Fan-Made Characters

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    The topic of characters created by a fan fiction author can be a taboo one, if not inflammatory one. While most use the term “original character” or “OC”, I will refrain from using this term as to distinguish them from the cast originating from the series proper, i.e. the “original cast” like this guy. –> Tenchismile

    Most fan fiction authors have a character they have made, be it a villain, hero, or other archetype. This thread is made primarily to discuss existing fan-made characters, as well as their merits and failings. Indeed, this can include the dreaded “Mary Sue”/”Gary Stu” or the dubious self-insertion.

    I would also like to open discussion to fan made civilizations or societies, such as Makibi Kiyone’s race and planet of origin. Typically, the existence of an overarching planet and society leads to new characters, either directly or distantly related to an existing cast member. kiyonesmile1

    Since authors do put time and effort into their creations, please keep this discussion civil and constructive.

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      To start the discussion, I will submit for your approval the characters and races I have used for Dark Energy Trilogy and Homecomings.

      Since I write based on the Universe continuity family, Ryoko and Washu are not directly related but share similar traits. Namely, these include the following:

    • spiked hair,

    • feline-shaped eyes,
    • elfin-styled ears,
    • energy manipulation abilities,
    • connection to a cabbit/crystalline ship. dawohki1
    • Thus, I decided to develop an encompassing race that these two exemplify, the Ryoan race from the planet Ryua. To explain why only these two characters are notably seen throughout the series, I extrapolated Ryoko and Ayeka’s rivalry to an ancient war, where Jurai and Ryua came into conflict. The end result was Jurai’s victory, absorption of Ryua’s holdings into Jurai’s, and sanctions on the defeated. Naturally, as a pirate, Ryoko ignores such sanctions, and as an academic, Washu has special privileges. I give a more extensive description in Chapter 1 of Homecomings: Masaki.

      Extending that parallel, I decided to have Ryoan energies be a diluted form of the NVO type, the same from Kain. kain2-1 This seems natural as NVO seems to be the antithesis of Juraian energy in TMiL1. Moreover, as Jurai has a matron deity in Tsunami, I gave Ryua a matron in Tokimi. Since I started writing this series before OVA 3 was released, Tokimi’s nature had not been revealed, so I worked from speculation arising from OVA 2. Now, Washu would have been a logical choice, but I decided to leave her a mortal.

      The parallelism between Ryua and Jurai also extends into at least one specific character. Ryua Murakami (named after Murakami Masaki from Guyver), high priest on Ryua, was designed to be the world’s answer to Masaki Katsuhito. While he plays the role of an aging figurehead in public, his strength and skill have hardly dulled. I have not used him much yet, but I plan for him to be a main antagonist in Homecomings: Masaki. Others of the race have appeared, but I will omit them for now.

      Ask me how Nagi fits into this later.

    Sorry for getting to the thread somewhat late Pii but I swear to make up, lol

    It’s hard not to walk around any fandom today without feeling the ire of some when referring to OC’s (Original Characters) or “Self Inserts”, let alone the term fanfiction itself seems to have garnered a derogatory connotation with mainstream media and used in any which fashion when referring to writing or development that is lackluster or not worthy.

    I’m not going to debate that there isn’t really bad fanfiction out there, some of it even becomes a mainstream success (though take that as you will) but I digress, lets take a look at the OC and the Self Insert.

    I don’t normally read fanfiction, not because of the mine-field esque signs that many put up saying “Tread Softly” but merely because I don’t often fancy it, though I’m always willing should certain people need a second opinion, but the first thing that does normally make me cringe, or at least in that stereotypical “Here comes the car crash” is the fact that most people have absolutely no concept of character.

    The OC in it’s worst form is essentially Superman, can do everything, has the best traits of all the characters, is the strong-man in the situation, almost omni-present, always knows what’s best, if in a romance setting is the immediate source of affection to the main protagonist, but surprisingly with all of these physical superior traits has the one sided, 2 dimensional personality of a piece of wood plank , (I wonder who exhibits those traits….lol)

    The self-insert (at least from what I’ve seen) is pretty much the same thing, except stands out like a sore thumb at a thumbs up convention. They don’t look, sound, or even make any effort at blending into the story.

    Now that’s not to say that these characters can’t work (though I think the self-insert is too much ego-wank for most authors to be able to pull it off well) it’s all about writing and development. Give us a reason to laugh, and to cry, and to have a nice day with said character, while giving the audience a connection with them (other than saying “IT’S CANON”) and I can accept them in with the established lot.

