› Forums › Tenchi Muyo! Discussion › Translation Zone › Tenchi Muyo! In Love novels/manga translation
- This topic has 39 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
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- August 9, 2015 at 3:03 AM
Everyone knows the In Love story from the movie and a story in the Okuda manga. But there is a gap when it comes to the direct manga and light novel of the movie. True, it might be just a re-telling of the story from the movie, but like the Hexagram novel, there might be some small pieces of info or storyboards that might be worth a look into. Anyone that is able and willing to do it, here is a place for you to place any translated passages.
These links confirm existence of material:
http://tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=36&start=360#p29925 ” class=”bbcode_url”> http://tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=36&start=360#p29925 http://www.tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=30253#p30253http://www.tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=30253#p30253” class=”bbcode_url”>
- Replies
- August 14, 2015 at 2:22 AM
The hardest thing is that none of these materials got scanned. I have for now no way of scanning them (whitout destroying them duh). I’m guessing Dagon (and others) feel the same way about their copies.
The 2 mangas, while being easy to rip (because easy to read), aren’t filled with Negishi’s input. It’s like some company did a manga from the film Princess Mononoke : good stuff, but you won’t find any cut scene. Though, I will inspect it.
The novel is very interesting, but hard to translate without proper scans. I have a good camera but … time …
I want to share the illustrations though ! Happy?
The storyboard is first on my list. I will read the 400+ pages to see where are all the unreleased scene, and I’ll see if the dialogue are worth it.
- August 14, 2015 at 3:09 AM
There is an entity that will scan things for cheap and good quality, but your book will be cut apart and there’s a substantial fee if you want the loose pages returned. Beyond that, you either have to build a book scanner (about $350 + cameras), or use a wand scanner (crappy and repetitive).
Destroying a book is the fastest sure way of doing things. But as mentioned, for a lot of us we’ve paid a small fortune to
get what we have. We’d rather stab ourselves than our collections.
- August 14, 2015 at 6:37 PM
I would not be interested, at least not for a long while, but it’s possible you could crowd fund copies for scanning. Other sites may also be interested if you posted the crowdfund links there too, although here is the obvious choice for a headquarters.
- August 15, 2015 at 2:10 AM
Lain wrote:I would not be interested, at least not for a long while, but it’s possible you could crowd fund copies for scanning.
Other sites may also be interested if you posted the crowdfund links there too, although here is the obvious choice for a headquarters.
Old series material like Tenchi, is hard to come by. Even if a crowdfund was started, a full genuine copy would be still hard to find. Also if a copy is acquired, you’re still going to destroy something people paid money for just to read it something they already watched. Don’t get me wrong, I would like the idea of everyone pitching in for a raw novel, but is it really worth it in the end if there is nothing new or groundbreaking info from it?
- August 16, 2015 at 9:02 AM
Well Uki, I would say so if they don’t exist at all in digital formats or in English. Us tenchi fans now can get the books. Tenchi fans 100 years in the future probably won’t find them easily on eBay! I’d like to see them translated but more than anything…. I’d just like to see them digitally archived. -
- August 16, 2015 at 11:30 AM
^ Most of the novels are
currentlyeasily available on eBay and all of them are on ebook format too, on site like bookwalker (same goes for mangas). Save the War on Geminar novel and mangas that I couldn’t find. Personnally, I’d rather see, obviously, the fandom focuses on Hasegawa’s novels. After let’s do TTN maybe, or TMIL.
Unfortunatly, a big chunk of the fandom wants to see the TTN before anything else, and I’m not even talking about the GXP novels. Too bad they don’t do anything but wanting, though.
- August 17, 2015 at 1:57 AM
Realistically, crowdfunding purchase and scanning of the material was exactly what we have been doing with the doujin releases for the last 2-3 years. Course KM went and pissed off people, so that’s no longer a thing.
If someone were serious enough, and you could get enough money together, then the most straight forward method
would be to use my contact that scans whole books on the cheap, mainly because he’s doing it as an archivist, not to
get rich. You’d have to essentially buy a copy of everything for the sake of being scanned and destroyed. Also realistically, it makes more sense as a pay-as-you-go system, progressively getting more books (except in the case of cheaper lots and heavy stuff ie. shipping, as that’s a large expense). It would also be wise to have some kind of vote in place that says people are more likely to donate in order to get the next book, if it’s one they are interested in. So majority wins for the next thing to be bought and digitized.
- August 23, 2015 at 11:46 PM
http://www.tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=30482#p30480http://www.tenchiforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=30482#p30480” class=”bbcode_url”> Awesome scans with good quality. I thought it would be just a re telling of In love, but the pictures are alluding to more than what was in the movie. Eager for info from the novel.
