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    I was just at Kinofthestars and both me and Almael have noted that there seems to be a lot of spam on Tenchiforum lately.

    Is there anything the mods and admin are going to do about it?

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  • Replies
      Apologies, everyone. The amount of spam around lately has become intolerable, so I’ll see what we can do (other than constantly cleaning the board).

      Thanks for the notifications, everyone!

      Short of increasing the filtering, you can put on new account approval by admin only, new post by admin or mod, or ideally create a limiter per forum that says you have to have over X number of posts to post in any section. So you set it to like 2, and only allow 1-2 posters to post in the introduction lounge. Then set new topics in that section to mod approval only.

      It won’t completely eliminate it, that’ll take filters, but it would limit the damage to one section which you can moderate at will.

      Some of these may take admin or Dagon level rights to change in the ACP though.

      Yeah, that would help. It would be nice if there’s some kind of bot script which parses posts and recognize the exceptional amount of links as spam.
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