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- December 31, 2014 at 10:11 PM
What a year it’s been! More than any other year that I’ve been fortunate enough to spend here, 2014 has been a year of extraordinary activity and achievement here at TenchiForum. As we ring in a new year, let’s take stock of some of the amazing things we’ve done over the last twelve months. We hit the ground running in 2014 hot on the heels of Comiket 85, with scans and translations of Kajishima’s doujins, including the first in the new -IF- series, going up the same day as they arrived in our mailbox. Not only was this the setting of a new benchmark for the speed and accuracy of our nascent TenchiForum Translation team, it was the first inkling we had of a mysterious new animated Tenchi series coming down the pike.
Only a few weeks later, several of us attended Ohayocon (something I will miss dearly in 2015
), and began breaking the exciting news to fans from all over.Not long after this came the massive visual and technical update to the forum, The Universe update! A herculean effort by Dagon and a young, fresh faced new arrival named Nil Admirari, this update brought a level of beauty and functionality to the forum worthy of the events that were to come.
In April, we produced and released the first ever physical release of Tenchi Muyo! The Game for the SNES in the west. Demand was so great that the initial printings were almost immediately sold out, and a second run was produced!
Less than a month later, in early May, after months of extreme diligence and effort on the part of Nil, Crazed, and WisperG, TenchiForum Translations produced and released the first EVER translation of Hasegawa’s first Novel, Hexagram of Love! For the first time in twenty years, Tenchi fans were able to dig into a rich and informative branch of the franchise that had never before been accessible.
We had barely managed to take a deep breath when, on May 26th, Tenchi fandom awoke to the news it had waited nearly a decade for: A new series was announced! Speculation went into overdrive, and so did our productivity!
Four days later (FOUR DAYS!), we released the first EVER English subtitled version of the Tenchi in Tokyo Omake Special!
Over a series of two weeks in late August, we replicated our speed release of translated afterwards from Kajishima’s doujins from Comiket 86, made the front page of ANN with breaking news coverage of Ai Tenchi Muyo!, and contributed to, and were featured in, a major Did You Know Anime? video narrated by Petrea Burchard!
As September rolled into October, we continued to break news regarding the upcoming release of Ai, and eagerly awaited the first new main cast Tenchi series in almost ten years.
On October 5, the night before Ai was set to premier, it became clear that there would be no official simulcast, and no fansubbing group had picked it up. Faced with the very real possibility of watching the first new Tenchi in a decade die in its cradle for lack of a translation, we made a bold decision: we would translate it ourselves! With the help of a Japanese speaking acquaintance of mine, Dagon, Nil, and Crazed jumped into the endeavor with less than twelve hours notice. With no prior subbing experience, the hardworking crew cracked out the first episode the same day as it was released in Japan, garnered over 10,000 views and downloads, and proved that the Tenchi Muyo! brand was as alive and well as it ever was! Our overwhelming surprise success eventually attracted established fansub groups to the little show they had before so quickly dismissed, but we welcomed the competition, and consistently produced fast, accurate, and quality subs right up until the end!
In November, many of us had the singular honor of meeting Petrea Burchard and Matt Miller at Chibi-Pa. Our exploits there have been well documented, but no videos or words can ever truly confer the awesome honor it was to not only meet the voice actors, but to receive the love and admiration of so many Tenchi fans who appreciated our work here at the Forum. The overwhelming feedback we received from fans on the ground reignited the fire to serve this wonderful and wacky fandom of ours all over again!
So, as 2014 comes to a close, we are still hard at work. We’re covering the biggest Comiket in recent memory, and directly relating the behind the scenes tweets of Hiroshi Negishi, from whom we have already learned so much! We head into 2015 in the midst of the greatest revival of the Tenchi franchise in recent memory, and TenchiForum will be right there to cover it, translate it, and revel in it all the way through! I look back a everything we did this year in awe and pride. This was the year the carnival came back, and this time I think it’s here to stay!
*Note. I’m sure I’ve missed some cool stuff, so please feel free to share your forum experiences here! I would also be remiss if I didn’t give a special thanks to the people whose names appeared so many times in this thread. Thank you Nil Admirari, Dagon123, and Crazed. You guys made this year what it was.*
- Replies
- January 2, 2015 at 10:16 AM
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q262/Dagon123/Aistats_zps591a55eb.png " /> I did a little number crunching, and even regardless of those amazing numbers, Crazed, Nil, and Titan, all of you boys should be proud of yourselves.
It’s hard to believe that you guys (Nil and Crazed) have barely been here a year, and have done such amazing work, really beyond words, but what isn’t beyond words is the gratitude that I SHOULD express towards you gentlemen, much like Negishi himself, you helped take the little ember of Tenchi fandom that I’ve helped cultivate, and make it burn like a fire worthy of telling stories about. Thank You.
Echoing much of what Chuck said, every Tenchi fan should be proud of those numbers, who would have thought, that a 4 minute advertisement series could garner the tremendous attention that it has, but also by the end of it, be almost universally praised by fans.
Here’s to 2015 ladies and gentlemen of Tenchi fandom, I have a feeling, we may be seeing another new Tenchi series before we know it.
- January 2, 2015 at 6:01 PM
No matter how you slice it, when everything’s laid out like that, it’s pretty darn impressive. Staggering, actually. And all with forum antics, posts, chats, and a semi-regular podcast along the way. Thank you ladies, gents, and cabbits all for a very special year for Tenchi. I’m tempted to say we can’t top that, we’ve “made it” yet every time I’ve said that in the past, we end up kicking it up another notch the following year.
Hopefully we won’t have to work quite as hard (and by “we” I mostly mean you gentlemen who subbed
Ai), but if ever the situation calls for it, we can certainly rise to the occasion. What we canaim for is playing just as hard by continuing to have fun doing what it is we do. Long Live Tenchi!
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