- August 24, 2015 at 9:00 PM
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/35/1440449539-sommaire.jpg " /> 目次
プロ ローグ
第8章宇宙暦507484 禍因消滅
「天地無用!」のこと あとがきにかえて
Table of contents
Prologue. Page 5
Chapter 1, The world of 1970 (CE). Page 10
Chapter 2, 1996, Masaki house’s extinction. Page 37
Chapter 3, 1970, Lovely youth. Page 54
Chapter 4, Space Calendar 507410 …… Kain is sealed off. Page 86
Chapter 5, 1970, Tokyo. Page 98
Chapter 6, Space Calendar 507510 …… GP’s annihilation. Page 126
Chapter 7, 1970, Abnormality in Tokyo’s sky. Page 138
Chapter 8, Space Calendar 507484, Kain’s annihilation. Page 172
Epilogue. Page 194
“Tenchi Muyo!” changes in the afterword (wtf?). Page 203
Chapter 4 has more than 10 pages about how Kain is sealed away.
is in that chapter. My guess is Yosho played a role in Kain’s capture somehow.That precious illustrationAre all the date already known? If someone could analyze them it would be great.
Space Calendar = Stardate, maybe probably might it be…
- August 25, 2015 at 3:01 AM
ChaudSept wrote:
Prologue. Page 5Chapter 1, The world of 1970 (CE). Page 10
Chapter 2, 1996, Masaki house’s extinction. Page 37
Chapter 3, 1970, Lovely youth. Page 54
Chapter 4, Space Calendar 507410 …… Kain is sealed off. Page 86
Chapter 5, 1970, Tokyo. Page 98
Chapter 6, Space Calendar 507510 …… GP’s annihilation. Page 126
Chapter 7, 1970, Abnormality in Tokyo’s sky. Page 138
Chapter 8, Space Calendar 507484, Kain’s annihilation. Page 172
Epilogue. Page 194
The table of contents pretty much follows the order the movie was told in. The Year 1970 is when the events of In Love are taken place and when Kain was eliminated.
Kain Sealed – Space Calendar 507410 = Earth Calendar Year: 1896
Kain destroyed – Space Calendar 507484 = Earth Calendar Year: 1970
Kain’s escape/GP attacked – Space Calendar 507510 = Earth Calendar Year: 1996
The Yosho picture was unexpected and possible cut from the movie or just for the novel. Pii is going to love making theories on that picture.
- August 25, 2015 at 10:09 PM
Ukinojo92 wrote:The table of contents pretty much follows the order the movie was told in. The Year 1970 is when the events of In Love are taken place and when Kain was eliminated.
Mh, not really is it?
The movie is more like :
1 – Kain lock off and GP destruction
2 – Short “Flashback” of the household in the 70s
3 – Household in 1996, Tenchi starts to fade away.
4 – 1970 adventure
5 – The movie keeps on.
Chapter 4 is I think the best part to look into.
. For anyone who wants to help translate it.So I “scanned” it !The prologue would be interesting too.
- August 26, 2015 at 8:50 PM
- August 27, 2015 at 11:49 AM
JGZinv wrote:Rip, Proof, Translate, Polish, Polish, Check, Polish, Format, Polish, Release.
Depends on what you wanna do. For
EMI process like that because I want an overthetop quality, but when I translated a part of JuraiI was doing it just to see what happens. It wasn’t a translation project (it wasn’t even a full chapter). -
- September 6, 2015 at 3:55 AM
My rough translation of the first and a little of the second parts of Chapter 4 [hidden]CHAPTER 4-1In the dead of night.
There was a figure of a man standing in the dark.
He was sitting straight in front of the writing desk, the figure with firm closed eyes, there is also seems to be contemplating.
As the man comes up with something, suddenly rises, open the sliding door facing the hallway muttering “it’s over”, and walked on briskly.
After the man used the toilets, did not get back to his room instead, opened the sliding door of the drawing room without even making sound. Meanwhile, the two girls which are boarding in this house are asleep.
Sleeping was extremely poor.
Especially towards the light blue hair, quilt pushed aside, pillows pushed faraway, as for the sleeping form …… somehow the young girl is hugging the futon, there are things that cover the eyes.
Moreover, nice body slept disarrayed, there was a sex appeal that I do not think high school students had.
The man, in the direction of another person, had long black hair with Japanese face disappeared, the pure girl ? The sleeping face I stared was still here.
sleeper’s breathing is quiet, I could tell that they are in a peaceful sleep.
“Lord Tenchi…..”
I would dreamed about.
[/hidden] -
- September 13, 2015 at 1:14 AM
[hidden]Thanks to the moonlight, I looked at the man in the face. His face, and much more hundreds of millions of light-years beyond the stars and, as thought of, as if could not be seen. But, the lecherous old man is focused on the young girl with the sleeping disordered figure’s face, what I thought was right on the noseMan who for a while staring at the girl, left the room as soon as possible.
The man, standing on the veranda, I looked up gazing at the springtime starry sky.
