Japanese Anime Fans Are Growing Tired Of These Tropes

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    FullKotaku Article


    #10 Looping anime.

    Stories that involve time travel or some sort of cyclical mechanic that involves people going through the same events again and again, often with the purpose of changing time.

    Example: Puella Magi Madoka Magica

    #9 Busty anime

    Anime with overuse of a certain part of the female anatomy to garner male viewers.

    Example: Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, Seikon no Quasar, Freezing

    #8 Average Chyuuni anime (Chyuuni is a Japanese slang term used to describe common symptoms of young teenagers, including angst, inflated self-consciousness, or general teenage hipsterism IE Highschool Anime.)

    Anime with a focus on aspects that are considered Chyuuni.

    Example: Chyuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai

    #6 Club anime

    Anime that centers on characters in a club (generally a non-athletic club).

    Example: K-on, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai

    #6 Battle anime from Jump


    Example: One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z

    #5 Pretty boy anime

    Anime geared for females where most of the major characters are depicted as handsome/dashing/sexy males.

    Example: Hiiro no Kakera, K

    #4 Anime based on porn games


    Example: Little Busters, Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai

    #3 Anime with big name cast but weak content

    Anime featuring extremely popular voice actors that fall flat in terms of plot and character development.

    Example: Kyou Kara Maou, Shiro Kuma Café

    #2 Little sister anime

    Anime that focuses on an older brother-younger sister relationship that can border on incest.

    Example: Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai, Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne, Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne

    #1 Harem anime

    Anime with a single male protagonist and multiple females (often characterized in specific archetypes) vying for his love.

    Example: Infinite Statos, Shining Hearts, Negima

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      I can see were they/you are coming from with this post and it makes a good point. Unfortunately it seems that a lot of it is crawling out of the wood work lately. (especially here in Montana) There is only one place in Butte that sells anime and its Hastings. all they carry lately is DBZ, Bleach, Naruto shippuden, and Harem shows. Which gives the buying of anime a “Diamond in the Ruff” effect for me.

      Getting back to the list. Some of those have become a staple for anime over a period of time. (As I look at it.) As long as you take those in with moderation it equals itself out. As long as the story is good and the art is good its alright which in some cases isn’t possible. SO I compromise If the story is shit but the art work is great then I’ll keep it and watch it in increments, and vise verse. The flaw with this method is I occasionally watch shitty shows. Usually giving me the “CANT!. UN!. SEE!. effect.

      So for some of you who read this will probably think i’m saying common sense and the facts of anime viewing there are others out there who do things differently. Hopefully this will be helpful dealing with the list above.

      Thanks for reading

      Insert signature here


      Well, as most of you know I’m still just a noob to this whole crazy anime thing, so I can’t really say that I’ve reached the point where I’m “sick of” any particular thing yet. That being said, however, I do have my preferences, and I simply don’t watch shows that I know overuse tropes that I don’t like. I say overuse, because all tropes on their own can be done well. Hell, some of my favorite movies and shows were basically one big trope, but they were written damn well! My philosophy is watch what you like, and let others watch what they like. Obviously these tropes result in high sales figures, otherwise they wouldn’t be so prevalent. All this being said, I will now give my own personal thoughts on these particular tropes:

      Looping: I’ve only ever seen this in OVA3. I hated it, but I can’t really make a judgement off of one shitty case.

      Busty anime: I completely agree with this. Like all fanservice, I find this extremely annoying and distracting. How am I supposed care about and relate with a character when they’re presented primarily as eyecandy? Believe me, I like looking at boobs as much as the next heterosexual guy, but don’t insult my intelligence as a viewer by assuming that I will only care about women characters if they have the right “bounce factor.” A notable exception to this, however, is a show like High School of the Dead because 1) I don’t give a damn about the characters in zombie stories, and 2) sex and zombie carnage go together like fine wine and fancy dining!

      Chyuuni: Never seen any. Doesn’t sound like my kind of thing.

      Club: Ditto.

      Battle anime from Jump: I agree with this. One Piece, Bleach, and Naruto simply do not do anything for me. Even DBZ, which I worshiped as a child, has lost nearly all of its appeal for me.

      Pretty boy: Never seen any. Sounds a lot like fanservice to me. I suppose that its only fair that girls get some too. Not my kind of show.

      Anime based on PORN GAMES????!!!: WTF. Seriously, I have no words.

      Big name casts with weak content: This is a problem that annoys me in American animation as well. Ever since Robin Williams turned in a stellar performance as the Genie in Aladdin every Hollywood star now thinks they can do voice work. They can’t. I haven’t seen enough Japanese animation to come to the same conclusion about anime, however. Still, I prefer a distinctive, new voice to a recycled voice any day.

      Little Sister: This is just fucked up beyond all hope of a serious commentary on my part.

      Harem: This one’s really tough. Obviously, as a Tenchi fan, I know that this is a trope that can work exceptionally well. For me, however, Tenchi is less about the Harem than it is about the great characters and the sci-fi/fantasy adventure story. I have been very cautious in watching other harem shows, the reason being is that it’s just so easy for them to fall into the trap of slapping a new coat of paint on an old character archetype and selling it as new. Of the five “harem” shows I have seen, four of them were by Kajishima, and only three of those I actually enjoyed (I didn’t like GXP at all). It’s hard to say from such a limited exposure how I feel about the genre as a whole, but I am inclined to be skeptical. I would be much more likely to watch and enjoy a show that is billed as adventure/sci-fi first and harem second, than the other way around.

      Well that’s what I think. Totally my opinion though. I’m lucky that I have such great people here to recommend which animes I should watch. You guys haven’t let me down yet! :D

      I’ll believe they’re tired of it when they finally stop buying it.
      I like your Philosophy Chuck I think I’ll adopt it. As far as anime’s based off of porn games goes it’s a hit or miss area, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shuffle, and, I’m not entirely sure I’m saying this from word of mouth, but Hellsing were all based off of porn. Those were all well written and a must see in my book if you like good stories. :ghost:

      Nerevar wrote:

      I like your Philosophy Chuck I think I’ll adopt it. As far as anime’s based off of porn games goes it’s a hit or miss area, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Shuffle, and, I’m not entirely sure I’m saying this from word of mouth, but Hellsing were all based off of porn. Those were all well written and a must see in my book if you like good stories. :ghost:

      I’m going to nitpick and point out that Fate/Zero is actually based off a series of light novels, which acted as a prequel to an H game, but not based off a game itself.

      And Hellsing… wasn’t really based off of porn per se, but there was a softcore hentai “prototype” 1-shot comic (its an… interesting read to say the least). Before Hellsing started Hirano mostly did hentai doujinshi, one of which happened to feature early versions of characters that would eventually appear in Hellsing.

      Well I’ve seen all of the above… saw this list on Kotaku actually before here.

      I tend to agree with nearly all of it, but the question then remains for japan… what’s left?

      I think there’s still some diamond in the rough animes, and I do enjoy watching the classics,

      but it’s a rare thing these days when I watch something and can’t pick out the ending each time,

      that really makes me happy when I can see one that throws me for a loop.

      Girls und Panzer… wacky concept, somewhat boring execution, but none the less somewhat original.

      PS. Chuck, you need to watch Love Hina and Ah My Goddess.

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