OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 7 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 7 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_07copy_zps8d237e2a.jpg" />

    Notes –

    Only one error on this page, so this one turned out really well. All other text is complete and accurate.

    JP Text –

    「そうだ!その軍団の首領の名は羅螺、私の友人だった男だ……やつの性格か ら、乗り逃げした遺跡戦艦を使って何をするかは考えるまでもなかった」

    真田博士は悪の軍団の出現を予測し、船のコンピューターからこっそりコピ —していた科学データと残されたロボッ卜を元に、螺螺のロボット軍団に対抗 すべく防衛組織を作り上げていた。

    しかし今の科学力の粋を集めても羅螺博士に乗り逃げされた工作プラントに 匹敵する物が作れず、コンピュータ一ユニッ卜の小型化がどうしても出来なか った。その為コアロボットと戦闘機に関してのみ、小型艦に収納されていた数 十個の予備のコンピューターユニットを使わざるを得ない真田側のパイロッ卜 は全て女性でなければならなかったのだ。

    「•••で、君が操縦できる理由だが…j 「俺を向こうの世界に戻してくれませんか?」 「.…..それは無理だな」 「なぜです! ? 」


    な丨にがしかの力に遮られてね まあ、しばらくはここにいるしかないな」



    「不明って? ! 」

    「向こうの私はある程度知っていたと思うのだが…何せ三月君も詳しくは聞い ていなくてね。それはこれからの調査待ちだ……あっ、そうそう、一つだけは っきりしたことがある」I 「なんですか? 」

    「君がまぎれもない男だって事だ」 「…………… 」


    「僕も..….パイロットに…なるんですか? 」

    「パイロットになれる才能を持つ人間はごくまれだ。個人的にも君の戦闘デ一 タは興味あるものだしね」

    「真田長官! 」


    パイロットになるには本人の意思と国連の了承が必要なのですよ!」 「確かパイロッ卜の選定については、私に決定権はない…だが状況判断から すれば、一樹君がパイロッ卜になるのにはなんら障害はない」 れが一樹君の意思なら……です」

    一樹に戦いは向かないと考えているのか、どこかパイロッ卜丨こしたく無さ そうな茜。しかし本音は国連のコントロール下に無いパイロットを増やした くなかったのだ。

    「君が戦うことでなぜ君がここへ送られたか分かるのではないか?私はそう思 っているのだ。それに元の世界に帰るには私の協力が必要だ」

    「長官!だからといって彼が戦わなければならない理由にはないません」 「遅かれ早かれ、彼の力が必要になる。そう!一樹君。我々は君の力が必要な のだ!世界の平和のため!! 」







    「その通りよ…でも彼は納得ずるかしら? 」 「.…….…一樹君もそう思ってるのか? 」 真田の問いにためらいながらも頷く一樹。

    「ここがやられたら君は元の世界に戻れない、っていう理由なら納得できるだ ろう?」


    「自分の進む道は自分で勝ち取らな:ければならない。無償で何かしてくれる他 人はいないんだ……まあ、そこで怖い顔で睨んでいる監察官殿の手前、無理 強いは出来なI’ゝが……ものは考えようだ」


    「コアパイロッ卜はもてるぞ!なにせ地球を守る七一ローだからな」 「一樹君の事はトップシークレッ卜です! 茜に聞こえないよう小声でしやべっているものの、茜にはどういう内容だか 予想がついていた。

    「ハッハッハ1羅螺のパ#をやっつけy哈、秘密もへったくれもない!一躍ス ターだ!それにパイロットはみんな女性!良い職場だろ?」


    「 あとは君の意思次第だ。さあ、ー樹君も色々あって疲れただろう?今



    「そうだ!ちようど定時訓練から戻って勢る頃だな。来たまえJ 真田に連れられドッグに向かう一樹。




    「なんだ一樹君、もう出所?……クスッ冗談よ」 むぐれる一樹を見て笑う三月。

    「……. ! ? 」

    顔を背けた視線の先にもう一体のロボッ卜から降りてくる少女がいた。 「彼女は?」

    「彼女は三月と同じコアパイロ丨ッ卜だ……あとで詳しく教えてあげるよj 「?……挨拶くらいはした方が……」 何か歯切れの悪い真田の言葉を聞きながら、少女から目を離せない一樹。

    「気にする必要はないわ。彼*もそんなこと気にしない………! ?」

    歩いていた少女『D』が突然立ち止まり、うつむいていた顔を上げ、真っ 直ぐに一樹の方を見たのだ。そしてゆっくいと一樹に近付いてくる。 「なんだ?」


    「あの…僕、四加一樹です。よろしく……!? ? 」



    『人間じゃない! ?』 『………よろしく』

    しばらく一樹の顔を見ていたDはポツリとそう言うと/そのまま今来た方へ と戻って行く。



    一樹の問いに、彼女が遺跡の中で眠っていた地球外生命体女性であること、 長い年月が彼女の肉体と頭脳に多大な損傷を与えていたため。肉体のクローニ ングと共に人としての概念や記憶の欠落部分を補うために作られた人型バイオ ロイドであることを告げる。

    「あの外部端末体を通して通常の生活を経験させ.ているんだ。あの目のように 見えるものはアス卜ラル体。まあ魂だな」

    「魂って…見えるんですか? ?」 「どういう原理かは分かってないがね」

    「お父さん!何で一樹君が家にいるのよ!!」 真田にかみつく三月。こちらの世界の真田は独身であった。当然子供どころ か妻もいない。そこへいきなり高校生の、 ロうるさい娘が出来てはたまったも のではない。一樹を住まわすことで持て余し気味の三月の攻勢から少しでも逃 れようというのである。

    「三月君にはもう一人の君である、あの女幹部の存在が確認されている。しかし この世界には一樹君の対となる人物は存在しない。彼の両親は存在ずるのだが …まさか彼があなた方のもうーっの世界のお子さんですって言うわけ丨こもいか んだろ。まあここなら学校にも近いし……』

    「基地の寮に住んでもらえばいいじゃない !あそこだって学校からはそぅ遠く ないわ」

    必死で父を説得しようとする三月。 「……三月…向こうの世界では確かに私は君の父親だムしかしここでは違うJ ため息をつきながら最後の切り札をだす真田。

    「 だって 」


    「最初、君に『お父さん』と言われて驚いたよ。向こうの世界はいざ知らず、 この世界では私には娘はいないんだからね。でもこの世界で君が頼れるのは 私だけだと思うとそれを言うのは躊躇われたし、今でば結構この生活も悪く はないと思うようになってきたのも事実だ」 「お父さん……」