Although pollution such as photochemical smog there was in the era has been talked about, in this provincial city, the sky is high and the air was alive.
The mind of the man, and …… the memories of childhood were beginning to be revived.
Of those days I, still only a child, according to the father, every day, I had to work hard at sword practice.
When there, father had said.
“Yosho, as the Emperor of Jurai, this Jurai star, of course, we must fight for all the peace of the universe”
“Yes. Father”
At that time I had already been referred to as a child prodigy.
It stands to bear the tree thunder of the future and the like not only I, somewhat, with a pretentious considered tut, it was a precocious child.
“Yosho, today for you, I shall show you the great figure of the Emperor of Jurai who fought for the entire universe. Come here.”
Father had brought me, until now was not such that it has made, the deep forest that continued from the Royal Palace, deep, far deeper as we went.
I wondered how far we walked
Suddenly, before my eyes became bright.
We left on the banks of a small lake.
In the middle of the lake, you can see the small shrine is standing.
Father, took my hand, if you are able to glide on the water was invited to the shrine.
We finally arrived there, I was surprised that except for the emperor.
Some of the shrine, even where widely, as seen from the outside, it did not seem hardly it could be in that shrine.
“This is, where it is!?”
Surprisingly to me, father said in a quiet tone.
“HarukaTeru, what is visible is not everything. It’s the shrine that is only at the entrance.”
It’s philosophical words, but the absence also do not feel like commonplace and in retrospect.
In the shrine is, countless things have been enshrined like tree roots, and weak, but had emanated beautiful light, respectively.
“is this !?”
“It is a memory of the spaceship”
“Spacecraft, storage?”
“Yes. As you also know, royal Jurai have everyone spacecraft also said that his own life. This is our fight together with the royal family, fatigue, memory our spacecraft that rest he such “
“And the ghost of spaceship?”
“Ghost? It may be the case in the sense of soul. But, they are not dead. Just sleeping quietly. Come on, Come to here”
My father, deep in the back of the shrine, invites me to the back, was stopped in front of the memory of the spacecraft there finally.
This is it. Come, look and touch with your hand in the memory.”
Go on said my father, I touched a hand to the thin shining things.
The moment, intense shock pierced my body, I withdrew the hand.
“It’s okay. It’s the impact of the spacecraft memories. Not real. Now, place your hand, look deep into the memory. The spacecraft, and the hearts it touched of those who had been riding on the spacecraft”
Again, I touched my hand, I was drawn deep into the memory of the spacecraft.
It was a terrible power. ……everything is going to be swallowed up.
People, buildings, even spacecraft….
At that moment I saw it. But it was too uncertain existence. The face like Noh mask, was wearing a long cloak, I wonder if it was a man?
No, there is no reason that there are human beings who have that kind of energy.
[/hidden] -
- October 5, 2015 at 6:13 PM
Here the rest of the chapter, rescanned and ripped. Should be accurate, but I heavily suggest you compare the jpeg to the docx when translating. https://mega.nz/#!IgMUHQDb!v3FB9HksFt-rkAqenM69O5IF95nHNhPK9ExyHEg4tj4 Carry on
mmhmm1 .PS : One sentence ends on the next page, beware.
- October 6, 2015 at 12:00 AM
ChaudSept wrote:Here the rest of the chapter, rescanned and ripped. Should be accurate, but I heavily suggest you compare the jpeg to the docx when translating.
https://mega.nz/#!IgMUHQDb!v3FB9HksFt-rkAqenM69O5IF95nHNhPK9ExyHEg4tj4 Carry on
mmhmm1 .PS : One sentence ends on the next page, beware.
Okay, got it, probably get to translating on the weekend
- October 11, 2015 at 3:06 PM
Here it is the last part of my amateur translation of Chapter 4 Edits and corrections are welcomed
[hidden]CHAPTER 4-6It sucked up about everything, the energy causes decay.
Trees of Jurai with is “grow, nurturing energy” It’s completely different from that of the.
Memory engraved on the spacecraft’s has slowly began to move.
Planet destroying terrorist, mass murder, spacecraft destruction ….
Phantom of the Noh mask that repeats a number of indiscriminate terrorism, had plunged the people of the entire universe in fear.
Time, space calendar year 507410……..
Galaxy Police, and wanted the Phantom in the entire universe, had been caught up to everything, did not quite stand up to teeth.
Galaxy Police, Royal House’s cooperation to Emperor at the time, people of Jurai were all, to reject the request, was advised to the Emperor.
“Emperor, it is dangerous. From what you know so far, the energy of him is a negative factor. Positive factor that the Emperor has, could you tell us to what happens in front of him?”
Emperor said quietly.
“In front of him, my power would completely be absorbed. However, the force of him should also be weakened by my energy.”
