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  • Almael
    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 7" />" />

    Choukoku vs. Center" />

    Crying mouse?


    Choukoku appears before Shibuya claiming to want to beat Atsuko. Nezumi (~snow camouflage) supports them working together. Shibuya tells Choukoku to take on Otabe but Atsuko is hers.

    In reality, Nezumi blackmails Choukoku to work for her while combining their interests. Choukoku has no choice as she needs money for her mother’s surgery. When asked where the money came from Nezumi tells her it’s her father’s dirty money. Nezumi hates her father for not caring for her. For a few moments she gets quiet. Is the mouse crying wonders Choukoku. Nezumi catches herself quickly.

    On the roof Nezumi (pink) throws a paper plane of the Choukoku vs. Akiyama Yoshihiro fighting poster. She’s drowned in music but doesn’t dance. Center asks her if she’s hiding something from her. Center addresses the rumor that she’s been seen going to Yabakune. Nezumi doesn’t deny it and puts it as serving their goal. Center re-affirms her friendship with Nezumi who is a bit phased each time.

    Gekikara tells Otabe she felt fear after meeting death for real. She says further real strength isn’t in fighting but it’s in those who know fear. Gekikara tells Otabe she’s relieved that she is the president.

    Meanwhile, police Chief Keiji is onto Atsuko’s trail. Atsuko wonders if she will perish before the sakura petals are gone.

    Choukoku happens to meets Center at some shrine. Choukoku gives Center her fighting cloves and tells her not to betray her friend. Center is speechless.

    Shibuya organizes the fight for Otabe and Choukoku.

    Center enters the Wind instrument club and demands to see Otabe but she’s already gone to the fight. Center goes after her. Center ends up facing Choukoku as Otabe didn’t appear yet. It’s an intense fight but Center is no match. Choukoku beats Center and ends up crying over the deed. Center recovers and another round of fighting starts. This time Center wins.

    When Nezumi comes Shikuya says Choukoku had lost which surprises Nezumi (blue). Shikuya accuses Nezumi of tricking her and asks about Center.

    Meanwhile, Center throws away her cloves… She’s become serious.

    Gekikara suffers complication and is moved for emergency surgery.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 6" />

    Center + Nezumi" />

    Nezumi trips Otabe" />

    Nezumi + magic mirror


    Shaku is still traumatized when Otabe arrives.

    Shibuya is unhappy about Miso’s unsanctioned action. Shibuya realizes they crossed the line. Shibuya tells Miso she had stained her name. Dance defends Miso and gets beaten again. Miso rises and claims it’s the Yabakune’s way and that Shibuya is in the wrong. Miso appears to have stapped Shibuya who punches her.

    Miso kind of fell into madness.

    Team Fondue is scared, upset, confused…they can’t cook their fondue. They look at Center’s bag for help.

    Nezumi (black of death) tells the upset Center to leave it be as it’s not their problem. Nezumi tries to stop Center but can’t. Nezumi mutters she hates fighting but loves to win. Nezumi and Otabe happen to cross in the hall. Nezumi tries to trip her but to Nezumi is surprised she simply moves pass her without incident. Nezumi is displeased. Nezumi moves on and notices something about Choukoku’s poster and gets in high spirit again.

    Bungee finds Shaku in a bad shape and tells her Miso had turned herself in to the police. Shaku leaves in anger and is stopped outside by Team Under. They challenge her self-proclaimed position… 😈

    Somewhere, hoodlums have mugged a passerby and before they know it get beaten by Atsuko. She’s unhappy as it’s getting nowhere. She leaves without realizing she has lost her badge.

    Shibuya trashes her place wondering why Atsuko hasn’t shown herself yet. The Barefoot Society tells Yanken to let herself beaten by Shibuya so she could let out steam and calm down.

    Nezumi arrives …

    Shaku meets Otabe at the hospital where Gekikara is still barely alive. She says she couldn’t go further to beat Yabakune (Team Under had to pay the price).

