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  • Almael
    **This is a repost: Nov 29, 2017**

    Following is an older show so I don’t have any screenshots. It’s kind of rare these days.

    Code Blue Season 1

    Type: hospital

    Genre: medical action, society

    Year: 2008


    See background section below.


    The [fictional] Shoyo University Hokubu Hospital Emergency Center introduced the Dortor-Heli(copter) program to Japan in 2001. It’s an emergency medical service (EMS) which gets physicians to the site of accidents. 2008, after years it’s still new and in adoption phase and in need of flight doctors.

    There are four flight doctor trainees this year:

    Fujikawa Kazuo, an overexcited, megane guy with baseless confidence, a lose tongue and no courage, who’s popular with young girls and kids because they view him as less than a dog (or worse), hence, they don’t feel embarrassed with him.

    Aizawa Kosaku, a super cool looking ikemen and overly-talented guy. He aims to become famous based on his skill and experience, hence, wants to rack field (operation) mission.

    Shiraishi Megumi, a heir to famous line of doctors, who’s smartest but has doubts in her skill. Her abundance of knowledge makes her hesitate in making quick decisions, she freezes up or loses calm & concentration and panics.

    Hiyama Mihoko, a blunt and outspoken woman who’s anxious when it comes to her job.

    These four come under the care of ace flight doctor, Kuroda Shuji, who hates the young (and incompetent). He failed all last year’s candidates. Hence, a bloody competition starts among the candidates for the flight doctor post.

    As the trainees cause problems the Fellowship and the Doctor Heli programs faces termination…


    The show starts with ER experienced novice surgeons in the Fellowship program similar to the american Scrubs show without the comedy emphasis, though. There are lots of good actors among the cast and guest actors.

    This is perhaps the second time Aragaki Yui and Toda Erika are teamed up in a show. Megumi (Yui) is the ideal japanese honor student while Mihoko her counterpart. Btw the image of the ideal japanese female gender has changed officially this year (2017). It’s a revolution in Japanese culture.

    Unsurprisingly, the stories are similar to many medical show regarding young doctors confronted with the reality of the job and other people’s lives. Yet, many cases are disturbing or are exotic in detail, including a serious faker (Munchhausen syndrome) similar to one Scrubs episode. These might be the most uncomfortable part to watch for some people. It was on japanese family friendly channel so it won’t give you mental scars.

    The show is short with a small cast so a lot of social & family trouble has been cramped and dumped onto the cast. Yet, they don’t seem to be out of the ordinary which kind of scares me.

    Unlike many other japanese medical shows this show censors by brightening the operation area. Due to handbook instructions on when to call the service many cases are medically similar. There aren’t any novel treatment in this particular season. I couldn’t avoid noticing how tightly designed the hospital section was where all the show’s shooting took place. It looks like they can do 3 ops in a single 6×6 m room. The Japanese certainly know how to use space efficiently. The show is neat on everything.

    Like most medical show shows the staff are depicted spending a lot of time with patients. Sadly, staffing (time & management) has always been calculated based on patient capacity and rooms; and with “automized” timing these days e.g. timing of for each work process there’s just not much time left for social activities. In this season the show is still romantic and heroic with some reality check wakeups.

    All the show’s cases practically use CT, PET-CT, MRI, X-ray, etc. like there’s no tomorrow. It would be nice if the real world would always work out like that. And of course the cases end rather TV typical, too. However, the character development and up & downs of all the cast is pretty good and exceptional how all of it was done in 10of11 episodes. This part is definitely better than a lot of other shows considering the number of characters (7) receiving the care. I think the most other shows have is about 5 at most.

    Just when I thought it would pipe down at the end of the show a third disaster takes place. They really saved for this uncalled showdown or maybe they used the opportunity of a real large scale exercise for the show.

    Overall, I like this show more than your regular medical show or extreme live-action like Iryu-Team Medical Dragon, mostly due to the cast, better scripts, depictions and being a bit on the ideal side. Don’t misunderstand, the show has plenty of failures, deaths, misfortunes, traumatic experiences and other heart breaking story elements in the show. The only life part it’s missing to some degree is a rosy romance. I’m guessing season 3 will have that covered. ER technology is also more advanced…


    Emergency Medical Service royal blue atire’s motto: “stat and now”

    Neurosurgery black atire’s motto: “Challenge to God”

    Heart Surgery burgundy atire’s motto: “Grasp the Herz”