    I personally, when it comes to writing any fanfiction try my hardest to dig deep into the already established universe if I want to insert any characters that might all of a sudden get the spotlight. This is merely because it’s the easiest for the audience to understand, instead of saying “Look at this guy he’s the new baddie” you could say “Here’s the new bad guy but he’s actually from this scene here but was only minor but because of this plot point is evil and etc etc” You get the idea, now that’s not to say I don’t have ideas for original characters. I pride myself in keeping with the tone and prose of the universe at hand and any new characters created should reflect that like any character already established, even if it’s the craziest most over the top universe in existence, as the old japanese saying goes “The stake that sticks out gets hammered down”.

    To finalize with actual ideas, I’ve always been fond of a “Ryoko’s Daughter” character who is essentially Minagi but still exhibits the brash, “take no prisoners”, attitude her mother has from time to time, which makes for a compelling story and narrative from the character being torn between the moral of her father, her mothers space pirate demeanor, and the honesty of the two, often times I’ve felt very compelled to write it, and probably is the main reason I would love to see the Tenchi anime follow the offspring of the cast instead of Kenshi, Lenchi, Fenchi, Senchi, Renchi, Aenchi, Yenchi, Nenchi, and Clyde Masaki.


    Dagon123 wrote:

    It’s hard not to walk around any fandom today without feeling the ire of some when referring to OC’s (Original Characters) or “Self Inserts”, let alone the term fanfiction itself seems to have garnered a derogatory connotation with mainstream media and used in any which fashion when referring to writing or development that is lackluster or not worthy.

    I’m not going to debate that there isn’t really bad fanfiction out there, some of it even becomes a mainstream success (though take that as you will) but I digress, lets take a look at the OC and the Self Insert.

    Ironically, the “expanded universe” of a popular franchise can essentially be regarded as “funded fan fiction”, along with their own exclusive casts. I cite the Star Wars Expanded Universe, particularly as Lucas and Disney have essentially thrown them to the wind. Naturally, this could be applied to the Tenchi, but I will refrain from reopening that wound. However, considering the sheer number of publications, official or not, associated to a major property, probability alone states that some, if not most, will be awful to read." /> I have no doubt that there are flame wars in the Star Wars fora over poorly written or Mary-Sued characters in the novels, as well as poorly written stories." />

    Dagon123 wrote:

    The OC in it’s worst form is essentially Superman, can do everything, has the best traits of all the characters, is the strong-man in the situation, almost omni-present, always knows what’s best, if in a romance setting is the immediate source of affection to the main protagonist, but surprisingly with all of these physical superior traits has the one sided, 2 dimensional personality of a piece of wood plank , (I wonder who exhibits those traits….lol)

    Dagon123 wrote:

    Now that’s not to say that these characters can’t work (though I think the self-insert is too much ego-wank for most authors to be able to pull it off well) it’s all about writing and development. Give us a reason to laugh, and to cry, and to have a nice day with said character, while giving the audience a connection with them (other than saying “IT’S CANON”) and I can accept them in with the established lot.

    You have struck on the main point behind this thread. No one likes a character who walks out from the ether and effortlessly eliminates all opposition. Conflict drives a story, and for that reason, I have heard that authors should be at least a bit sadistic, to put the cast through such troubles." /> As readers, we want to see how the characters struggle and either succeed or fail. We want that engrossing connection that draws us into the story, making us thirst for the next page to know what happens next. If a character can wave their hand and end the problem immediately, there is no conflict, no growth, no interest. As you say, “give us a reason to” care for these characters. This is also how they grow deeper by exploring their limits and failings, as well as how they overcome or circumvent them. If a character has no limits, there is again no conflict or growth to portray. The battle is already over before it is met.

    You referenced Superman, which makes for an interesting dichotomy. True, he is immensely powerful and can overcome most average villains in his rogues gallery, like Intergang or Silver Banshee. Perhaps that is why most of the Superman stories I have liked over the years have been those where Kal-El dealt with someone who is his better, physically or mentally: Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, or Zod. Some of the moral dilemmas posed by Darkseid or Lex actually can be quite interesting to consider on their own, which develop and test Clark’s mettle.