    Shaku wonders if she will end up leading a so-so life. Otabe tells her she once was unbeatable until she lost once e.g. the opposite of Shaku. There’s always someone stronger than the best she tells her. Otabe says Atsuko is searching for her “wall”.

    On her way back Shaku runs into a Yabakune group and overhears them… They notice her but think she’s weak.

    Shuko transforms and puts on Gekikara’s necklace. Yanken steps up to fight her.

    It’s an intense and messy fight. They are about evenly matched but Shaku wins at last…before she loses consciousness.

    Bungee finds her and tells her that Gekikara woke up. Team Under arrives, calling her Shaku-nee and swears filthy to Shaku.

    Center goes to visit Gekikara and meets Otabe. Center is unsure as to how to approach Gekikara due to their relation. Otabe suggests to her to talk about their common experience.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi is conferring a mirror in her hideout… “Mirror mirror who’s the nastiest person in the world?”

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 5" />

    Shaku + Gakuran" />

    Gekikara dies?


    Gekikrara Rock! Comeback & Mayuge taunt as much as they want but their fists have no effect. Gekikara takes them out with single punches and then does her usual bloody work…They chose the wrong person to piss off. Uh-oh :pale: scary …but before Gekikara sends them to hell Youran wakes up and calls out her promise to Yuko. Gekikara leaves with Youran after threatening the remaining Yabakune students to let them through. :pale: Scary!

    Shibuya is mad but prevents her minions from going after Gekikara, the monster. Dance trying to calm her gets hit again.

    At the hospital Youran gets an MRI scan while Gekikara waits outside.

    Otabe inquires Nezumi about her telling Gekikara. Nezumi (white as innocent) apologizes saying her tongue slipped. :P

    Otabe questions her loyalty and affiliation to which Nezumi shows her MajiJo badge. Both exhange cute smiles…

    Nezumi implies there’s only war left. Otabe cuts her off requesting her and Center to investigate whose behind all this. Nezumi stops Center from challenging Otabe. Center leaves obviously upset which causes some reaction in Nezumi. Otabe noticed and says a pyromaniac will always return to the scene to see how far it had spread. Nezumi simply replies that she hates her.

    Gekikara is back slandering along the hallway and meets Shaku who is questioning her own position. Gekikara tells her she must have her reasons and leaves.

    On the roof, Nezumi admits Gekikara is stronger than thought but Center claims to be stronger. Nezumi tells Center Yabakune has the momentum. Center rep;ies it can be stopped and walks off. Nezumi is brewing some dangerous thoughts… :affraid:

    Principal Yuriko is questioning why Otabe is at this school. Otabe replies there are more important things in the world than studying. Yuriko tells her she will only get hurt. Otabe thinks it will be a good lesson. The principal approves. Yuriko asks her about Atsuko but Otabe claims to have no knowledge. The principals coincidentally shows her a news paper article about a young girl involved in violence wherein criminals get arrested. The articles are all over the place…it’s a whole collection neatly preserved in a book. 😯

    The principal lets her leave and finds her puzzle solved.

    Meanwhile, Team Fondue train their Octopussy formation. 😆 But nobody cares!

    Next Human Missile formation! Even less potential audience around!

    Center comes to look up her stuff/book. Team Fondue asks her to fight them so they can improve their fighting skill. Center declines and tries to leave but is being blocked. Brave girls get scattered. Center has a flashback of a fight long ago where a girl stab her with a knife (a few times). :affraid:

    Due to her trauma Center snaps and the girls get to see her scar(s). The girls tell her they can’t just sit around when their friends get beaten. They want to do something. Center tells them they need anger to fight.

    Somewhere, Dance dances when Gekikara comes up to her giving her a large super spicy cookie. Poor girl. Gekikara uses her cellphone to call Shibuya. They agree to meet at the same place to settle things. Gekikara gives Dance another cookie. Dance starts to bleed from her nose but Gekikara is already gone.

