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- October 7, 2013 at 3:25 PM
Now I know there are some Tenchi/Ayeka fans out there but I believe that the pairing of Tenchi/ryoko was a more likely happening and I think was the best choice. Heck if you look at the kagato episodes in the ova when Ayeka tried to talk Tenchi out of rescuing Ryoko from Kagato but he wouldn’t give in and do it. I know there was eps showing Tenchi had feelings for Ayeka as well. But for me it seemed there was something more between Tenchi and Ryoko seeing how Tenchi dropped everything twice to go save Ryoko, the other time with Dr Clay. Then theres the tv series where Tenchi and Ryoko held hands in the Adventures of time and space eps. Oh even in the Ayeka fantasy, Tenchi snuck away to talk to Ryoko. Also theres the fact even when Tenchi gave up the throne and went back to Earth, he couldn’t stop thinking about Ryoko. Then theres the movies where Tenchi and ryoko had more conversations between each other than he and Ayeka. So yeah I believe that Tenchi/Ryoko was more likely to happen.
- Replies
- October 7, 2013 at 5:02 PM
One thing that has always stuck with me, is the fact that even in Ayeka’s perfect fantasy world, Ryoko is still getting Tenchi. I just want to preface this by saying that I think, and always have thought, that every girl in Tenchi Muyo! Is important, they all serve a specific or important role, and that if you are a fan of a different girl other than Ryoko, thats good! Diversity is a good thing.
That being said, however, not everyone of them is a love interest, nor should they be, just because one person is male and one person is female, does NOT mean they are compatible and the current way it’s being pushed in the OVA is just a sad male fantasy being done by an old japanese man, lol.
If we want to be technical about this, Funimation did a poll not too long ago about who the favorite Tenchi characters were, and Ryoko was the most popular unanimously by like 60%, We recently talked to the man who voiced Tenchi himself,
, and not only did he choose Ryoko, but it’s important to note that when we asked him “Who would he choose?” he specifically said “Well between the BOTH of them…”, meaning only Ryoko and Ayeka, because lets be frank here, those are Tenchi’s only 2 real love interests and they always have been.Matt MillerAs to who’s better? well that will almost always be a subjective question to the viewer, but If I had to call it by the direction of the show, the amount of exposure and emphasis to each character, and how the characters act on-screen, I think that Ryoko and Tenchi was always the destined idea.
- October 7, 2013 at 5:12 PM
Heres the thing about tenchi and Ayeka though. Even in tenchi forever the last tenchi I know it isn’t really cannon but Ayeka in the movie even admitted the only one to get to Tenchi for him to leave that parallel universe was Ryoko -
- October 7, 2013 at 6:08 PM
I think it’s because with Ryoko Tenchi is freer to choose her.With Aeka it has to do with the fact that being Yosho’s grandson he’s being forced into the relationship.
- October 8, 2013 at 2:24 AM
I really agree with Dagon on his thoughts. They all are great girls, however not all of them are love interests. In the recent developments it seems that the devaluing of the characters is becoming more and more prevalent. (Tis why in my fanfiction I am trying to stay away from that).
All in all, I honestly believed Ryoko was best. Granted, my OVA 4 fanfiction is turning differently on the same approach. I have always been a team Ryoko fan. The last movie TMIL2 has been personally my favorite of all the Tenchi material and a contributing factor happens to be the indirect hints that he made his choice.
"For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers." -
- October 8, 2013 at 3:37 AM
I always thought that Ryoko was the more obvious choice of the two. We saw this strongly hinted at as Shadows said in TMIL2 and Ryoko did always get more exposure compared to Ayeka through various mediums. The thing with the OVA is we already know how it will end in that he’ll end up with all of them. Washu says she wants to bear his child, Sasami in OVA 3 admits she loves him, and Mihoshi shows it just not to the extent that the others do. Feel like i’m forgetting someone though, oh well. Also I believe you were asking if Kajishima made pictures of his kids, well
Granted it hasn’t been stated that’s his daughter but I think it’s fairly obvious as to who the dad is.
http://tenchi.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Ryoko-Daughter-212×300.jpg " /> His son
http://tenchi.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Masaki-Tenchis-Son-300×271.jpg " /> and finally a group silhouette photo from the latest doujin.
https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/p480x480/999984_624911470886865_932288595_n.jpg " /> -
- October 9, 2013 at 6:00 PM
I think if I recall aright that someone mentioned earlier here that Kiyone was the only one that didn’t have an interest in Tenchi,so the statement that all the girls are crushing for Tenchi should be modified to
exclude her.
In any case it has and always will be between Aeka and Ryoko as to which Tenchi loves the best.They even
made the triangle part of the opening credits to Universe concluding with Aeka and Ryoko arguing over Tenchi while all three are on the rooftop!
😆 -
- October 22, 2013 at 8:46 PM
mitsuki lover wrote:I think if I recall aright that someone mentioned earlier here that Kiyone was the only one that didn’t have
an interest in Tenchi,so the statement that all the girls are crushing for Tenchi should be modified to
exclude her.