    Moreover, this is a thread about fan fiction. By that very fact, any new character should not take away from the characters who are central to the original series. For example, one should not write a story about completely new characters with the occasional cameo by the Tenchi cast and call it “fan fiction”. Readers come to a fan fiction story to read the continuing adventures of the characters they have loved, not necessarily this new character.

    I have personally fought this little war myself with my characters Will Pii and Nerti Ro, whom I plan to discuss in a later post. I love them both and enjoy writing about them, but as much as I want to elaborate on them, the first priority in a Tenchi fan fiction is to tell a Tenchi story. My current solution to the problem is to write side-stories about the couple, which are tangentially connected to the their fan fiction appearances, but are not necessary for the understanding of the broader story. For example, the pair appear in both Trilogy and Homecomings, but you do not need to read their origin story in Fortnight 1995 to know who they are or why they matter. I will let the readers be the judge as to this solution’s effectiveness. youcardplz

    Dagon123 wrote:

    The self-insert (at least from what I’ve seen) is pretty much the same thing, except stands out like a sore thumb at a thumbs up convention. They don’t look, sound, or even make any effort at blending into the story.

    Dagon123 wrote:

    I personally, when it comes to writing any fanfiction try my hardest to dig deep into the already established universe if I want to insert any characters that might all of a sudden get the spotlight. This is merely because it’s the easiest for the audience to understand, instead of saying “Look at this guy he’s the new baddie” you could say “Here’s the new bad guy but he’s actually from this scene here but was only minor but because of this plot point is evil and etc etc” You get the idea, now that’s not to say I don’t have ideas for original characters. I pride myself in keeping with the tone and prose of the universe at hand and any new characters created should reflect that like any character already established, even if it’s the craziest most over the top universe in existence, as the old japanese saying goes “The stake that sticks out gets hammered down”.

    Your point here actually states well why I did not start this discussion with my flagship couple. :Tenchismile: I agree that ingraining new characters into the existing mythos is important. This is something I learned through refinements of my own writing. It helps with emersion, suspension of disbelief, and overall continuity of the work.

    In the first draft of Tenchi Muyo! versus Men in Black from 1997, Pii and Nerti did not mesh well with the existing universe and, as you said, stuck out amongst the Tenchi cast. However, comments and critiques, and flames, from readers over a decade spurred me to improve them and connect them far more deeply into the continuity.

    In contrast, the idea for the Ryoan race developed organically from what I saw in Universe and the questions I had about that continuity:

  • Who are Ryoko’s people?

  • Are Ryoko and Washu related in this continuity? If so, how so?

  • Why are there not more powerful characters like Ryoko or Washu here?
  • From where does their power come?

  • The characters then flowed from the parallels I drew with Jurai, as well as their reasons for conflict with said empire. Ryua Murakami and his followers are still a work in progress, though I have nailed down tenets for them in the Homecomings: Masaki segment linked above.

    Dagon123 wrote:

    To finalize with actual ideas, I’ve always been fond of a “Ryoko’s Daughter” character who is essentially Minagi but still exhibits the brash, “take no prisoners”, attitude her mother has from time to time, which makes for a compelling story and narrative from the character being torn between the moral of her father, her mothers space pirate demeanor, and the honesty of the two, often times I’ve felt very compelled to write it, and probably is the main reason I would love to see the Tenchi anime follow the offspring of the cast instead of Kenshi, Lenchi, Fenchi, Senchi, Renchi, Aenchi, Yenchi, Nenchi, and Clyde Masaki.

    I like the way you think. [nagi1] Your idea sounds quite interesting, and it would be nice to see her implemented in a future story, if you are willing to pursue it. I do think the official franchise has missed a trick not pursuing this idea.

    In my old IRC days, I did some role-plays with some of the other Tenchi fans of the time, which really helped me develop some of my ideas and characters. In those exchanges, we delved into speculation about a “second generation” cast, even third at a few junctures. Since then, I have written the occasional one-shot story based on a character or two periodically while working on the longer stories, though I hope to one day write a full story about my ideas.

    One one-shot was “Escalation”, written a couple Christmases ago. It stars Masaki Masato, my vision of Tenchi and Ryoko’s son, sparring with Angelica Pii, whom you likely can figure out. :dexter: In a reversal of your notion, I saw him having his father’s demeanor due to the training inherited to him from the Juraian line, but with a rebellious streak from his mother. Essentially, think of him as being a powder keg with a long fuse, which once burnt, explodes spectacularly. He is still under development and probably will not be in a full story for a while. bth_Kiyo2342-1 However, I have plans for him, starting from Demon’s Birth, the story tentatively scheduled to follow Homecomings.