    Verdict: 8.7

    Cast 9

    Cast performance 8

    Script/Directing: 9



    final ED


    serious shocking case



    This show has 3 seasons (2007, 2009, 2017) so far. “Code Blue” is a reference to the medical code given for ER cases while “white car” is for car ambulance. Code Red is when someone suffers cardiac arrest or worse. I suppose the show was made to promote “Doctor Heli” in Japan. Air Ambulance service existed before but for transport only, but since 2001, physician go along for necessary on site treatment, hence, the program’s name. I suppose due to overcrowding and infrastructure there had been no need for the service before. But due to recent population decline and like elsewhere in the world as doctors became more rare in the country side it just became necessary to save more lives. Since they can’t land just anywhere ambulances serve as intermediate transport vehicle. Japan employs the paramedic system, hence, there is no (auto)mobile emergency doctor service like in the franco-germanic systems. And the ambulances are “minimally” equipped, too. In addition, hospitals do turn patients away due to severity.

    As far as helicopters go Japan has gathered the most reliable types in its arsenal. I guess the varied collection is due to their “trial” of the well known types in service around the world. Despite being late and having access to the “latest” (20 year old) like the MD 902 Explorer (tailless) they also have some older designs like the MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 C-2.

    Important to note is most of these helicopters are air ambulances. This definition and distinction is [/B]important[/B] as it means the helicopter does serve to transport at least one patient and not just as a taxi for the doctor only. Air ambulances also have the smallest, lightest and most modern medical equipment developed in the last 30 years. Expansive stuff and sadly they did only appear in the last 5 years. In part thanks to modern computer aided design. It’s only a matter of time before artificial computer aided software comes into play.

    The helicopter used in the show is a MD902, JA6790, apparently, a second hand ship bought from the US (900-00024 from july 1996) in 2007 and upgraded for the service. They used the newest addition to the fleet for the show.

    It appears the japanese helicopters are stationed at certain hospitals and have fixed day time service. Night time service requires Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) which the japanese don’t have upgraded to yet. The show had several cases where the helicopter was forced to go back and forth (reinforcement, numerous patients) which dangerously left it low on fuel, hence, time on site. Multi-fuel gas turbines like the Klimov TV2-117 (TV2-117F certified for Japan) existed for decades but alas they won’t be on rescue helicopters anytime soon (read on).

    They have a 3 minute takeoff mandate (upon receiving the call). Note this is shorter than the shortest Ready-5/Alert-5 level of the military. In practice, the germans have had pushed it down to 1 min on record by taking-off right away. Automation also improved other processes of aircraft handling. They also seem to have a high sortie and low incident record. German ADAC 2016: 54444 sorties 55 ships=1000 per ship, 1 service man fatally hit by rotor; Air Methodes 100000 annual sorties 400 of 450 ships=250 per ship, 19 fatal crashes in 2006; University of Miyazaki 1 sortie per day, in the show 1-2 sorties per day = 525-700 per ship, 1 fatal mountain crash 6 Mar 2017) Helicopters have a high maintenance to operation ratio; usually 30++ man hours per flight hour. The MD 902 requires relatively low maintenance. So 1-2 sorties per day is pretty good for civilians. Therefore, engine reliability is paramount for EMS helicopters. The PW207E engines used in the MD 902 has a 10 million flight hours life rating. Rotors have 11000 hours, and latest bearing 1000 hours.

    Interestingly, the show depicts the flight doctors using personnel walkie-talkies: Alinco DJ-C7, a dual-band VHF & UHF transceiver, common bands for aircraft. Judging from the antenna size it seems to be adjusted for UHF only, though. The show likely intentionally doesn’t show the display. The real issue is possible interference by people since these are sold to the general public and not restricted to public services.

    Also it seems the flight department has emergency operation rooms similar to german model than just regular ER like the american model. But the room’s tightness makes it unclear and the show doesn’t show the rest of the emergency department either. On a side note new american built hospital emergency departments have recently adopted this dedicated operation section for improved safety, efficiency & throughput.

    On another note before this show there was M.A.S.H. And yeah the german “Die Rettungsflieger” (1997-2007), a show praised for its accuracy due to involvement of actual military crew & SAR helicopters and field doctors.

    My interest for the show was purely curiosity, and past involvement in design, specifications, etc. of “vehicles”, (mobile) “hospitals” and management (in inaccessible regions of the world)…

    **This is a repost: Mar 29, 2017**

    Master’s Sun [SKorea]" />" />

    secretary’s spiked attire

    Type: romance

    Genre: romance, comedy

    Year: 2013


    Tae Gong Shil suffers from insomnia as she can see ghosts. They ghost won’t leave her alone once they relize they can contact her. Experience of being outcasted she leads a secluded life of fear.

