101 Secrets – Chapter Ayeka (2 page sample/segment)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone 101 Secrets – Chapter Ayeka (2 page sample/segment)

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    Nil Admirari
    Spurred by our discussion last night, I took a poke at two pages regarding some details with how long it took Ayeka to break down and give chase to Yosho as well as the Jurian aging process compared to a human’s. Nobuyuki provided a few links to some scans. It is 5AM here so I’m having trouble figuring out some of the text but I got a good majority of it translated. The most relevant stuff to the specific discussion is on the first page, though one of the most important lines (seems to be a statement related to the passage of time) is eluding me at the moment. Maybe one of the others will come in and patch up what is missing, else I may give it another shot later today.

    http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b84/harleybmw/p112_zps92009fc7.jpg" />

    Question: 阿重霞が Ayeka

    時間凍結していた理由 Why did she freeze herself for a long time?

    Answer: 微妙な女心 Complicated female instincts

    天地無用!魎皇鬼 Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki

    阿重霞編 Chapter: Ayeka

    解体(two indecipherable characters)四八


    Ayeka rode on Ryu-Oh and followed her elder brother Yosho’s whereabouts.

    樹雷星の人間は長寿であるはずなのに、たった700年程度(!)の時間 を止めていた(もちろん、皇家の樹のカにょって時間凍結はなされていた 理由はなぜなのか?

    Although a being of Jurai lives a long life, what is the reason for the 700 year (!) time freeze?

    梶島「確かに、阿重霞にとってみれば、700年というのは地球人にとって の2、3年程度なんですね。

    Kajishima: “If I remember correctly, for Ayeka 700 years is what 2 or 3 years would be to an earthling.

    けれど、多少なりとも昔の姿のままでいたい、 という女心がそうさせたんですょ」

    Although, ” ******


    Ayeka did not immediately follow Yosho, who departed the Jurai star for the destructive evil sprit (Ryoko).

    http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b84/harleybmw/p113_zps9cad727d.jpg" />


    Ayeka had faith in Yosho and waited.


    However, Yosho never returned.


    Moreover, the condition where communication cannot contact continues, the heart of Ayeka fills with anxiety.

    そして、ついに待ちきれなくなって、樹雷星を飛び出したの•だ。 ******

    梶島「遥照を待っている間に、ある程度阿重霞も成長しているんですね。ですから、これ以上成長して自分が綺麗になつてしまぅと、遥照と再会したと きに自分だとわからなくなるのではないかといぅ、自意識過剰な部分があつ たんですよ(笑)」 Kajishima: “While waiting for Yosho, Ayeka grows up as well. ******


    Which may be overly self-concious……

    梶島「阿重霞は、いつ見つかるかわからない兄を、今か今かと心配して待っ ているのは辛かったといぅこともあったんですね。だったらいっそ寝て待っ ていよう、なんて(笑)」

    Kajishima: ” ******


    The girl who falls in love is a complicated one……

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  • Replies
      Try upsizing the image by 3x and fiddle with the sharpness and contrast. Run over it again or with your other capture tool.

      Nice to see some 101 pages. I nearly forgot about it existing…


      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Question: 阿重霞が Ayeka

      時間凍結していた理由 Why did she freeze herself for a long time?

      Answer: 微妙な女心 Complicated female instincts

      Why is love for another person a “complicated female instinct” to Kajishima?

      Very interesting information there. So if 700 = 2 or 3 years, that means that, while Sasami may have physically been 3 when Ryoko attacked Jurai, she had actually been alive for somewhere between 1400-2100 earth years? Her period and rapid aging once she arrives on Eearth still don’t make much sense though…

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Question: 阿重霞が Ayeka

      時間凍結していた理由 Why did she freeze herself for a long time?

      Answer: 微妙な女心 Complicated female instincts

      Why is love for another person a “complicated female instinct” to Kajishima?

      That’s not how I took that. While we know she left Jurai because of her love for Yosho, it doesn’t seem to be suggesting that is specifically why she froze herself.


      WisperG wrote:

      That’s not how I took that. While we know she left Jurai because of her love for Yosho, it doesn’t seem to be suggesting that is specifically why she froze herself.

      Because 700 years of space travel?


      WisperG wrote:

      Very interesting information there. So if 700 = 2 or 3 years, that means that, while Sasami may have physically been 3 when Ryoko attacked Jurai, she had actually been alive for somewhere between 1400-2100 earth years? Her period and rapid aging once she arrives on Eearth still don’t make much sense though…

      It doesn’t because someone didn’t pay attention when they mathed, “I have my own unit for years” yet they still use earth metrics for measure LxWxH, they even use BWH, yea ok, lol

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Question: 阿重霞が Ayeka

      時間凍結していた理由 Why did she freeze herself for a long time?

      Answer: 微妙な女心 Complicated female instincts

      Why is love for another person a “complicated female instinct” to Kajishima?

      That’s not how I took that. While we know she left Jurai because of her love for Yosho, it doesn’t seem to be suggesting that is specifically why she froze herself.

      Wisper that is LITERALLY what he said, she froze herself because to not age over 700 years, as is done in pretty much every other show related to space, but she left for earth for Yosho.

      Kajishima is literally saying that love is a “complicated female instinct” which can also be translated to “Slight of a woman’s heart” (How can you take that?) , which would explain why he doesn’t understand romance and only views females as objects for Tenchi to put his master key in.


      Well, yeah, thats what I was thinking.


      What I found confusing at first was what I thought was a bit of a disconnect between the question (freezing herself) and the answer (female emotions and love). She left in the first place because she loved her brother (her supposed “complicated female instinct”), and froze herself because of the long space travel. I got that. That makes sense. I just didn’t put two and two together before I made my previous post.