    「一樹君だってそうじゃないか?私のせいで…あくまで向こうの私だが……… こちらの世界に飛ばされ、あまつさえ身寄りもなくなつてしまって、頼れる者

    が誰もいない状況なんだよ 」

    「……… そ、そうね…ごめんなさい……」

    さすがに一樹がここに飛ばされた原因については負い目があるために、真田 の言うことに反論できなくなってしまう。もともと一樹がこの家に住むのを反 対したのは、意地悪からではなく、他の男性と住むのが恥ずかしかった#らだ。 「一応、一樹君は三月の弟ということになっているから…姉弟仲良くなK こうして一樹は三月の弟ということにして学校に通うこととなる。

    一樹は真田の配慮で以前の世界と同じクラスへ編入となった。長いっき合い の級友達と初対面のふりをするのは、妙な気分だった。 「


    あくびをかみ殺しながら、級友達からの質問攻勢に一っ一っ答えて行く一樹 。三月の作った、転校前の生活にっいての口裏合わせの暗記をほとんど徹夜で やらされたのだ。

    質問といっても、そのほとんどは三月に関するものばかりだった。こちらの 世界でも三月は学校のアイドルであった。しかも防衛軍のコアロボッ卜のパイ ロットとなれば、周りの男達の崇拝ぶりは尋常ではなかった。彼女の弟という ことになっている一樹に、ぼかのクラスからも思惑と下心満載の男達が殺到す るのだった。以前のように嫉妬の目で見られることこそなかったが、三月と防 衛軍、そして学校の男達から訳の分からない苦労を背負い込む。

    「貴方にしてはずいぶん消極的ね。なぜ彼をパイロッ卜にしないの?』 ある日偶然、真田と茜の会話を聞いてしまう一樹。 「パイロット選定の権限は私にはない…からさ』

    そうさせることも出来るはず……そうでしよう?彼は元の世界に戻いたがっ てるのだから」



    「それに…君の所から来ているコアパイロット候補も数人いる。それで間に合 うさ」

    「当面はそうでしょうけどね。でも彼女達は研修期間が過ぎればそれぞれの故 国へ帰ってしまうのよ」

    遺跡から発掘されたコンピュータュニッ卜のオリジナルを真田はどこにも供 与してはいない。防衛軍以外には全て複製したものだけを供与しているのだ。 しかし超高精度の遺跡コンピュータユニッ卜は現在の工作機械の精度ではかな り巨大なものとなる。もし男性でも使えるように設計するとそれは更に大きく なってしまい、ロボットや戦闘機といった形式で使うにはあまいにも巨大なも のとなってしまう。現に羅螺側でも男性パイロッ卜の乗るロボットは大型のも のが多い(最低限の装甲と武装でスピード重視の小型機も存在はする)結果、 主力のコアロボッ卜に関していえば各国も女性パイロッ卜にならざるをえない のだった。


    ATLAS Translation –

    “It is so. The name of the chief of the Army is Rara, It is a man who was my friend…… From guy’s character, It was not necessary to think what you did by using the ruins battleship with which it rid away. “

    Dr. Sanada forecasts the appearance of Army of evil, Based on the science data to do [kopi] from the computer of the ship quietly and the left [robo] fortune-telling, To oppose robot Army of [nishinishi], the defense organization was made up.

    However, the thing that equals construction [pu] Lan [to] rid away with by the Dr. Rara even if the chic of the current scientific capability is collected cannot be made, One computer [yuni] fortune-telling was not able to be miniaturized. Therefore, only for the core robot and the fighter, [Pairo] fortune-tellings on the Sanada side where it could not help using the computer unit tens of preliminary having been being stored by a small warship had to be all women.

    “[De], Though the reason that you can control… j “Could you return me to the world in the other side?” “…… It is impossible. ” “Why. ? “

    “Mitsuki you are coming to [ke] the moon. This month, Though it tried variously…

    Well ..sleep… be interrupted ..becoming it.. power of letting 丨 go, Can do nothing but not for a while here. “

    Sanada who has hand to Kazuki as comforted.

    “… [De], Though the reason that you can control…… At present, it is uncertain. “

    “The uncertainty? ! “

    “Though I in the other side think that I knew to some degree… It doesn’t hear it after all as Mitsuki you are also well informed. It is waiting for the investigation hereafter…… [A], So often, Only one clearly. “I “What is? “

    “Even a man that you are unmistakable is a thing. ” “…………… “

    “After that,… The one’s future of your body in the future though what……”

    “I also…… To the pilot… Do it become it? “

    “Man who has the talent that can become a pilot is very rare. As for your one combat [de] [ta], it is personally interesting. “

    “Secretary Sanada. ”

    The madder of Inspection Officers of the United Nations divides into the conversation and it enters.

    Person in question’s intention and the acknowledgment of the United Nations are necessary for becoming the pilot. ” “About the selection of a certain [pairo] fortune-telling, I do not have the power to make decisions… However, from the situation assessment, There is no trouble for Kazuki you to become [pairo] fortune-telling. ” In case of the intention of [rega] Kazuki…… [Desu]”

    Do you think that there is no fight in Kazuki for?, Madder without wanting [pairo] fortune-telling 丨 excess somewhere seem. However, the real intention did not want to increase the number of no pilots under the control of the United Nations.

    “Whether you fight and why you were sent here might be understood. I think so. My cooperation is necessary for it to return to former world. “

    “Secretary. However, [hanaimasen] in the reason why he should fight. ” “Sooner or later, His power is needed. So. Kazuki you. Your power is necessary for us. For the world peace.! “

    ..[oba-].. action and it is Sanada who stresses.

    『It is [yabbori] same person. 』

    Kazuki that recalls 寘 rice field in the world in the other side.

    “Such a palpable just cause is : well………”

    Madder of amazed face.

    “What is said… Patent [daro] of [n] place of you? The just cause of the global peace”

    “The street… Does he consent however or ” “……….. Do Kazuki you also think so? ” Kazuki to nod though it hesitates in Sanada’s question.

    “You cannot return to former world if here is done, It is likely to be able to consent in case of the [tteiu] reason.?”

    “It strikes it… It……..”

    “I do not win a road advanced of me: It doesn’t become it if it kicks. There are no others who do something free of charge…… Oh dear, This side of Inspector General that stares by severe look there, ‘of ..being possible to do.. I ‘: forcing…… The one is an idea way. “

    The hand is moved to the shoulder of Kazuki and it speaks in the voice in whispers.