In another thread and time I would argue this point until the cows come home, but this isn’t the place…
😎 Anyway, as for the Tenchi/Ryoko question, I think a lot of that whole paradigm comes from OVA 1 and the way it was handled by the coalition of talented writers, directors, and storyboarders(?). Being the very first in the franchise it definitely set a lot of the trends and mindsets that developed later in the franchise. While OVA by no means centered on the Tenchi/Ayeka/Ryoko triangle to even a fraction of a degree that TU or Tokyo did, in terms of those two girls got the lion’s share of the romance development. I mean, with both Ryoko and Ayeka we had several episodes over which to see their feelings for Tenchi evolve, while as with the other girls we really only have one or two isolated instances in the whole OVA where their feelings are shown, i.e. Mihoshi’s tipsy “He’s my destiny” scene, Washu’s “I want to make him mine!” scene, etc. Being part of Kajishima’s grand haremy plan OVA1 doesn’t point to any one girl over the other (and I am in no way minimizing the importance of the feelings of the other girls for Tenchi), but because of the way the show was directed and put together only Ryoko and Ayeka come off as strongly developed love interests. This leads to the majority of the audience making a choice between the two, and for most people this is Ryoko. Of the two, Ryoko is the more brash and charismatic, and it is very natural for so many people to feel that she is the one for Tenchi. She, more so than any of the other girls, draws Tenchi out of his shell and challenges him to change the way he looks at the world and what matters to him. In so doing she isn’t without fault, often crossing the line into just plain meanness, but overall, at least to me, she comes off as the compelling, confident, and devoted “other half” that fits perfectly with Tenchi.
TL;DR The Ayeka/Tenchi/Ryoko dynamic is a natural development out of the Direction and Storyboarding of OVA1.
- October 23, 2013 at 6:09 PM
I got to thinking over this whole Tenchi/Ryoko/Aeka thing and it seemed to me that in some aspects it echoes the Archie/Betty/Veronica triangle from Archie comics.With Ryoko like Betty being the ordinary girl to Aeka/Veronica’s “Princess”.
I guess that would make Mihoshi Midge then.
😆 -
- October 24, 2013 at 4:23 PM
Years and years ago, I wrote an article about why Ryoko was the one for Tenchi. Plus, in the Japanese, neither character addresses the other with an honorific (Ryoko is the ONLY person Tenchi does not use an honorific for), which gives them a more intimate feel to them. So I’ve always been a Ryoko x Tenchi shipper. That said, at least with the canon series, I can see the romantic angles for Tenchi ending up with all the girls on top of the political reasons for Tenchi to end up with them all.
Still, Ryoko will always be my personal favorite.
- November 4, 2013 at 6:04 PM
AstroNerdBoy wrote:That said, at least with the canon series, I can see the romantic angles for Tenchi ending up with all the girls on top of the political reasons for Tenchi to end up with them all.
Still, Ryoko will always be my personal favorite.
This is why I have conflicting feelings about the OVA material. I prefer the background and origin stories from the OVA, but would have rather seen something along the lines of Universe where there isn’t this whole incestual polygamy going on, it’s just too weird for me.
I don’t know what Japanese fans would think or how Kajishima thought they’d react, but I think especially for westerners, Ryoko having to settle with the rest of the girls for Tenchi is rather insulting and offensive than just him picking one girl.
The great thing about Tenchi is there is the OVA, Universe, Tokyo, movies and manga to choose from so it’s pretty open ended for the viewer to choose how things turn out.
http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/282/7/5/sweet_dreams_by_kissofcrimson-d5hbla1.jpg " /> -
- November 4, 2013 at 7:09 PM
Speaking of the First OVA it’s funny how Ryoko goes from wanting to killTenchi to wanting to seducehim to get the gems.I think in both Universe and the First OVA she really doesn’t realize her feelings for Tenchi until Aeka steps into the picture.Having a rival really forces Ryoko to step up and
admit what she’s feeling toward Tenchi.
- November 4, 2013 at 10:08 PM
mitsuki lover wrote:Speaking of the First OVA it’s funny how Ryoko goes from wanting to
killTenchi to wanting to seducehim to get the gems.I think in both Universe and the First OVA she really doesn’t realize her feelings for Tenchi until Aeka steps into the picture.Having a rival really forces Ryoko to step up and
admit what she’s feeling toward Tenchi.
Good point. I think in Universe it’s more apparent she liked Tenchi since she spared him and flirted with him even before Ayeka showed up.
But in the OVA I’m not sure what would’ve happened had Ryoko gotten her gems back without the sword zapping her. Would she have killed Tenchi as she almost did earlier or abducted him or what?
- November 6, 2013 at 6:48 PM
It’s hard to tell since Aeka arrives just as she is about to make her move. -
- November 8, 2013 at 9:56 PM
- November 9, 2013 at 1:48 AM
mitsuki lover wrote:Speaking of the First OVA it’s funny how Ryoko goes from wanting to
killTenchi to wanting to seducehim to get the gems.I think in both Universe and the First OVA she really doesn’t realize her feelings for Tenchi until Aeka steps into the picture.Having a rival really forces Ryoko to step up and
admit what she’s feeling toward Tenchi.
Aww, you should know this one!
Ryoko had been trying to conserve/gather energy so as to break free from the cave and come to Tenchi, who she had been watching grow up. When he undid the seal early (only a day early, IIRC) she was angry at him for ruining her plans. (Not to mention being scared spitless of her as a mummy – versus being seduced. heh.)
Hence her mixed reaction when she finally finds him at the school, as well as her appearance at his house. (and her undone top button, doubtless.)
Such is what I have heard.
- November 9, 2013 at 2:06 AM
I always had a way of viewing it as the way a schoolgirl would act if she liked someone but was a more tough archetype. Ryoko has not had a lot of time to mature and get everything (Kagato keeping her imprisoned) so she doesn’t know what things are. For instance her line “Gas? What’s Gas?” She never learned how to act and such with people around and so she doesn’t exactly have a sure way as to express herself.
In schools, often the girl will bully the guy she likes a little bit. But take the kid and replace it with a powerful being and the bullying ascends to a bigger scale. So in a way I guess you could say that she was bullying him (except using powers) to kindof tease around since she already loves him. She only became truly hostile whenever the sword appeared and that is because of the memories it possesses.