“Emperor! There is not ridiculous. Such you think please discard us. Fortunately, the Jurai positive factors are dense, indeed the guy does not out of hand. The people of Jurai, are safe since as long as you are on the Jurai …… “
Emperor of Jurai is troubled.
Distressed, agony, were suffering.
In this disturbing era, if he departed a Royal Tree, people of Jurai would feel anxiety.
However, at the time the Emperor is of the most powerful Jurai star among the entire universe, I wonder if I can only have seen in folded arms of this and leave the hand the serious affair of the universe.
Of course, it is not only so simple.
Some wife that loves you, a cute prince or a princess.
If I went to battle and lost, … what about the fate of those that I protected.
However, the Emperor had decided.
For example, even want to discard life, if be able to stop that slaughter ….
Thus the Emperor had traveled.
Together with their own spacecraft, that, to the source of the phantom …..
After one week journey, the Phantom had appeared to the first Emperor as had been waiting.
It is better than to say, erie face like that Noh mask, was projected on a full screen of the spacecraft.
“Finally came, O Emperor of Jurai. I’m glad your away from that star. I also would have been pushed back, resulting in losing to that whole power of the star. But, you and the stars became separated from another right now. Here I come! “
Zap! Zap! Zap …!
The Phantom, spread from both hands, emitted intense plasma.
Moment, the spacecraft lost its balance.
The voice can be heard from the back of the light.
“Come out, Emperor of Jurai. And fight with me!”
Zap, Zap, zap!
Again intense plasma even death to hit the spacecraft.
The Spacecraft cannot hold out in this state.
Emperor of Jurai is wearing a combat uniform, sword in hand, he jumped into space.
At the moment, intense plasma impacts on the body.
It was not such a deep hit.
Even in pain, and sense not suffering,……. something from within yourself disappear.
But, Emperor of Jurai made a stance, he challenged the Phantom with a strong shining sword.
Indeed, it was a fight for life or death.
His power, there is no choice but to believe in fate.
“Gu~o —— “
I felt the positive feedback.
The Phantom yelled.
It was a sound like tearing up the earth.
It was close to a finishing blow, but the place branishing the sword, was also attacked by the plasma.
zap, zap, zap!
It was not easily settled.
More than any battle of the past, long and, painful as time had passed.
More than anything else, over time, their own sense of loss in it was tough as it went on.
However, “because of his own is losing this much energy, the opponent must be the same.”
So I was told.
There, in the battle is repeated, I began to expect the other forces are exhausted results in death.
It was at that time. Intense alarm was reached the ear of Emperor of Jurai.
U 〜 u 〜 u 〜
“The universe’s most wanted, is captured by special energy material N.O. V classification. Codename” KAIN “just now discovered! The subspace net!”
“Gu~wa ~”
Kain, which has been consumed in the long fight against Emperor of Jurai was sadly trapped in subspace net. Toward the Emperor of Jurai, the phantom…… shouting.
“Remember this. Emperor of Jurai. From now on, only hatred to you is my sustenance. I blame you! Ths is a grudge against you !! A grudge against your descendants, blame thy star, I’ll devote to resentment, even if to go on for hundreds of millions of light-years !! “
If you notice, I was crying in front of the memory of the spacecraft.
He shouts, being dragged to the bottom of the space, Kain was too horrible …….
“Are you okay, Prince?”
Gentle hand of the father is placed on my shoulder, I was crying more and more.
“You will never cry. … Because of much more ancient story.”
“After this, what became of him?”
“Emperor of Jurai returned safely home, probably because of this battle, the thing that was fairly short-lived.”
“Kain, it has been sealed in sub-space room of Galaxy Police”
“Even now?”
“Yes, even now.”
In the words of the father, it was the thought that gruesome and … ….
While looking up at the night sky, really uncommon for Katsuhito muttering alone, and shuddered with cold. Sky is still beautiful, the stars had flickered in the dark night –.
[/hidden] -
- November 11, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Can I use this thread for TMiL2 novel infos ? The table of contents often help us to know what’s inside the novel. [hidden]http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447260186-summary-tmil2.jpg " /> [/hidden] 目次
Table of contents
プロ ローグ
第1章 19才 •真夏の恋
Chapter 1…… 19 years old – Midsummer’s Love
第2章 17才• 不在の夏
Chapter 2…… 17 years old – No summer
第3章 19才• 不安な夢
Chapter 3……19 years old – Anxiety Dream
第4章 17才• 空白の足跡
Chapter 4……17 years old – Blank Footprints
第5章 17才• 消息の糸口
Chapter 5……17 years old – New clues
第6章 もぅひとつの19才
Chapter 6……Another 19 years old
第7章 19才• 17才との対面
Chapter 7…… 19 years old – Meeting with a 17 years old
第8章 17才• 未来の奪回
Chapter 8……17 years old – The Future’s rescue
第9章 19才• 燃えつきる、永遠の夏
Chapter 9 ……19 years old – Burning out, Eternal Summer
第10章 17才• 秋。新しい未来へ
Chapter 10……17 years old – To a New Future
I feel that’s a bit odd, any Tenchi Forever specialist here ?
mmhmm1 -
- November 11, 2015 at 4:58 PM
ChaudSept wrote:Can I use this thread for TMiL2 novel infos ? The table of contents often help us to know what’s inside the novel.
