Who Said It? Star Trek Addition

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    See if you can guess which Star Trek character said what and bonus points if you can get the correct series:

    1.”He’s dead, Jim.”

    2.”Shut up,Wesley!”

    3.”So because he’s a hologram,he doesn’t have to be treated with respect…or any consideration

    at all?”

    4.”Never make fun of a Ferengi’s mother.Rule of Acquistion Number Thirty One.”

    5.”Take the Cheese to sickbay.The doctor should look at is as soon as possible.”

    6.”Some days you get the bear,and some days the bear gets you.”

    7.”Mister Spock is the best first officer in the fleet.”

    8.”Just what this station needs…another Klingon!”

    9.”Well…what do you know? I finally got the last word.”

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      Finally a game I can be (hopefully) good at! My years of Starfleet Academy training (lazing about watching tvland) have prepared me for this moment. I cannot fail!

      Here we go:

      1. Dr. McCoy

      2. Capt. Picard.

      3. It’s gotta be someone from Voyager…. Kes?

      4. I haven’t a clue, which means its probably from DS9, which I never really got into.

      5. Crap, I know this one’s from Voyager too….. I think it’s Tuvok but I’m probably wrong.

      6. Aw man, this one’s soooo familiar, but I can’t remember.

      7. Capt. Kirk, unless you’re thinking of the episode with the flying amoeba things, then it’s McCoy who said it.

      8. Again, it’s gotta be DS9, but I have no clue who said it.

      9. Dr. McCoy, from the classic episode Journey to Babel!

      Well, how’d I do?

      4. Is Quark (who also cameo’d on Generations) or his friend or son… probably Quark though.

      8. Is probably Kira Nerys.

      Both DS9.

      Yeah #4 is rather obvious but I will refrain from giving the answers until other people have gotten a chance

      to answer or at least next Friday,whichever comes first.btw the sources for all qoutes is The Qoutable Star Trek.It’s copyrighted 1999 so no Enterprise qoutes.

      As promised the answers:

      1.Dr.McCoy(natch)from TOS

      2.Picard is correct but also Dr.Crusher and Commander Riker as well at various times in the same

      episode of STNG

      3.That was Kes about the Doctor on Voyager

      4.Quark on DS9(the Rules of Acquistion is always a hint that a Ferengi is speaking here)

      5.That was actually B’Elanna during the famous episode when the organic components of Voyager were

      shutting down.Probably the most infamous quote in all Star Trek.

      6.Riker in the STNG episode “Data’s Day” after they discover the Vulcan Ambassador they were supposed to transport home was actually a Romulan spy. picard1

      7.McCoy on TOS

      8.Quark,our favorite Ferengi said it on DS9

      9.McCoy again this time in the episode” Journey To Babel

      And here are some new ones:

      1.”You’ve not expierenced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.”

      2.”I love you.Say something.”

      “You picked a great time to tell me…”

      3.”A warrior’s drink.”

      4.”Dismissed.That’s a Starfleet expression for ‘get out’…”


      6.”War is good for buisness….”

      7.”Please state the nature of the medical emergency.”

      8.”What am I,a doctor or a moon shuttle conductor?”

      9.”It is a good day to die Duras…and the day is not yet over.”

      I’d think the ‘Shut up Wesley’ one, would be the audience. Or these days, Sheldon. kiyonesmile1
      1. must be Worf

      2. B’Elanna, (it was so odd)

      3. Korn?

      4. Kira?

      7. & 8. EMH

      1.is the Klingon Chancellor from Star Trek VI:The Undiscovered Country

      2.B’Elanna and Tom when they’re stuck in space and their oxygen is slowly seeping away.


      4.Janeway to Kim in the Voyager pilot


      6.our favorite Ferengi: Quark

      7.the EMH….DUH!

      8.I forget which one it is either McCoy or the EMH.

      9.Worf…who else.

      #8 was Mccoy in The Corbomite Manuever.
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