First & Second Empress

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      I’m sure if Dagon were around he would love to talk your ear off regarding that picture as he was the one that

      found something on it originally. Then came the hasegawa novel info.



      What’s the release date ?

      August 1996, if the [C50] is accurate.

      Usual part of the problem is that we need more info from the raw novels. A novel where Funaho is included in the story or just a paragraph to confirm her existence, because that has a change of her actually being there when she wasn’t. So something might have changed storywise in the later novels.

      JGZinv wrote:

      I’m sure if Dagon were around he would love to talk your ear off regarding that picture as he was the one that

      found something on it originally. Then came the hasegawa novel info.

      Silly me, of course you guys knew ><". Now there is thread just for that for the new guys :D

      Nobuyuki wrote:

      August 1996, if the [C50] is accurate.

      I’m guessing this is the release date of Tenchi Souran itself. It makes sense that it had been published after the release of both first OVA, though what I’m wondering is when did that precise art draft have been drawn?

      At the end of OVA1, when Hayashi and Hasegawa were still on the ride? Or during the production of OVA2, where Kajishima was left all alone.

      Ukinojo92 wrote:

      Usual part of the problem is that we need more info from the raw novels. A novel where Funaho is included in the story or just a paragraph to confirm her existence, because that has a change of her actually being there when she wasn’t. So something might have changed storywise in the later novels.

      She exists for sure, her name is mentioned in the third novel, has Crazed and Nil saw it at Pii’s request.

      The question of her role is most likely answered in the second novel, but whether or not she is stated as the number two queen doesn’t change the fact that this production drawing of her prooves she was the Second Queen at some point. Until …

      Chaud, let me applaud your continued search for evidence on your question. You are doing the good work, getting actual documents to support your findings. gendo1

      Looking at the image you found of Azusa, “punk” Misaki, and “second” Funaho, the designs remind me highly of another AIC property I enjoy. Below is a cast shot from Gall Force: Eternal Story." />

      As a point of fact, both Hayashi and Kajishima worked on iterations of Gall Force at some point during their careers. Perhaps a little bit of the character designs bled over? butts1

      Also, I love the look of “punk” Misaki. She seems much more assertive than her OVA series 2 counterpart. Give Misaki Lufy’s “no fucks given” attitude or Eluza’s “no nonsense” attitude from Gall Force: Eternal Story, and I think “Here Comes Jurai” would have been a different episode. badass1

      Of course, comparisons could also be made with the more obvious Iczer 3, Tenchi‘s immediate progenitor. tuxedodouche" />

      Keep up the good work, Chaud. The truth is out there. gendo1

      Not adding any infos, but commeting what you said, Pii. Since you brought up the art style side of the matter.

      So Hayashi and Kajishima worked together on this two anime as well.. interesting.

      What could be also note is : Since Kajishima is the ultimate character designer, no doubt we can assure that he himself drew the sketches I post earlier. Y’know, while Hayashi or Horiuchi drew dotless Misaki in Hexagram, production arts are definetly from Kajishima’s hand. (Well, most likely, right ?)

      Another thing, the design of the anime you stated.

      It’s totally unrelated to the topic, but again in Tenchi Souran, there are a few early production art where we clearly see the characters with an awesome 80s look." />

      Dat ball hair Ryoko (or is it Aeka?) !" />

      Dat Tenchi face


      ChaudSept wrote:

      So Hayashi and Kajishima worked together on this two anime as well.. interesting.

      While Hayashi and Kajishima did work on Iczer 3 together, I do not think they worked together on any one Gall Force iteration. According to ANN, Hayashi was co-director of Gall Force 2, and Kajishima was an animation director on Rhea Gall Force, which were separate projects at different times. However, all three anime projects predate Tenchi by at least a year, which was my point. The art styles from all three could have directly influenced what we see in Tenchi.

      ChaudSept wrote:

      What could be also note is : Since Kajishima is the ultimate character designer, no doubt we can assure that he himself drew the sketches I post earlier. Y’know, while Hayashi or Horiuchi drew dotless Misaki in Hexagram, production arts are definetly from Kajishima’s hand. (Well, most likely, right ?)

      This begs the question. Why did Kajishima change his mind? Does having Funaho be first serve some plot purpose, or was it for some other reason? Moreover, why change it in OVA series 2 when it has already been stated in OVA series 1 that “the first wife will be of Jurai”? Doing so introduces an unnecessary contradiction, particularly for those who know Japanese or read the Funimation subtitles.

      ChaudSept wrote:

      Another thing, the design of the anime you stated.

      It’s totally unrelated to the topic, but again in Tenchi Souran, there are a few early production art where we clearly see the characters with an awesome 80s look.

      I do like me some ’80s Ayeka. soawesome1

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