Yeah, post whatever TMiL2 info you want. The table of contents is basically structured how the movie went, much like the first novel. Is there any surprising images in the novel like the Yosho pic in the first one?
- November 12, 2015 at 9:31 PM
Where’s Pii when we need him?! But I wonder what it means, the novel seems to be seperated into parts where the characters’s ages are fluctuating between 19 ans 17 yo…
Maybe 19 means we follow Tenchi, and 17 means we follow Ayeka & Ryoko.
I’ll post the in-text illustrations soon-ish.
- November 13, 2015 at 3:20 PM
A nice TMiL novel cover that I wanted to put here, I wonder what it exactly means by “Continuity Script” -
- November 13, 2015 at 5:42 PM
^That’s the storyboard of the movie. I own a copy, Dagon too btw etc. http://azarashido.sakura.ne.jp/20091015/sCIMG2582.jpghttp://azarashido.sakura.ne.jp/20091015/sCIMG2582.jpg” class=”bbcode_url”> http://azarashido.sakura.ne.jp/20091015/sCIMG2583.jpghttp://azarashido.sakura.ne.jp/20091015/sCIMG2583.jpg” class=”bbcode_url”> Sketchs of scenes, dialogues and descriptions of actions
mmhmm1 As for Tenchi Forever’s illustrations …
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436052-img1.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436049-nouveau-document-15-1.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436056-nouveau-document-15-2.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436063-nouveau-document-15-3.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436128-nouveau-document-15-4.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436139-nouveau-document-15-5.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436140-nouveau-document-15-6.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436129-nouveau-document-15-7.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436250-nouveau-document-15-8.jpg " /> http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/46/1447436250-nouveau-document-15-9.jpg " /> -
- November 14, 2015 at 3:19 AM
Some corrections/suggestions to the translation CHAPTER 4-1
“there is also seems to be contemplating.” => “there is also seems to be contemplating.”
“nice body slept disarrayed” => “the nice body laid asleep and sprawled”
“The man, in the direction of another person, had long black hair with Japanese face disappeared, the pure girl” seems reversed japanese “The pure girl had long…disappeared in the direction…, a man.”
Looks like many sentences are in reversed japanese order. You got to put them back in our western order.
- November 25, 2015 at 8:10 PM
ChaudSept wrote:Where’s Pii when we need him?!
You rang?
gendo1 Sorry. It’s been a hard semester. Momo and Beni are keeping class busy.tenchiahhhhhh ChaudSept wrote:But I wonder what it means, the novel seems to be seperated into parts where the characters’s ages are fluctuating between 19 ans 17 yo…
Maybe 19 means we follow Tenchi, and 17 means we follow Ayeka & Ryoko.
I’ll post the in-text illustrations soon-ish.
Without more information, I would assume the latter situation is most correct. The film bounces between Haruna’s pocket universe (Tenchi/Haruna) and the main universe (Ryoko and the rest). The climax is when Washu bridges the two worlds, allowing Ryoko and Ayeka to confront Haruna in her own domain.
When I get a longer break from work, I will take a closer look at what has been translated. Good on you gentlemen for taking on this task.
kiyonesmile1 -
- November 27, 2015 at 12:39 AM
evilpii wrote:When I get a longer break from work, I will take a closer look at what has been translated. Good on you gentlemen for taking on this task.
Thank you
Don’t know if it will be a world shattering but there might be a part in the novel that comes from Yosho’s pov. Probably in the chapters that have the Sasami pic on Jurai or Haruna and Yosho together. Or might have some detail that was rushed or elaborated on more.
- January 17, 2016 at 3:50 AM
Now that I’m back from the dead, let’s see what we have here. mmhmm1 Since I’ve missed a lot of discussion, I’ll split my responses to keep to each point. I apologize in advance for multiple posts.Kiyofacepalm1 ChaudSept wrote:Table of contents
Prologue. Page 5
Chapter 1, The world of 1970 (CE). Page 10
Chapter 2, 1996, Masaki house’s extinction. Page 37
Chapter 3, 1970, Lovely youth. Page 54
Chapter 4, Space Calendar 507410 …… Kain is sealed off. Page 86
Chapter 5, 1970, Tokyo. Page 98
Chapter 6, Space Calendar 507510 …… GP’s annihilation. Page 126
Chapter 7, 1970, Abnormality in Tokyo’s sky. Page 138
Chapter 8, Space Calendar 507484, Kain’s annihilation. Page 172
Epilogue. Page 194
“Tenchi Muyo!” changes in the afterword (wtf?). Page 203
Ukinojo92 wrote:The table of contents pretty much follows the order the movie was told in. The Year 1970 is when the events of In Love are taken place and when Kain was eliminated.
