OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 25 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 25 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_25copy_zpseb4a71f4.jpg" />

    Notes –

    Several errors, but all other text is complete and accurate.

    JP Text –

    「いいこと!私がちゃんと教えてあげるから、早まったことはしないのよ! 」 「早まったこととは?』


    「そんなこと言えるわけないでしよ! !」「教えて頂けるのではないのですか? 」



    「 なんだ?こりゃ」


    わああ! ! 」 一樹の悲鳴で駆けつけ月。

    「どぅしたのよ? 何そのドア? ? 」


    「一樹君、開ける前にはちゃんとノタクをしてねJ 平然と言ぅ弥生。

    弥生は一樹の部屋の商かVヽのマンショ%4こ越してきて、自分の部屋の窓と— 樹の部屋のそれとを槃げたのだ。

    「何を考えてるんです! ! 」

    「大丈夫真田長宫には許*をもらったし、向かいのマンションはお祖母ちゃん の物だか


    そしてその*日、弥生は一樹の学校の臨時講師として赴任してきたのだった。 『……なんか…また厄介事が増えたような気がする』

    三月の機嫌悪そうな表情と級友の男共のはしゃ*ぶりを見てそう思う一樹だ った。

    弥生の訓練で次第にパイロ らしくなる一樹。

    ある日、ー樹は敵の罠にかり羅螺軍の勢力圏に墜落してしまう。傷を負い ロボットから這い出す一榭。敵勢力圏でパイロットが居なくなった機体は、コ ンピュータ一ュニ ットを避難させるベく射出してしまう。 逃げることが出来なくなり、隠れていた一樹はっいに敵兵士に捕まってしま う。しかし—榭がパィロットだと知らない羅螺みっきは、戦闘の巻き添えで傷 を負ったと思Vヽ、*に入れられそうになっていた一樹を自分の部屋に保護し、 優しく介抱してくわる。 『三月…先輩」 化粧を落とした彼女が真田三月によく似ている事に驚く 一樹。


    ー緒にいるうちに、みっきが実は女幹部としての姿とはまったく正反対の性 格であると分かる。あの化粧と意識を高揚させる波動の出ている衣装で派手な 性格を演じているのだった。 『う〜〜む。性格まで対だとは思わなかったな』

    —方、樹が行方不明となった事実は一榭の周りにいる人間達に少なからず 動揺を与えていた。


    っ た。





    みつきのおかげで牢に入れられずにすんだものの、それが原因で機密保護の ために羅螺の基地へ連れて行かれる事となってしまう。真任を感じたみつきは 、一樹を自分の部下という事として、他の者達から一樹を守る。

    一樹の居るみっきの居住区は遗跡戦艦内にあった。特異点の力なのか、羅螺 でずら丰をっけることの出来なかった封印場所に入り込む結果となってしまう そしてそこには製作途中の、後に『卑弥呼』と呼ばれることとなるロボット ‘がいた。警備兵をうまくかわして結界から出る一樹は、みっきと鉢合わせして しまう。




    「何をするの! ?一樹君を放しなさい」

    「みつき様…彼があの機体のパイロットなんですよ」 そう言って部下は、ある映像を見せる。それは一樹が破璣したロボットの外 部モニタ一がほんの数秒だが偶然捕らえた、一樹がコクピットから降りてくる 映像だった。しかしみっきはその情報を破棄するように命ずる。

    「みっき様!これ以上の反逆行為はみつき様のお立場が! 」 みっきは父親である羅螺の行動に否定的だった。そのため他の幹部との衝突 も多く、影で作戦の妨害をすることもあったのだ。そして今は敵のェ—スパイ ロットの情報隠蔽である。


    みつきの優しさに嘘をっくのが辛くなったー樹は本当のことを言おうとする。 「化粧をしていな私ほ、羅螺軍団の女幹部じゃないね……そうでじょ一樹君」 小型機に乗せて羅螺の基地から逃がしてくれるみつき。

    無事帰還した一樹を待っていたのは、手荒い歓迎だった。 「このドジ! !」 (三月)

    「明日から特訓だからね (弥生) そしてDは一樹の無事を確かめるとそのまま、ブリッジの椅子で安らかな寝 …息を

    その後、羅螺へ協力を申し出る国が増え、どこかお遊びだった戦いもかなり 生臭く現実味を帯びてくる。部下の負傷も増えていくことに心痛め、そして何 より一樹と戦う事が辛くなったみっきは部*と共に羅螺の基地を逃げ出す。 しかし部下達を庇って追っ手に捕まったみつきは々ィンドコン卜ローラで操 られ、羅螺軍最強のロボット『卑弥呼』で防衛軍基地を攻繫をさせられる。封 印されていた卑弥呼は特異点としての性質を持つみつぎにしか動かせにのだ。

    防衛軍基地に保護されていたみつきの部下達は、みっきを助けてくれるよう —樹に嘆願する。卑弥呼は強く、しかもそれを操縦しているのが部下を逃がす ために捕まったみつきであると知った一樹は戦いを*躇う。

    卑弥呼を庇って遗跡艦の砲撃を受ける一樹。その姿を見たDの中に一樹への 明確な感情が芽生える。一樹の叫びとDの感情が神武を目覚めさせる。

    コアロボットは行動不可能となり、基地を壊滅させようと入り込む敵ロボッ ト。そのロボッ卜を一蛾で粉碎する無人の神武。コアロボッ卜を引き裂き一樹 を自らの体に飲み込む神武は、圧倒的な力で卑弥呼を倒し、みっきの乗るコク ピットをえぐり出す。みつきがいなくなり、自己防衛が優先となった卑弥呼は ひとりでに逃げて行く。


    清楚で優しく、しかも料理の上手なみっきはたちまち防衛軍にとけ込む。 『あいつ、あんなにデレデレしちゃって』

    仲良く話す-一樹とみっきに嫉妬を覚える三月は、彼女を防衛軍から追い出す ベく行動を起こす。しかし真田以下、男達は彼女の境遇に同情しているし、ご 意見番の鼴香は出来の良い生徒が出来たことを喜んでいるし、監査官の茜以下 、女性達はみっきが麗香のお守りをしてくれているぉかげで花嫁修業教室でし ごかれる事が無くなったと喜んでいた。



    最後に弥生に相談しようとした月だったが、食堂のラーメンを食べながら 涙ぐんでいる弥生を見た途端、言ぅだけ無駄だということを悟る。

    「何故そんなに怒っているのです? 』

    珍しく Dから話しかけてくる。 「……では三月さんは一樹さんびのことを好きでみっきさんを嫉妬してぃるという ことですね」

    三月の話を聞ぃてそう結論づけるD彼女もずいぶん嬈舌になっていた。 「そっそんなんじゃないわよ!! 』 真っ赤になって反論する与月。

    「違うのですか?…人の心は難しぃでわ」 こうして次第に心を成長させて*く D。

    真田が軍事関係の技術供与をほとんどしなかったせいもあり、世界の半数近” くの国が羅螺の持っ遺跡技術を目当てに同盟を結んでしまう。そのため羅螺を 反逆者として扱い辛いくなってしまうレかき防衛軍との戦ぃ以外は民間施設 への攻繫を行わなかった羅螺への支援の声が意外に多く、残った国々の代表達 は一つの決断を下す。遺跡技術の供与を意図的しない真田の行為は重大な反