Though, this is only what my theory is.
"For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers." -
- November 9, 2013 at 8:59 PM
shadowsfall0 wrote:I always had a way of viewing it as the way a schoolgirl would act if she liked someone but was a more tough archetype.
Ryoko has not had a lot of time to mature and get everything (Kagato keeping her imprisoned) so she doesn’t know what things are. For instance her line “Gas? What’s Gas?” She never learned how to act and such with people around and so she doesn’t exactly have a sure way as to express herself.
In schools, often the girl will bully the guy she likes a little bit. But take the kid and replace it with a powerful being and the bullying ascends to a bigger scale. So in a way I guess you could say that she was bullying him (except using powers) to kindof tease around since she already loves him. She only became truly hostile whenever the sword appeared and that is because of the memories it possesses.
Though, this is only what my theory is.
I’m still unsure whether it was teasing or not. She blew up the classroom that he barely escaped, almost cut him several times with the sword if he didn’t dodge or the sword unexpectedly protected him.
But I think your analogy is good, makes the most sense out of any I’ve read or thought of.
- November 10, 2013 at 2:31 AM
What about that which is not theory? What about what Kijishima *said* about the situation? -
- November 10, 2013 at 4:41 AM
For Washuu wrote:What about that which is not theory? What about what Kijishima *said* about the situation?
I’d be interested to know what, if anything he’s said about it. Perhaps if you linked us to said comments it would become clear, no? Anyway, I don’t see the harm in theorizing about her possible motivations, because even if Kajishima had a specific reason it obviously didn’t translate very clearly to most viewers. Plus, for all we know Kajishima might have had something in mind that was very different from what was actually shown in the episode, after all
things have been known to change between writing and production in OVA 1. -
- November 10, 2013 at 5:12 AM
Here’s what Kajishima said about it in the 101 Secrets. “Her fight with Tenchi in ep.1 was mere child’s play for her. She could have eliminated Tenchi along with the entire school if she wanted.”
She was just playing with him all along and never meant him any harm. Remember she says “I just need to let out my anger on you right now!” She was just letting off some steam after being sealed for 700 years. After that she more than likely got carried away and started to take it too far which is why the Master Key activated in order to keep Tenchi from getting hurt.
- November 10, 2013 at 6:17 AM
Well if you noticed clearly she knew tenchi had yosho’s bloodline. I mean in ep 2 of the ova she tells Ayeka “You idiot, don’t you realize who he is?!” And before kagato showed up, everyone suspected yosho was dead, so maybe she was just letting out her anger for yosho bounding her in that cave for all those years -
- November 10, 2013 at 4:52 PM
The_evil_Genius wrote:Well if you noticed clearly she knew tenchi had yosho’s bloodline. I mean in ep 2 of the ova she tells Ayeka “You idiot, don’t you realize who he is?!” And before kagato showed up, everyone suspected yosho was dead, so maybe she was just letting out her anger for yosho bounding her in that cave for all those years
I wonder if Ryoko ever got the memo that Tenchi’s grandpa is Yosho. She was unconscious and abducted by Kagato when that was revealed and you’d think there would be hostility between them (ep3 when she sees his hologram “Yosho, hmph good riddance! Although I kinda like him in that size”, as well as him locking her up for 700 years) but apparently not since she refers to him as “honorable grandfather” when asking to use his phone in ep7.
- November 10, 2013 at 9:45 PM
She’s had 700 years to get over it, as well. Quote:you’d think there would be hostility between them… but apparently not since she refers to him as “honorable grandfather” when asking to use his phone in ep7.
Honey vs. Vinegar, y’know.
(even then, she’s overdoing it) -
- November 11, 2013 at 1:23 AM
It is possible she may actually knew from the beginning since I’m thinking about it. I mean she did avoid ayeka’s questions about him even said “Now where did Yosho go?” I mean if she thought Yosho was dead, I think she would have said it I mean she did love to torture Ayeka -
- November 11, 2013 at 6:36 PM
Considering that Ryoko had her astral form, plus the fact that she put a part of herself into Chibi, I don’t doubt that Ryoko knew Yosho was alive. -
- November 11, 2013 at 6:42 PM
Then there is the fact that when she was sealed she did watch over Tenchi when he was growing up in her astral form.That episode had the famous Little Tenchi peeing scene.
Speaking of their relationship,I saw episode 24 ‘No Need For Ryoko’ yesterday in Universe.Very sad ending but it was interesting how determined she was to help Tenchi rescue Aeka.
- November 12, 2013 at 5:38 AM
I thought it was funny how ryoko said she knew tenchi from when he was a kid but when he freed her, she attacked him though. Then again maybe she just attacked him because sword tenchi reacted to her like it did -
- November 12, 2013 at 7:04 PM
The_evil_Genius wrote:I thought it was funny how ryoko said she knew tenchi from when he was a kid but when he freed her, she attacked him though. Then again maybe she just attacked him because sword tenchi reacted to her like it did
In one of the doujinshi, Kajishima-sensei has a different version of the onsen scene between Ryoko and Aeka. When Aeka asks Ryoko why she attacked, Ryoko says it wasn’t serious, but she also says that since Tenchi broke the seal days before Ryoko would have got out on her own, he foiled her surprise on everyone, so she felt like taking out a little frustration on Tenchi.
Ryoko didn’t get serious until Tenchi-ken revealed itself and by then, it was too late. ^_~
As an aside, in reality, I think the Ryoko attack on Tenchi was Hayash’s influence on the story. Kajishima then had to come up with a reason to explain this and why Ryoko would now be an ally of Tenchi, thus the whole, “I wasn’t being serious” stuff that’s in 101 Mysteries.
