How Much Actual Time Takes Place In Dual?

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Worship / Collection / Theory threads How Much Actual Time Takes Place In Dual?

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    So today I got to thinking about how much actual time takes place in some of our favorite anime.For instance

    despite 167 regular episodes, 4 movies and a 26 episode follow up series (The Final Act) the entirety of

    Inuyasha appears to take place during the course of a single school calendar year.And maybe not even that


    So I was wondering if any of ye geeky people have figured out how much actual time takes place during the length

    of Dual.It has to be at least a year since it takes Kazuki a month to catch up with MS every time that

    they travel between worlds.So we have a month between the end of episode 1 and beginning of episode 2.

    Then there’s another month after Ayuko sends them back to their home and a second month when Dr. Sanada

    sends them back to the Parallel world again.So with all of Kazuki’s wanderings around we have at least 4 months.

    Then the question is how long do Kazuki and MS stay in the Parallel world before Ayuko sends them back and how

    long are they home before MS’ dad sends them into the Parallel world again?

    In fact when you add it all together how many months is it actually?

    I’m still guessing around a year and am not counting the prologue which takes place 22 years prior.

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      Back when DualFans had the original forum we had a birthday thread where I calculated the

      whole series out…. off the top of my head I don’t remember it was fairly short, like 4 to 8 months.

      I had it down to pretty much the specific days.

      Kazuki’s clock in the first ep opening would give a starting point, and the files at the EDF are time stamped.

      There’s also a month of time lag twice in the show.

      I could figure it out again…

      Thanks Zinv,I knew the whole thing was time compressed but couldn’t think how long in real time it actually took,

      but I thought a year or less would make most sense since there’s no hint that MS or Kazuki were promoted a grade in school or MS graduated.This is the main reason for mine thinking it had to be around a year at max.

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