    One day she runs into Joo Joong Won, a cold and ambitious CEO, who measures all human relationships through money. To her surprise, touching him makes the ghosts disappear. After realizing Gong Shil can provide him with corporation secrets from the dead victims of other corporations Joong Won offers her sanctuary while charging her a fee (very high for her, dirt cheap for him).


    This show is more like a detective show than a ghost story or a love drama. Therefore, it does have an ample amount of actions and thrills. This show has a past related story arc.

    So Ji Sub as Joo Joong Won is stuck with yet another cool and cold appearing guy image. Not much acting for him in this show.

    Gong Hyo Jin as Tae Gong Shil is a bit irritating. While she represents a “duck” image her mixed cutie acting makes it weird imho.

    Overall the show is entertaining with minimum plot scheme.

    Miscellaneous stuff:

    *Wonder Girls appear in one episode

    *dog scenes lol

    Verdict: 8

    Cast: 8

    Cast performance: 8

    Script/Directing: 8



    **This is a repost: Mar 29, 2017**

    Oh My Venus [SKOREA]


    Type: romance

    Genre: romance, comedy

    Year: 2015


    Kang Joo Eun, once a much courted beauty in her hometown, is now a heavy weight attorney, literally. Her boyfriend of 15 years breaks up with her to pursuit for her (past) friend. Joo Eun runs into Kim Young Ho, a famed but secret personal trainer. He decides to help her losing weight in exchange for owning her body.


    So Ji Sub as Kim Young Ho/John Kim and Shin Min Ah as Kang Joo Eun are a good team but I think the show would be just average at best without So Ji Sub.

    Although, the show brightens up with So Ji Sub I think it still lacks a bit on the comedy side. Action is provided by the training and -fights which led to a deficit of main actor plot actions. The show emphasizes diets and work outs or healthy life if you will. There’s not much of an arc or overall plot, though. The show does have some minor story telling at some episode’s end as a form of character status report similar to Desperate Housewives.

    Overall it’s a so-so show but could be better. The show has nice but simple lyric songs with lots of saran (love). Too good for what the show offers.

    Miscellaneous stuff:

    *They didn’t bother to give Joo Eun real glasses instead she wears an empty frame.

    *The actresses’ obese faces look very convincing.

    Verdict: 7.7

    Cast 8

    Cast performance 8

    Script/Directing: 7



    **This is a repost: Mar 29, 2017**

    Kimi wa petto/You’re my pet


    Type: live action

    Genre: romance, comedy

    Year: 2003


    After the manga of the same name (Kimi wa petto/Tramps Like Us) by Yayoi Ogawa.

    This is not the new drama airing now (Feb. 2017) or the korean show & movie of the same name.


    Due her past Iwaya Sumire has become a strong, independent, emancipated career woman. Her social shortcomings have led to relationship failures and workplace troubles. One bad day, Iwaya finds a box in front of her home. A badly wounded & sick man lies inside it. As it starts to rain she takes him in. After nursing him she decides to keep this stray dog as her pet “Momo”. However, her “dog” is unexpectedly popular with both genders.


    Koyuki as Iwaya Sumire and Matsumoto Jun as “Momo” Goda Takeshi are a good team but it seems to me their chemistry isn’t quite perfect due to age difference.

    “Dog” troubles and other good actors make this show entertaining, amusing and enjoyable. The show features modern dances.

    Verdict: 9

    Cast: 10

    Cast performance: 9

    Script/Directing: 8


    I think I like this original best of all versions.

    What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim/김비서가 왜 그럴까/Gimbiseoga Wae Geureolkka (Korean)" />

    Type: romance, comedy

    Genre: Drama, office, romance

    Year: 2018-Jun-06 to 2018-Jul-26


    One day, Kim Mi So, head secretary of Lee Young Joon, decides to quit her job. Young Joon is dumb founded as there’s no better (servile) secretary in the world. He starts to do anything to keep her by his side.


    Honestly, I watched it because the couple from “Because This Is My First Life” made a cameo appearance, including theme BGM. It’s their alternative future and past in this show.

    It also features a glimpse of “Another Oh Hae Young”. Don’t ask me why they blurred it.

    I didn’t plan to watch it but the main actors kept me watching the show. Admittedly, there were times I skipped parts for various reasons that are irrelevant in this review.