    「……こんな事もあろうかと」 防衛軍の地下基地は、超大型移動要塞として宇宙へと飛び上がるのだった。

    「今日からは我々が悪の組織というねけだな」 楽しそうに馬鹿笑いをする真田を呆れ顔で見る隊員遠しかし全ての隊員逮 が真田にっいて来たのだった。 逃げてきたは良ぃが目的を見失った真田はとりあえず宇宙での自給自足かち 始めた。強引な重力圏脱出のため、全壊となった町を整理し、*を作り作物を 植える。月で鉱物資源や、水を採取する真田達。

    すっかり自分達が追われる身だぅ事を忘れた頃、羅蟪の率ぃる国際連合 軍が攻めてくる。

    「このまま宇宙の果てに逃げることも*能だが…こここはひとつ、ニっの地球を 一つに戻してみないか?」 そう提案する真田。

    こうして遗跡文明の完全破壊計画が決行されることとなっだ。時空の因果律 から計算すると破壊*的は遗跡の大型戦艦とオリナルのコンピューターユニ ット、小型艦と神武を破壊すれば地球の復元力が勝ることが分かった。しかし 自らの文明を破壊する行為を受け入れられないDは戦いを拒否する。

    スペースコロニーを戦火から守るため、戦関要員と最小限のクルーを乗せ大 型移動要塞で地球に降り立つ真田。羅螺に反抗する者逮の支援を受けっつ、各 国の追っ手を振り払いながら移動しては圧倒的なカで遗跡コンピューターコア を組み込んだロボットを破壊して行く神武。(破壊したロボッ卜のパイロットの 中には研修で防衛軍基地にいた者もVヽたが、ロボットを破壊された後は一樹御 に合流している)

    「いや〜〜ァ、こりゃハマっちゃいそうだな。羅螺のバ力の気持ちが分かるね」 楽しげな真田。


    「お母さん! ! 」

    「ぇつ ? ?あなた……*? 」

    『よく もお父さんと私を捨家出なんかしてくれたわね!私が苦労しているの にこんな所で遊んで!!」 いきなり鮎子に飛び掛かひっぱたく 三月。

    「ちょっとあんた達!何とか…助けなさい! ! 」 お付きの部下達も呆然と成り行きを見守ってぃたが、贴子の悲鳴で我に戻り、 三月を押さえっける。


    「 う〜〜〜む 君がもう一っの世界のみつきか」

    「君の存在は以*から知っていが..…ずいぶんうちのみっきとは性格が違う な』

    すごい形相で睨んでいる三月が怖くて、最後の方は彼女に聞こぇないように 小声であった。



    「私と真田君の子供ねぇ 変な気分」

    鮎子は三月と話している内、敵エースパイロットのー樹に特別な想いを持っ ていることに気付く。

    「彼を…一樹君だっけ?こっち側に連れてきたらどうかしら。ねえ、貴女と一樹 君はもともとこの世界の人間じゃないわ。遺跡の科学力はこちらの方が上よ、 だったら私達だってあなた達を元の世界に戻してあげることだって出来るゎ」 「……そうよね、私と一樹君は元の世界に帰るべきよ」 鮎子に乗せられ、そう考える三月。

    「彼のロボットを倒せれば、真田君だって降伏する。もちろん彼のことは悪いょ うにはしないわ。今は敵味方に分がれていても友達なんですもの」 うまく三月の嫉妬心を偏り、卑弥呼のパィロットにしてしまう

    ATLAS Translation –

    “Be good. Because I teach neatly, It did not act rashly. ” “Have you acted rashly?』

    Crimsoning Mitsuki to the question of D.

    “Such a thing remark [eruwakenaideshiyo] ! !””Can you not teach? “

    After that, after for about one month.

    A certain day, The door had been completed by one [] in my room when returning from learning *.

    ” What? When you absorb it”

    When the door is quietly opened, Yayoi changed ahead of that is seen.

    [Waaa] ! ! ” The scream of Kazuki and the running moon.

    “[Dou;shitanoyo]? What the door? ? “

    Mitsuki : when there is Kazuki [nizou] [ki], Yayoi that produces face from door.

    “Kazuki you, ..calm sleep J.. ..saying.. [u;] Yayoi. neatly do [notaku] before it opens it

    [Mansho] %4 of the quotient of the room of Kazuki or Vヽ crowds and does [ko] to Yayoi, [Soreto] of the room of the window of my room and ? tree is [**ge].

    “What is thought.! ! “

    “Under * was gotten from safe head Sanada ?, Is the apartment house of facing grandmother’s thing?” Is such a problem?!!”

    And, the * day, Yayoi was to have gone for one’s post as a temporary lecturer at the school of Kazuki. 『…… What is…? Moreover, I think that a troublesome thing increases. 』

    Expression of a bad so mood of Mitsuki and classmate’s man’s Kazuki that bubbled over and was thought of so because * was seen.

    Seeming the training of Yayoi, be the gradual pyro, and becoming it Kazuki.

    A certain day, The tree falls into the sphere of influnece of the Rara army the borrowing in enemy’s trap. One that crawls out from owing robot wound. The airframe where the pilot doesn’t exist in the enemy sphere of influnece, [Be]ing to make one computer [yu;nitto] take shelter ..turning over.. is shot. It becomes impossible for run away, It catches in hidden Kazuki [ha?] and it is caught by the enemy person. Rara [mikkiha] doesn’t know in case of the lot. [pa] however ..however., When the wound was received in the involvement of the combat, ..desire.. Vヽ, It seems to be put in * and becoming it Kazuki is protected in my room, It gently looks after and [kuwaru]. 『Mitsuki… Senior” Kazuki to be surprised at thing that woman who took off one’s makeup looks like truth Mitsuki Sanada well.

    『* of [sou;kako] is a person of Mitsuki senior’s pair. 』

    While is in the cord, It is completely understood that an opposite character with the appearance as the woman executive ..[mikki].. actually. A gay character was performed with clothes from which wave motion that uplifted that make-up and consideration had occurred. 『..peel.. . of ..floatage.. ? I did not think that even the character was a pair. 』

    ? person, In no small way, the fact that the tree becomes missing gave the shake to men in surroundings of one ?.

    Yayoi, Mitsuki, Pilot’s women. All members : without small words, It was lonesome.

    “Becoming such a thing only by gone by one [kikun] person”

    And, the most much revealing chopsticks [nanoha] D reaction. It loses consciousness on a certain day and it falls.

    “It is not possible to sleep. “

    Come toing D was to have become silent along ..a word.. while said.

    Though it ended without being put in the jail thanks to MitsukiGP, It will be taken to the base of Rara for security because of it. MitsukiGP that feels [shinnin], Kazuki as a thing of my subordinate, Kazuki is defended from other people.

    The accommodation space of ..Kazuki.. [rumikki] ..it was.. was in the mark battleship. Is the power of the significant point?, Rara [dezura] ? becomes the result of entering to being not able [kkeru] but the seal place and is being produced there, Back『Himiko』Calling and becoming it robot'[Gaita] . Kazuki that goes out of [umakukawashite] [musukai] : the guard soldier, [Mikki] and the pot are matched.

    “…….. Here”

    Eaves [tsutekureru] MitsukiGP from guard soldier.

    Kazuki that has gone back into one’s room to MitsukiGP and the cord, Part * of Mitsuki captures it.

    “What do you do? ? Self-indulgence Kazuki you. ”

    “MitsukiGP… He is a pilot of that airframe. ” It says so and the subordinate :, A certain image is shown. It was captured by chance though was only a few seconds external monitor 1 of the robot to which Kazuki broke and did ?, The image to which Kazuki got off the cockpit. However, it is commanded that information on [mikkihaso] be annulled.