    Dagon123 wrote:

    To finalize with actual ideas, I’ve always been fond of a “Ryoko’s Daughter” character who is essentially Minagi but still exhibits the brash, “take no prisoners”, attitude her mother has from time to time, which makes for a compelling story and narrative from the character being torn between the moral of her father, her mothers space pirate demeanor, and the honesty of the two, often times I’ve felt very compelled to write it, and probably is the main reason I would love to see the Tenchi anime follow the offspring of the cast instead of Kenshi, Lenchi, Fenchi, Senchi, Renchi, Aenchi, Yenchi, Nenchi, and Clyde Masaki.


    Hey now, Clyde Masaki’s story arc is a very compelling spinoff, and I for one would like to see it adapted into its own ova. 😆

    Seriously now, I may have said this before, and I’ve never had time to actually flesh this out let alone start writing it, but I’ve had an idea for the Universe continuity. Briefly, it would have to do with one of Washu’s experiments going awry–as usual–involving a time machine/time travel. Introduced one at a time, two young men would appear, both bearing resemblance to Tenchi: one having “Ryoko-esque” characteristics, the other a certain air of Jurain nobility (yep, it’s what you think).

    (Names: WIP)

    Thus, the “new” setup would be shockingly familiar: two half-brothers, competing for the attention of their father, Tenchi (the Ryoko/Ayeka dynamic, but males just to shake things up a bit). The interest isn’t romantic, but it would be an intense competition between two people with very familiar personalities–albeit their own, unique ones–for a relationship with Tenchi.

    spoiler: the ending would end up of course Tenchi loves and accepts them both (as he would have from the beginning, after recovering from the shock of his offspring visiting him via time travel) and they, too, learn to accept each other (even if they still occasionally rib each other for being “barbaric” or “sissy”)

    Well, that’s all I got really, hope this is an ok place for it. I can’t say I “own” this idea, comprised of characters I don’t own in any way, so whoever wants to take off with this go for it, but just so you know ahead of time, I will get to this eventually. 😉


    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    Seriously now, I may have said this before, and I’ve never had time to actually flesh this out let alone start writing it, but I’ve had an idea for the Universe continuity. Briefly, it would have to do with one of Washu’s experiments going awry–as usual–involving a time machine/time travel. Introduced one at a time, two young men would appear, both bearing resemblance to Tenchi: one having “Ryoko-esque” characteristics, the other a certain air of Jurain nobility (yep, it’s what you think).

    (Names: WIP)

    Thus, the “new” setup would be shockingly familiar: two half-brothers, competing for the attention of their father, Tenchi (the Ryoko/Ayeka dynamic, but males just to shake things up a bit). The interest isn’t romantic, but it would be an intense competition between two people with very familiar personalities–albeit their own, unique ones–for a relationship with Tenchi.

    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    Well, that’s all I got really, hope this is an ok place for it. I can’t say I “own” this idea, comprised of characters I don’t own in any way, so whoever wants to take off with this go for it, but just so you know ahead of time, I will get to this eventually. 😉

    That’s a take that I do not recall seeing before, and it sounds like an interesting setup. ^^v I believe this thread would be an “ok” place to discuss your pair of brothers. I would like to see them in context, when you have the opportunity to write about them. ^^v How exactly would their personalities different from their mothers’? I assume the pair was raised together. <.<


    Dagon123 wrote:

    Give us a reason to laugh, and to cry, and to have a nice day with said character, while giving the audience a connection with them (other than saying “IT’S CANON”) and I can accept them in with the established lot.

    I personally, when it comes to writing any fanfiction try my hardest to dig deep into the already established universe if I want to insert any characters that might all of a sudden get the spotlight. This is merely because it’s the easiest for the audience to understand, instead of saying “Look at this guy he’s the new baddie” you could say “Here’s the new bad guy but he’s actually from this scene here but was only minor but because of this plot point is evil and etc etc” You get the idea, now that’s not to say I don’t have ideas for original characters. I pride myself in keeping with the tone and prose of the universe at hand and any new characters created should reflect that like any character already established, even if it’s the craziest most over the top universe in existence, as the old japanese saying goes “The stake that sticks out gets hammered down”.

    evilpii wrote:

    In contrast, the idea for the Ryoan race developed organically from what I saw in Universe and the questions I had about that continuity:

  • Who are Ryoko’s people?

