Tenchi Talkback: Praise, perception, and reception.
What was the true reception of Universe/TV in Japan?? from everything I and many ppl have heard it wasn’t as praised as the ova and some past viewers have even completely forgotten that it existed and that most Japanese fans are very pro kajishima so they purposely overlook it .. I have no idea what’s…

Tenchi Talkback: The magnificent sibling.
Is El-Hazard connected to Tenchi? I always heard it talked about with Tenchi, but never really understood the connection, thanks! Good question! Though we often call it the “sister series” of Tenchi Muyo!, El-Hazard is not directly connected to the former franchise—at least, not in-universe. So, why the nickname? Let’s delve into it! Like Tenchi,…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Review
If ever there were modern-day testament to my former professor’s adage of a particular work being “art masquerading as popular culture,” in the anime world it would surely be Ai Tenchi Muyo! (2014). The latest installment in the multifaceted Tenchi Muyo! franchise, Ai essentially resurrects what would otherwise be a dying (albeit classic and fondly remembered)…