    “[Mikki] externals. The standpoint of MitsukiGP : the rebellion act more than this. ” [Mikki] was negative in the action of Rara who was father. Therefore, the collision with other executives is many, The strategy was occasionally obstructed by the shadow. And, the information hiding of [e;] ? spy lot of the enemy now.

    “I’m sorry… I……”

    The becoming it tree starts telling the truth to the geniality of MitsukiGP ..lie.. ..[kkuno].. painfully. “Made [watashiho], It is not a woman executive of RaraArmy…… You ..conferring Kazuki… so” MitsukiGP that is put to small size machine and lets go from base of Rara.

    Having waited for Kazuki that returned safely, A rough welcome. “This blunder! !” (Mitsuki)

    “Because of dog race from tomorrow(Yayoi) And, when the safety of Kazuki is confirmed, D is the state as it is, Tranquil sleep with the chair of the bridge… ..breath.. afterwards, The number of countries that offer Rara cooperation increases, The fight that is play somewhere also wears reality considerably fishy. The subordinate’s injury is the heartache ..increasing.., The thing and to fight against Kazuki in above all ..base of Rara.. painfully runs away with ..[nattamikki].. part *. MitsukiGP caught by the chaser is manipulated by ..peel.. [i;ndokon] fortune-telling Laura eaves of subordinates however, Robot of martial the strength Rara『Himiko』It is made the attack of [de] defensive martial base and doing ?. [Ninoda] ..can movement… only pay tribute with the character as the significant point sealed Himiko

    Subordinates of MitsukiGP protected in the defense forces base, ? tree is entreated to help [mikki]. Himiko is strong, * Kazuki known in case of caught MitsukiGP because of letting of control of it moreover subordinate go as for fight [**] ..floatage.. .

    Eaves are Kazuki that receives the bombardment of ? mark warship as for Himiko. Clear feelings to Kazuki bud in D where the appearance was seen. The shout of Kazuki and feelings of D make [kamitakeshi] awake.

    The core robot becomes impossible to act it, Enemy robot that enters it to have base annihilated. The [robo] fortune-telling is uninhabited [kamitakeshi] that does [ko**] by one moth. It tears up the [koarobo] fortune-telling and [kamitakeshi] that swallows Kazuki to an own body :, Himiko is defeated with overwhelming force, It begins to scoop out the cockpit that [mikki] gets on. MitsukiGP is gone, Himiko from whom it gives priority to the self-defense runs away automatically.

    Helped MitsukiGP begins to work at the dining room of defense forces.

    It is neat and it is gentle, Good [namikki] of the dish moreover is ..defense forces.. relieved at once. 『He, It [deredere]s it so much. 』

    Mitsuki that feels envy for Kazuki and – [mikki] happily spoken, [Be]ing driven out takes ..turning over.. action from her defense forces. Below Sanada however, Men are sympathizing with her circumstances, ? smell of the opinion turn is pleased what the student that being possible to do is good was able to do, Below madder of Inspection Officers, The thing that was able to be driven was pleased ..woman.. to guard ..[hamikki].. Reika and to being able to smell [o;] and there to do in the flower bride study classroom when having disappeared.

    “Mr. Yayoi! Base [ku] is a violation of regulation even in a good person as for the person who was the enemy……

    It is not good, Learning by experience』

    Though the moon that tried to be consulted Yayoi at the end, As soon as having seen Yayoi to which it moves while eating the ramen of the dining room, It is realized that ..saying.. [u;dake] is useless.

    “It is angry so much why.? 』

    It talks to from D unusually. “…… Then, Mr. Mitsuki envies [mikkisan] liking it and is [i;ru] as for Kazuki [sanbi]. “

    D she from whom ..hearing.. [i;tesou] was able ..story of Mitsuki.. to conclude it was ? fairly tongue. “No [sossonnan].!! 』 [Azukatsuki] to crimson and to object.

    It is because Sanada hardly did the licensing of technology of the military relationship, Half the number of the world Kon” The [kuno] country connects the possession ruins technology of Rara and the alliance is connected with the aim. Rara is treated therefore as a rebel and the voice of support to Rara that doesn’t do attack ? to private facilities excluding ..painful.. ..fight.. [i;] with the [ikunatteshimau] [re] lack defense forces is unexpectedly many, Representatives in countries that remained give one decision. Granting the ruins technology when intentional [shinai] Sanada’s act is an important rebellion act.

    Rebel’s brand is pushed to defense forces that lead Sanada in one night.

    “…… Is there such a thing, too?” An underground base of defense forces, It flew up to space as a super movement fortress.

    “We are organization [nekedana] of evil from today. ” Member [too] that saw Sanada who laughed happily loudly by the amazed face and all member [**] came to Sanada [?tte]. Sanada from whom running away [taha] [yoi;] had lost sight of the purpose started self sufficiency [kachi] in space for the time being. For a forcible gravity sphere escape, The completely destroyed town is arranged, * is made and crops are planted. The mineral wealth in the moon, Sanada who gathers water et al..

    When you completely forget the body [dau;] thing from which we are run after, Rate [i;ru] United Nations Forces of [**] ? attacks it.

    “Though running away to outskirts of space straight is * abilities… [Kokoko] is one, Is not the [ni] [nno] earth returned to one?” Sanada who proposes it so.

    The complete destruction plan of ? mark civilization is carried out and, thus, is becoming it [da]. Destruction * target is ? large-scale battleship in the mark and a computer unit of [orinaru] when calculating from the causality at time Sora, If a small warship and [kamitakeshi] are destroyed, it has been understood that the resilience of the earth is superior. However, D to which the act of destroying an own civilization is not accepted refuses the fight.

    To defend space Koro Knee from the war, Sanada who takes war barrier worker and minimum crew and gets off to the earth in large-scale movement fortress. The support of [sha**] to resist Rara is receiving [kettsu], The robot that builds in ? mark computer core ..overwhelming.. when moving while shaking off the chaser in each country is destroyed [kamitakeshi]. (The person who exists in the defense forces base in training is Vヽ [taga] in the pilot of the destroyed [robo] fortune-telling, too, After the robot is destroyed, it joins Kazuki. )

    “Unpleasantness [a;], No [hama] [cchai] when it absorbs it. Feelings of the [ba] power of Rara are understood. ” Happy Sanada.

    A certain day that continues destruction travel, Mitsuki in the resort is ..[aishin;ayu] [ko].. ..meeting.. [u;].

    “Mother. ! “

    “[E;tsu]? ? You…… *? “

    [ayuko] that springs and cooks [hippa].

    “You for a moment. Manage… Help.! ! ” Though the blank surprise and the development are watched and ..subordinate who takes side.. [i;], too, It returns to me by child’s scream, Mitsuki is suppression [kkeru].

    The subordinate is ordered to take Mitsuki to the base.

    「 う〜〜〜む 君がもう一っの世界のみつきか」

    「君の存在は以*から知っていが..…ずいぶんうちのみっきとは性格が違う な』

    すごい形相で睨んでいる三月が怖くて、最後の方は彼女に聞こぇないように 小声であった。



    「私と真田君の子供ねぇ 変な気分」

    鮎子は三月と話している内、敵エースパイロットのー樹に特別な想いを持っ ていることに気付く。

    “Him… Is Kazuki you? Oaks how when bringing it here [gawa]. Sleep food, Neither you nor Kazuki you are originally men in this world. In the scientific capability of ruins, here is the above, Then, [ruwa] even we and you even are returned to former world it is possible to do. ” “…… So, You and Kazuki I should return to former world. ” It is put on [ayuko], Mitsuki about which it thinks so.