- November 12, 2013 at 8:26 PM
Now that’s something I would think odd. Since sword tenchi could hold Ryoko back in that fight with Ryoko and Tenchi, and it is the thing keeping Ryoko sealed, I do wonder how Ryoko would be able to break free herself -
- November 13, 2013 at 6:26 PM
The_evil_Genius wrote:Now that’s something I would think odd. Since sword tenchi could hold Ryoko back in that fight with Ryoko and Tenchi, and it is the thing keeping Ryoko sealed, I do wonder how Ryoko would be able to break free herself
See now we’re just speculating. None of this was communicated through the anime which is the creators’ fault. I think it’s a bit silly to think she somehow over the course of 700 years gathered energy and was about to break free just a day before Tenchi stumbled into the cave. At any rate, it doesn’t make a difference to the show itself.
- November 13, 2013 at 6:56 PM
The power of the jewels would have pretty much had to run down by then for her to have been able to break free without Tenchi going into the cave.IIRC right she’s pretty much a mummy when Tenchi first sees her in OVA 1.It’s only when he lifts the sword out that she begins to regenerate.
- November 26, 2013 at 4:14 AM
That’s another thing I wondered whatever happened to ryoko’s mask? was she wearing a mask when Yosho sealed her or something or did the townsfolk do that to scare off people from going to the cave and she just took it off after she regained her powers -
- November 26, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Beats me. I wish we could have seen more flashbacks of her space pirating days, and possibly the mask she sported (unless Yosho gave her the mask) -
- November 27, 2013 at 3:26 PM
highgear56 wrote:The_evil_Genius wrote:Now that’s something I would think odd. Since sword tenchi could hold Ryoko back in that fight with Ryoko and Tenchi, and it is the thing keeping Ryoko sealed, I do wonder how Ryoko would be able to break free herself
See now we’re just speculating. None of this was communicated through the anime which is the creators’ fault. I think it’s a bit silly to think she somehow over the course of 700 years gathered energy and was about to break free just a day before Tenchi stumbled into the cave. At any rate, it doesn’t make a difference to the show itself.
She needed the gem as a focal point to break free. She can make faux gems at will, but while sealed up, she could only draw power from the very limited sources available to her, mostly herself.
mitsuki lover wrote:The power of the jewels would have pretty much had to run down by then for her to have been able to break free without Tenchi going into the cave.IIRC right she’s pretty much a mummy when Tenchi first sees her in
OVA 1.It’s only when he lifts the sword out that she begins to regenerate.
She’s a mummy because she’s using everything she can spare to create a faux gem. However, once Tenchi broke the seal, Ryoko did begin to regenerate because now she could draw in energy from the outside. She no longer needed to just draw energy from herself to put into a faux gem.
The_evil_Genius wrote:That’s another thing I wondered whatever happened to ryoko’s mask? was she wearing a mask when Yosho sealed her or something or did the townsfolk do that to scare off people from going to the cave and she just took it off after she regained her powers
I need to go back and rewatch the episode, but I think it is just a noh mask of some kind, likely an oni mask. After all, in the legend of Yosho, he fought an oni. So in terms of story, having Tenchi encounter a mummy with an oni mask makes it more terrifying for him.
As to what happened, that’s one of those things that the Japanese might say, “you aren’t supposed to worry about that.” *lol* But it would have been cool if the mask were hanging on the wall somewhere near Ryoko, or even inside Ryo-ohki.
- November 28, 2013 at 7:08 PM
It was strange that Ryoko’s stay on the Galaxy’s wanted list was seven hundred years. Katsuhito has suspected that Ryoko had changed over the years. Tenchi had accidentily release Ryoko before the statue off limitations by the Holy Council was put into effect. It likely that Katsuhito was planning to released Ryoko, but Tenchi did the job for him. -
- November 29, 2013 at 6:55 PM
Which upset Aeka when she learned the statue of limitations was over about five minutes after coming out of her hyper-sleep. So after watching the ending to
UniverseI have to say I really wanted Tenchi to poke Ryoko to make sure he wasn’t seeing things instead of her poking him.Though that was great seeing her materialize on that rock.Though until she touched him I was thinking that it was a mirage. -
- November 29, 2013 at 9:17 PM
susano wrote:It was strange that Ryoko’s stay on the Galaxy’s wanted list was seven hundred years. Katsuhito has suspected that Ryoko had changed over the years. Tenchi had accidentily release Ryoko before the statue off limitations by the Holy Council was put into effect. It likely that Katsuhito was planning to released Ryoko, but Tenchi did the job for him.
Yosho (Katsuhito) and Kiyone did everything they could to pique Tenchi’s interest in the oni legend at the family shrine. As I understand it, Yosho’s plan was to have Tenchi go to Jurai with Ryoko and Tenchi-ken, thus proving himself to be the heir of Yosho and removing Yosho from his responsibility of succeeding Azusa in the future, which he would have to do as the partner of a 1st-generation Royal tree.
True Sheol and I disagreed about this, but I’ve always thought that Tenchi-ken was not just a master key created by Funaho-ki, but THE Master Key, giving it power over all other Royal trees, including 1st-gen ones. In my mind, this would give greater weight to Tenchi returning to Jurai and having claim to the throne, more so if the sword were passed down from Azusa (who either had Tenchi-ken or something so similar, it fooled Kagato), to Yosho, and then to Tenchi.