  • Are Ryoko and Washu related in this continuity? If so, how so?
  • Why are there not more powerful characters like Ryoko or Washu here?
  • From where does their power come?
  • The characters then flowed from the parallels I drew with Jurai, as well as their reasons for conflict with said empire.

    To continue in this vein, I submit my second major faction in my fiction work, the world Prora. Unlike Ryua, which grew out of speculation of existing characters, Prora arose from consideration of a line dropped haphazardly in Episode 22 of Universe. Shortly after the knights Azaka and Kamidake are resurrected, Ayeka states that they had served the first Jurai king and had been laid to rest following a great battle in the Sacred Place. The Great Liaens of Prora was my answer to this vague reference, an ancient enemy returning for revenge. He serves as the main villain in Tenchi Muyo! Reunion." />

    (Yes, I traced an artbook image of OVA Kagato when I was in undergrad to make this picture. ^^;)

    I have spent some time developing Liaens in the different iterations of Trilogy. He started as a trite evil overlord but has since gained more backstory as the concept for Prora has evolved. The planet Prora rests in Dimension 2718 (i.e. displacement 2718 away from the universe where the main plot occurs) and serves as a parallel world to Ryua. Touched with the power of an unnamed god, the Proran men can manifest an earthen power in much the same way the Jurai royal family can. This makes them a viable threat to the Jurai Empire, particularly their leader and his sword-masters. However, in a prolonged battle, the first Jurai King and his two knights defeated Liaens and his entourage, but Liaens escaped, despite being badly wounded. Much like the two knights, Liaens spent the intermediate millennia sealed away until he could be successfully resurrected. For the Proran ruler, he awoke linked to machinery, having lost his kingdom and his position. When he was given the opportunity not only to regain his rule but also to conquer Jurai, he made a damning deal.

    Liaens’s main fatal flaw is his pride, an intensely chauvinistic pride, arising from his natural abilities. He had been the man to put the previous queen of Prora in her place, a shallow grave. As such, he believed himself to be untouchable, and his defeat at the hands of the Juraian king consumed him and demanded retribution. In short, he must rule and conquer because he believes it is his natural place.

    Of course, this begs the question about the previous queen, Sophia Aelins. While she was Proran, her lineage held a golden power surpassing that of her people, paralleling the distinction between the Jurai royal family and their subjects. Little has been said regarding her except that she was the heroine of the Kimitan War on Prora, and that she offered Liaens mercy in their duel for the throne, and paid heavily for her kindness. She and her descendant Amelia are major plot points in the planned third branch of Homecomings and the side-story The 271st.

    Likewise, little has been said about the Kimitan sisters and their conflict with Prora, save by the master telepath Jezibel Kimitan. Probably the most sadistic character I have ever written, Jezibel serves as the second main antagonist of Reunion, and the main foe for Ryoko and Nagi in the piece." />

    (Yes, I traced a screenshot of Pirotess from the Lodoss OVA to make this image. ^^;)

    Admittedly, she began as a plot device to burrow into the minds of Ryoko and Nagi, ferreting out their backstory. However, in writing Reunion, her malevolent demeanor with not only the Tenchi cast, but also her own comrades endeared her. She is psychopath, despite her higher motives for her Lady. Her motives are not made completely clear in Reunion, but the implication is that she too has an ancestral grudge with Aelins, much like Liaens, and is willing to work with him against Jurai to achieve her goals.

    Moreover, due to her ability to manipulate and control her victims, she becomes invaluable for espionage and subversion. When writing her, I usually use a theme of jealousy, a literal green-eyed monster who infects and twists others with her will. Case in point, she used Ryoko’s jealousy toward Ayeka to blind and manipulate the former piratess, and nearly did the same to Nagi. In many ways, the Kimitan sisters are regarded as a disease, a cancer, particularly by Liaens himself. Rest assured, Jezibel and her ilk are far from gone." />


    Dagon123 wrote:

    The OC in it’s worst form is essentially Superman, can do everything, has the best traits of all the characters, is the strong-man in the situation, almost omni-present, always knows what’s best, if in a romance setting is the immediate source of affection to the main protagonist, but surprisingly with all of these physical superior traits has the one sided, 2 dimensional personality of a piece of wood plank , (I wonder who exhibits those traits….lol)

    The self-insert (at least from what I’ve seen) is pretty much the same thing, except stands out like a sore thumb at a thumbs up convention. They don’t look, sound, or even make any effort at blending into the story.