    “If you can knock down his robot, Even Sanada surrenders. He of course is [hashinaiwa] in ..badness.. [iyo;u]. The one in the friend or foe that is pally ..amount.. [reteitemo] now. ” It ..envy mind of Mitsuki.. biases well, It makes it to Himiko’s [pai;rotto].

    Google Translation –

    “Good thing! Because I’ll tell you properly, it ‘s not going to premature!” And “and that Premature?”

    The Mitsuki to become bright red the question of D.

    “I did not mean to say such a thing!” And “do I be happy to tell you?”

    It was that of about a month later.

    One day, the door had finished ll one in my room When I came from university *.

    “Shit? What”

    Yayoi that have a change of clothes at the tip is visible when I open the door gently.

    Waaa! ! Month rushed scream of “Kazuki.

    The “I did you de? what that door?”

    When Mitsuki heard elephant to Kazuki, Yayoi put in an appearance from the door.

    Gen~u Yayoi calmly J I have a Notaku properly “Kazuki-kun, before we open.

    Come come Mansho 4% of this V ヽ or quotient of the room of Kazuki, Yayoi is a window of his room – he was 槃-Ge the room with that of the tree.

    “I’m thinking what!”

    I got huh * The “all right Sanada length Ninomiya, and apartments across the street, or thing of Grandma

    “Is it such a problem!”

    Then one day the *, Yayoi was had been appointed as a temporary lecturer in the School of Kazuki. “I feel awkward things like increased also … something …… is”

    Kazuki Datta I think so by looking at the champion * yellowtail man of both classmates and look evil likely mood of Mitsuki.

    Kazuki seems to be gradually Pyro training of Yayoi.

    One day, over trees would crashed into the sphere of influence of the Rara army borrowed into the trap of the enemy.榭 one that crawls up from the robot and wounded. Aircraft pilot is no longer staying in the sphere of influence is the enemy, resulting in vector injection evacuate one ~Yunitto computer. will not be able to escape, the U stripe caught the enemy soldiers to Kazuki Ha~tsui that were hidden. – But to protect your room the Kazuki that think V ヽ, it had become likely to be put in * to have been wounded in the collateral of combat, Rara Mickey that 榭 do not know that it is Pa~irotto is Kuwaru be cared gently . Kazuki that surprised that she dropped the “Mitsuki … senior” makeup is very similar to the true Mitsuki Sanada.

    “This So~uka * people of the pair of senior Mitsuki”

    While you are in over cord, Mickey is actually seen to be the opposite sex price at all with the figure of a woman as executive. It was the plays a flashy character costumes that are out of the wave is uplifted consciousness with that makeup. Yikes gee “. I did not think that’s up-to-nature “

    – The fact that the way, the tree became the missing had given more than a little upset to human beings who are around Ichi榭.

    Women Yayoi, Mitsuki, the pilot. der so that everyone is small number of units of the fire is gone

    Tsu was.

    “Nantes become a thing just gone one over tree-kun”

    And there was the reaction of most Akirahashi Nanoha D. It collapses down for the count day.

    “I do not sleep”

    D you have regained consciousness was from being silent while saying that word.

    I escaped being put in prison, thanks to MitsukiGP, but it becomes a thing in which it is taken to the base of Rara for security due. As a matter of their own subordinates, MitsukiGP you feel Manin defends Kazuki from Sha our other Kazuki.

    Was in 遗跡 battleship within residential areas of Mickey that there is Kazuki. Was robot ‘gargle that is sometimes referred to as the “Himiko” of production the way, later there is whether the power of the singularity, and may result in an entering the sealed place that could not be the thing to Keru ll the 丰 shifted in Rara. Kazuki out of the barrier to timely escape from the guards, ends up bumping of heads with Mickey.

    “To …….. here”

    MitsukiGP us Hisashitsu from guards.

    * Department of Mitsuki is catch, the Kazuki came back to the room to MitsukiGP toe cord.

    “The reason for what? Let go Kazuki-kun”

    “MitsukiGP like … he’m a pilot of that aircraft” subordinates, show some pictures to say so. External monitor one of the robot Kazuki has Yabu璣’s is only a few seconds but was caught by chance, it was a video Kazuki have come down from the cockpit. But Mickey and order so as to discard the information.

    “Mickey-sama! Rebeldom more than this! Tail position of MitsukiGP like” Mickey It was negative behavior of Rara is a father. Collisions with other executives also many, he was also able to interfere with the strategy in the shadows for that. And ª enemy now – it is a database of information hiding pilot.

    “…… I’m sorry …”

    Over tree Usoo~tsuku of the kindness of MitsukiGP became painful to going to say the truth. MitsukiGP us to escape from the base of Rara a ride “ho I have such a makeup, a woman Kazuki-kun …… seems I not a woman executives RaraArmy” in small aircraft.

    After that fight, the country that offer cooperation to Rara increases, was for fun somewhere come begun to realize Namagusaku fairly. Mickey that it more than anything to fight Kazuki has become painful to escape the base along with the part of Rara * Me and heartache, that the injury of subordinates go on increasing. However MitsukiGP it was caught in pursuers by Kaba~tsu subordinates who are in various operations ~Indokon Bok roller is caused to the Osamu繫 the defense forces of the robot base Rara army strongest in “Himiko”. Himiko, which has been marked sealed ‘s to Ugokase only tribute that has the properties of a singularity.

    Subordinates our MitsukiGP that were protected in the defense military bases, so can you help Mickey – plead a tree. Kazuki that I knew to be a MitsukiGP that was caught in order to escape his men Himiko is strong, yet’s piloting it U * 躇 the fight.

    卑弥呼を庇って遗跡艦の砲撃を受ける一樹。その姿を見たDの中に一樹への 明確な感情が芽生える。一樹の叫びとDの感情が神武を目覚めさせる。

    コアロボットは行動不可能となり、基地を壊滅させようと入り込む敵ロボッ ト。そのロボッ卜を一蛾で粉碎する無人の神武。コアロボッ卜を引き裂き一樹 を自らの体に飲み込む神武は、圧倒的な力で卑弥呼を倒し、みっきの乗るコク ピットをえぐり出す。みつきがいなくなり、自己防衛が優先となった卑弥呼は ひとりでに逃げて行く。

    MitsukiGP helped begin to work in the dining room of the defense forces.

    Gently innocent, yet good Mickey culinary blend with the defense forces in a moment. “He and I had a lovestruck so much”

    Mitsuki to remember the jealousy and the Mickey-Kazuki speak get along, cause vector behavior from defense forces expel her. However Sanada below, men have sympathized with her circumstances, and 鼴香 of pundit We are delighted that students can better made, and Akane following the inspectors, women are the Mickey I was pleased that you wither it was a domestic training classroom ~Oka-ge that me to the charm of Reika is lost.

    “Yayoi-san! … Is a rule violation Nantes Ku base a person was a good enemy how much people

    It’s no good, and Ya stiffness “

    It was a month in which you are trying to talk to Yayoi Finally, as soon as I saw the Yayoi are in tears while eating ramen dining room, and realize that it’s a waste only Gen~u.

    “I’m so angry why?”

    I come from D talk uncommon. “Mitsuki-san it is to be a jealousy Shitiru the Mickey’s like that in praise of Kazuki ……”

    D She concluded so ~Ite hear the story of Mitsuki has also been in 嬈舌 lot. Azukatsuki that “I’m not you like that along!” refute Become a bright red.

    D and click * is grown heart gradually “What is the difference? … the human mind I’ll hardly SHI” thus.