      Back to the 700 years thing. If Ayeka hadn’t frozen herself she still would’ve only physically aged 2 or 3 years on her journey, right?

      So what STILL doesn’t make any sense to me is Sasami’s aging. How could she possibly age into a teenager after only a few years on Earth if it takes about 700 years for a Juraian to physically age 2 or 3 years? It should take her hundreds of Earth years before she looks like this.

      In the lore of OVAs 1 and 2 I guess it could’ve been explained by the same way as Yosho’s perceived aging after he settled on Earth. But, as usual, OVA 3 threw a wrench into things, showing that his age was a facade and he still looked just about as young as he did before. *sigh* My brain hurts…


      WisperG wrote:

      Back to the 700 years thing. If Ayeka hadn’t frozen herself she still would’ve only physically aged 2 or 3 years on her journey, right?

      Yes, going off what Kajishima said. But would you want to be traveling in space twiddling your thumbs for 2 or 3 years if you had an option to go to sleep when you left and wake up when you arrived?

      WisperG wrote:

      So what STILL doesn’t make any sense to me is Sasami’s aging. How could she possibly age into a teenager after only a few years on Earth if it takes about 700 years for a Juraian to physically age 2 or 3 years? It should take her hundreds of Earth years before she looks like this.

      The thought hadn’t occurred to me until pondering your question, Wisps, but now after talking it over with a few others here, I’m of the opinion that the implications are disturbing. You’re right Wisps, it’s reasonable to wonder not only “how” but more importantly “why?” (Possible) answer: she’s now “fair game” to be in the harem as soon as possible, adding to Kajishima’s grand design for every female character to be in someone’s harem.


      Yes, OVA2 Yosho’s explanation regarding his tree and the gems can be used to explain the surface-level apparent aging discrepancies (could have also been thought up after OVA 1, but I won’t assert that, as it would only be pure speculation anyway) but again, that’s the “how” and now I can’t help but focus on the “why” concerning Sasami’s rushed and overly-emphasized maturation into womanhood. What other reason would there be for focusing on an otherwise unnecessary point of attention? You can try to point to the cultural significance of it in Japan, but not only does that seem irrelevant to the story (using that logic, I could ask “well, why doesn’t any Tenchi series ever mention seppuku? It’s Japanese.” Yes it is, but it has no relevancy to the story, now does it?) but okay, let’s keep going down that track: it was to emphasize this Japanese tradition, that of the marking point of a girl physically becoming a woman. Why would this need to be highlighted in Tenchi Muyo?

      Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

      All I can say is, I hope this isn’t the case.


      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      WisperG wrote:

      Back to the 700 years thing. If Ayeka hadn’t frozen herself she still would’ve only physically aged 2 or 3 years on her journey, right?

      Yes, going off what Kajishima said. But would you want to be traveling in space twiddling your thumbs for 2 or 3 years if you had an option to go to sleep when you left and wake up when you arrived?

      WisperG wrote:

      So what STILL doesn’t make any sense to me is Sasami’s aging. How could she possibly age into a teenager after only a few years on Earth if it takes about 700 years for a Juraian to physically age 2 or 3 years? It should take her hundreds of Earth years before she looks like this.

      The thought hadn’t occurred to me until pondering your question, Wisps, but now after talking it over with a few others here, I’m of the opinion that the implications are disturbing. You’re right Wisps, it’s reasonable to wonder not only “how” but more importantly “why?” (Possible) answer: she’s now “fair game” to be in the harem as soon as possible, adding to Kajishima’s grand design for every female character to be in someone’s harem.


      Yes, OVA2 Yosho’s explanation regarding his tree and the gems can be used to explain the surface-level apparent aging discrepancies (could have also been thought up after OVA 1, but I won’t assert that, as it would only be pure speculation anyway) but again, that’s the “how” and now I can’t help but focus on the “why” concerning Sasami’s rushed and overly-emphasized maturation into womanhood. What other reason would there be for focusing on an otherwise unnecessary point of attention? You can try to point to the cultural significance of it in Japan, but not only does that seem irrelevant to the story (using that logic, I could ask “well, why doesn’t any Tenchi series ever mention seppuku? It’s Japanese.” Yes it is, but it has no relevancy to the story, now does it?) but okay, let’s keep going down that track: it was to emphasize this Japanese tradition, that of the marking point of a girl physically becoming a woman. Why would this need to be highlighted in Tenchi Muyo?

      Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

      All I can say is, I hope this isn’t the case.

      I always assumed that Juraians aged normally until reaching physical maturity, at which point it slows down considerably. As in, at that point 700 years looks more like 2 or 3 years of aging after that point.

      But, yeah, some of it might also be because of Kajishima’s harem fantasies. It’s probably not just Kajishima, though. The dark side of Japan is that it can be an incredibly sexist place. You’ve gotta cringe at how this lawmaker apologized for his sexism, as his apology is dripping with it. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27971062” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-27971062 Somehow it’s still considered to be an acceptable apology, too. There’s also Fumito Ueda’s stupid comments about a game that has plunged into development hell by now. http://www.ign.com/articles/2011/03/09/editorial-last-guardians-girl-trouble” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.ign.com/articles/2011/03/09/editorial-last-guardians-girl-trouble

      This is also probably why Aeka and Sasami/Tsunami are the favorite choices to wind up with Tenchi amongst the Japanese audience, and possibly why Kajishima really wants to age Sasami up. Ryoko doesn’t get the love that she does with us. Ryoko is independent and speaks her mind, Aeka and Sasami (especially Sasami) are domestic.

      EDIT: I’m going with my first theory that Juraians age naturally (by our standards) until adulthood. Sasami is 708-years-old, so, having spent 700 of those years in suspended animation, she’s physically matured into an 8-year-old in 8 years time.

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