    When Gekikara goes for her fight Nezumi mutters it’s no good if she fights so well. Nezumi dances and is caught in the act by Otabe. Uh-oh scary. :affraid:

    Otabe says one needs to get rid of rats (nezumi) if one wants a nice house. But Nezumi counters one mustn’t underestimate the fertility of mice (nezumi).

    Shaku visits Gakuran and chases all her girls away by saying she’s her girlfriend. Gekikara enters and sees them doing…

    After a bit of talk about Yuko Gekikara tells her she will beat Shibuya. Gekikara gives Gakuran a crane. On her way out Gekikara gets stabbed by a disguised patient. Gekikara ~dies in Shaku’s arms.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 4" />

    Nezumi stops Shibuya’s fist" />

    Gekikara madness XL


    Team Fondue criticizes the state of Rappappa again and thinks of calling Choukoku for help who’s now a professional kick-boxer.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi visits Shibuya. It’s revealed Nezumi had struck a deal and, actually, did allow Shibuya to beat her up in order to incite war. The little mouse is actually strong! Shibuya tells Nezumi that some of hers got beaten by Center but Nezumi denies knowing her at all.

    Amakuchi is very upset but can’t decide to act as Gekikara. Shibuya’s picture is no longer on the board of honor.

    Barefoot Society asks eager for its next target and Shibuya chooses Gekikara which causes some to give each other looks. But Shibuya decides to do it herself in order to lure Atsuko out. Shibuya tells Dance to deliver a letter but she’s confused as to whom and gets punched.

    On the roof, Center reveals she’s aware of Nezumi’s lies but also tells her she likes her. Nezumi is a bit surprised.

    Dance arrives at MojiJo and is caught by Gakuran/Youran. Dance is supposed to deliver the letter of challenge in person but after Youran told her of Gekikara’s mood she leaves it in her care.

    While Dance runs off she tells Youran not to read it which she of course does.

    Youran is upset and argues with Otabe saying she doesn’t want Amakuchi to endanger her graduation by turning back into Gekikara again.

    Otabe gives in as she can’t stop Youran. Youran tells her not to tell Amakuchi and leaves.

    Somewhere amids beaten Yakuza, Atsuko has already eaten half of the sakura petals but still can’t find her answer.

    Amakuchi gets challenged by Center. She’s not in the mood but Center wouldn’t give up. When asked why Center wants to fight she counters asking why Amakuchi wouldn’t fight. Amakuchi tells her Yuko taught her to fight for a reason and that fighting without reason has no meaning. Amakuchi walks off telling Center to give her time to find a reason.

    Shibuya is impatient waiting for Geikara to arrive at the battle site. Youran appears with shiny mafia-esque shoes. Shibuya beats Dance again. Shibuya leaves Youran to the Sanshou Sisters Twin Blade (Myao, Love-tan) who have also transferred to Yabakune. When asked about the missing sister they tell her she stayed with MajiJo so they made sure she wouldn’t talk e.g. beaten to a pulp.

    Youran is stronger but is helpless against their dirty tricks. Youran loses her eye sight but regains composure while the sisters chitchat. Youran beats them in one go.

    While Amakuchi walks in the hallway Nezumi asks her why she’s not at the fight…her eyes!

    It’s Barefoot Society’s turn to take on Youran. Amakuchi arrives late and Youran loses consciousness in her arms. The Sanshou Sisters run away at her sight but the Yabakune girls laugh at the scene of friendship.

    Amakuchi tears her necklace off for Gekikara’s. Uh-oh :pale: It’s not her usual madness…

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 3" />" />

    Center+Nezumi" />

    Nou-Kyougen Sisters (Kabuki Sisters)" />" />

    Shibuya punches Nezumi


    Team Fondue discusses the sad state of Rappappa which causes the school students to suffer from attacks by the Yabakune. They are dissatisfied with Rappappa’s inaction. They have lost their confidence and admiration of the Rappappa they once looked up to.

