Julia draws, yes she sure does!

Forums Fan Stuff Fanart Julia draws, yes she sure does!

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    http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/314/f/7/ryoko_by_juli_kakumei-d6tquwd.jpg" />

    I need to get on this forum more often m(- -)m I feel bad, I’ve been kinda wishy washy with cons (at first I didn’t know I was going to Ohayocon then I did [and met some of you cools dudes] then at otakon I wasn’t able to hang out or meet up[complicated-ness]) and please forgive me and here is a drawing, yes yes.

    big surprise, Ryoko is my favorite girl :P

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  • Replies
      Awesome drawing Julia!

      Don’t worry about having to put in appearances or anything, we aren’t going anywhere and we certainly wouldn’t want you to feel like you’ve been shirking us or anything :) I’m glad that you were able to the cons and have fun, even if you didn’t get to hang out with anyone here.

      P.S. I was one of those cool dudes you met at Ohayocon :D I loved your Saiyawoman cosplay!

      P.P.S. I’m digging your new avatar! Castle of Cagliostro is one of my favorite movies :D

      Thank you chucklocker ;w; You’re so sweet <3 I need to draw even more m(_ _)m I was planning to do the first OVA cast for the 20th anniversary, but it just never happened T_T

      Ah, you remember me! (〃・ω・〃) Thank you! It was my friend’s idea to dress up as them XD I hope maybe in the future we can meet up again and hang out for a more extended amount of time? XD

      Eee, thank you!!!♡ It’s one of mine, too! I rediscovered it a year ago and have been totally obsessing over it *^^*

      Julia, thank u for sharing ur art. We enjoy having artists here on the forum ^^
      Thank you!;w;♡ I need to do some more Tenchi stuff. There’s a thing on tumblr and deviantart where you draw a screen cap in your art style, I plan at least doing some sketch ones for Tenchi :) I already did one last month of a scene from ova episode 4 but I lost the sketch xD
      You certainly are talented.Did you create your avvie as well?
      Thank you iloveit1 And I didn’t x) It’s a picture I found while trying to find Lupin III pics with Clarisse in them *^^*
      That Marilyn Manson picture though. :0

      Good artistry and a nice taste in music to boot. :D

      I wish I could draw that well, any of those things. The Ryoko is super epic! :D

      "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."
      Ahh, thank you! blush1 the colored pencil one is probably my favorite thing I’ve done so far x3

      and thank you!!! Marilyn Manson <333

      Aww, that’s sweet of you to say ;W; I STILL need to draw more Tenchi stuff… I’ve been so lazy…

      Hey, no rush. ^^ Take as long as you want. Quality over quantity, or in this case time. xD
      "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."
      Yes.No rush.That’s the good thing about fanart and fanfic,no deadlines. Tenchismile
      18+ image ;D

      http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee74/yuzukelly/Ryo_ohki_shipcopy_zpsed130788.jpg" />

      I can’t draw anything space-ship-y, so of course I just drew Tenchi on top of a pic I found online ^_^

      Nil Admirari
      Gonna be hard to top that in 2014

      [hidden][spoil]“Washu, I have an unusual request.” Tenchi nervously stuttered out as he entered through the dimensional portal into her lab. She sat cross-legged in her usual spot, grinding away at another one of her experiments.

      “What is it, my favorite little experiment~” she cooed in response. Tenchi flinched and shot a glance over his shoulder for her little tentacle trap.

      “Well, it’s… uh, god this is so difficult to explain. I shouldn’t have come. Sorry to have wasted your ti-” before he could finish his thought, the dimensional portal disappeared. Washu plopped down from her perch and approached the nervous boy.

      “Now now Tenchi, what’s all this about?” Her eyes speckled with her usual lust for curiosity.

      “It’s nothing, just a medical question but I-I think it’s fine, really!”

      “Aw c’moooooon Tenchi, I’m your doctor right?” Tenchi had flashbacks of her in the nurse outfit, the needles, the gloved hand reaching down… his concentration broken by her hand dragging itself across his chest. He felt the helplessness overtake him once again, and sighed.

      “Well, it’s about Ryo-ohki actually.”

      Washu’s hand stopped in its place. This wasn’t the kind of medical question she had in mind.

      “Did she eat too many carrots again?” As Washu turned away, Tenchi felt the blood rushing to his head while piecing together his next words.

      “Not exactly, though I guess you could call it a carrot of sorts…”


      I am going to hell

      mmhmm1 yay for Sailor Moon! I really like it Julie!
      Eee thank you Snow! ;u; <3 iloveit1
      I never posted this! It’s a cross between my two favorite series. Obviously from Tenchi, but it’s Washu dressed as Akio Ohtori (In the full picture, she’s holding three gems and they have the Ohtori emblem on them). It’s old…. from 2010.

      https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/734183_4621099214639_546198103_n.jpg" />

      These are great jules!
      Thank you so much Who! iloveit1

      I did another little Ryoko doodle ^^;;;

      https://38.media.tumblr.com/9af1df22c0d95103d0843439bf60e3c0/tumblr_nbrqhbezCP1r9j8tbo1_500.jpg" />

      Lovely pictures Julie-chan! mmhmm1 I really love the eyes!
      Thank you so much Snow! iloveit1 blush1
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