    “The [koapairo] fortune-telling will be popular. [Na] because 71 that defends the [nanise] earth. ” “Kazuki your thing is [toppushi-kure] fortune-telling.! To madder though [shiyabetteiru] in the whisper ..not hearing., The expectation was attached to madder. what content

    “Applying y [**] [pa] # of [hahhahha] 1Rara, There is giving to which the secret decreased, too either. It is suddenly a star.! All pilots are women in it.! Good office [daro]?”

    “The life is ..jeopardizing.. [sutteiu] [omake]. “

    ” Your intention situation. Now, [Kikun] was variously and will have been also tired? Rest [tamae] already today. “

    It is Sanada in ..madder.. ..pull.. [ttakuruyou] who takes out Kazuki.

    “It is so. About do not return from the Chiyo udo regular time training and no power [ru]. Kazuki to be taken by J Sanada before it came and to face dog.

    The robot of the [ni] machine exactly did [hakae] in the dog now.

    “Father? [N]”

    It runs up from the [kokupi] fortune-telling of the robot that returned and [guru] Mitsuki.

    “Kazuki you, Origin already……? [Kusu] joke” Mitsuki that laughs at [mugureru] Kazuki because it sees.

    “……. ! ? “

    There was a girl to whom the glance that turned one’s face away previously got off the [robo] another fortune-telling. “She?”

    “She is the same [koapairo] 丨 [] fortune-telling as Mitsuki…… ..teaching.. j. detailed later”?…… Doing : the greeting……” While hearing the word of Sanada with bad some natures, Kazuki that cannot take one’s eyes off girl.

    “It is not necessary to worry. He * doesn’t make it to the such a thing nature either………! ?”

    Having been walking girl『D』However, it halts [totsuzen], The face to have looked down is raised, Kazuki was seen straight. And, it approaches [yukkui] and Kazuki. “What?”

    Sanada who watches D that approaches blank surprise and Kazuki and Mitsuki.

    “[Ano]… I, YotsugaKazuki. My best regards……!? ? “

    Quietly..eye..watch..one of..eye..part..cave..become.

    It is. And, the globe that lightly shone there was floating.

    『It is not man. ?』 『……… My best regards. 』

    D to see the face of Kazuki returns for a while when calling [potsuri] so to coming/now straight.

    『……… This fellow… Be not interesting. “


    To the question of Kazuki, It must be an extraterrestrial life woman that she was sleeping in ruins, Because the long tract of years gave large damage to her body and brain. Person type [baioroido] made to supplement the lack part of the concept and the memory as the person with the cloning of the body is reported.

    “Usual life is experienced through that external terminal body. [Teirunda]. The one that looks like those eyes is [asu] fortune-telling [raru] body. No soul probably. “

    “The soul… Do you see it? ?” “What principle is not understood. “

    “Father! It is in the house what Kazuki you.!” Mitsuki bitten to Sanada. Sanada in the world here was single. Naturally, there is not a wife to say nothing of the child either. The high school student there suddenly, No whats collected when an annoying [ro] daughter can do. It is because of escaping from the offensive of Mitsuki of not being possible a little to manage it by making Kazuki live even a little.

    “Another you in Mitsuki you, That woman executive’s existence is confirmed. However, the person who becomes Kazuki your pair doesn’t exist in this world. Though his parents exist… ..saying.. [uwake] 丨 [komoikandaro]. print by the child in your [nno] worlds already by him surelyIt is near also the school in case of here probably……』

    “It is not only having to live in the dormitory in the base.! No [sou;] distance from the school there either. “

    Mitsuki that tries to persuade father desperately. “…… Mitsuki… I certainly in the world in the other side am Sanada who puts out the last remaining card. ..J.. sigh [mu] and here ..your father it.. as differing

    ” Because”

    A little sad Mitsuki.

    “The beginning, To you『Father』I was surprised to be said solving. It doesn’t know the world tile sitting in the other side, Because I do not have daughter in this worldHowever, it hesitated to say it when thinking you were able to rely on in this world only I, Having come not to think that this life is considerably bad either of [deba] now either is true. ” “Father……”

    The expression of Mitsuki softens Sanada’s word.

    “Aren’t even Kazuki you so? Because of me… To the end though I in the other side……… It flies to the world here, Relative [monakunatsuteshimatte] besides, Person who can rely on

    However, the situation where [dare] doesn’t exist either………”

    “……… [So], It sleeps so… I’m sorry……”

    The cause from which it flies here Kazuki indeed so that there is indebtedness, It becomes impossible to object what Sanada says. Having originally opposed the living of Kazuki in this house, No from obstinacy badness, Living with other men is shameful #. “Tentatively, Because Kazuki you are younger brother of Mitsuki… Thus, Kazuki comes to make to the younger brother of Mitsuki and to go to the school as for brother and sister [nakayo] [kuna] K.

    Kazuki became the same class as the world of former with incorporation because of Sanada’s consideration. Pretending the first meeting with classmates it is the length riot combination, Strange feelings. “

    …… It is sleepy. “

    While biting the yawn to death, Kazuki in the question offensive from classmates answered one [] one []. Mitsuki was made, It was made the memory of the mouth back match of [?tte] to the life before it changed one’s school by most staying up all night.

    Even if you say the question, The most was only the one that concerned Mitsuki. Mitsuki was an idol at the school also in the world here. Moreover, if it becomes the pilot of the [koarobo] fortune-telling of defense forces, It was not normal at the worship of surrounding men. To Kazuki who is her younger brother, Men of the speculation and full loading of the secret desire poured in from the [bokano] class. Though there was no what alone is seen by the green eye as before, Mitsuki and defense forces, And, an incomprehensible hardship is burdened from men at the school.

    “It is fairly passive for you. Why is not he made [pairo] fortune-telling?』 ..a certain day.. coincidence, Kazuki that hears Sanada conversation of madder. “I do not have the authority of the pilot selection… Painful』

    It would be better to be able to do so…… Let’s make it so. He is [dakara] of ..return.. [itagatteru] in former world. “

    “It is place direction [nayari] of you this. “

    Madder that stares at Sanada who says for a moment nastily.

    “To it… There are several core pilot candidates who have come from your place, too. And, it is in time. “

    “Now, it might be so. However, they return to each homeland if they pass the training period. “

    Sanada is not granting the original of the [konpyu-tayu;ni] fortune-telling excavated from ruins anywhere. Only all things reproduced besides defense forces are granted. However, the ruins [konpyu-tayuni] fortune-telling of super-high accuracy becomes considerably huge in the accuracy of a present machine tool. It grows further if it designs so that even the man may use it, It becomes huge to be sweet to use it by the form such as robots and fighters. There are actually a lot of large-scale one of the robot that the man [pairo] fortune-telling takes also on the Rara side. (The small size machine of the speed valuing also exists by a minimum armor and arms. )Result, If the main force was said the [koarobo] fortune-telling, each country cannot help had become a female [pairo] fortune-telling, too.