Of course, having Tenchi go to Jurai with Ryoko would be seen in the eyes of Jurai in general as a massive accomplishment, considering how easily she blew past the vaunted Juraian military defenses on every level.
mitsuki lover wrote:Which upset Aeka when she learned the statue of limitations was over about five minutes after coming out of her hyper-sleep.
Well, she was looking for revenge on Ryoko for what she did to the unfinished Ryu-oh ship, as well as for Ryoko causing her beloved Yoshi-oniisama to leave. She had legal backing to support her revenge until the Statute of Limitations ran out, so yeah, she was very upset. *lol*
Man, I have to carve out time to rewatch the series again.
- November 29, 2013 at 11:04 PM
I think yosho let Tenchi get the keys too because he easily blocked his punch -
- December 2, 2013 at 4:30 AM
I have always been a Tenchi x Ryoko shipper, they were my first OTP ^^ It’s beginning to be a little easier to accept that he marries all of them in the OVA (that’s hard to admit, LOL) because I dolike the idea of them being this big, loving family… When it comes down to the two girls, it always kind of irked me how quick Ayeka seemed to get over Yosho and into Tenchi. Maybe I need to sit down and re watch everything in order, but that seems to happen so quickly. Maybe she still has feelings lingering for Yosho, but… it still seems weird to me. I know they had that nice time together in the third episode, but still… she’s been wanting him for
solong. and in that short amount of time she’s now competing with Ryoko for her grand nephew? Ryoko’s story however… I just like it more ^^ her love makes more sense to me. Their moments together!! I guess I can’t say too much else than what has already been said. I can see all of the other girls as love interests (well, it’s actually weird, I like shippings where the girl is younger than the guy, but I don’t like Sasami x Tenchi… and it’s hard for me to accept them as a romantic pairing even though I know she is going to grow up before they ~get together~), but it just feels like Tenchi and Ryoko are the best fit.
- December 2, 2013 at 6:58 PM
It’s always been between Aeka and Ryoko.I think the mistake was adding the other girls into the harem.I think it would have made more sense if he simply married Aeka and Ryoko.I think the only reason the others were added was to keep all of the fans happy. -
- December 2, 2013 at 9:21 PM
I always thought the story of the series was between Tenchi and ryoko and the others were added because it was a harem series -
- December 2, 2013 at 10:19 PM
Or maybe Kajishima just wanted Tenchi to marry them all. - December 3, 2013 at 12:41 AM
julia wrote:
When it comes down to the two girls, it always kind of irked me how quick Ayeka seemed to get over Yosho and into Tenchi. Maybe I need to sit down and re watch everything in order, but that seems to happen so quickly. Maybe she still has feelings lingering for Yosho, but… it still seems weird to me. I know they had that nice time together in the third episode, but still… she’s been wanting him forsolong. and in that short amount of time she’s now competing with Ryoko for her great nephew? This is another thing I wish the OVA would do, is actually take the time to explore the relationships that everyone has, and really go deep with them. Sadly I don’t think we will ever see any kind of real character development anymore. Barring some unforeseen miracles, I imagine anything like that will be in the form of physical plot points (aka “And then the characters did THIS”) and not about making the characters worth liking again, lol
- December 3, 2013 at 8:48 PM
The_evil_Genius wrote:I think yosho let Tenchi get the keys too because he easily blocked his punch
Yeah, that’s the consensus. I’m trying to remember if I have that sourced to something Kajishima-sensei confirmed or not.
julia wrote:I have always been a Tenchi x Ryoko shipper, they were my first OTP ^^ It’s beginning to be a little easier to accept that he marries all of them in the OVA (that’s hard to admit, LOL) because I
dolike the idea of them being this big, loving family… You remind me of me several years ago when I was an ardent Tenchi x Ryoko shipper, but folks like True Sheol showed me how story-wise, the harem route was the one that would be done.
Quote:When it comes down to the two girls, it always kind of irked me how quick Ayeka seemed to get over Yosho and into Tenchi. Maybe I need to sit down and re watch everything in order, but that seems to happen so quickly. Maybe she still has feelings lingering for Yosho, but… it still seems weird to me. I know they had that nice time together in the third episode, but still… she’s been wanting him for
solong. and in that short amount of time she’s now competing with Ryoko for her great nephew? You can blame Hasegawa-sensei’s influence for that. As I understand it, Kajishima-sensei didn’t want Aeka to be still hung up on Yosho in a romantic way, but Hasegawa-sensei, as script writer, added that element into the final version of the script because she saw Aeka as more of a tragic princess heroine. OVA 1 has three influences — Kajishima, Hasegawa, and Hayashi, which is why there are some inconsistencies.
Quote:…but it just feels like Tenchi and Ryoko are the best fit.
I always think about the episode where the two walk off together after Tenchi forgives her for damaging his mother’s kimono.
mitsuki lover wrote:It’s always been between Aeka and Ryoko.I think the mistake was adding the other girls into the harem.I think it would have made more sense if he simply married Aeka and Ryoko.I think the only reason the others were added was to keep all of the fans happy.
I can understand this line of thought. Of course, back when
TM!Rcame out, there were no harem titles (unlike today, where they are a dime a dozen). However, in terms of story, there is justification for Tenchi marrying the harem, at least as far as Jurai is concerned. The_evil_Genius wrote:I always thought the story of the series was between Tenchi and ryoko and the others were added because it was a harem series
The story was actually all about Tenchi. Ryoko and the others were always there from the start, at least from Kajishima’s perspective. It is just that how things played out came off differently. (The Ryoko-Tenchi conflict at the beginning is Hayashi’s influence on the story).
