Doctor Who

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    As mentioned, I’ve created a thread to discuss the series, old and new and everything Doctor Who.

    I had only watched a few episodes of the series up until April, when I decided to use the power of Netflix to watch the entire new series of Doctor Who… which I completed today, minus the season finale next week. After a break I will also watch some of the original series.

    I love it. The show is brilliant :D . I’ve been asked my favorite episodes, and though I can’t come up with just one, I have to say that most of the episodes where they bring historical or literary figures in have been great… such as the Van Gogh episode and Shakespeare, Agatha Christie and Churchill. Also anything with Daleks or Angels… I love the Daleks. They’re adorable and they terrify me. My favorite companions.. I can do in order have been Rose, Donna, Jack, Sarah Jane and Amy/Rory. I like the style of the writing; Get you all attached to a character, then change everything. The Doctor gets such an attachment to his companions… or becomes their son-in-law. Favorite Doctor of the new seasons? I liked ninth and tenth.. I felt they portrayed the Doctor well, though Smith has grown on me a bit.

    I am excited to see the season finale and also the 50th Anniversary episode later in the year, with Billie Piper and David Tennant coming back.

    So then, let’s discuss Doctor Who… favorites, not-so-favorites… general and in-depth discussions… timey-wimey stuff.

    (Keep in topic, no spam or double posting please.)
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      Doctor Who is awesome! And of course I am referring only to the classic show! 😆 Lol, just kidding! I am a massive fan of the original show, and it will always be first in my heart, but I do quite enjoy the new iteration as well. Seeing as I’m probably the only one here who has ever seen the classic show, I will keep my comments related to the new show. As for favorite episode, it is easily the season two ep “The Girl in the Fireplace.” That episode was just so ingenious in its writing, and compelling in its portrayal of the Dr.’s heartbreak at the end. Runners up would be the Titanic episode (Kylie Minogue should totally have stayed on as a companion!), and the season one episode that first reintroduced the Daleks (and was the only one in which I found them at all terrifying). Discussion wise, I may get flack, but I absolutely HATED all of the season long arcs, from Bad Wolf all the way up to River Song. They all just fell so flat on their face by the end of the season that it was just more annoying than entertaining to follow. Likewise, I haven’t enjoyed any of the season finales so far either. The more “epic” they try and make Doctor Who, the more un-Doctor Who like they end up making it. The sole exception to this might be the first two episodes of the Master’s rebirth story. I really like the modern portrayal of the Master, but the third episode still managed to nosedive.
      I wouldn’t mind a spin off series with the Doctor’s daughter, though ironically, David Tennant married her and they had a kid. She herself was the daughter of one of the original Doctor’s from the early series. So she’s both the Doctor’s wife, and daughter.

      I really pretty much accepted Tennant as the best modern Doctor. The last one with Amy and Rory made me want to grind something. Replaced the sometimes magical or whimsical moments Tennant had with snoody remarks and ego.

      I stopped around the season end where Rory and Amy Pond are married, didn’t get into the River Song arc, but I read it on wikipedia… which oy… long convoluted twists those are.

      I actually do have some random Who novels from prior to the modern tv series. Thought those were interesting reads back in grade school.

      I wouldn’t mind a spin-off with both Jack Harkness and River Song… possibly my favourite only partial companions. I know Jack had Torchwood, but we need to see his lovely face more often. I love River too! But, I don’t know if… oh, spoilers. I also like Vastra and Jenny from the newer season… the Silurian and human married couple.

      What are some classic Doctor Who episodes I should watch?


      JGZinv wrote:

      I wouldn’t mind a spin off series with the Doctor’s daughter

      Heh, this is actually something that me and a friend of mine have cooked up after late nights of nerd arguments, lol. I could see it working, but I doubt that it could carry its momentum for very long. Also, Jack is totally my favorite companion of the entire new series!

