What program do you guys use?

Forums Fan Stuff AMVs What program do you guys use?

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    I really want to try my hand at a Ryoko/Tenchi video, but I’m having some issues with my current program. I’m using Windows Live Movie Maker, which is easy enough when it comes to slicing and dicing clips, but every time I play back the video it lags (while the music keeps going), so it’s making timing difficult. What program do you guys use?
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      Ahhhhhh WLMM. How I remember it fondly. 😆 I used to use that as well. But then it got to a point where I wanted to do more complicated things that WLMM couldn’t do. So I upgraded to Sony Vegas 10. Its great, easy to use, and its pretty cheap. I think it retails for about 40-50 dollars, but Amazon had it for 28 so I couldn’t pass that up. I will say this, going immediately from WLMM to Vegas, is a daunting task. There is just so much more stuff that you can do its unbelievable. After you practice with it it just becomes second nature from my experience. I highly recommend it, Sony Vegas 10.
      *First off, whatever Ryokofan recommends is probably a good bet lol but just to contribute…

      I currently use a slightly outdated version of Adobe premiere elements (8). Haven’t upgraded to 9 or anything better because I have no money :/ But for amv’s it’s adequate, & with Adobe in general I’ve found the interfaces easy to use, & you get what you pay for (though I’ve always heard good things about Vegas, probably can’t go wrong there)

      **Maybe if you can’t spring for a more expensive program for now, try rendering your project even if you’re not quite finished yet. Then you can view it lag free to see if what you’ve edited so far syncs up the way you want it.

      Cool to hear you’re interested in making a Tenchi amv, best of luck with whatever u work on in the future, & if u ever make something b sure to share it here


      Thanks for the input, guys!

      I think I’ll keep working with WLMM for now just to see how this first effort turns out. It’ll definitely be “low budget,” but then it’s only my first attempt ^.^

      And I’ll be sure to share it here :mrgreen:

      For Washuu
      I know that VirtualDub is AMAZING, and that it can edit clips down to the frame. That’s what I like.

      However, since it’s not primarily an editor (it’s mainly a filter/compression program, and an awesome one at that), I have a two-step process. First I get all the video clips cut in VirtualDub, and then I transfer them to Windows Movie Maker to lay down the music track.

      Maybe not so user-friendly, but it’s free, and it’s powerful.

      Just yesterday I downloaded this software called Pinnacle Videospin. With it, I put together this quick AMV in half an hour.

      [BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHeXjZ91PEw&feature=g-upl[/BBvideo]

      iloveitmoreplz Ah GREG!!! I remember you talkin’ about this one for a loooong time! Nice to see it come to fruition! Very well done, you pulled it off quite nicely, and I must say, this is all too fitting for this scene!
      ^^ I was just thinking about how that music plays in my head during that scene! XD Anyway, I’ve been wanting to try my hand at AMVs and this has been helpful! isawitplz

      Also, how do I get video clips from my DVDs?

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