    It continues to the two.

    Google Translation –

    The “Yes! was not even thinking from the nature of the …… guy man Rara, was my friend, what do you with the ruins battleship was stealing a ride is the name of chief of the Army”

    To predict the emergence of Army of evil, copy stealthily from the computer of the ship Sanada Dr. – on the basis of the robot Bok and remaining science data as it had created a defense organization to counter the robot Army of the worm screw.

    But he Tsu cry not make things that are comparable to work-flops Lan port that is stealing a ride to Rara Dr. and gather the best of science and the power of now, the miniaturization of computer one units me to be absolutely. Only for the fighter with the core robot, pilot Bok Sanada side not forced to use the computer unit of reserve of dozens that were housed in a small ship I had to all women for that reason.

    In the “• • •, and that’s why you can maneuver you, and you do not you back to the world beyond the” I … j? “” …… It Na impossible “is” Why? “

    “Mitsuki you I’m coming months to obtain. The past month, it has been tried in various ways …

    And oh it is blocked by the power of any relief 丨 such, do not do nothing but to be here for a while “

    Sanada to do a hand towards Kazuki to comfort.

    “… A, it’s why you can maneuver, but it’s unclear at the moment ……”

    “What is unknown?!”

    “I think I over there knew some extent Mitsuki you too not have to hear in detail anyway …. It was ……’s study to wait for now, oh yeah, there is that only one was crisp,” I can ” What is? “

    “You’ve even man that unmistakable”, “……………”

    “I do that for how to swing only you in the future … from it, but ……”

    “The pilot …… I also do you do become …?”

    “Man with the talent to become a pilot is rare. One data de combat of you and then I thing of interest also personally”

    “Sanada Secretary!”

    The incoming madder of inspectors of the United Nations is divided into conversation.

    It is the need to understand the situation of the United Nations and the intention of the person to become a pilot! It is …… if intention of Kazuki you for the selection of “certain pilot me, if from the assessment of the situation … but failure is Re” not any Kazuki you is to become a pilot Bok no decision to me. “”

    Whether they thought the fight and not suitable for Kazuki, Akane seems to be no want to strain pilot Bok 丨 somewhere. But truth is he was not clause to increase the pilot is not under the control of the United Nations.

    “Do not know of why you were sent here by you to fight? I’re Tsu think so. Cooperation I am needing it to go back to the original world”

    “It is not not a reason he does not have to fight just because Secretary!” Sooner or later “, his power is required.. We you! Kazuki so he needed the power of you! Because of the peace of the world ! “

    Sanada to be emphasized in the action Ober.

    The “It’s the same person doing that Ri pot”

    Kazuki to remember the 寘田 in the world beyond.

    “The white ……… such a youthful dare just cause”

    Akane amazed face.

    “Just cause of world peace?’ll Monopoly of emission sites … you have to say anything”

    Kazuki to nod while hesitant to question “I wonder if he convinced cheat … but I Exactly?” Sanada “sure everyone thought so too ……….. Kazuki you”.

    “Wax that I can understand why if you willl not return to the original world here When done?”

    “Depression … it ……..”

    ., Such won on their own way forward of “own it: shall …… Well I have not, before the inspector general builders you are staring in the face So afraid other people who will do something for free, strong impossible ゝ I ‘that can …… stuff I consider “

    I speak in whispers turn the hand on the shoulder of Kazuki.

    “Koapairo~tsu I s too seventy-one low to protect the Earth anyway!’ll Moteru” things “Kazuki you are cheesy Ya was a low voice so as not to hear the madder! Is the top Secrets Bok, but whether it is what kind of content to Akane expected was on.

    “Y 哈, secrets Hettakure also not beat the performance of # ha ha ha 1Rara! Pilot on it!’s Star wonder woman workplace! Good guys suddenly?”

    “I willl bonus endangering the lives”

    “After intention is depends on you. Come on, now? Would have tired They had various trees over you

    The Pearl River off the other day “

    Sanada to take out Kazuki to whip from madder.

    It looks about the Ru bias. Kazuki toward the dog was taken to the Sanada J Introduction I came back from the training scheduled Udo Chiyo! “Yes.

    It was the place where the two robot machine is 掃還 right now in the dog.

    “Your father is N …”

    Gourmet Mitsuki ran up from Kokupi~tsu Boku robot who returned.

    Mitsuki the “Kazuki you, I Source? …… Kusu~tsu joke anymore What” laugh at the non-Grell Kazuki.


    There was a girl coming down from the robot Bok integral another ahead of gaze turned away. “Who is she?”

    “She more j’ll teach later ……’s Koapairo 丨 Tsu Bok same Mitsuki better to have …… enough”? … Greeting “while listening to the words of Sanada bad articulate something, your eyes from girl Kazuki not tied up.

    “I do not need to worry about. ……… You do not care about such a thing and he *?”

    Girl who was walking on “D” pausing suddenly, to increase the face was downcast, I saw a person of Kazuki to right in immediately. And I come close to Kazuki Ito Huc. “What?”

    Mitsuki Sanada and stare D approaching to Kazuki stunned.

    “I … that is YotsugaKazuki. …… You!?”

    Become a cavity y and part of one eye of D staring eyes staring Kazuki or offs

    Are. And sphere shining faintly there was floating.

    Not a “human! ? Best regards “………” “

    Go back D was watching the face of Kazuki for a while and to those who came today as it is / to say so and Potsuri.

    “This guy ……… Interesting …”

    “Who is she?”

    That it is extraterrestrial life women the question of Kazuki, she was sleeping in the ruins, for many years had given a great deal of damage to the brain and body of her. To tell that it is a human Bio-Lloyd made to compensate for the missing part of the storage concepts and as a person along with the cloning of the body.

    “We’re. Allowed to experience a normal life through that external terminal body. What looks like the eyes that is Na soul Well Us Bok Lal body.”

    “What soul … do you do look like??” “It is not known what kind of principle”

    Mitsuki to bite Sanada “! ‘S are at home Kazuki you Dad! None”. Sanada of the world of this place was single. Not even his wife or children far from course. It is not be construed as accumulated a high school student, daughter noisy and Russia, I can suddenly there. It is of that going to be even a little escape from the offensive of Mitsuki of a little bored by the Sumawasu Kazuki.