    Park Min Young plays Kim Mi So. Honestly, I didn’t recognize her but her superb performance caught me. She’s so gorgeous in this show. It’s how she looks these days, though.

    Park Seo Joon plays Lee Young Joon. Young Joon is a notorious, ignorant narcissist. There’s nobody in the world who could put up with him. The contrast between him and Mi So gives rise to a lot of fun, entertaining, an expressive situations.

    Since it’s a comedy, the cast may come across as weird but they did a good job in pulling it off. The story isn’t great. It’s all about relationship, life situation, past secrets, and a cruel experience.

    There’s no other reason to watch this show other than to watch the actors. Because of them the first episode is a very good intro episode. Most shows half fail to catch you in their first episode. So this was a surprise.

    Verdict: 8.5

    Cast: 8

    Cast performance: 9.5

    Script/Directing: 8


    Healer/힐러/Hilleo (Korean)" />

    Type: action, fiction, conspiracy

    Genre: romance, comedy, thriller, action

    Year: 2014-Dec-08 to 2015-Feb-10


    One day, night courier legend “Healer” gets a peculiar DNA sample mission to find a certain woman. As a result he’s caught in a conspiracy of national proportion and secrets of his own lost origin.


    One of the best thriller/drama show around. This show gives you no time to rest. The only bad thing is how fast it wrapped up in the end: within half an episode!! As such it’s one of those shows I dearly wished it would go on much longer.

    The cast is superb. This cast has no weak link at all. One of the best cast of any show.

    Park Min Young plays Chae Young Shin / Oh Ji An, the woman in question. As an orphan she had gone through tough times but is now in good hands. She works as a tabloid reporter and in the coffee shop of her father. Park Min Young is just great in this show. Despite being “young” she’s done pretty much any role possible. There’s no way you could miss a show with her (High Kick series; City Hunter etc.). Even if you don’t recognize her you won’t miss her performance. The only bad things to criticize are TV tropes of her role.

    Ji Chang Wook plays Seo Jung Hoo / Park Bong Soo / Healer. As usual he’s done a lot of action in this show. Although, his role allowed him to don all kinds of characters we actually don’t get to see it acted out much.

    What else is there to say but “watch it”?

    Verdict: 9.3

    Cast: 10

    Cast performance: 10

    Script/Directing: 8


    Another Oh Hae Young/또 오해영/Ddo Oh Hae Yeong" />

    Type: romance drama

    Genre: romance, comedy, supernatural

    Year: 2016-May-02 to 2016-Jul-05


    Park Do Kyung, a successful sound director with his own studio, had been dreaming (premonitions) of a woman who is always caught in dangerous situations.

    Oh Hae Young had just called off her wedding, one day before the event. This incurred the wrath of her parents and she became the gossip of town. The real reason was much worse she couldn’t tell anyone.

    (Nose-bleed hit-and-run encounter.) Do Kyung tries everything to avoid her but always ends up helping her because of a secret guilt. One day her name-twin appears who had left Do Kyung on their wedding day.


    This high profile show features two popular veteran actors in the lead roles but I watched it for the supernatural. Unfortunately it wasn’t exactly something new and I’ve seen something similar already in another Korean/Japanese show.

    Eric plays Park Do Kyung and Seo Hyun Jin plays Oh Hae Young. These two veterans are usually great but in this show it doesn’t come out well. I blame the script and or the blandness.

    Or maybe because it’s often too serious and lacks some entertainment. The rest of the cast is also high profile but suffers the same problem.

    In any case, there’s no real other reason to watch this show other than to watch the actors.

    Verdict: 8

    Cast 9

    Cast performance 8

    Script/Directing: 7


    **This is a repost: Nov 29, 2017**

    [SKorea]Ibeon Saeng-eun Cheo-eumira/Because This Is My First Life



    Type: romance

    Genre: society, modern relationship, comedy

    Year: 2017-Oct-09 to 2017-Nov-28


    Nam Se Hee, a house-poor man with a strong sense for an orderly planned life, requires a tenant to pay for his life plan. Yoon Ji Ho, a passionate drama writer waiting for her breakthrough, has become homeless and desperate for a new job and home.

    A misunderstanding of genders led them to become landlord and tenants until it was discovered. In the end, Se Hee and Ji Ho decide on a marriage contract for economic reasons. They deceive their associates to ease the process…


    This drama is Korea’s answer to the Japanese drama “Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu/We Married as a Job”. Except for the basic idea this drama is focused more on the social side and explores the individual goals of each character in far greater depth.

