kazuki which it is going to avoid reflectively, and moves. — Am I moving? ” An enemy’s 攻 ? is withered several times and thinking of them and a motion of a robot are in agreement with す *. He notices things. However, it receives whether fear is the hindrance of a link and frightful 衝 * runs direct ? of an attack of the body with a blunt motion, and an enemy. “うっ! Yayoi which groans to a pain whenever it receives 衝 ?. supposing the tree was on the robot of being – people, probably it was caught by fear as — being damaged — てい — or [ た ] — being found — v, Deer レ”– “This! ! ” Kazuki which feels intense anger for the enemy who inflicts an injury on Yayoi and has given her pain now again. Kazuki which gives a tight hug to Yayoi in order to protect her from a shake, and releases anger. Yayoi which loses ** as he felt easy, gazing at such a profile of -?. Although it was Kazuki which tears an enemy robot and goes by frightful power, it is the power more than permission. It will become impossible to also move white ロポット strong against the body for the ability to fold.

    “…… by no means — ! — that daughter says — てい — but, when considering it as だ, it escaped why — ” — Kazuki which left Yayoi to the robot it became impossible to move after that battle, and went to call out for help encountered the exhausting section party. It is 弥 when an exhausting section party tells 1? that it goes to a shelter. Only seriously injured Yayoi was discovered toward gray goods and rescue of Yayoi. “However, it was not necessarily still checked. — If the fact is not checked immediately anyhow, the report from which the consciousness of Yayoi returned will reach the origin of Sanada over which he j Broods. Sanada which caught a sight of Yayoi full of bandages is sigh をっく deep to the pity. “……… who was controlling at that time — it is — ?j — Sanada where 5 ? 躇 also ask a few gently to Yayoi bluntly. “……… ” Yayoi which is looking up at the ceiling aghast. “It remains in record that someone was controlling instead of you who got seriously injured. believing being hard — Although it was things, you were not controlling. — he does not remember some — buying — ?” Yayoi which uses as a mouth what was considered vacantly when the face of Kazuki is seen with dim consciousness. “The prince? ?” Yayoi which is heard at Sanada and is ashamed involuntarily. Comment だっ in character with a girl too much It is from た. Yayoi which tells Sanada a manipulator’s feature. “…… so — Or …… stretch — J “…. the director general — the war situation — ?” “Was it bad in Mr. Yayoi and a hot place? You in whom nothing to worry about a next thing is are ゆっく. り休みたまえ” Sanada who speaks to Yayoi and leaves it confusedly in it. Yayoi which becomes one person in a sickroom. “……… ? which was not Yume (SC)” Yayoi remembered warmth of the boy who is trying to protect himself at that time.

    Tatsu Sanada who looks for the boy who was controlling from testimony of Yayoi. “It is [ that he was you too and ] “. Mitsuki which finds Kazuki which is present in a shelter. Although the cause was not certain, Mitsuki was coming to this world before also the —ヶ moon from Kazuki. “A Mitsuki senior and a senior are also to here…. えつ! Guard of ?” suddenly large number of people appears. “This child is ” so. Mitsuki which points at -?.

    “…. was it saying so indeed? it curves and, seemingly is や私 — Sanada which asks a situation to ハツノ and ツハ”Kazuki and bursts into laughter for them. Mitsuki should be speaking about the detailed circumstances — and — It is that. “– hello, be and I over there must not do easily, either — ” “…. also obtaining — from it — soon — this — carrying out somehow – tree currently restrained by the ?”? chair is dazzling with a disappointed expression. After being found by Mitsuki at that time, the arrest restraint was carried out at defense forces. “It did not end. がな in you, although the detailed situation must be investigated after this り — it is a special existence. Since he wanted to avoid, the action which attracts an enemy’s attention is arrest とぃう. I was allowed to carry out a rough way.” The restraint of Kazuki is solved and it begins to speak about the thing of ‘and the past.

    “”alternate world” Is it あるん which Mr. …. also heard? It is a thing in the world which exists in the place where dimensions differed innumerably called with the parallel world.” It is said that the world of two melons is also in the world which can also be said to be the infinity completely with the earth which accomplished the completely same evolution as us. the same human being and the same rows of houses what was the same world is divided in a report from a difference of little * fruit from the first — 違 They say that it obtains and it was begun follow history. “20 The plate of -? つ was discovered from the spot of the subway construction before the ニ year. * play although ト did not know what kind of course was followed, I was for 調 ? of the quality of the material — a large — It will be carried into study and will investigate by me and a friend. ” — the result of tone 奩 — ? gold in which the quality of the material of play 卜 is quite special It comes out and with a certain thing, It is 彫 * 込 there. It checks that which character by which rare た文字 is present-往確認(ed) now is not applied. It was carried out. having the same time of beginning to investigate metal — 奇 from the spot of that underground construction — a * sound — 聞こ It came to obtain. The sound becomes large gradually and is negative あ to an excavation in 、 っい. It was forced by the った university and the country to investigate. Me who was investigating the plate first — the great excavation by the excavation party commanded by two persons of 羅蝶 (ら) was performed, and the huge ship of the place where play 卜 was discovered was further discovered from 地下深 く…. “the ship was compilation of the Haruka frog technology about the present science power” 羅 ? and Sanada who entered into that ship first are ィ * プッ to a brain about the civilization language of this ship. 卜 was carried out. However, even if who enters after that, language イ # ッ 卜 to a brain is performed, and a furnace is つた. The large-sized warship is ェンジン and technology of that it is a spacecraft and outside space navigation as a result of investigation. It turned out that reconstruction was added as work プ Lan ト after arriving at the accident of some kind having broken and having been lost and ? ball etc. probably — the earth — un— the time — wearing — having carried out — after — the earth — living — a sake — it would do so . However, there was a problem. コンピュ of the conte ローノレ * る sake of these machines – タュニット reacts only to a woman. although the cause was not certain — to some extent — It was considered because the vital reaction is used as the key. And expression which took place to Rara and Sanada The elephant was also still unknown. It is “I am …. also in — as only a woman reacts.” “– hearing the talk to the last well — たまえ ” Sanada who controls Kazuki and continues the talk. a certain night when investigation also becomes full-scale at and a 調 ? team will come also from a foreign country, and あろぅ they are things — ? — a muricoid — in order that a doctor may use the ship as his thing — an assistant’s woman and 愛真 (raw) sweetfish A ride was stolen by making a child control. However, the ship of striking-also just under small size was discovered as a result of movement of the large-sized warship. そ It carried out and ロボッ 卜 of one was stored in the ship. “– and — removing ? 伝子 key after 20 ニ years — man and woman — ァホ which commanded 巨 Vo ッ 卜 Army which can move either — Army disagreeableness and of evil declared world domination — ” “– say [ the partner who was fighting at that time ]…. possibly”

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