    Are you another, the presence of that woman executive has been confirmed that the “Mitsuki you. However person a pair of Kazuki you do not exist. Parents he is cunning exist in this world, but he could not be … But this is not 丨 She said she is in the world of child Yaa more of you also will not go. close to the school and then …… well here, “

    “I should not a me live in the dormitory of the base! There even I not far from its ~U school”

    Mitsuki to try to persuade the father desperately. I Sanada to issue a final trump card while with the J sigh not want that here but system is your father certainly in the world “…… Mitsuki … over there.


    Mitsuki sad little.

    “At first, I was surprised to be called” father “to you. If you think knowing emergency the world beyond, can rely are you in this world is just me but. It because I do not have any daughter to me in this world It was beginning to think to say it was Chuchowa, and this life and that we may be able to quite bad if the now is also a fact, “” father …… “

    Expression of Mitsuki abate the words of Sanada.

    It is beyond me … only my fault? Or not it even “Kazuki you but skipped the world of ……… this place, if I there is no longer even Amatsusae relatives, and those who rely

    But ……… I’m a situation no one “

    “……… Its, … I’m sorry … Well”

    Because of the debts, making it impossible to refute what you say Sanada for the cause that Kazuki was skipped here indeed. It was opposed by Kazuki is to live in this house originally, it’s from # was ashamed and not from mean, and to live with other men. Kazuki K and thus get along … The siblings will be attending school with the brother of that Mitsuki once “, from being supposed to be Kazuki you that brother of Mitsuki.

    Kazuki became incorporated into the same class as the world of the previous consideration of Sanada. To pretend the first meeting and classmates of each other maybe even longer, was a strange feeling. “

    The sleepy …… “

    Kazuki that while Kamikoroshi a yawn, go with one answer Tsu Tsu one offensive questions from classmates. I was Yarasa through the night most of the memorization Kuchiura alignment of the Tsu are made of Mitsuki, to life changing schools before.

    To say the question, most had just relate to Mitsuki. Mitsuki was the idol of the school in the world here. Besides, it comes with the pilot of Koarobo~tsu Boku defense forces, the first time in worship of men around was not extraordinary. To Kazuki that supposed to be her brother, men of ulterior motives packed and speculation seemed to the rush from class or pot. What was not to be seen with envious eyes as before, but burdened the struggle that gibberish from men of the school and defense forces, and Mitsuki.

    “It reluctant much have you. Do not you to pilot Bok him why?” Accident One day, Kazuki. That would listen to the conversation of Akane and Sanada “I do not have authority of the pilot appointed by the shell …”

    Let it be so …… should be able to also be so? Because he wants to have returned to the world of his original “

    “The kind of fashion to the way a place orientation of you”

    Akane glares at the Sanada say nasty little.

    “Are the number of people and core pilot candidates are coming from the place of you … it. So if Usa between”

    “These girls’m gonna back to the late country of each training period After a while demonstration. Though would be the case for the time being”

    Sanada does not have granted provided anywhere the original computer ~Yu nickel me who was unearthed from the ruins. And he has been granted only what you duplicate all the defense forces other than. But ruins computer units Boku ultra-high precision becomes fairly huge in the accuracy of machine tools currently. It becomes it becomes even greater when you design so that it can be used if even a man, and also the huge too sweet to use in the form such as fighter and robot. (Small aircraft of emphasis on speed also is present in armor and armed minimum) many robot riding men I pilot’s Another large in Rara side actually result, countries a woman pilot Bok terms Koarobo~tsu Boku main was not forced to be.

    I continue to Part 2.

    Free Translation –

    《主語なし》”It is so! The Army of leader of name wa Rara, my friend was man is….and つ of character from, ride escape did ruin battleship by using does whether wa thinks until whatever nonexistent” Dr. Sanada wa evil of Army of appearance obj predicts, ship of computer from stealthily copies? the the the the a/the the the the a/the who it that s/he it it s/he it and 《主語なし》I was making up a/the defense organization to compete ロボッ 卜 that was left with the science data that was doing it with robot Army of a/the grain grain with, a/the source.

    《主語なし》However, the thing that equals engineering プ Lan ト that gets on a/the Rara doctor and was done an/the escape is not able to make even if I collect the essence of the family scholastic ability of now and the miniaturization of computer 1 ユニッ 卜 was not possible inevitably. Therefore パイロッ 卜 on the side of Sanada that has to use the computer unit of the spare of the dozens piece that was stored to a/the small size ship only, regarding a/the core robot and fighter shall be all the women.

    “? ? ? 《主語なし》With, although it is the reason that you can operate..j does not it takes the trouble to return “me in the yonder world? 《主語なし》” “….. It is “why it is な” that be unreasonable! ? ” “Mr. Mitsuki is coming in a/the ーヶ month. 《主語なし》This although tried a/the variety for one month,..it is Sanada who does the hand to Kazuki as it comforts な” that is interrupted of only to な丨 to power and have no way but to be here for a while well, ね.

    《主語なし》”..With, you sbj operate can reason is although….now indistinct is” “indistinct って? the is that it it it ! 《主語なし》” “Although yonder I think that knew to some degree..be not hearing even Mr. Mitsuki who it does what for details. 《主語なし》It is….I that has become clear” only one immediately, あっ, the survey waiting from this is “it? 《主語なし》” “Even if you are lost I am a nonexistent man it is to” “……………” it is “then.. 《主語なし》Although it is what about the how to swing of your body from this……” “I even. 《主語なし》… To a/the pilot..does it become? ” “The human being who has the talent that is able to become a pilot is very and be. To personal your battle デ 1 タ is an interest and “Director Sanada ね”! ” The madder of the inspection government agency of the United Nations divides to a/the conversation and will enter.

    The acknowledgment of the intention and the United Nations of the said person are necessary to become a pilot! 《主語なし》” “If れ that there is not” an obstacle at all in order that Mr. Kazuki becomes パイロッ 卜, if it does it from situation judgment although it is..there is not a decisive power in me about the selection of certain パイロッ 卜, is the intention of Mr. Kazuki….it is the madder that seems do not want to filter somewhere パイロッ 卜丨 to Kazuki that” is, whether I am thinking that the fight does not face. However, a/the real intention did not want to increase a nonexistent pilot under the control of the United Nations.

    《主語なし》”Would I understand why you were sent here with that you fight? I think so. My cooperation is necessary to return in the original world to it” “a/the director! 《主語なし》Just because it is it is not to the reason that he must fight his power becomes necessary” “sooner or later. It is so! Mr. Kazuki. As for we your power is necessary! It is due to the peace of the world! ! ” Sanada who emphasizes with a/the オバー action.

    ‘And it is Kazuki that recalls the 寘 rice paddy in the yonder world where’ is the っぼり same person.