    Nezumi is upset (blue of anger) and ask what Center wants to do when she’s at the top. Center replies she just wants to take look from above together with Nezumi.

    Meanwhile, the Nou-Kyougen Sisters appear at the gate of Yabakune. It’s a raid! or so they planned with their new entering style.

    But the Yabakune guards just turn around walking away leaving them shocked in the middle of their performance. 😆

    Then Shibuya shows herself with the Barefoot Society. The Nou-Kyougen Sisters are surprised and in disbelieve.

    Shibuya introduces herself as a Yabakune student confirming her betrayal. The sisters decide to become the Kabuki Sisters again for the fight and discard their masks. Both sides storm off while Shibuya leans back and observes it. The Kabuki Sisters have no problem against the armed masses of guards and decide to split up to get hold of Shibyua, too. Taikabuki breaks through the enemy ranks and faces the Barefoot Society. However, Shibuya steps forward herself. It’s an intense fight but Shibyua is stronger.

    Elsewhere, Team Hormone is upset and wants to take action but realizes they are too weak.

    Somewhere under a bridge, Atsuko beats up a bunch of street punks.

    The Kabuki Sisters’ fight has been secretly observed by a little mouse, pictures were taken and posted on a board at MajiJo. Morals is getting low. The New big Four are shocked at the revelation of Shibuya’s betrayal.

    Amakuchi is in disbelieve and argues with Youran. Nezumi shows up and questions their ability to take responsibility. Youran decides to go to challenge Shibuya but is stopped by Otabe. Youran disagrees but is immediately put in line. Nezumi is very unhappy about losing to Otabe. Nezumi recognizes Otabe’s wisdom and mutters Otabe is not just a souvenir. Yet Nezumi is still confident in her being better.

    Team Fondue is worried and inquires Center. Center just tells them to ask Nezumi. But when asked about an enemy raid Center says she will stop anyone from climbing the stairs regardless of from which school.

    Meanwhile, Shibuya’s minions are hunting down MajiJo students all over town. Nezumi tells Shibuya she’s been waiting for her, an opportunity to get Shibuya to fight Atsuko again. Shibuya is suspicious and wants to know what she wants. Nezumi simply says they have similar interests. But Shibuya doesn’t fall for her and punches her. :P It’s the first time Nezumi made a miscalculation which costs her her yellow boots or so it seems…

    Team Hormone is insecure wandering the area and runs into the beaten and barefoot Nezumi. Nezumi tells them to run away shortly before a bunch of Yabakune students appear. Despite their fear Wota rallies the team to fight. Mukuchi answers the call and they rush forward to their doom. Although beaten Nezumi now thinks better of Team Hormone.

    Nezumi (now grey), bandaged and with a broken leg and crutches, tells Center to calm down. When asked what she would do in her stead Nezumi says she would pay them back with interest but would think first.

    The rest of the New Big Four have enough and are about to leave when Otabe stops them again. Youran questions about Atsuko but Otabe wouldn’t answer. Youran leaves anyway but once outside she’s in despair.

    Center goes on the hunt! … And Nezumi dances happily (having deceived Center).

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 2" />" />

    Barefoot Society; Shibuya


    The Yuko ghosts turn out to be the rumored twin sister. They are actually triplets! 😯

    Everybody in Rappappa is surprised. The girls start to discuss their age. 😆

    Oshima Yuka and Oshima Yuki tell them that Yuko had called them to meet Atsuko.

    As to why they don’t know but were told they will know once they meet Atsuko. Atsuko hasn’t been to school for a while and the girls wonder if she got a boyfriend. The sisters go off searching. Somewhere Atsuko eats another sakura petal.

    Nezumi’s flyers have spread like wild fire. Wota, Unagi, and Mukuchi (Team Hormone) are worried while waiting.

    At yet another meeting the other girl groups are questioning Nezumi’s legitimacy only to be silenced by Center. Any resistance is taken care off by Center.