    There is also probably because Sanada did not most of the technical assistance of the military, half near” Kuno country in the world would allied to mercenary ruins technology possessed by the Rara. Voice of support to Rara that did not make Osamu繫 to private facilities are often unexpectedly, delegates of countries the remaining war ~I other than to and from Le oyster defense forces become Ku painful treated as a traitor to Rara for it I make a decision one. Acts of Sanada not intentionally provision of technology and remains a serious rebellion act.

    Defense forces led by Sanada in the overnight branded the rebels.

    Underground base “thing …… also Would” of military defense, was the leap into space as a very large move fortress.

    Members 逮 of all was the came Sanada Ni~tsui However far-workers to see the face and amazed the Sanada to the Bakawarai “We Na’s only I that evil organization from today,” happily. Sanada that lost sight of good ~Iga purpose began wins self-sufficiency in space for the time being has run away. Because of aggressive escape gravitational sphere, to plant crops to organize a town that became completely destroyed, to create a *. Sanada who collected and mineral resources, the water on the moon.

    When I forget things ~U’s only that their is quite busy, rate ~Iru United Nations forces in Ra蟪 come attack.

    Sanada that “It’s * function but one, … Kokoko do not want to return to one of the earth nickel also be run away to the end of the universe as it is?” we propose so.

    I decided that in this way the complete destruction of the plan 遗跡 civilization is fine. * Target destruction has been found that the restoring force of the Earth is over if destruction of computer unit Orinaru and large battleships 遗跡, Jimmu and the small ship to be calculated from the causality of Sora when. D but unacceptable to the act of destroying the civilization of their own refuse to fight.

    In order to protect the space from war Koro knee, Sanada that land on earth in large type mobile fortress carrying a crew of war and minimal personnel functions. The Jimmu to go to destroy the robot incorporating a 遗跡 computer core overwhelming mosquito If you want to move while shake off the pursuers Ukettsu, of each country the support of those who 逮 to rebel against the Rara. (Who was in the defense forces training base was also V ヽ Some of the pilot of the robot Bok Destroyed, but I have joined the Kazuki your After destroyed the robot)

    “~ ~ §, Do not likely hooked No shit. I know the feeling of the field force of Rara” Sanada joyful.

    One day Continue destruction travel, Mitsuki will encounter ~U and Aisin Ayuko resort.


    “~Etsu? …… * You?”

    捨家 and out something I’m me and me and dad is good! ” Playing in a place like this I have to have a hard time! ! Mitsuki you slap or Tobikaka to Ayuko suddenly “.

    We return to the scream of 贴子, Tita testing the waters over subordinates who also stunned “You’re our little somehow! Please help …!” You with is, Kkeru hold the Mitsuki.

    In order to be taken to the base Mitsuki subordinates.

    “You no ~ ~ ~ jar or MitsukiGP of the world ll of one another”

    “I knew from the following * The presence of your personality, but Na different from the Mickey out of a great deal …..”

    Mitsuki you are staring at the amazing Form is fear, towards the end was a low voice so as not to tut listen to her.

    “Looks just like Ayuko”

    This was dazzling in my mind. Rara to run away to let Jae 黏子 quickly.

    “Strange mood Hey children of Sanada-kun and me.”

    While I talk to Mitsuki, Ayuko find that you have a special thought to over trees enemy ace pilot.

    Hey. Wonder do not you bring to the side here? Was it … Kazuki kun. “He, Kazuki-kun and You’re the scientific capability of the ruins.’m Not human of this world we this better if you were, I above originally Mitsuki to be placed because pictmap you can even I’ll return to the world of original you guys “but it” …… seems, Kazuki-kun and I to Ayuko “I should return to the original world, think so.

    “If Taosere a robot of him, Sanada-kun even surrender. Bad Yo so I’ll not be his course. Thing I’m a friend even though the scree minute to friend or foe now” to bias the jealousy of Mitsuki well, I would have to Pa~irotto of Himiko

    Free Translation –

    “A good case! Because I teach properly that was precipitated is よ to not do! ” “Precipitated that wa? was ‘ Mitsuki that becomes crimson to the question of D.

    “Do without be said and be dividing the things like that! ! ” “Could not you teach? 《主語なし》” It was the case of about then one month later.

    《主語なし》When I come back from a certain day, learning*a/the door was completed in a/the self room 1 っ.

    《主語なし》”Is it? 《主語なし》When learn a lesson and open the door quietly” ゃ it is seen Yayoi that is doing the clothes with the tip.

    わああ! ! ” Rushing with the scream of Kazuki it is a/the month.

    “Did どぅ of be よ? The what door? ? ” It is Yayoi that puts in an appearance from a/the door, when Mitsuki heard in Kazuki ぞう.

    《主語なし》”I open Mr. Kazuki, it does ノタク properly before and word ぅYayoi impassively ねJ.

    Yayoi wa Kazuki of room of quotient or V ヽ of マンショ % 4 こ exceeded has, self of room of window with? the the the the an/the and That of the room of 樹 is been 槃げた one.

    《主語なし》”I am thinking what! ! 《主語なし》” “Is it long safe Sanada? To is the that apartment house “such a problem or, received bottom*and face and be the thing of an ancestor mummy? ! “

    And the*a/the day, Yayoi have gotten sent as the temporary instructor of the school of Kazuki. ‘….What or.. Man 共 of the facial expression classmate that the such feeling that increased seem bad do’ the mood of Mitsuki that made that it is troublesome also and was Kazuki that sees a/the ゃ*pose and think so.

    Kazuki that gradually becomes appear パイロ with the training of Yayoi.

    《主語なし》I borrow a certain day, ー 樹 to the trap of an/the enemy and have crashed in the scope of influence of a/the Rara corps. 《主語なし》Be it 1 that receives a/the damage and crawl out from a/the robot? . 《主語なし》In enemy scope of influence I have begun to shoot the body that stopped there being a pilot ベ く that evacuates computer 1 ュニット. Kazuki that comes not to escape and was hiding has got caught by an/the enemy soldier to be っ. However,? ? 《主語なし》However observing Rara that does not know that it is パィロット it comes っ and that a/the damage is received with the entanglement of a/the battle 思V ヽ,*to I protect look after Kazuki that was coming close to being put in in the room of a/the self and kindly and くわる. Kazuki that is surprised at that she who dropped ‘a/the Mitsuki..senior” makeup resemble at real Mitsuki Sanada well.

    《主語なし》’そぅ or*observing it this, while be in a/the ー tip’ the person of the pair of a/the Mitsuki senior I understand that actually the figure as a/the woman executive is the character of the quite opposite entirely although it comes っ. 《主語なし》I am playing a showy character with the costume that the undulation that uplifts that makeup and consciousness be out. 《主語なし》’Is it う? ? む. 《主語なし》な that did not think that it is a pair to a/the character’

    ? Be the fact that one, 樹 became missing 1? 《主語なし》Of I was giving turbulence to the human beings who are around not a little.

    The women of Yayoi, Mitsuki, pilots. Everyone is few the mouth, the fire was seem to faded away and was.

    《主語なし》”Just stopped there being 1 Mr. 樹 ー it becomes such a case how” and it was the reaction of the D that it is the barest chopsticks. 《主語なし》Losing certain day consciousness it has fallen.

    D that recovered the consciousness “that” is not able to sleep has become silent while it said so one word.

    《主語なし》It becomes with that that is taken to the base of Rara for confidence protection with a/the cause, although it did not have to be inserted in a/the prison by virtue of MitsukiGP. MitsukiGP that felt real duties defends Kazuki from other person as Kazuki the case called the subordinate of a/the self.