Kain Sealed – Space Calendar 507410 = Earth Calendar Year: 1896
Kain destroyed – Space Calendar 507484 = Earth Calendar Year: 1970
Kain’s escape/GP attacked – Space Calendar 507510 = Earth Calendar Year: 1996
ChaudSept wrote:
Mh, not really is it?The movie is more like :
1 – Kain lock off and GP destruction
2 – Short “Flashback” of the household in the 70s
3 – Household in 1996, Tenchi starts to fade away.
4 – 1970 adventure
5 – The movie keeps on.
Chaud’s right on this one. The novel is arranged differently from the film, but not by much.The film does open with Kain escaping from GP headquarters, causing its destruction. On his way, he buzzes
Yagamibefore entering Earth’s atmosphere. That event issues an aurora over modern Tokyo, right about the time Tenchi notices his hand and feet phase out for a moment. http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/kain-yagami_zpsjwzcuhvg.png " /> - A short, voiceless interlude is shown in Autumn 1970, demonstrating each main character’s placement.
- The film fades from Achika walking through a forest to a grainy 8mm film of her, watched by Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Sasami. When Achika vanishes from the film reel and Tenchi briefly vanishes, Washu enters and shields him, explaining the situation. Everyone is gathered to travel back to 1970.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/timemachine_zps7pf2j2wd.png " /> - The 1970 tale is told.
However, that being said, several events are told via flashback/flashforward during the remainder of the film.
Washu and Kiyone read through Kain’s dossier.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/kain-database4_zpsp04nc2sj.png " /> - The operative explains to Ryoko how he came to 1970 and Kain’s goals.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/destruction5_zps6lcocgzv.png " /> - Washu tells about the Kain’s imprisonment and the Jurai emperor’s death in doing so.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/kain-capture2_zpslxc4vnre.png " /> - Achika sees her own tombstone through her link with Tenchi.
Given all of this, the chapter headings mostly fall in line with the correct sequence of events:
Chapter 1, The world of 1970 (CE) — interlude showing everyone in 1970,
- Chapter 2, 1996, Masaki house’s extinction — the paradox in the present, spurring everyone to go back in time,
- Chapter 3, 1970, Lovely youth — introducing Achika,
- Chapter 4, Space Calendar 507410 …… Kain is sealed off — the flashbacks to Kain’s imprisonment,
- Chapter 5, 1970, Tokyo — the school trip to Tokyo,
- Chapter 6, Space Calendar 507510 …… GP’s annihilation — the film’s opening showing the GP headquarters,
- Chapter 7, 1970, Abnormality in Tokyo’s sky — Kain’s arrival and first battle with Tenchi and the operative,
- Chapter 8, Space Calendar 507484, Kain’s annihilation — Kain’s defeat.
While Kain’s imprisonment and the destruction of the GP headquarters are not in the same places as in the film, the main beats of the story seem in the right place.
Also, Ukinojo’s assessment of the dates seems correct as well. The dialogue clearly says that Kain was imprisoned 100 years ago.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/kain-database7_zpssfsomtid.png " /> Given Kain’s imprisonment in Space Calendar 507410 and the GP’s destruction in 507510, the difference is 100. Moreover, looking at Kain’s defeat in Space Calendar 507484, the difference with 507510 is 26, the number of years from 1996 to 1970. Without data to contradict the assumption, I find it safe to assume that “Space Calendar” is just a shift of the usual a.D./C.E. calendar, that one Space Calendar unit is the usual solar year on Earth. Likely, this is not done to confuse the reader, but to address the issue that a space-faring civilization need not base its time scale on the birth of a Jewish carpenter on a backwater planet.
woooo1 -
- January 17, 2016 at 5:11 AM
ChaudSept wrote:
The table of contents often help us to know what’s inside the novel.目次
Table of contents
プロ ローグ
第1章 19才 •真夏の恋
Chapter 1…… 19 years old – Midsummer’s Love
第2章 17才• 不在の夏
Chapter 2…… 17 years old – No summer
第3章 19才• 不安な夢
Chapter 3……19 years old – Anxiety Dream
第4章 17才• 空白の足跡
Chapter 4……17 years old – Blank Footprints
第5章 17才• 消息の糸口
Chapter 5……17 years old – New clues
第6章 もぅひとつの19才
Chapter 6……Another 19 years old
第7章 19才• 17才との対面
Chapter 7…… 19 years old – Meeting with a 17 years old
第8章 17才• 未来の奪回
Chapter 8……17 years old – The Future’s rescue
第9章 19才• 燃えつきる、永遠の夏
Chapter 9 ……19 years old – Burning out, Eternal Summer
第10章 17才• 秋。新しい未来へ
Chapter 10……17 years old – To a New Future
ChaudSept wrote:But I wonder what it means, the novel seems to be seperated into parts where the characters’s ages are fluctuating between 19 ans 17 yo…
Maybe 19 means we follow Tenchi, and 17 means we follow Ayeka & Ryoko.