Dagon123 wrote:This is another thing I wish the OVA would do, is actually take the time to explore the relationships that everyone has, and really go deep with them. Sadly I don’t think we will ever see any kind of real character development anymore. Barring some unforeseen miracles, I imagine anything like that will be in the form of physical plot points (aka “And then the characters did THIS”) and not about making the characters worth liking again, lol
That’s one of the reasons I wish the Shin Tenchi Muyo novels were adapted. Washu gets great character work in the novel
Washu(as expected). Ryoko gets good background character work in Yosho(and a bit in Juraias well). Aeka’s motivations are pretty clear due to Yosho. But yeah, sadly, I don’t think we’ll get to see the kind of thing you (and me for that matter) want to see.
- December 3, 2013 at 10:58 PM
AstroNerdBoy wrote:You can blame Hasegawa-sensei’s influence for that. As I understand it, Kajishima-sensei didn’t want Aeka to be still hung up on Yosho in a romantic way, but Hasegawa-sensei, as script writer, added that element into the final version of the script because she saw Aeka as more of a tragic princess heroine. OVA 1 has three influences — Kajishima, Hasegawa, and Hayashi, which is why there are some inconsistencies.
I didn’t know that at all! It would have been better for her not to have been… because she just feels a bit flakey to me because of that
It just helps reinforce my love for the Tenchi x Ryoko pairing ^.^Dagon123 wrote:This is another thing I wish the OVA would do, is actually take the time to explore the relationships that everyone has, and really go deep with them. Sadly I don’t think we will ever see any kind of real character development anymore. Barring some unforeseen miracles, I imagine anything like that will be in the form of physical plot points (aka “And then the characters did THIS”) and not about making the characters worth liking again, lol
I agree! T_T
You know, I was thinking about this a lot last night, on why I like TenchixRyoko so much and instances of them being closer as a couple. I was just thinking, she gets most of the deeper moments with him, I think. I have most of the “No need for Tenchi!” manga, and I was going through the Tenchi in Love volume, and at the end after they defeat Kain and Ryoko says “good luck with Nobuyuki!”, Achika replies with “and you take care of Tenchi!”. and while Washu and Ayeka are there, those two pages feel a bit more focused on Ryoko and Achika than the rest, then it goes to Washu talking to Achika. Is this how it happened in the movie? lol it’s been so long since I watched it! Maybe I am looking too much into those couple of pages
- December 4, 2013 at 1:26 AM
Another reason is why I think tenchi/Ryoko was the choice tenchi would always would make in the end than the whole Ayeka/Tenchi pairing is because in the ova tenchi risked his twice to save Ryoko and in the tv universe he gave the whole throne of Jurai and went back to Earth and the whole time he thought about ryoko - December 4, 2013 at 3:26 AM
OVA wise, I always found it interesting that when Ryoko was kidnapped by Dr. Clay, Tenchi felt it. Now as to whether or not that was his abilities of “Omniscience” coming to light, or he has a bond with Ryoko in a certain way that is stronger than the rest is purely debatable and subjective. Universe-wise I always felt as if the show really was picking a side. It felt more blatantly obvious as to who he wanted towards the end, which is good and bad. Bad as in being that Ayeka never seemed to have much of a fighting chance.
Ryoko is my personal favorite of the two, though, so initially I am happy at the thought of the Ryoko/Tenchi pairing. Ayeka doesn’t exactly need to be left in the dust though. Of course, that’s my personal opinion.
"For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."- December 4, 2013 at 2:19 PM
AstroNerdBoy wrote:You can blame Hasegawa-sensei’s influence for that. As I understand it, Kajishima-sensei didn’t want Aeka to be still hung up on Yosho in a romantic way, but Hasegawa-sensei, as script writer, added that element into the final version of the script because she saw Aeka as more of a tragic princess heroine. OVA 1 has three influences — Kajishima, Hasegawa, and Hayashi, which is why there are some inconsistencies
Well that’s why Hasegawa was a script writer, lol What was Kajishima going to do with Ayeka in any kind of important capacity? Hasegawa understood that the main characters should probably have more personality, even shallow ones, then just being plot points and trophies in a harem on screen.
shadowsfall0 wrote:
Universe-wise I always felt as if the show really was picking a side. It felt more blatantly obvious as to who he wanted towards the end, which is good and bad. Bad as in being that Ayeka never seemed to have much of a fighting chance.See this is one thing that harem shows always get wrong, and ironically enough shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show are getting right (aka there’s more than DVD and Sales figures going into the writing of the show, lol)
This paragraph on AT might have spoilers so tread lightly, anyway, in the beginning of Adventure Time, Finn is infatuated with Princess Bubblegum, even to the point of loving her, but she turns him down for a couple of reasons, so Finn explores his other options (Marceline, Flame Princess) and so on. At one point Bubblegum has to confront the idea that maybe she likes Finn after all, but he’s already with Flame Princess, so they have a kerfuffle, this is great drama that explores open possibilities of multiple pairings, but also makes the show engaging on that front and gives the fans of all pairings what they want.
Tenchi is the perfect show for something like this, but they always play it too sterile because they are “afraid of hurting the fans” or Kajishima doesn’t care, well hell the fans have been hurt before and survived, how about we take the floaties off and actually get in the deep end huh? lol The times they attempted this, what happened? RYOKO BECAME A SPACE PIRATE AGAIN, and we had arguably the most touching moments between Ryoko and Ayeka (DoD), and Ryoko and Tenchi (TMiL2) EVER you want to tell me that THAT is a bad thing? (not you specifically shadow) HOWEVER, they still only went half in on the Tokyo one and never reciprocated that on Tenchi’s part (which I know many of us complained about in the Tokyo cast for).
