90s First Person Shooters, Anyone?

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    Alright, so, being that most of us grew up on 90s culture, and that anime and gaming seem to go hand-in-hand, I’m sure many of you have fond memories of the early FPS games. Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D, etc. Pick your favorite…GO!
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      Although i was only 6 when the 90’s ended and i never truly became a gamer until years later i have played many of those games from before my time and do enjoy them more than certain games produced in the modern day. I do like Doom though … just run and gun nothinhg else and a good soundtrack and many secret areas to find.
      James Bond: Golden Eye for the N64. This was the end all be all of fps games as far as I was concerned!

      An honorable mention goes to James Bond: The World is Not Enough, and Duke Nukem 64 (both on the N64).

      http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4887149509806057&pid=1.7&w=272&h=155&c=7&rs=1" />

      This was my obsession as a little kid; I would play that game for hours. Of course, that was before we had internet and all there was to do on the computer was watch Afterdark screensavers and play games. We even had the Spear of Destiny pack, but it never did feel the same as that first bit in Wolf 3D where you leave the cell and then run into the guards. :Cheeks:

      Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, True Lies on Gameboy.
      Golden eye was a dream at the ripe old age of 13. My youth was spent with Jazz Jackrabbit and Wolfenstein, which quickly led to Doom, Doom II, Duke Nukem and Hexen. Now of course we have the ‘Halols’ and ‘Calls of Doody’. Fiddlesticks!
      I can’t believe I didn’t remember earlier, but Chex Quest!!!

      Oh man, I have never loved a game as much as I loved this game! This game was my first real PC game, and my God how it blew my mind back in the day! Even though it’s a silly PG Doom-clone this game is by far the most influential game I have ever played. It’s the first game that I would play for hours, raging against the difficult parts, discovering all the secret rooms and passages, and otherwise raising hell on my Windows 95 computer! It’s been over a decade since I’ve played it, but I bet I still have that opening video memorized! Who would have ever thought that a game that came in a cereal box could be so awesome! Now please excuse me while I go tear my basement apart looking for that disk so I can relive my childhood!

      I can’t say I played many FPS titles back in the day, but the one standout title in my head that I had before I lost it was the game of the year edition of Half-Life. So many hours poured into the multiplayer and custom mods alone…
      Actually, anime goes hand in hand with Star Trek first. ;) Nearly all trek fans are anime fans but not the other way around.

      Well, I think HL was my first shooter with some retro play with old doom/jedi knight. That was about it. I couldn’t really compete with those quake guys who get head shots at first sight at ranges where I could hardly make out their features. But I did get a lot of sniper kills and capture the flags. Pretty I frustrated a bunch every time. 😆 Also using my NGE insignia certainly baffled a bunch, too. COD with its squad AIs was really the feature that set it apart. Halo, well, other than scifi nothing appealing, never played beyond the first game.

      Almael wrote:

      Actually, anime goes hand in hand with Star Trek first. ;) Nearly all trek fans are anime fans but not the other way around.

      Well, I think HL was my first shooter with some retro play with old doom/jedi knight. That was about it. I couldn’t really compete with those quake guys who get head shots at first sight at ranges where I could hardly make out their features. But I did get a lot of sniper kills and capture the flags. Pretty I frustrated a bunch every time. 😆 Also using my NGE insignia certainly baffled a bunch, too. COD with its squad AIs was really the feature that set it apart. Halo, well, other than scifi nothing appealing, never played beyond the first game.

      Halo doesn’t count, buddy.

      But yeah- going back to what someone else said earlier, ‘Chex Quest’ was (beyond a doubt) one of the better games as far as the early round of FPS titles were concerned. And to think it was a cereal pack-in title of all things! Whatever happened to those good ol’ days?

      Yeah, missed those old team battles and team fortress. The backstabers people really f**** up things.

      I also miss those old simulator games, now-a-day it’s all brainless arcade.

      Almael wrote:

      Yeah, missed those old team battles and team fortress. The backstabers people really f**** up things.

      I also miss those old simulator games, now-a-day it’s all brainless arcade.

      Tell that to anyone who’s played Quake 2 or 3 back in the day.

      medal of honer hell to know which one :O

      devilbecka wrote:

      medal of honer hell to know which one :O

      Either the very first one or Underground… one of those two specifically.

      LOL I didn’t realize until last weekend Black Mesa was finally released, a remake of one of the best 1990s FPS games of all time, Half-Life. I miss the days of GameSpy’s Planet HL, which was how I first played the beta Counter-Strike mod.
      ^ I’m not going to lie- never played it, but I’ve heard plenty a good thing about it.
      ^^ Ah, Half-Life, how I miss you! And I’m the same way with Descent as Makoto. Never played it, but I hear it’s great!
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