    《主語なし》Kazuki of be tries to っ come that residence ward wa? an/the and and it 《主語なし》It was in a site battleship. 《主語なし》Is it ら without being Rara, whether it is the power of a singular point? 《主語なし》It becomes do and make it false ま as a result that it penetrates in the seal place where っける that was not possible and and the robot’ that becomes was with that is called ‘Himiko’ at the later time a/the production there intermediate. Kazuki that exchanges a/the guard well and go out from the 結 world observes it and have bumped against each other that it comes っ.

    《主語なし》”……It is MitsukiGP that I give eaves つて from a/the guard” こっち to.

    Department*of Mitsuki catches Kazuki, that has returned in a/the room in MitsukiGP and ー tip.

    “It is to do what! ? Release Mr. Kazuki” “MitsukiGP..he” be the pilot of that body say so and a/the subordinate shows a certain picture. As for it is Kazuki 破? 《主語なし》It was the picture that, Kazuki that I caught by chance will get off from a/the cockpit although outside monitor 1 of the robot that did it is mere several seconds. 《主語なし》Only it comes stain っ and assign so that I nullify the information.

    《主語なし》”It observes it and come っ and the manner! The rebel deed of this over the position of MitsukiGP! 《主語なし》” Observing it it comes っ and was negative to the action of Rara that is a father. 《主語なし》Therefore even the collision with other executives are many, it might do the hindrance of a/the strategy with a/the shadow. 《主語なし》And is it ェ of an enemy now? 《主語なし》It is the information hiding of a ス pilot.


    A/the lie ー 樹 that っく that became painful tries to say the truth to the gentleness of MitsukiGP. “Being doing makeup it is ね that is not the woman executive of な I ほ, RaraArmy….MitsukiGP that loads to a/the small size machine Mr. じょKazuki” so and take the trouble to let go from the base of Rara.

    《主語なし》It was a rough welcome, that I was waiting for Kazuki that did a safe return. “This ドジ! ! 《主語なし》” Because it is special training from “tomorrow (Mitsuki) ね (Yayoi) and D goes to bed serene with the chair of a/the bridge as it is, when it confirms the safety of Kazuki… breath

    After that the country where offers cooperation to Rara will wear a/the touch of reality fishily fairly even the fight that increases and was somewhat playing. 《主語なし》Observing and becoming painful it to even the injury of a/the subordinate ruins heart to that is increasing and fight with Kazuki more what furthermore it comes っ and escape the base of Rara with department*. However, MitsukiGP that is manipulated with the 々 ィンドコン 卜 roller and protect subordinates with the robot ‘Himiko’ of Rara corps strongest and caught by a/the pursuer was be 攻 a/the defense corps base? 《主語なし》It is caused. 《主語なし》Himiko who it was sealed tries to hold the nature as a/the singular point and be one to cause only to the next moved.

    《主語なし》Defense corps base in protected was MitsukiGP of subordinates wa, observe っ come obj take the trouble to help to? a/the the it who and and it 《主語なし》I entreat it to 樹. 《主語なし》Himiko is strong, to be also operating it in order that it lets go a/the subordinate Kazuki that knew that it is MitsukiGP that was caught a/the fight*it is 躇う.

    Do protect Himiko? Kazuki that receives the bombardment of a/the site ship. The evident feeling to Kazuki sprouts into D that saw the figure. The feeling of the scream and D of Kazuki cause to awake God Take.

    The core robot be the opponent robot that penetrates to become an action impossibility and demolish a/the base. Unattended God Take who does the ロボッ 卜 powder 碎 with 1 moth. God Take who splits コアロボッ 卜 and swallow Kazuki to a subjective body scoops out the cockpit where throws down, observe Himiko with overwhelming power and come っ and get on that. MitsukiGP stop being and Himiko who became priority goes escaping automatically self defense.

    MitsukiGP that was helped puts work in the dining room of a/the defense corps.

    《主語なし》It is neat and gentle observe be skillful and come っ and melt crowded to a/the defense corps instantly and, also cooking of. 《主語なし》’That it does デレデレ so that guy, って’

    《主語なし》Friendlily I speak-it observes with Kazuki and Mitsuki that learns it jealousy causes the ベ く action that expels her from a/the defense corps to come っ. However, Sanada below, men wa her circumstances with sympathizing are, opinion No. of? and 《主語なし》It is possible a/the smell be will be happy to and women observe was happy to that a good student was possible below, the madder of an/the inspection government agency and that it was gone to be hazed in a/the bride Osamu business classroom with ぉ or げ that are taking the trouble to do the lucky charm of Reika although they come っ of.

    “Mr./ Ms. Yayoi! How much person who was an enemy even the good person learns a lesson, be poor….be a breach of the rule how base く and’

    《主語なし》I realize that is useless only word ぅ, as soon as I saw Yayoi that is shedding tears while eating the Chinese noodles of a/the dining room, although it was the month when I tried to consult with Yayoi last.

    《主語なし》”Why is it so angry? 《主語なし》’ I will talk from D unusually. “….In Mr./ Ms. Mitsuki wa Mr./ Ms. Kazuki び about like tries to っ come 3 obj envy ぃる called case be ね” Mitsuki of conversation obj 聞ぃて so sum ups D she even considerably? the the and and and that who 《主語なし》It was a tongue. “わよ that is not such そっ what! ! ‘ The 与 month when becomes crimson and refute.

    《主語なし》”Does it differ? Making difficult..the heart of a/the person gradually causes to grow this way heart わ” with ぃ*it is くD.

    《主語なし》Even if Sanada is hardly doing and is hardly doing the technology offering of military affair relation it is and half of the world near” the country of く have tied alliance to the 持っ ruin technology of Rara a/the mark. 《主語なし》Therefore is it 攻 to a private institution except for battle ぃ with the レ oyster defense corps that treats Rara as a/the traitor and become and go 辛? 《主語なし》There are unexpectedly many voices of the support to Rara that I did not do and the representatives of the countries that remained make one decision. The deed of Sanada that does not make intentional the offering of ruin technology be when it is an important rebel deed.

    The defense corps which makes an/the one night and lead Sanada is pushed the stigma of a/the traitor.

    “…..The underground base of a/the defense corps jumps up to the universe as the ultra large movement fortress” whether or not may there is such a case.

    《主語なし》”Being amazed Sanada who does a/the horse laugh to seem enjoyable” な that we are ねけ called the organization of evil from today member 遠 that I see with a/the face however, all the member 逮 have been to Sanada っ. Have escaped Sanada who goodness ぃ lost sight of a/the purpose started the self-sufficiency or ち in the universe in the meantime. 《主語なし》The town where became complete collapse due to a coercive gravity area escape, is tidied and*I make and plant it a/the crop. Sanada and others who gather mineral resources and, water in a/the month.

    《主語なし》Is it 羅 when I forgot ぅ that the selves are the body that is gone after completely? Of the rate ぃる international Allied Forces will attack.

    “Even that escapes to the end of the universe as it is*although be ability..as for こ here does not it try to return the earth of ニ っ of one, into one? ” Sanada who proposes it so.

    Do do it this way? 《主語なし》It is なっ the that the complete destruction plan of the site civilization is carried out. 《主語なし》When Sora of law of cause and effect from calculates when destruction*target wa? the an/the it it It understood that the restoration power of the earth surpasses if the computer unit, small size ship and God Take of the large battleship and オリナル of a/the site are destroyed. However, D that is not accepted the deed that destroys subjective civilization refuses a/the fight.