    《主語なし》”Even if it is good a loss transparent basis………” being amazed it is the madder of a/the face.

    《主語なし》”What saying am..you ン place of patent be ろ? the an is that it I 《主語なし》”The basis of the world peace passes..even with it does whether or not he does not obtain it 納 and ら? ” “……..Is even Mr. Kazuki thinking so? 《主語なし》” It is Kazuki that nods even though I hesitate at the question of Sanada.

    “If here is defeated as for you are you able to understand if you are the reason that is not able to return in the original world and say って? ” “うつ.. It. …..” The way where “a/the self goes ahead does not become victory 取らな: ければ with a/the self. There are not the others who take the trouble to do something gratuitously….. 《主語なし》It is possible the front, unreasonable strong of the inspector that I am glaring with a there terrible face well, and a/the thing turns speak the hand to the shoulder of Kazuki that is will think” and with the voice in whispers なI’ ゝ….

    《主語なし》”コアパイロッ 卜 be ぞ that I have! Because you are 71 low that defend the な fake earth “Kazuki you are トップシークレッ 卜 な”! 《主語なし》Doing with a/the murmur so as not to be heard to madder expectation attached how it is the contents that say to madder, although it is べって.

    《主語なし》”And is attached パ # of ハッハッハ 1Rara っ and be nonexistent even if it gets dark った even to y 哈, secret! 《主語なし》It is a star at a bound! A/the pilot be an/the everybody woman to it! 《主語なし》Is it ろ that is a good workplace? 《主語なし》” “It is attached オマケ that says って that exposes life to danger”

    《主語なし》”It depends on your intention after. Tired of being even さあ, Mr. 樹 ー various? 《主語なし》I able to give and able to take a rest” it is Sanada who takes Kazuki as it comes 引った from madder already today.

    《主語なし》”It is so! 《主語なし》Returning from ど regular time training as ち it is around power る. And come able to give and be accompanied by J Sanada and Kazuki toward a/the dog.

    The robot of the ニ machine was the place where does 掃還 exactly now in a/the dog.

    “Father wow?a/the ! Running up” from コクピッ 卜 of the robot that not returned it is conspirator Mitsuki.

    《主語なし》”Do I get released already, Mr. Kazuki who is? ….It is Mitsuki that sees むぐれるKazuki!” a/the クスッ joke and laugh.

    “….. ! ? “

    There was the girl who will get off from ロボッ 卜 of a/the unit already above the eyes that averted a/the face. “She wa? ” “She wa Mitsuki as same コアパイロ 丨 ッ 卜 is….later in detail teach gives j “? that 《主語なし》……..” The one who it did about a/the greeting be Kazuki that is not able to separate the eye from a/the girl, while hearing the word of any evasive Sanada.

    《主語なし》”わ that I need not to worry about. *Even he does not worry about the things like that………! ? 《主語なし》” Raising the face that the girl ‘D’ that was walking was suddenly looking down, stopping I saw one of Kazuki immediately real っ. 《主語なし》And it will come near Kazuki that it is ゆっく. 《主語なし》”Is it? ” It is Mitsuki with Sanada who gazes at D that will approach Kazuki in dumb surprise.

    《主語なし》”That..it is I, YotsugaKazuki. My best regards….! ? ? ” Part of the eye of the other side of D that gazes at the eye of Kazuki patiently becomes ぼっ or y and cave

    《主語なし》It is. And the globe that shines light there was floating.

    《主語なし》’I am not a human being! ? ‘ ‘……… Alone so speaking/D that was seeing the face of Kazuki for a while’ my best regards goes returning to the one who came now as it is.

    ‘……… こ when wa..interesting な” “she wa? ‘ It is because the long time was giving great damage to her body and brain, that she is the extra-terrestrial life body woman who was sleeping to, the question of Kazuki in ruin. 《主語なし》I tell that is person style バイオロイド that was made to supplement the absence part of the concept and memory as a/the person with the cloning of a/the body.

    “Usual life is caused experienced through that outside terminal body. 《主語なし》It is て. The one that is seen like that eye be a/the アス 卜 ラル body. It is soul って..whether or not seen” な that is soul well? ? 《主語なし》” “How it says be ね although it is not understanding”

    “A/the father! It is よ that Mr. Kazuki is in a/the house with what! ! ” Mitsuki that snaps through Sanada. Sanada of the world of this was single. There is not around natural child ど or a wife. 《主語なし》It is not the one that accumulated that the ロ noisy daughter of the senior high school student is possible suddenly to there. 《主語なし》By turning Kazuki 住 being unable to manage it it is because I will escape it even if it is a little from the offensive of Mitsuki of a/the feeling.

    《主語なし》”I am 1 person of you in Mr. Mitsuki and the existence of that woman executive has already been confirmed. However, the person who becomes in this world the pair of Mr. Kazuki does not exist. His parents are your even reason 丨こ that he says って that is the child of the world of っ already although..ever existence ず one is and ろ that bit. 《主語なし》It is not good and if be near in a/the school….’ live receive in “the dormitory of a/the base if it is here well! Mitsuki that tries to persuade a/the father necessitously” わ that is that place and be not far そぅ from a/the school. “….ム that is your father however, the Mitsuki..yonder world in certainly I am Sanada who puts the last trump card while heaving the J sigh that differs here.

    “Be” and a little sad Mitsuki.

    《主語なし》”‘A/the father’ to first, you and being said I was surprised. 《主語なし》Yes it is ね because there is not a daughter in me in this world, without knowing ざ the yonder world. 《主語なし》However, it does われた that hesitates that I say it that I think that it is only me that you are able to rely it in this world and “father……” who even that even this ば good life came come to think that be now and is not bad be” a fact

    The facial expression of Mitsuki becomes eased to the word of Sanada.

    “Be Mr. Kazuki and be nonexistent じゃ so? The I with..although be strictly yonder I……. 《主語なし》It is flown there be not even a relative in the world of this and even あまつ and the person who, closes なつて and be able to rely

    However even who is the situation that is not………”

    “……… ね そ, so..unwelcome……”

    《主語なし》I have come not to refute to that Sanada says, because there is debt about the cause that Kazuki was flown here to although I pierce it. 《主語なし》It is abashed # etc. to be not from spite, that I opposed and live that Kazuki lives in this house originally with other males. 《主語なし》”Tentatively, because it is supposed to call it with the younger brother of Mitsuki..Mr. Kazuki becomes with that Kazuki will call with the younger brother of Mitsuki this way なK friendlily an/the older sister younger brother and commute in a/the school.