    It’s one of the few Korean shows that surpasses their Japanese predecessors. The show starts slow and requires some patience to go through the first episodes but it’s worth it. It’s different from your common Korean drama shows yet not so obvious.

    It features the best 3-women friendship group I’ve seen so far. The group has the best chemistry and all. The men’s group is just average, though. The cast is well chosen and pretty much all exceptional actors.

    Lee Min Ki as Nam Se Hee, plays the main hero who’s become an emotionless man leading an equal boring but secure life. It’s not a life he had chosen but rather a life he had no choice but to lead. He gets upset whenever his daily routine is disturbed. As the ace of his company everyone has to accept his oddities. This role appears simple and straight forward but the devil lies in the details. Lee Min Ki was a rising ace actor and this role was his return to a leading role after a decade. I suppose it posed some challenge for him.

    Jung So Min as Yoon Ji Ho, plays the main heroine. Ji Ho is becoming an old maiden and still inexperience in life. Despite her intelligence and talent she had not been able to climb in the industry. Se Hee’s house offers her the best option in her state of affairs. After determining he was safe she easily agrees to their contracts. Jung So Min is an exotic, exceptional actress and probably the smartest actress. Her only weakness is being short and not quite fitting the media’s ideal look, hence, she’s been kind of stuck in her roles but all her shows are worth watching. She’s the Korean Horikita Maki. Like Lee Min Ki she doesn’t get to go all out in her role. Her real name was used for her role’s rival.

    Kitty/Woori (“Us”), the cute all-white cat heroine of the show. She had the attention of both main actors and often seen patiently waiting for her part. Sometimes she’s seen playing in the background.

    Although, less obvious there are other good/ace actors among the supporting cast, too.

    Unlike the Japanese show this show doesn’t discuss a lot about the economics of marriage. It doesn’t go into the troubles leading to marriage either. For that watch Jung So Min other shows. However, the show explores the life and goals of six different people in depth. It discusses their individual points of view, their choices, pitfalls and so on. This is where the show shines aside from the good acting and scripts. I like it and enjoyed it a lot.

    Like the Japanese show this show is also very much culturally localized with a lot of Korean specifics. It has some nice songs, too, with one obviously licensed & translated from the Japanese. The show was shot a bit over a year after the Japanese and obviously they wasted no time in doing some extensive literature research. It’s a typical live-format show and the shooting ended the same day it aired. Meaning it ended just yesterday.

    Verdict: 9.5

    Cast 9.5

    Cast performance 10

    Script/Directing: 9




    actors boredom on the fly action

    **This is a repost: Mar 21, 2017**

    Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu/We Married as a Job" />

    Type: love comedy

    Genre: social life, love

    Year: 2016


    The show is an adaptation of a Manga of the same name: Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu/The Full-Time Wife Escapist by Umino Tsunami.


    Moriyama Mikuri, highly educated and recently graduated, has a problem finding a stable job. Depressed and frustrated she develops a bit of a job hunting phobia. Her father arranges for her a housekeeping job at Tsuzaki Hiramasa’s apartment.

    When her parents suddenly move to the country side she brazenly proposes to Hiramasa a contract marriage. What began as just an employment becomes romance.


    The show is more than just an Aragaki Yui aka Gakky show for her fans. I like her but I didn’t intend to watch the show at all because of that. However, once I realized the machination I kept watching it. It’s obviously a well (government) supported show based on many research papers which came out that year (2016). The show enjoyed a lot…lots of promotions through many many aired specials, appearances, interviews & shows.

    Aragaki Yui plays Moriyama Mikuri, well versed in house work, but her habit of expressing uncalled “good” ideas have made her unpopular in her jobs. Her personality and demeanor is of the classic japanese girl/woman represented by Sanrio’s Hello Kitty, the de facto official Japanese image. And is outdated this year (2017) by Sanio’s new angry red panda (Aggretsuko or Aggressive Retsuko, see anime of the same name 2016). The other important notion is the housewife is still a respected career in Japan. Gakky’s acting is as good as ever since her first movie 10 years ago and she looks (nearly) exactly the same also (a feature of the show). You can look forward to her split second mimic changes when she realizes a lie; and following her cunningness.

    Hoshino Gen as Tsuzaki Hiramasa is an IT system engineer, the top ace at 3I and self-proclaimed pro-bachelor. His insistence on keeping his tranquile pro-bachelor gives Mikuri a hard time to approach him. He represents japanese men who have no experience with women and are “happy” being left alone. And he got lots to hide. Hoshino Gen provides the show with his Koi song.