    It is Sanada who arrives at the earth in the fortress the movement loading large the crew of a/the minimum with battle checkpoint personnel, to defend a/the space Koro knee from the war fire. 《主語なし》Rara to resists person 逮 of support following っつ, every country of pursuer obj shaking off while transfers wa overwhelming piece with? the the a that it it that God Take who goes destroying the robot that incorporated a/the site computer core. 《主語なし》(Even the person who was in a/the defense corps base with a/the training in the pilot of ロボッ 卜 who it destroyed is joining Kazuki honorific after V ヽ た, was destroyed a/the robot)

    《主語なし》”Is and? it ? Learning a lesson ァ, it is likely to be ゃ ハマ っちゃ. It is happy Sanada” ね that understands the feeling of the バ power of Rara.

    In the certain day, the resort ground when continue a/the destruction trip Mitsuki comes out with a love real sweetfish child and meeting ぅ.

    “A/the mother! ! 《主語なし》” “Is it ぇつ? ? You….*? 《主語なし》” ‘It is 捨 runaway what or わね took the trouble to do a/the father and me even if it is good! Play in such a place although I am going through hardships! ! ” Kake or Mitsuki that fly to a/the sweetfish child suddenly and slap.

    《主語なし》”I am you and others a little bit! By all means.. Help it! ! ” Oh with subordinates even in dumb surprise result obj watch ぃた sbj,? the an/the and Returning to me with the scream of a/the child even 押 is っける Mitsuki.

    《主語なし》So that I haul Mitsuki in a/the base to a/the subordinate I order.

    《主語なし》”Is it う? ? ? Mr. む although MitsukiGP of the world of another っ or” “your existence know from 以*. ..Mitsuki that a/the character is glaring with a remarkable look’ な that differs that only a/the house comes っ considerably is afraid of and the last one was a murmur as it is nonexistent 聞こぇ in her.

    ‘Quite similar’ this was to a/the sweetfish child 眩 in heart. Rara that does being to a/the 黏 child quickly and escape.

    “The child ねぇ strange mood of I and Mr. Sanada” the sweetfish child notices that has a special feeling to ー 樹 of inside, enemy ace hurler pilot where are talking as Mitsuki.

    《主語なし》”Him obj..Mr. Kazuki be っけ? is that it 《主語なし》If I bring it on the side of こっち how or doing it is ら. Obtaining ね you and Mr. Kazuki be わ that is not the human being of this world originally. The family scholastic ability of the ruin is return you if one of this is! the top and we in the original world ゎ” that is able to be to “….よね, I and Mr. Kazuki be Mitsuki that, is loaded and thinks so to the sweetfish child who should returns” to the original world so.

    《主語なし》”If I able to throw down his robot I am Mr. Sanada and surrender. Needless to say he be わ that does not do it to bad ょう. 《主語なし》Even if a/the minute is to a/the friend and foe れて now being incline the jealousy heart of Mitsuki well” the one that is a friend it has made パィロット of Himiko

    Excite Translation –

    “– a good thing — having been rash since I taught perfectly — not carrying out — ! — ” “– having been rash — ?” Mitsuki which becomes crimson at the question of D. “– such a thing — probably, there is no 言える reason! ! ” — “– doesn’t it teach and get? ” — and it was a thing of about one month after. If it returns from the study * one day, it has been っ(ed) by the door one time in the oneself room. “– it is — ? こりゃ ” When the door is opened quietly, Yayoi currently changed at the point can be seen. わああ! ! ” It runs by the scream of Kazuki and is the moon. “It did what? The door of what そ? ?” Yayoi with which Mitsuki takes out a face from a door to Kazuki at the time of ぞう聞いた. Mr. “Kazuki and before opening — perfectly — ノタク — carrying out — J — cool — 言ぅ Yayoi. The quotient of the room of Kazuki or Vヽ こ越 Mansho %4, and Yayoi is a window of its room. – It is that of 槃げた about it of the wooden room.

    “What is considered! ! ” “– OK Sanada ? length — being alike — or [ that 許 * was got and the apartment on the other side is a grandmother my thing ] — “is it such a problem!!” And the * day and Yayoi had started for their new assignment as an extraordinary lecturer of the school of Kazuki. “……. I feel that that it is troublesome increased again.” It is Kazuki which looks at for the first time in [ of the man of the expression whose Mitsuki seems to be in a bad mood, and a classmate / はしゃ * ], and it considers so. った. training of Yayoi — gradually — pyro it is — becoming Kazuki.

    One day, – tree will be borrowed from an enemy’s trap and will fall into the sphere of influence of a Rara army. It gets injured. 1 which creeps out from a robot? . the body in which the pilot stopped being in an enemy sphere of influence — コ ンピュータ 1 ュニ ット is evacuated — ベ く射出 will be carried out. being caught by an enemy soldier at Kazuki はっい which it becomes impossible to have escaped and was hidden — stripes obtaining — 。 However, Rara みっき which does not know that -? is a pilot is a crack at the involvement of a battle. Kazuki which had become that having undertaken is likely to be put in by 思 Vヽ and * is protected in its room, and it nurses gently, and is くわる. Kazuki which is surprised that she who removed senior [ “Mitsuki — ]” makeup bears a strong resemblance to truth Mitsuki Sanada.

    ” — so — or — this * — a pair of person ” of a Mitsuki senior While it is in – clue, in fact, みっき is the completely opposite sex of a figure as female management. It turns out that it is a rank. It is showy with the clothes out of which the wave motion which uplifts that makeup and consciousness has come. Character was performed. ” — obtaining – – む. I did not think that it was a pair to character.”

    the human beings whose facts that the method of – and the tree became missing are in the surroundings of 1? — not a little — Agitation was given. Yayoi(s), Mitsuki(s), a pilot’s women all the members — talkative — it is few and as dull as ditchwater — あっ た. “It becomes such a thing only by – tree Mr. one person stopping there being.” And it was a reaction of D that it is 顕箸 most. Consciousness will be lost one day and it will fall. “He cannot sleep.” D which regained consciousness became silent, saying a word so. Although it did not need to be put in in a prison, thanks to MitsukiGP, it is security owing to it. It will be taken to the base of Rara at a sake. MitsukiGP which felt true duties protects Kazuki from other persons as being called one’s subordinate in and Kazuki.

    The accommodation space of みっき in which Kazuki is was in the remains battleship of ?. it is the power of a singular point — Rara — not coming out — ? をっける — it results in entering the seal place which was not able to do things And there was the robot ‘in the middle of, manufacture which will be called “Himiko” to behind there. Kazuki which exchanges defense soldiers well and comes out from the bounds of a sacred place is brought face to face with みっき. It keeps. “–..– here” Eaves intermediary くれる MitsukiGP from a defense soldier. The part * of Mitsuki catches MitsukiGP and Kazuki which has returned to the room at – clue. “What is carried out! Release Mr. ?Kazuki.”

    “Mr. MitsukiGP — he is a pilot” of that body — saying so, a subordinate shows a certain image. As for it, Kazuki is 破? Besides [ of the robot which did ] In the part monitor 1, mere Kazuki caught by chance but several seconds gets down from a cockpit. It was an image. However, みっき orders canceling the information. “– Mr. みっき — the treason act beyond this — the position like MitsukiGP — ” — みっき was negative to action of Rara which is a father. Therefore, collision with other management And it might block strategy in the shadow. And it is an enemy’s ェ—スパイ now. It is the information hiding of a lot.