    Kazuki became admission to the same class as the previous world with the consideration of Sanada. 《主語なし》It comes each other long っ and was a strange mood, to do the pretension of the first meeting with a/the class friend of. 《主語なし》”….It is Kazuki that I go answering to the question offensive from a/the class friend 1 っ 1 of っ, while suppressing sleepy” a/the yawn. Being to, the life before transfer that Mitsuki made っ the mouth back was combined upon and was able to cause that memorization done with sitting up all night almost.

    Even if they call it with a question the most were only the thing regarding Mitsuki. Also in the world of this Mitsuki was the idol of a school. Moreover, the worship pose of the surrounding men was not ordinary, if it becomes the pilot of コアロボッ 卜 of a defense corps. The men of the intention and the secret intention loaded condition rush, in Kazuki that is supposed to call it with her younger brother even from a/the class about ぼ whether. 《主語なし》I am charged with the trouble that translation does not understand from the men of a/the school furthermore Mitsuki and defense corps, although before was not seen with the eye of jealousy as.

    “It is considerably passive ね for you. Why him obj パイロッ 卜 make not to? ‘ Kazuki that has heard the conversation of madder with Sanada by chance, a certain day. 《主語なし》”Pilot selection of authority wa me to absent..from wow’ so causes that even possible intention….so do will? the the that is it it!, as for He” be that he says “so” because it is wanting to be in the original world 戻 it is the madder that glares Sanada who says badly will a little bit your place direction な way.

    “To it..even several core pilot candidacies that are coming from your place there are. 《主語なし》It is good enough with it” it is ね even though “a/the facing may be so. However, they be よ to have come back to each own country if a/the training period passes”

    《主語なし》That Sanada offers the original of computer ュニッ 卜 that was excavated from ruin to where it is not. 《主語なし》I am offering only the one that reproduced it all other than a/the defense corps. However, ruin computer ユニッ 卜 of ultra high accuracy becomes a fairly huge thing in the accuracy of the present machine tool. It becomes bigger if it designs it so that it is able to use even a/the male and to sweet become with a huge thing to use with the form such as a/the robot and fighter. The robot that パイロッ 卜 gets on a/the male even a/the Rara side actually has to become woman パイロッ 卜 even every country if existence says regarding コアロボッ 卜 of the result, the main force that make) even the small size machine of speed esteem with (the 装 A armaments of a/the minimum that there are many large things.

    《主語なし》It continues to the 2.

    Excite Translation –

    “That is right! The names of the honcho of the Army are Rara and the man that was my friends…. A fellow’s character or et al., Dr.” Sanada who did not need to consider what you would do using the ruins battleship with which it rode away predicts the appearance of Army of evil, and he opposes the robot Army of 螺螺 based on the science data which was being secretly コピ – Carried out from the computer of the ship, and left-behind ロボッ 卜. The defense organization was completed that it should carry out. To however, work プ Lan ト with which Dr. Rara rode away even if it collected the essences of the present science power Inside [ it cannot make the matching thing but can surely perform the miniaturization of computer 1 ユニッ 卜 ] った. Number which was stored by the small warship only about the core robot and the fighter for the reason パイロッ 卜 by the side of Sanada who cannot but use the computer unit of ten reserves She had to be a woman altogether.

    “Although it is a reason which you can control by “??? — j — “– returning me to the world over there — ?” . –.. it is impossible” — “– it is why! ?” “Mr. Mitsuki is coming to – ヶ moon. Although many things were tried for one month — It is interrupted by the power of only が at ?. It cannot but be here well for the time being.” Sanada which gives a hand to the direction of Kazuki so that it may comfort. “Although it is a reason which you can control by — …. for the moment, it is unknown.” “It is that it is unknown? ! ” Although it thinks that I of “other side knew to some extent — Mr. Mitsuki does not have 聞い てい in detail anyway, either. It is future investigation waiting…. あっ — so — so — one Carrying-out [ it ]-only in っ” I “– it is — ? ” “– you — being also indistinguishable — even the men who are not are things — ” ” ……………””From it … although it is about your future future plan ……” “Also me ..– . pilot — Does it become?” “The human beings with the talent to get used to a pilot are very rare. individual — your battle デ 1 タ is interesting” — “– Director Sanada! ” The madder of the inspector general of the United Nations divides and comes into conversation.

    The intention of the person himself/herself and consent of the United Nations are required to become a pilot! ” “Surely about selection of パイロッ 卜, — which does not have decisive power to me — but — from circumstantial judgment thinking that a battle does not turn to”Kazuki which is …. if being [ in any way / no obstacle ]-in Mr. Kazuki becoming パイロッ 卜” れ if it carries out is Mr. Kazuki’s intention — somewhere — パイロッ ? 卜 He would like to exceed and there is nothing. Madder with that right. However, real intention increased the pilot who is not under control of the United Nations. There was no く. “Is there no telling why you were seen off here because you fight? I am needed in 思 so. My cooperation is required to return to the original world at it.” “It does not twist to the reason which the director general !, even so he have to fight.” “His power is needed sooner or later. So! Mr. Kazuki. We need your power. It is that! Since it is the peace in the world “!! Sanada who emphasizes by オバー action. Kazuki which remembers ? rice field in the world of the “he is the fellow ぼり same person” other side. The madder of a “also well it is [ ……… ] such a transparent good reason” amazed look.

    ” what word is a patent of a る — Mr. ン place — the good reason of ろ ? global peace — ” — “– it is right — he is not conviction ずる — ?” Kazuki which bows its head in assent though it hesitates to the question of Sanada “which Mr. Kazuki also considers [ . …. . — ] so.” “the だ wax ? to which it can be convinced if you are the reason for 、 which cannot return to the original world when this is damaged” — “– It strikes… it . …. .” : the way where “it progresses wins by itself, and 取らな in it — if it kicks, it will not become. and also it does something free There are no people…… this side of the inspector who has glared by the fearful face well there, and unreasonableness it is strong — do — I’ゝ …. a thing — an idea — it needs — ” A hand is turned to the shoulder of Kazuki and it talks in voice in whispers. ” Core パイロッ 卜 will be welcomed! they are the 71 lows which protect the earth anyway — since — ” Mr. “Kazuki is top シークレッ 卜! Although it is talking in a low voice so that a madder may not hear, what kind of contents are they at a madder? Anticipation stuck. ” パ # of ハッハッハ 1Rara is defeated and there are not y 哈, and a secret or へったくれ, either! he is ス Tarr suddenly — it — a pilot — all — a woman — a good place of work — it is — ろ ?” オマケ of exposing “life to danger — with — “

    The rest is dependent on your intention. Now, it is already rest たまえ” ? today when there is also the various – tree today and they were probably tired. Sanada which takes out Kazuki so that it may snatch from a madder. “That is right! It returns from regular training exactly and is at the 勢る time. Kazuki which is taken to J Sanada and faces to a dog before coming. In the dog, the robot of the ニ machine was just going to 掃還 now. “father — 〜 ん ” It runs up from コクピッ 卜 of the robot which returned, and is ぐる Mitsuki. “– it is — Mr. Kazuki — already — The source ? …. クスッ — a joke — Mitsuki which looks at and laughs at” むぐれる Kazuki. “…..! ?”