    Ishida Yuriko (San from Mononoke Hime) as Tsuchiya Yuri is Mikuri’s “deprived & accused sex-crazed” aunt, a department chief at a cosmetic company. Before she realized her career centric life has left her being a single with no hope of ever finding family happiness. To her Mikura is the daughter she never will have and insists being called Yuri-chan.

    Otani Ryohei as Kazami Ryota is Hiramasa’s co-worker and playboy who intends to snatch Mikuri away for himself. Due to circumstance, Ryota and Hiramasa fight it out in secret.

    Likewise all of the cast consists of good actors.

    Aside from the show’s story the show features more or less detailed discussions about unmarried couples. This is done using various forms

    1. A documentary form with interviews and other TV re-enactments and psychology lessons featuring Mikuri.

    2. Wherein the main actors discuss their opinions, economic options, social appearances, arrangements and rules.

    3. Real life situations wherein the pair faces disaster

    4. Some social engineering. This was too targeted and it seems these were withdrawn in the nick of time.

    Although, it’s marketed as a comedy it’s rather ordinary with funny good scenes achieved in part by various forms of acting rather than just dialogues. I really like this part.

    As is obvious the show depicts the modern day situations of women and women living together, a different point of view from classic forms (see “Nagareboshi” or “Marumaru Tsuma” reviews). Some other minor mentions are public dissatisfied view on globalization and national economy, and the realization that young people in most countries no longer have a need to own a car.

    In the beginning Hiramasa and Mikuri have a contract defining the duties and responsibilities of husband (employer) and wife (employee). The marriage is institution similar to a company. It’s a strict and inflexible system representing Hiramasa’s inability to break out of his self created bachelor prison. As time passes and new situations appear the system is tentatively adjusted but retains a clear distant relation between employer and employee. I’m most unsatisfied that the system is finally replaced, yet, not as extensively discussed in the very last episode. It leaves me wishing the show was longer than just 11 episodes. It should be noted that the ideal relation the show appears to hint is the classic form. Although, the show covers both sides it leans more toward men because Hiramasa’s situation is tantamount to the story and the system’s development. At times it feels somewhat like a love guide for low-esteem, shut-in, and NEET japanese men. The good part was Mikuri’s pointing out the exploitation of women/housewife and her invented love exploitation.

    Even if you are not interested you should still take a look at the discussions. Although, spread all over the place and at times not long lasting, I think the story makes it worth to keep watching for the discussions.

    Miscellaneous stuff:

    *They built the whole inside and outside of the house & company floor in a studio. The date painted on the wall changes.

    *Shinichiro Azumi, Pittanko kan kan’s host, is featured in one version of the Koi dance of the ED. All versions can be seen in the specials. The dance has become popular.

    *The show features a lot of references to other shows and mangas including “Sanada Maru”.

    *Mikuri’s city council ticket ~men should share by getting pregnant and her regret not being a scientist to make it possible.

    *The daydream victory of Mikuri’s housework labor party.

    *The show & cast won a number of awards (wikis not yet updated)


    Verdict: 9

    Cast 10

    Cast performance 9

    Script/Directing: 8" />

    Gakky comparison" />

    Koi dance


    image is mirrored!




    the love rivals

    **This is a repost: Mar 26, 2017**

    This week showed the last episode of “Rental no Koi” ~Rental Love which for some reason the english title is “Rental Lover”. I haven’t watched it but I wanted to look at the last episode anyway. I had a really good laugh and feel extremely guilty because it’s mean.

    The show is a feast for Ayame Gouriki fans. I’m not a fan but she’s too good to ignore. However, the show has a pretty simple straight forward plot so I’m not really interested in watching it other than maybe for the acting parts. Maybe when I have time perhaps or not at all. *shrugs*

    Rental no Koi Ep. 10


    One christmast day, a box is delivered to Yamada Kosue= Kou-chan. From it appears a girl, Remi-chan.


    Remi-chan who works as a rental lover reveals the secret she’s been kept under a bandage around her neck. Kou-chan receives the shock of his life. His reaction, fainting, panic leads Remi-chan to decide to disappear from his life.

    Haunted by his experience Kosuke would spent years crafting sculptures in an effort to capture her essence. One day, on the peak of his fame and revelation of his master piece Remi-chan appears before him. He gives her his master piece and they finally depart properly with love still in their hearts, yet, unfulfilled.



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