    One by one they join up to form Nezumi’s impressive army: Tsu No Ji Rengou=Tsu character alliance 😆 [It’s her favorite sound.]

    Akachi returns with a stash of fighting mangas for Team Hormone to prepare for war. Bungee is late and gets ambushed on her way.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi and Center lead the mob toward Rappappa. Team Hormone awaits them at the stairs and Mukuchi makes her Sado-esque appearance…until a manga falls out of her belly. 😆

    Team Hormone is powerless in front of Nezumi and the mob. But when Gekikara’s laughing resounds through the hall, everyone gets silence. The mob claim to have no fear of Amakuchi but it’s clear the “spice” is rising. Gekikara says she’s now Chuukara and everyone slowly backs away. Wota tries to remind her of her promise to Yuko. Chuukara says she will keep her promise that’s why she will only mildly kill them. Center steps forward and asks for Gekikara. She complies and both start a violent fight. Team Hormone puts themselves in between to stop the mob from following the fighters.

    The wounded Bungees returns and enters the trashed classroom. Before she loses consciousness she reveals that it was Yabakune’s doing. The girls discuss the sudden change of situation and speculate on other schools allying themselves with Yabakune.

    Meanwhile at Yabakune school, Janken wins in a jan-ken-pon match against Sanae and Chiharu earning herself the President’s position, 😆

    The Barefoot Society, the one who beat up Bungee, show up and claim control of Yabakune. They are led by Comeback, a returnee who was once expelled. After their elaborate introduction they beat up the seniors.

    Center urges Gekikara to resume the fight but, to everyone’s surprise, are stopped by the Oshima sisters. The sisters tell them it’s not the time to fight among themselves and show pictures put up by the Yabakune…it’s Yabakune’s shoe hunt!

    They conclude the armistice is over. Nezumi ponders and conclude that their school got it’s revolution, too.

    Back at Yabakune, the master mind and ring leader behind the coupe reveals herself…it’s Shibuya! 😯

    Shibuya had walked out of her job after getting a lecture from the department chief and a bit of … full body contact. 😈

    Janken questions Shibuya’s motive about Atsuko and gets beaten up good. Shibuya declares that her battle is not over yet and steps on MajiJo’s flag.

    Center insists on finishing the fight for the top position but Gekikara rejects saying Yuko’s the top. Center won’t stop but Gekikara apologizes and pospones the fight to everyone’s surprise. Center comes at her nonetheless but Nezumi suddenly goes in between. A complicated discussion over spilled milk ensures between Nezumi and the Oshima sisters. Nobody has a clue. 😆

    Otabe appears and establishes her dominance with words of power. :wut:

    She calls out for an eye for an eye. Center gives up, telling Gekikara not to run away and leaves. While leaving Nezumi whispers “war” to her followers who resounds it in unison.

    Meanwhile, Atsuko’s out on the hunt for societies’ trash.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 1

    [BBvideo][/BBvideo]" />

    Nezumi+Center" />

    Team Fondue" />" />

    Otabe; Shaku


    [1.5 months later]

    Before everybody’s eyes Matsui Jurina, the mysterious girl, ascends the stairs and forces her way into the Wind Instrument Club room, Rappappa’s traditional HQ. She immediately challenges Team Hormone who are now part of the New Rappappa. She overwhelms them easily. The New Big Four appear to stop her:

    Youran, formerly Gakuran, … the hair style

    the Nou-Kyougen Sisters, formerly Kabuki Sisters

    Amakuchi, formerly Gekikara

    and the self-proclaimed Shaku, Minegishi Minami

    Amakuchi tries hard to behave as she had promised the deceased Yuko to graduate this year.

    Atsuko appears from the back room still without her glasses. Jurina claims the title Center which Atsuko rejects saying it can only belong to Yuko. Center challenges Atsuko’s position as President but she surprises everyone by saying that she’s only the Vice President. And then she jokingly introduces Mukuchi, who’s imitating Sado, as the president.