    There was a girl who already gets down from ロボッ 卜 of one to the point of the look which turned away its face. “she is ?” — “– She is the same core pyro ? ッ 卜 as Mitsuki…. it teaches in detail later — j — ? …. “direction which carried out the greeting ….” — Kazuki which cannot let a girl out of sight while hearing some language of unclear Sanada. “It is not necessary to care. he * — such a thing — mind is not used ………! ? The Kazuki was seen immediately.” The girl “D” who was walking stops suddenly, the face which was looking down is raised, and it is 真っ. And a ゆっ stake and Kazuki are approached. “– it is — ?” — Sanada and Mitsuki which gaze at D which approaches Kazuki aghast. “– that — they are me and YotsugaKazuki. Well!? …. ? The portion of the eyes of one of the two of D which gazes at the eye of Kazuki should become ぼっ, y, and a cave.”

    It is. And the sphere which shines palely had floated there. “He is man! ? “……… it is very well”. It is to the direction to which it came now [ /present state ] when D which was looking at the face of Kazuki for a while said so, adding ポツリ. It returns and goes.” ” ……… this — it is interesting — ” “She is ?.” Since damage with that she is the extraterrestrial life object woman who was sleeping in ruins, and long years great for her flesh and brains was done to the question of Kazuki. Corporal crony Person type biotechnology made in order to compensate the concept as a person, and the lack portion of memory with ング It tells that he is Lloyd. “The usual life is made to experience through that external terminal object, and it is . ているん. Like [ of that eye ] What visible is a アス 卜 Lal object. It is a soul well.” “Soul — Is it visible? ? It is “although it does not understand what kind of principle it is”.”

    “father — what — Mr. Kazuki — a house — being needed — !! — Mitsuki which bites” Sanada. Sanada in the world here was single. Naturally it is child どころ. There is also no wife. there — suddenly — a high school student and ロ — も which accumulated if the noisy daughter could do it It is not that. It is embarrassed with Kazuki by 住まわすこと and is 逃 from the offensive of Mitsuki of feeling. It is called the method of れ. “Existence of that female management that is the other you is checked by Mr. Mitsuki. however — The person who becomes Mr. Kazuki’s pair does not exist in this world. his parents — existence ずる — but — — he says by no means that yours are the children in the world of う ー っ — boil — ? こもい it is ん — ろ. If it is well here, し [ he is close also to school ] ….” what is necessary is just to have you live in the dormitory of “base — there — from a school — so — long distance [ ] — there is nothing — ” — Mitsuki which is desperate and is going to persuade a father. “…. Mitsuki — to be sure in the world over there, I am your father — Sanada from which the last trump card is taken out with ム, however here while giving different J sigh. “Even でも” Somewhat plaintive Mitsuki. “He was surprised at first for “father” to be told to you. Because a daughter’s world over there is not in me in not knowing and this world if compelled. but you can depend in this world し it hesitated that it is referred to as to think that he is only me — now — ば — splendid — this life — bad — The fact has also come to think that there is nothing.” “Father ……”

    The expression of Mitsuki softens into the language of Sanada. Mr. “Kazuki — so — ? — My cause — although it is me over there to the last –…… those who can depend for the intermediary stripes in which it is flown in the world here and even あまつ does not have a relative, either It is in the situation in which が誰 is not, either………” “……… そ and well — I’m sorry ……” Since there is indebtedness about the cause by which Kazuki was flown truly here, it is Sanada. It will become impossible to refute what is said. Kazuki lives in this house from the first — anti- — Having received is not from nastiness and shameful # et al. lives with other males. “– Since Mr. Kazuki is to call it the younger brother of Mitsuki once — brothers-and-sisters relations — good K — in this way, he will make Kazuki the younger brother of Mitsuki and it will go school frequently.

    Kazuki was included in the same class as the former world by consideration of Sanada. merit — coming each other when It was a strange feeling to consider ふり of the first meeting as classmates. “…. I am sleepy.” Kazuki which goes responding to the question offensive from classmates one by one while stifling a yawn. It is an all-night sitting about most memorization of the secret arrangement to avoid later contradiction about the life before transfer which Mitsuki made. It was carried out. The questions were only the things concerning [ the most ] Mitsuki. Here Mitsuki was an idol of the school also in the world. And pie of defense forces’ core ロボッ 卜 When becoming a lot, surrounding men’s way of worship was not simple. It is called her younger brother. The men of the expectation and the secret intention full load also from the class of ぼ in Kazuki which is things are 殺到すs. It was that of る. They are Mitsuki and 防 although it did not just see by the eye of jealousy like [ former ]. It is saddled with 衛軍 and the difficulties which a translation does not understand from the men of a school.

    “It is negative fairly for you. Kazuki which hears the conversation of Sanada and a madder by chance one day [ making / it / why / into パイロッ 卜 /-him” ]. ” ” The authority of pilot selection should be able to also be made to do so from — which I do not have…. I will make it right [ that ] — ? — him — the original world — 戻いたがっ Because it shines” “– such a thing — your place — it is a way [ 向 ] — ” — the madder which glares at Sanada who says slightly maliciously. “There are several core pilot candidates who are coming to it from Mr. –‘s place. then, between — 合 うさ” — “– it will meet for the time being — receiving — ど. But they will be each reason if a training period passes. It will return to a country.” Sanada is 供 anywhere about the original of コンピュータュニッ 卜 unearthed from ruins. It has not supported. Only what was reproduced altogether is supplied in addition to defense forces. however — the accuracy of the machine tool of the present [ 卜 / overly highly precise / ruins computer ユニッ ] — kana り — it will become huge. if it designs so that a male can also use — it — further — large — become and there are forms, such as a robot and a fighter, — using — it is also sweet — huge も It will be that. Also in the Rara side, the robot of male パイロッ 卜 which rides is also that of a large model actually. A result with much (the small aircraft focused on [ minimum armoring and armaments ] speed also recognizes existence) that, if it says about the prime core ロボッ 卜, each country also cannot but become female パイロッ 卜. It was that.

    It continues to the 2.

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