    “I’m sorry — me ……” That of 嘘をっく tries to tell the tenderness of MitsukiGP that – tree which became hot is true. “makeup is carried out. Are you the female management of な私ほ and RaraArmy? …. He is [ Mr. / ” / じょ Kazuki ] right [ that ]. MitsukiGP which is put on a small aircraft and missed from the base of Rara. The rough welcome was waiting for Kazuki which returned safely. “This blunder! ! ” Sleep… peaceful as it is, when D confirms the safety of Kazuki from (Mitsuki) “tomorrow since it is special training (Yayoi) and on the chair of a bridge — breath

    Then, the battle which the countries which offer cooperation to Rara increased in number, and was play in somewhere is also remarkable. It is fishily tinged with a touch of reality. It is eye grief and what for a subordinate’s injury increasing. みっき to which fighting with Kazuki became hot escapes the base of Rara with the part *. however, MitsukiGP which protected subordinates and was caught by the pursuer — 々 ィンドコン 卜 roller — 操 ら — れ — 攻 ? is carried out for a defense-forces base by the robot “Himiko” of the Rara army strongest. 封 Inscribed Himiko is that which tries to have character as a singular point, can be moved only to the next, and is boiled. The subordinates of MitsukiGP taken care of by the defense-forces base entreat -tree to help みっき. Himiko being strong and controlling it moreover misses a subordinate. Kazuki which got to know that it was MitsukiGP caught by the sake is * 躇う about a battle.

    Kazuki which protects Himiko and receives bombardment of ? 跡艦. It is to Kazuki in D which caught the sight. Clear feeling buds. A shout of Kazuki and the feeling of D wake Kotake. A core robot is enemy ロボッ which action of becomes impossible, makes a base destroy completely, and enters as like. ト. Uninhabited Kotake who 粉碎 the ロボッ 卜 with one moth. Kotake who tears core ロボッ 卜 and understands Kazuki on his body is substance on which Himiko is pushed down on by overwhelming power and みっき rides. It is begun to scoop out a pit. Himiko to whom MitsukiGP stops having been and self-defense was that priority is given It escapes of itself and goes.

    Helped MitsukiGP begins to work in defense forces’ dining-room. It is neat, he is gentle and, moreover, みっき good at cooking melts into defense forces instantly. ” — that fellow — デレデレ(ing) like that — ” Mitsuki which memorizes jealousy to -Kazuki about which it speaks on good terms, and みっき drives her out of defense forces. ベ く行動 is started. however, below in Sanada, men sympathize with her circumstances — carrying out — Do what the good student who can do it was able to carry out as for ? scent of opinion watch in a training-for-married-life classroom by ぉ or げ with which it is pleased, which is carried out and for which, as for below an inspector general’s madder and women, みっき is protecting Reika. Glad in withering having been lost.

    Mr. “Yayoi — the person even whose best person was an enemy — 基地く — a breach of the rules — it is …. it is useless — stiffness and” Although it was the moon on which it was finally going to consult with Yayoi, while eating the ramen noodles of a dining-room Just as it sees Yayoi moved to tears, only 言ぅ realizes that it is useless. “– it is [ why ] so much angry — ?” — it addresses from D uniquely. ” in …., Mr. Mitsuki says [ ] that he likes Kazuki Mr. び and he is jealous of Mr. みっき — they are things — ” the talk of Mitsuki — 聞ぃて right [ that ] conclusion attachment るD — she had also become ? tongue fairly. it is not [!! ] in” “そっそん — 与月 which becomes crimson and it refutes. “– Is it different? — people’s mind — 難しぃ — わ ” — growing up the heart gradually in this way — *くD.

    The cause which did not make licensing of technology of military relationship almost also has Sanada, and the country of 半数近” く in the world will connect an alliance for the ruins technology of 持っ of Rara to a guide. Therefore, Rara It treats as a traitor, comes in hot レ kept as it is くな, and is a private sector institution except 戦ぃ with defense forces. Representation of the countries which had unexpectedly much voice of the support for Rara which did not perform 攻 ? and in which it remained One decision is made. The act of Sanada which does not carry out intentional [ of the supply of ruins technology ] is as it is a serious treason act. The defense forces led by Sanada have branded as a traitor in one night. [ “…– or / that there will also be such a thing /” ] Defense forces’ underground base flew up to the universe as an overly large-sized move fort.

    the organization of wrong [ we / from “today ] — saying — it is け — ” — 隊員遠 which looks at Sanada which laughs wildly happily by an amazed look, however all the 隊員逮 It came about Sanada. Sanada where は良ぃ which has escaped missed the purpose is the self-sufficiency or ち in the universe for the time being. It began. Because of a forcing gravitational field escape, the town which was demolished is arranged, * is made and they are crops. It plants. Tatsu Sanada who extracts mineral resources and water to the moon. United Nations which 羅 ? commands when you have forgotten 身だぅ事 from which it runs after itself completely An army attacks. “Although it is also * ability to escape to the end of the universe as it is — as for こここ, even does not return the earth” of one and ニ っ — Sanada proposed so.

    In this way, they are that the full destructive plan of the remains civilization of ? is held as scheduled, and なっ. a time — the law of causality of Sora from — if it calculates — a destructive * target — the large-sized battleship of the remains of ?, and the computer of オリナル — uni— When destroying ット, and a small warship and Kotake, it turned out that the stability of the earth excels. however — D which cannot accept the act which destroys its civilization refuses a battle. In order to protect space Koro Knee from war fire, a 戦関 staff and the minimum crew are picked up, and it is large. Sanada which comes down to the earth in a type move fort. support of person 逮 which resists Rara — 受けっつ — each — if it moves while shaking off the pursuer of a country — an overwhelming mosquito — the remains computer core of ? Kotake who destroys the robot which incorporated and goes. (after Vヽ た had the robot destroyed [ those / who were present in the defense-forces base by training ] in of the pilot of destroyed ロボッ 卜 — Kazuki — is joined)

    “– disagreeable – – ァ, and こりゃ ハマ っちゃい — that is right. the feeling of the バ power of Rara is known” — joyful Sanada. Mitsuki(s) are 愛真鮎子 and 出会ぅ in one day and the resort which continue a destructive travel. “Mother! ! ” “ぇつ? ? — You …. *?” ” also improved father and me in 捨家出 etc.! Although [ ] I am suffering troubles, play in such a place!! ” Mitsuki which flies to 鮎子 suddenly and it thrashes in credit. “– just for a moment — you — somehow … help! ! although” escort’s subordinates were also watching the result aghast, it returns to self by ? child’s scream — suppress Mitsuki. A subordinate is ordered to take Mitsuki to a base.

    “– obtaining — – Mr. む — already — it is MitsukiGP in the world of 1 っ — ” “– your existence — with — getting to know from * — い ..– ” in which character is different from inner みっき fairly — Mitsuki at which it has glared with the uncanny look was dreadful, and the last direction was low voice, as she did not hear. “It is just like 鮎子.” This is た dazzling in the heart. It is 在せて escape 出す Rara to 黏子 quickly. “– child [ ] of me and Mr. Sanada — the strange feeling ” a thought special to an enemy ace pilot’s – tree while 鮎子 is talking with Mitsuki — 持っ ている — he notices things.

    “– Him — you are Mr. Kazuki — ? — taking to the side here. ねえ, you, and Mr. Kazuki are not the human beings in this world from the first. this one of the science power of ruins is a top — it is — if — ゎ” which can even perform returning us and you to the original world Mitsuki which I and Mr. Kazuki are put on 鮎子 “which should be so returned [ …. ] to the original world”, and is considered so. “If his robot can be beaten, even Mr. Sanada will surrender. ょ with him bad, of course It does not carry out for obtaining. that a part is [ that ] a friend now at friend and foe also in れていて” — well, it inclines and makes the jealousy heart of Mitsuki into Himiko’s pilot

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