    Then Otabe appears from the back room and Atsuko announces that she’s the real President. Everybody is surprised yet again and eye this new transfer student of whom they know nothing about. Center attacks her but is blocked easily. Atsuko gives off a little smile of satisfaction. Unable to fight or measure Otabe’s strength Jurina gives up and leaves saying that she keeps the best for last. Atsuko leaves claiming to have things to do which confuses everyone further.

    Meanwhile, Team Fondue has taken Team Hormone’s previous position in school and discusses Atsuko’s strange decision. They plan their rise to power.

    On the roof Nezumi has Center tell her about the new Rappappa. When asked Center is surprised Nezumi knew about Otabe. Nezumi replies that the world is in the palms of her hand. Further she says she never lost in a mind game. Center replies she’s only interested in one-on-one fights and that Nezumi should not (interfere with) use dirty tricks. Unbeknown to them the meeting has been observed by Bungee from the ground. Team Hormone discusses the situation. Now that Yabakune has been defeated no other school would dare interfere, hence, it’s the right time for a revolution. They think the New Big Four are too wimpy and busy otherwise to keep control.

    Youran chases skirts; Nou-Kyougen Sisters train their kabuki skills; and Amakuchi studies hard.

    On the other side, Daruma is gone for training once again…catching eggs.

    Sado has stopped fighting and is working hard to become a nurse.

    Black is a cashier at a supermarket near her home. She has a baby (!). The father is unknown.

    Shibuya is now an IT office lady…nobody believes she knows a thing about IT.

    Torigoya has become a super popular erotic massage girl.

    They are suspicious of Otabe but since she’s been requested by Atsuko they guess she will do. The girls are depressed by the state of Rappappa, though. Mukuchi has enough and speaks up that they have to do it then. The girls are surprised and rise as a team.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi visits Team Under, the fallen freshmen from the previous Rappappa. She easily beats them up to the music … while dancing and then recruits them for her Mouse army. Nezumi throws stones at Rappappa’s window to show her newfound army but only Wota sees it.

    Back at Mouse HQ, Nezumi explains to Center her calculated conclusions that Rappappa will lose 7% every time they fight. But Center is only interested in one-on-one fights.

    While checking out the situation Wota and Mukuchi discover the school strangely empty. They finally run into girls who immediately avoid them. They chase after them and find flyers calling for people to gather for a rebellion. They run back when suddenly … Yuko’s ghost appears in front of them. They shrink back but their escape is cut off by another Yuko ghost…

    Meanwhile, Nezumi starts the meeting in front of a large audience.

    Somewhere, Atsuko is bloodied and eats a sakura petal.[hint] Otabe asks her how long she’s gonna keep this up. Atsuko tells her “until the sakura petals are gone”.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Cast Reference

    Only changes!


    Yokoyama Yui

    alias: Otabe

    rank: The Boss

    power: ?

    note: genius

    Matsui Rena

    alias: Gekikara [super spicy][ROCK-necklace] / Amakuchi [repeat][POP-necklace] / Chuukara [ROCK-necklace]

    rank: New Big Four

    type: demon

    power: 90

    note: insane, unbeatable

    Kabuki Sisters / Nou-Kyougen Sisters

    Kasai Tomomi

    alias: Taikabuki

    rank: New Big Four

    power: 80

    affiliation: Kabuki Sisters

    note: aneki

    Kuramochi Asuka

    alias: Kokabuki

    rank: New Big Four

    power: 68

    affiliation: Kabuki Sisters

    note: tall

    Miyazawa Sae

    alias: Gakuran / Youran

    rank: New Big Four

    note: “anthing goes”

    Minegishi Minami

    rank: New Big Four

    alias: Shaku [screen time]

    Team Hormone

    Komori Mika

    alias: Mukuchi / Oshaber [talkative]