    Arguably, this last faction arising from my head could violate these tenets, so I saved it for last. Like Prora, this people is kept primarily to a background purpose, references dropped in Trilogy but not a primary focus like Ryua.

    The world Pentinon and its people serve as the one of the main backdrops for my fiction series, primarily in flashbacks and side-stories. As a member world of the Galactic Union, the governing branch behind the GP, it appears as an example of the society outside of Earth, Jurai, and Ryua. Overall, it is similar to other worlds shown in Universe with advanced technology and an indigenous alien race. Branches of both the Galaxy Police and the Science Academy exist on its surface.

    Biologically, the Pentinian people share an evolution similar to the Ryoan race, though without any special powers. Pentinon essentially is Ryua, had Tokimi not interfered with their development. This becomes a plot point in Reunion when Ryoko is coerced into telepathically searching Nerti Ro’s mind for information on Liaens’s plans. This potential manifests in a couple individuals with heightened intuition amongst named characters. Also, their desire to remain fairly independent and self-sufficient gives rise to their planetary militia.

    The fictional planet has been a playground for my ideas since it is set in the universe of Tenchi, but is not tied to any events in the series. In many ways, I experiment with concepts in side-stories before inserting them into the overarching story. I have written a few side-stories to explore the possibilities without disrupting what would be happening elsewhere, say on Jurai or Earth. For example, The 271st is designed not only to provide some backstory building towards Trilogy and Homecomings, but also explore how a nation would react to the offer of annexation into the GU. This is a theme I hope to revisit with Homecomings when Earth is given the same offer. Conversely, Fortnight 1995 depicts Pentinon 16 years later, when the dust from that conflict has settled. Set primarily in the Science Academy, this story is primarily a detailed backstory for the characters Will Pii, Nerti Ro, Mecha-Nerti, and Leon Tae. While The 271st is a wartime story, F’95 is a peacetime tale, much more slice-of-life until its conclusion. These two stories also are an experiment in first-to-second generation transition, something I hope to consider in the overarching story with Demon’s Birth and The Second Ryo-Jurai War.

    As to actual Pentinian characters, The 271st and F’95 have plenty due to their settings. The most memorable would likely be Rente Ro, who is the protagonist of The 271st and a mentor in F’95. He also gets mentioned throughout Trilogy alongside Amelia Aelins. However, his daughter Nerti gets significantly more attention, being a major character throughout Trilogy and Homecomings." />

    (Yes, I traced a screenshot of Sophia from Battle Arena Toshinden. ^^;)

    A native of Pentinon, Nerti is a citizen of the Galactic Union and was for most of her young life, a student of the Universal Science Academy. She specialized in robotics, producing the gynoid Mecha-Nerti as her final project for her first degree in the field. Her career would have likely progressed onto higher degree and scientific research had Liaens and his twisted designs not interfered. Taken from her world, she was forced to research Jurai’s weaknesses and develop a weapon to exploit them. Moreover, her gynoid was further augmented and mass-produced into ground troops.

    Nerti is half of my “flagship couple” and probably the character I have developed and used the most. Created in 1998 for Reunion, she was designed to be the counterpart to Will Pii, the other most used character in my arsenal. She was purposefully written not to have any immediate ties to Jurai, Earth, or even Ryua, being someone who was caught by a foul circumstance. Also, being Pii’s counterpart, she has no real romantic interest in Masaki Tenchi. While she is a bright young woman in her specialties, she is intended to be closer to the average from the SA, rather than a genius prodigy like Washu.

    Her backstory and abilities have gone through several iterations through the years, mostly through suggestions from peers and balancing with the existing cast. Initially, “Nerti Ro” actually didn’t exist, and “Nerti” was the character now known as “Mecha-Nerti”. This caused plenty of confusion in the early editions of Trilogy and took a lot of rewriting to retcon out. “Nerti Ro” finally appeared in Reunion as Jezibel’s puppet and Pii’s damsel in distress. However, both she and her beau both seemed very tacked-on in their appearances. Through several role-play stories in the late ’90s and early ’00s, it was suggested that she be Tokimi’s next avatar, purposefully bred to be the optimum conduit for the goddess’s power. This was an interesting idea, but after a few iterations, made her far too powerful in comparison to the actual Tenchi cast. Shadows of this concept are still present in Nerti’s current incarnation as a eugenics project by Tokimi to interbreed her power with that held by the Aelins lineage.