I replied to this in November, but I will give a more detailed reply. The high points of the story are as follows.
The film opens with Yosho and Haruna approaching Earth aboard his ship, visually similar to
Funahofrom the OVA. - Ryoko and Ayeka fight over chores when Tenchi intervenes. They turn their attention to him and ask him finally to choose between them. He escapes into the forests, where Haruna’s ghost then draws him into her fantasy.
- Six months pass, and the Masaki household has scattered across the galaxy to find Tenchi.
- Tenchi awakes, visibly older and more like Yosho, in an apartment with his supposed girlfriend, Haruna.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/tenchi-big21_zpsy7mumq3l.jpg " /> - Elsewhere, Sasami uses Jurai’s arboretum network, yet another visual cue from the OVA, to search for Tenchi. Ryoko and Ayeka briefly see Tenchi in the crowded city, but lose him in the chase.
- Tenchi sketches Haruna by the moonlight and spend the night like young lovers.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/Haruna%20Posing_zpsmyhfbljb.jpg " /> - Katsuhito discovers Haruna’s camellia has blossomed and realizes what has actually happened.
- Haruna meets with Tenchi after class, and they head home together in the rain. Ryoko and Ayeka spot him walking with Haruna but once more lose him in the alleys of the city. Seeing Haruna only distresses the pair more, Ayeka cracking and Ryoko emotionally turning off.
- Meanwhile, Haruna finds a sketch Tenchi made, of a cyan-maned woman. She tears it down and crumples it, leaving Tenchi to demand why she did it. However, her tears spur him to placate her by shopping, buying a pair of matching rings. At the same time, Ryoko and Ayeka are working when the two worlds briefly converge, allowing them to see Tenchi and Haruna in their diner. Ryoko and Ayeka try to reach him but are unable to speak to him or even touch him. However, Haruna reacts to them both, clearly aware of them. Haruna then vanishes along with Tenchi.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/A%20Lost%20Memory%201_zpswqqjvxnt.jpg " /> - Sasami hears the tale of Haruna from the knights and relays it to Washu. She, in turn, explains the parallel world issue to Ryoko and Ayeka, making a plan to break into the other world.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/azaka-kamidake1_zps38be4d36.png " /> - Again, Tenchi sketches Ryoko’s visage, but he hides the sketch before Haruna can see it.
- Washu confronts Katsuhito, who tells his tale to her, how he planted Haruna’s camellia on Earth after her death.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/Yosho%20explains%20to%20Washu_zpsgp1zpuhx.jpg " /> - Again, Haruna finds the Ryoko sketch and destroys it, spurring another spat between her and Tenchi.
- Washu uses Kiyone and Mihoshi to implement her plan, teaming with Sasami on Jurai.
- Frustrated, Tenchi finds the bankbook and sees the nonsensical figures. Finally, he has had enough lies and deception and states he can’t love her like this any more. Ryoko and Ayeka then break into the reality and confront her, but Haruna exiles both of them and resets the alternate world. Washu sends them right back, but Tenchi orders Ryoko and Ayeka away, so he can confront Haruna himself.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/Haruna%202_zpsj8eaavts.jpg " /> - Katsuhito finally decides to cut down Haruna’s tree and enter the other world as well to face Haruna. He forces her to remember her own final words.
- Yosho’s spirit guides Haruna’s away, leaving Tenchi to be rescued by Ryoko.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/SpiritsofYoshoandHaruna_zps2a668b3d.jpg " /> - Tenchi is sketching in the hills when Ryoko joins him for a moment alone together.
http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/Deja%20vu_zpsvmcvnr8n.jpg " /> Looking at the table of contents, I could speculate as to how the chapters line-up, but I do not quite see how a couple of them align yet.
Chapter 1…… 19 years old – Midsummer’s Love — Yosho and Haruna arrive in orbit of Earth.
- Chapter 2…… 17 years old – No summer — Tenchi disappears.
- Chapter 3……19 years old – Anxiety Dream — Tenchi awakes in Haruna’s world.
- Chapter 4……17 years old – Blank Footprints — Ryoko and Ayeka search fruitlessly for Tenchi.
- Chapter 5……17 years old – New clues — Sasami hears about Haruna from the knights.
- Chapter 6……Another 19 years old — ???
- Chapter 7…… 19 years old – Meeting with a 17 years old — ???
- Chapter 8……17 years old – The Future’s rescue — Ryoko and Ayeka break into Haruna’s world.
- Chapter 9 ……19 years old – Burning out, Eternal Summer — Katsuhito cuts down Haruna’s camellia tree.