      Anyway, as for which classic Who eps to watch, the best answer is all of them! Lol, seeing as how that’s almost 40 years of TV though I’ll try and narrow it down! What I consider to be the “Golden Age” of Dr Who is pretty much all of the 3rd and 4th doctors’ tenures. In chronological order, some of my favorites are The Time Warrior, Genesis of the Daleks, Pyramids of Mars(my absolute favorite, and available on Netflix!), The Brain of Morbius, The Hand of Fear, The Deadly Assassin, The City of Death(Netflix), and Caves of the Androzani(Netflix). Like I said though, pretty much everything made between 1971 and 1981 is awesome in some way. There are plenty of fine episodes on either side of that range, but the overall quality is usually far lower.

      The Caves of Androzani were voted BEST Episode Of All Time in a poll of Whovians.

      I perfer the original myself,couldn’t quite get into the Matt Smith episodes when I watched on DVD.

      My DW collection includes the following:

      *An Unearthly Child(VHS)

      *The Talons of Wang Chiang(VHS)

      *The Awakening(DVD)

      *More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS(VHS taped off of PBS)I love the part when the Cybermen are walking

      down the steps behind Nicole Bryant and Colin Baker while they’re discussing the duties of a Companion.

      😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

      Now as far as it goes my favorite Doctor/Companion teams are:

      1.7th/Ace as this is where I started.tied with 7th/Mel

      2.4th/Sarah probably the greatest team in the series history.

      3.4th/Leela Leela was actually named for the first female terrorist.

      4.5th/Tegan,Nyssa and Turlough no love lost for Adric. 😆

      5.4th/Romana actually perfer Romana 1 as she was so elegant.

      6.3rd /Jo Jo’s fun to watch.

      7.3rd/ UNIT need to have the Brig around somewheres!

      8.9th/Rose they came closest to being what I liked about the original series.

      9.10th/Martha actually one of the better teams of the New Series.

      10.6th/Peri an underrated team because they didn’t get as much chance as the others to show what they could actually do.


      mitsuki lover wrote:

      5.4th/Romana actually perfer Romana 1 as she was so elegant.

      I agree totally! Romana 1 was an excellent shakeup after a long run of earthling/humanoid women. She was a Time Lady extraordinaire, but she was very young in comparison to the Doctor (only 100 years old! 😆 ) so the interplay between the seasoned know it all and the green know it all was quite fun to watch! Funny enough, she was so popular that the reason she was replaced was because she was getting more fan mail than Tom Baker! They got rid of her by regenerating her character and recasting her with Tom Baker’s wife!

      Actually Lalla Ward didn’t marry Tom Baker until afterwards.In Dr.Who:The Companions she admits it was a rather daft idea and that once they were out of character and being themselves it just didn’t work out.

      Oh…and speaking of the book…opposite of page 60 is a copy of that notorious picture of Katy Manning

      posing with a Dalek wherein one of them is naked(hint NOT THE DALEK!!!! 😆 )

      Now with Matt Smith retiring from the job the quest is on for the 12th Doctor.I wonder if they will actually

      go for a female Doctor.

      (No double posting please)
      And, the new Doctor has been announced as Peter Capaldi. I don’t know much about him, other than he was in the Fires of Pompeii episode. Looking forward to how he shapes the Doctor.

      :Tenchismile:" />

      I’ve learned not to judge the Doctor before seeing a few episodes, as I didn’t like Matt at first. Though, someday I kind of hope for a SHE, or Rupert Grint (He’d finally be a ginger!)." />

      Well, I have seen him in several movies and some shows but his roles were never given that much attention.

      He probably will do fine the way Dr. Who has always been but I kind of doubt he’s perfect for the role.

      I don’t see a problem with a female reincarnation. 😆 It certainly would give a fresh point of view. And adding a male companion to boot…

      I’m actually pretty excited and might get back to watching Nuwho now as soon as the 12th Doctor’s adventures start coming out on DVD.It depends though on how things go.I admit I am another person who

      didn’t like Matt Smith as the Doctor.So finally getting rid of him makes me :D .

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