So let’s say for instance, in OVA1, Tenchi outright picks Ryoko at first, or rather, accepts Ryoko’s affection despite the tender moments that Ayeka and him shared before. This breaks Ayeka’s heart, BUT it pushes her to grow as a character, she doesn’t need Tenchi to be happy, OR she decides to accept Seiryu’s hand in marriage, now Tenchi is feeling bad about it, so he speaks up, which could lead Ayeka to the finn moment I described above, but then Ryoko jumps in, etc, I mean it practically writes itself, and in a Universe as big as Tenchi, this could lead to all kinds of great space battles, and all of the adventure and action we love, but also giving us drama and character development. What do we love to watch more? World War 2 or the Cold War? WW2 because shit happened and it was exciting both positively and negatively, (and I’m sure Chuck will chime in and tell me that things did happen in the Cold War, but they weren’t as exciting “war wise” as World War 2).
- December 4, 2013 at 6:07 PM
Dagon123 wrote:So let’s say for instance, in OVA1, Tenchi outright picks Ryoko at first, or rather, accepts Ryoko’s affection despite the tender moments that Ayeka and him shared before. This breaks Ayeka’s heart, BUT it pushes her to grow as a character, she doesn’t need Tenchi to be happy, OR she decides to accept Seiryu’s hand in marriage, now Tenchi is feeling bad about it, so he speaks up, which could lead Ayeka to the finn moment I described above, but then Ryoko jumps in, etc, I mean it practically writes itself, and in a Universe as big as Tenchi, this could lead to all kinds of great space battles, and all of the adventure and action we love, but also giving us drama and character development. What do we love to watch more?
Well said. It’s just inevitable at some point in a harem that you probably piss off fans because their character wasn’t chosen for reasons ranging from rejection (Tenchi chooses [name]) to complete disregard (Tenchi chooses no one and keeps them all in limbo).
Now this is just my opinion (biased of course), but Ryoko was introduced from the start whereas Ayeka showed up looking for someone else which to me indicates she’s the special woman out of them all. Both of them over time developed feelings for Tenchi, but Ryoko seems more genuine and affectionate whereas Ayeka just sees another Yosho so to speak. It’s all part of the incestuous arranged marriages within the monarchy. I’m not saying Ayeka didn’t really love Tenchi, but if Tenchi was in no way related to Ayeka whatsoever (discovered in Ep2 when she realized the sword works in sync with him), she probably wouldn’t have developed those feelings despite Tenchi being the same person he always has been. Whereas Ryoko doesn’t care if he’s Juraian or not.
- December 4, 2013 at 6:49 PM
I wonder if that is true though,seeing as in the first ova it is evident that it’s Yosho himself who is pushing the whole Aeka/Tenchi relationship. And also after episode 1 we never do get a chance to see Ryoko and Tenchi alone so it’s hard to say how
their relationship would’ve developed if Aeka hadn’t showed up in episode 2.
Perhaps if Aeka had shown up later in the ova Ryoko and Tenchi would have been able to develop a stronger relationship.
Having Aeka show up right away in episode 2 really throws everything off in that regard.
Of course I am talking about the first ova here,with Universe it is different.
- December 9, 2013 at 6:16 PM
julia wrote:AstroNerdBoy wrote:You can blame Hasegawa-sensei’s influence for that. As I understand it, Kajishima-sensei didn’t want Aeka to be still hung up on Yosho in a romantic way, but Hasegawa-sensei, as script writer, added that element into the final version of the script because she saw Aeka as more of a tragic princess heroine. OVA 1 has three influences — Kajishima, Hasegawa, and Hayashi, which is why there are some inconsistencies.
I didn’t know that at all! It would have been better for her not to have been… because she just feels a bit flakey to me because of that
It just helps reinforce my love for the Tenchi x Ryoko pairing ^.^I agree with you. However, the “tragic princess” element is basically what became the standard after
OVA 1. All of her other incarnations are rooted in that. ;
The_evil_Genius wrote:Another reason is why I think tenchi/Ryoko was the choice tenchi would always would make in the end than the whole Ayeka/Tenchi pairing is because in the ova tenchi risked his twice to save Ryoko…
Back in the day when I would get into shipping debates, this was one of the things I cited. Naturally, as usually happens with people who are emotionally tied to things/ideas, these citations were ignored. *lol*
shadowsfall0 wrote:OVA wise, I always found it interesting that when Ryoko was kidnapped by Dr. Clay, Tenchi felt it. Now as to whether or not that was his abilities of “Omniscience” coming to light, or he has a bond with Ryoko in a certain way that is stronger than the rest is purely debatable and subjective.
Debatable, yeah, but there’s plenty of evidence to support such a bond. After all, Yosho wanted Tenchi to go to Jurai in his stead with Ryoko. Yosho and Kiyone did things to pique Tenchi’s interest in Ryoko. As a child, it is believed that Tenchi could sense Ryoko (in astral form) outside the cave. When Kiyone died, Tenchi fled to Ryoko’s Cave, where Ryoko used her limited abilities in astral form to shield him from the snow. Ryoko put a part of herself into Chibi, the cat that was near death which Tenchi rescued.
So yeah, I think it is safe to say there’s a deeper bond between Ryoko and Tenchi, but since Tenchi was raised with Ryoko around (in astral form), I think that is understandable.
Quote:Ryoko is my personal favorite of the two, though, so initially I am happy at the thought of the Ryoko/Tenchi pairing. Ayeka doesn’t exactly need to be left in the dust though. Of course, that’s my personal opinion.
