It has recently come to my attention that prolific actress Brianne Brozey (whom many of you will undoubtedly recognize, via a quick imdb search, as a source of entertainment and perhaps lifelong inspirational moments via any one of her numerous roles) is currently suffering from debilitating injuries due to a tragic on-set injury. In desperation due to the emotional burden, medical expenses, and their loved one’s physical trauma, the family has reached out to her fans and anyone willing to give a small offering of their time, prayers, and/or monetary donation during this difficult time.
Please consider donating any amount if possible, and at the very least please spread the word in your own circles and social media outlets to help garner as much support as possible. Follow the link below for details.
Thank you in advance, everyone. Be it money or just as much good vibes as you can muster, let’s pay it forward anime fans! This time, one of your sources of childhood memories needs YOU for help overcoming a tremendous obstacle.” class=”bbcode_url”>