Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 43 – Bringing about the Storm ENG Sub release!
Ah, nothing like a bath after a hard say of fighting highschoolers, right girls? While Ryoko and Ayeka unwind, the student council refuses to leave Tenchi’s home in case the dastardly science club tries to wrap their greasy hands around him again. Momo and Hachiko inadvertently challenge Ryoko to an Iron Chef style battle for…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 42 – The Choice ENG Sub release!
Washu’s little detection device has finally found the missing piece of the puzzle, and it’s right under their feet! Ryoko and Ayeka continue to hold off Hana and Hachiko while everyone rolls up their sleeves and gets diggin’. Beni’s the one to claim the prize in this cavernous box of cracker jacks… my, doesn’t that…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 41 – Fierce Fight in the Ruins ENG Sub release!
The student council is bringing the pain straight to the science club’s door! But the science club has a few traps up their sleeve, and some unlikely allies as well, to stop them from just marching on in! Swords clash, lasers fly, robots cry, cabbits and dogs living together, mass hysteria! A moment of frustration…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! – 36-40 Super Cut ENG SUB release!
Isn’t life so much better with a full stomach? With Sasami’s cooking, any day would be a great day! The girls all gather around for some delicious barbeque while Tenchi hammers away at the roof he blew up. Watch your thumb around that hammer, Tenchi! In the meantime, we’re shown the final piece of the…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 40 – Looking Back Pt. 8 ENG Sub release!
Recap 8 cometh, with Momo reminiscing on the fun BBQ she had with Tenchi’s old gang and the science club. True to her cheerful nature, she finds eating alone boring, but whenever she eats with others she finds it far more enjoyable! The events of the past few weeks have been a lead-in to a…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 39 – Remnant of the Anomaly ENG Sub release!
The student council has gathered in an emergency meeting to scoop Tenchi from the vile hands of the science club. Mihoshi reveals her true reason for being at the school. Within the science club’s grasp lays Tenchi’s old device he lost when the universal reset failed. What a curious password you have there, Tenchi! W-what…