    I have also strived to make her a believable addition to the Universe continuity. Admittedly, she did start out conceptually as a Mary Sue in many ways, which lead to introducing several flaws into her character. The first is in her knowledge-base, that she did not finish her degree and, thus, cannot be Washu’s colleague, let alone equal. The second is her power, that while she was given the ability to control NVO energy, she was never trained in its use, nor does she have all of its benefits. However, she does have all of its detriments, the largest of which is averse reactions to Jurai’s power. Thus, she will never completely be welcomed by Jurai, despite being an ally. Moreover, regardless of her talent for martial arts, she rather despises combat and tends to avoid it if possible.

    In opposition to Nerti is Leon Tae, her twin brother, which will be revealed either in Homecomings or Demon’s Birth. Hence, most of his abilities and backstory match or parallel hers." />

    This despicable man appears primarily in F’95 and Homecomings, though he does show up briefly in Inheritance when Ryoko is captured on Ryua. He is also slated to be a primary antagonist in Demon’s Birth. The main theme for him is the bully, the one who beats and belittles you to make himself feel better or stronger. He was a classmate of Nerti’s and tormented her, among others. Unlike Nerti, he is taken in by Ryua under Tokimi’s order, a backup should her plans for Nerti fail in Inheritance. There, the Ryoans teach him the full range of his abilities eventually to confront the Masaki household, as well as Will Pii and Nerti Ro. However, his temper and shortsightedness keep him out of his hosts’ graces. They perceive him as a necessary evil, a weapon to be used and discarded. Naturally, he plans to discard them once he has no more to learn. Unlike Liaens and Jezibel, Leon is more chaotic in his pursuits.

    In comparison, Mecha-Nerti and Illirg are far more simple." />

    Mecha-Nerti was Nerti Ro’s final project for her degree from the Science Academy. Simply, she was a mechanical replica of Nerti with an elementary A.I. Initially, she was childish and naïve, referring to Nerti as her “mother” and Will Pii as her “father”. However, that persona was overwritten by Kain III, installed by Liaens’s followers. The result was the main villain of Tenchi Muyo! versus Men in Black, as well as the side-story Frozen Fire. Unlike the childlike original personality, the new mentality was cold and cruel, executing her commands in a calculating fashion. Being possessed in a sense, I explore the notions behind two warring personalities much like I do with Ayeka and Kain II in Inheritance and Homecomings: Jurai, but with a more technology-oriented perspective and a lot more BAD END.

    Illirg, on the other hand, was a project forced on Nerti Ro. He was a creature forged by blending the genetics and powers of several known adversaries: Ryoko, Jurai Kagato, Kain, and the bug race from Men in Black. Liaens ordered his creation to make a more powerful warrior, one that could be mass produced for the upcoming attack on Jurai. The alternative would be to mass-produce a simplified version of Mecha-Nerti, which is what happens due to Illirg’s failure on Earth.

    Admittedly, Illirg was a fanboy dream, merging all the major villains of the series into a single foe for all the protagonists to face together. His personality reflects this, being very singleminded in his attacking Tenchi and his friends, as well as the MiB. While he does serve a purpose in the plot, he is probably the most forgettable character I have ever written.

    In 1997 when I wrote vMiB, Illirg’s end was written fairly quickly, but the ending did not seem satisfying. Enter Mecha-Nerti, created to give a more threatening foe as an “end boss”. As such, she seemed tacked-on to the story, and it took several rewrites to pepper allusions along the way to make her appearance less sudden. Also, with Reunion written a year later, Nerti Ro was retconned into some of those references.

    Lastly, allow me to submit probably the most controversial character I have ever written." />

    Edward William Pii is the other half of my “flagship couple” and is often considered a self-insertion character, with good reason. He is human with brown hair and eyes, born on 20 January 1980, yet appears on the alien world Pentinon, attending an extraterrestrial school. Where have I heard that before?