In the canon, Aeka isn’t left out due to the harem ending. ^_~
Dagon123 wrote:AstroNerdBoy wrote:You can blame Hasegawa-sensei’s influence for that. As I understand it, Kajishima-sensei didn’t want Aeka to be still hung up on Yosho in a romantic way, but Hasegawa-sensei, as script writer, added that element into the final version of the script because she saw Aeka as more of a tragic princess heroine. OVA 1 has three influences — Kajishima, Hasegawa, and Hayashi, which is why there are some inconsistencies
Well that’s why Hasegawa was a script writer, lol What was Kajishima going to do with Ayeka in any kind of important capacity? Hasegawa understood that the main characters should probably have more personality, even shallow ones, then just being plot points and trophies in a harem on screen.
“Script polisher” would be more of what she did. After all, the earlier versions of the script were written by Kajishima-sensei. I’ve seen some of them. Episode 2 and 5 were the ones that Hasegawa-sensei did the final version of the script for.
I would disagree that Hasegawa-sensei understood the characters more. After all, Kajishima-sensei is the one who created the characters. She had her vision of the characters and her vision of where the story should go. Because she changed things to her vision, vs what Kajishima had envisioned, that’s why she had no role in the rest of the canon and went to do her own, very successful, spinoff line.
When Hasegawa-sensei started writing her spinoff novels, she when to Kajishima-sensei to ask some questions. She admitted that she had no understanding of the Choushin, nor Washu. Her vision of Washu, which is carried on in her novels, is that Washu was simply a mad scientist.
@Dagon123 – I think that Hayashi would have preferred a Ryoko x Tenchi pairing and my understanding that this is his influence on OVA 1. Kajishima-sensei apparently always wanted a harem ending. He structured the story so that such an ending works (Jurai would heartily approve of Tenchi marrying the harem for a whole host of political reasons).highgear56 wrote:It’s just inevitable at some point in a harem that you probably piss off fans because their character wasn’t chosen for reasons ranging from rejection (Tenchi chooses [name]) to complete disregard (Tenchi chooses no one and keeps them all in limbo).
And that showed up in the TU spinoff, as there were people upset with how the 3rd movie (which wrapped up the TU timeline anime-wise) paired Tenchi off with Ryoko.
Quote:…if Tenchi was in no way related to Ayeka whatsoever (discovered in Ep2 when she realized the sword works in sync with him), she probably wouldn’t have developed those feelings despite Tenchi being the same person he always has been. Whereas Ryoko doesn’t care if he’s Juraian or not.
You might be right, but I’ve suspected that the reason Tenchi attracts the girls is that they are subconsciously reacting to the power within him.
mitsuki lover wrote:I wonder if that is true though,seeing as in the first ova it is evident that it’s Yosho himself who is pushing the whole Aeka/Tenchi relationship.
True. Of course, Yosho was married and didn’t want Aeka still interested in him, so why not use the Katsuhito persona to accomplish his mission. *lol*
But yeah, after Aeka (and Sasami) showed up, that changed the dynamics of things. Every subsequent girl continued that change.
- December 9, 2013 at 7:04 PM
So we never do get anything close to a Tenchi alone with Ryoko after episode 1 of OVA 1.Heck we don’t get that in episode 1 of Universe since Mihoshi is in that episode.So basically OVA 1 of episode 1 is the only time we actually get Ryoko and Tenchi alone together without any other girl acting as an alternative.Perhaps if
there is ever a live action Tenchi they’ll start off with Ryoko and Tenchi together for the first ten episodes before introducing Aeka…wishful thinking.LOL!!!!
- December 9, 2013 at 11:17 PM
Well there is that episode in Tenchi in Tokyo ‘Ryoko’s Big Date’ (On my Youtube channel linked below), but yeah there is nothing else when they’re alone. That’s a harem for you unfortunately.
- December 10, 2013 at 10:43 PM
mitsuki lover wrote:So we never do get anything close to a Tenchi alone with Ryoko after episode 1 of OVA 1.
Well, they are briefly alone together in OVA 2 when Ryoko wears Kiyone’s kimono and Tenchi is very admiring until Ryoko rips off the sleeve. At the end of the episode, the two are shown walking off together as Tenchi has forgiven her and I think Ryoko is carrying the big basket of carrots.
- December 11, 2013 at 6:48 PM
True,but I was thinking more in the direction of what it be like if they had been able to spend more time together before the other girls start showing up and it becomes THEharem series it develops into. I guess that would be more of a
what if?situation though: What If Tenchi And Ryoko Had More Alone Time Together Before The Other Girls Start Showing Up?. - December 11, 2013 at 8:52 PM
mitsuki lover wrote:I guess that would be more of a
what if?situation though: What If Tenchi And Ryoko Had More Alone Time Together Before The Other Girls Start Showing Up?. You’d have something akin to
El-Hazard…maybe. ^_~ - December 12, 2013 at 1:48 AM
AstroNerdBoy wrote:Well, they are briefly alone together in OVA 2 when Ryoko wears Kiyone’s kimono and Tenchi is very admiring until Ryoko rips off the sleeve. At the end of the episode, the two are shown walking off together as Tenchi has forgiven her and I think Ryoko is carrying the big basket of carrots.
Isn’t there a saying “men marry women who remind them of their mothers”? (fortunately for Tenchi, none of the girls quite fit the bill there)
- December 12, 2013 at 8:42 PM
I don’t know if there’s such saying or not (and I haven’t bothered to Google it). But yeah, even though we learned Kiyone is a bit of a nutter, none of the other girls are really like her. Maybe they all have elements of her. ^_~ - December 13, 2013 at 7:01 PM
To be fair Tenchi didn’t really know his mother that much so I don’t know how that saying would apply to him. Viewing 59 reply threads- You must be logged in to reply to this topic.