- Chapter 10……17 years old – To a New Future — Ryoko brings Tenchi home.
I am sure translating a little of each chapter might place it more exactly. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, I am fairly convinced that the novelization is, more or less, the same order of events as the film. Moreover, I am fairly convinced that the 19/17 ages are to distinguish the two parallel timelines, not that someone is actually changing age between chapters.
- January 17, 2016 at 7:00 AM
Chaud posted this beautiful scan not too long ago.
ChaudSept wrote:
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/34/1440364783-p091.jpg " /> It looks like young Yosho ^^
That certainly does.
Ukinojo92 wrote:
The Yosho picture was unexpected and possible cut from the movie or just for the novel. Pii is going to love making theories on that picture.
You’re right.I am, and I did.badass1 Moreover, I’m pleased to see that I wasn’t far off the mark.gendo1 I read Ukinojo’s
veryrough of Chapter 4 from thetranslationTM!iL1novelization, and I found the story exactly the kind of gem I hoped would be in a book version of the film. The segment briefly describes Katsuhito walking through his home with Achika, peeking at Ryoko and Ayeka while they sleep. He notes that neither belong amongst the usual high school crowd. Basking in the moonlight, he reminisces about an event from his childhood on Jurai. Yosho’s father, presumably the emperor of Jurai at the time, has a lesson to teach the young prince, of sacrifice for the greater good. The man leads the boy to a tomb deep in the palace, where a lone tree stands vigil. As with all royal trees, this one has a long memory, and through it, Yosho watches the battle between Kain and a Juraian emperor since passed. Though the emperor could have chosen to protect only his own lands, he chose to yield his life to save many others from a horrible monster’s massacre.
I really like this story, and it answers some questions I have always had. Consider who Katsuhito is in
TM!iL1. A generation before, he had been crown prince, a lineal descendent of the Jurai king. As an educated man, he would surely know about other races of the galaxy, such as Ryoko, and certainly recognize a woman of noble descent, like Ayeka. Perhaps seeing them here is why he tolerates them when they arrive 26 years later. Moreover, if Kain was such a monster, he would not doubt have heard the story at some point in his life. Given the ability of a Jurai tree to display the content of her memory, this segment gives a first-hand account of the first defeat of Kain, which is only mentioned in vague flashbacks and hushed tones in the film. Also, framing it as a lesson to the prince endears it to the man Yosho would grow to become, and the king he might have been.
However, the film never addresses either issue, focusing mainly on Achika’s story. Truthfully, since Katsuhito plays little role in the film, omitting his suspicions or knowledge does not detract from the film’s storytelling. I would estimate the scene was dropped due to pacing or some other such reason. Still, seeing it animated would have been a treat too.
Tenchismile Ukinojo and Chaud, thanks for providing and translating this segment. You made my day.
kiyonesmile1 -
- January 18, 2016 at 1:06 AM
evilpii wrote:Looking at the table of contents, I could speculate as to how the chapters line-up, but I do not quite see how a couple of them align yet.
•Chapter 1…… 19 years old – Midsummer’s Love — Yosho and Haruna arrive in orbit of Earth.
•Chapter 2…… 17 years old – No summer — Tenchi disappears.
•Chapter 3……19 years old – Anxiety Dream — Tenchi awakes in Haruna’s world.
•Chapter 4……17 years old – Blank Footprints — Ryoko and Ayeka search fruitlessly for Tenchi.
•Chapter 5……17 years old – New clues — Sasami hears about Haruna from the knights.
•Chapter 6……Another 19 years old — ???
•Chapter 7…… 19 years old – Meeting with a 17 years old — ???
•Chapter 8……17 years old – The Future’s rescue — Ryoko and Ayeka break into Haruna’s world.
•Chapter 9 ……19 years old – Burning out, Eternal Summer — Katsuhito cuts down Haruna’s camellia tree.
•Chapter 10……17 years old – To a New Future — Ryoko brings Tenchi home.
The chapters 6 and 7 seem odd. This is my speculation but, chapter 7 might be the scene where Ryoko and Ayeka see Tenchi in the Restaurant. Chapter 6 might be the scene where Washu and Yosho talk about his past.
evilpii wrote:Moreover, I am fairly convinced that the 19/17 ages are to distinguish the two parallel timelines, not that someone is actually changing age between chapters.
It is possible it is that, but in chapter 1 it says: 19 years old – Midsummer’s Love — Yosho and Haruna arrive in orbit of Earth.
It never was exactly specified how old Yosho was when he came to Earth. And in the 2nd movie, Washu says that Haruna’s world time was accelerated to have Tenchi the way she wanted him to be. Conclusion: Haruna aged Tenchi in order to have him the same age as Yosho was when he and Haruna came to Earth. It is convenient to tell which world it is by the age in the Chapter title, but in a way is changing the age between the characters.
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