    Admittedly, Will Pii started essentially as a self-insert character with a lot of wish-fulfillment for myself. The armor he wears and the weapons he uses were ideas I pieced together as I grew up and played with my friends and family. I held onto those ideas and integrated them into this character, who essentially was the “other me”, the one who was not the geeky guy studying in the front of the room, the one who had the strength and will to fight back against bullies. In short, Will Pii arose from my own feelings of inadequacy and dejection in high school. Not surprisingly, he was very much out of place, and a Gary Stu at first. Originally, I had meant for him to be a trademark of sorts, appearing in one scene for whatever story I was writing, kinda like Randall Flagg in Stephen King’s work. As one might expect, the character received a lot of negative criticism, which I did not completely accept until I left undergraduate and matured.

    Since his creation in 1997 opposite Mecha-Nerti in vMiB, I have rewritten and modified Will Pii, attempting to improve him as a fictional character. His backstory still has threads of the self-insertion origin, though blended with more Tenchi mythos, as well as an anecdote from my mother. She tells this yarn that for a while, her obstetrician believed that when she was pregnant with me, that I would be twins. Consequently, that idea has wormed its way into the story.

    The Terran known as “Will Pii” was born on 20 January 1980 in Dimension 558, one of a pair of twins. Meanwhile in the main universe, a couple Pentinian scientists were researching the prototype for a fold engine, an unfinished project from the war in The 271st. Incomplete and misaligned, the machine rips a hole into 558, accidentally depositing the child into the new universe and planet. Since the engine’s readings were faulty, returning the babe was out of the question, and the researchers were not about to take him. Thus, he is orphaned on this world and must be raised there, becoming involved in the events that follow Nerti Ro.

    Due to the time and nature of his creation, Will Pii’s personality reflects a lot of the emotions I had when I was young: anger, loneliness, frustration. As such, he was fairly “emo”, particularly in the early editions of Reunion. Luckily, a lot of those feelings were refined with age and time.

    As with Nerti, Will Pii is not directly connected to the Tenchi story a priori. He has no romantic ties to any of the girls in the Masaki household, and his skills are below those of the household. While he did attend the Science Academy and showed promise, he also did not complete his degree, and his ability was second to Nerti’s, making him more average. Also, he gains a limited control over the NVO energy with Nerti, but like her, he has all the detriments and few of the benefits.

    Together, Will Pii and Nerti Ro complement one another, the fighter and the academic. In that way, they are meant to be self-contained, allied with the Masaki household but not adding to its number. While both of them were based on different aspects of my personality, my teenage attitudes for Pii and my academic study for Nerti, I believe that the years of rewrites and modifications and separated them from the man I am today. As such, I do not take them to be self-insertion any longer.

    However, I leave this for readers to decide. I offer up these characters to your consideration. I hope you enjoyed my rather long diatribe. :Tenchismile:

    I myself have a few characters for OC I plan to use in my good old pre-planned 2nd Gen story(other than Komuro and Achika of course) Since I planned on addition of Romio, courtesy of Pii’s help in brainstorming, I was able to come up with a character to bring in.

    The idea however, is a female antagonistic force named Ambrosine Winters(an actual character name in my Blood Testaments series, just recycled. She also plays the part of the pure evil character much inspired by Azula from the show, Avatar: The Last Airbender. The weight this name carries also contains the similar downfalls, however as I better this character she will take to her own style and originality.

    I have no picture of Ambrosine but will draw her up soon. ^^

    "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."
    I bet we all will be chilled by Ms. Winters’s icy grasp soon enough. icon_tessei2

    Dagon123 wrote:

    The OC in it’s worst form is essentially Superman, can do everything, has the best traits of all the characters, is the strong-man in the situation, almost omni-present, always knows what’s best, if in a romance setting is the immediate source of affection to the main protagonist, but surprisingly with all of these physical superior traits has the one sided, 2 dimensional personality of a piece of wood plank , (I wonder who exhibits those traits….lol)

    so here is what I have to say about the “OC” it is rare and hard to make one that is not just a counter yes but I don’t mind every now and again reading about them al long as the writing is good. I have used the same OC when ever I feel like adding a more then just the cast of the show. For tenchi my OC just just a friend from his highschool that he still talks too because I never like the ones they had in the show as well as the fact that he never really talked to them, I used them OC so tenchi had someone he could talk to and just unload all the stress he built up from the girls.

    Dagon123 wrote:

    The self-insert (at least from what I’ve seen) is pretty much the same thing, except stands out like a sore thumb at a thumbs up convention. They don’t look, sound, or even make any effort at blending into the story.

    Now the self insert is something I never liked. I have never seen it done right and it is always worse of a god mod then the OC. I just can’t stand it. sorry I am just a little bias.

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