    Team Fondue

    Name: Shimada Haruka

    alias: Docchi

    rank: Captain

    Name: Yamauchi Suzuran

    alias: Tsuri

    rank: Vice Captain

    Name: Oba Mina

    alias: Toshima

    Name: Shimazaki Haruka

    alias: Kanburi

    Name: Ichikawa Miori

    alias: Lemon

    Team Under

    Name: Yonezawa Rumi

    alias: Rice

    Name: Tanabe Miku

    alias: Jumbo

    Name: Nakaya Sayaka

    alias: Anime

    Name: Katayama Haruka

    alias: Showa

    Sanshou Sisters Twin Blade

    Oota Aika

    alias: Rabutan

    Miyazaki Miho

    alias: Myao


    Oshima Yuko

    alias: Oshima Yuka

    alias: Oshima Yuki

    Watanabe Mayu

    alias: Nezumi [mouse]

    Name: Matsui Jurina

    alias: Center

    type: brawler

    power: 99

    affiliation: Nezumi


    Name: Itano Tomomi

    Alias: Shibuya

    Name: Yagami Kumi

    Alias: Dance

    Name: Sato Amina

    Alias: Chiharu

    Name: Sato Yukari

    Alias: Sanae

    Name: Uchida Mayumi

    Alias: Janken

    Hadashi no Kai = Barefoot Society

    Name: Nagao Mariya

    Alias: Mariyagi

    Name: Sato Sumire

    Alias: Sanshoku

    Name: Kikuchi Ayaka

    Alias: Comeback

    Name: Maeda Ami

    Alias: Mayuge

    Majisuka Gakuen 2" />

    TYPE: drama

    GENRE: shojo yankee

    YEAR: 15-Apr-2011 to 1-July-2011

    Cast: AKB48


    Majisuka Gakuen 2 is the second show in a series of shows about delinquent school girls and their struggles.


    Majisuka Gakuen 2 is set 1.5 months after the events in Majisuka Gakuen 1. With a truce in place with the Yabakune high-school the forces within MajiJo start to gather to overthrow the New Rappappa. A begrudged graduate returns and takes over Yabakune for revenge on MajiJo’s Atsuko. However, Atsuko has left MajiJo in Otabe’s hands and went on a scum hunting spree to find the answer to her inner demons. On the brink of MajiJo’s destruction Atsuko faces the choices between going to prison or saving her school.


    There are numerous changes in MG2 that are good and bad. The changes kind of balance each other out, though. Story wise it’s more complicated and full of schemes. The story has two major weakness that are also the reason for the show to exists. One, is the return of the begrudged graduate. It’s practically impossible. Two, Atsuko selfishly leaving MajiJo and hunting down the scums and hoodlums of Japan. Many of the cast have improved their acting skills but it goes under due to large cast and complicated story as well as the absence of the main cast from MG1. The impact is minimal.

    Overall, Watanabe Mayu (Nezumi) virtually takes over the central role despite her being the secondary villain. It’s for this reason that she gets a show of her own (to be covered later). Also unlike in MG1 she’s wearing a suggestive colored hooded jacket symbolizing her emotions or state of mind or the deceptive role she’s taken.

    It’s nice Takahashi Minami got a seemingly larger role than in MG1 but the limited activity of the police hunting for Atsuko was a bit disappointing. A bit more action would have been nice. Admittedly, there was not much time to have it all. The final large scale showdown involving another school was unexpected but it seems necessary to have the old main cast come back. :D

    Verdict: 8.5

    cast: 9

    cast performance: 9.5 very good

    script/directing: 7

    YESHhhh!!! kiyonesmile1 colors2

    Majisuka Gakuen 4 is coming! soawesome1

    2nd January 2015 on NTV.

    I was skeptical because of MG3 but now the names & aliases are finally out.

    It’s a definite continuation closer to MG1&2 than MG3. WANT1

    1. Yabuki nako (HKT48)

    2. Owada nana

    3. Kojima mako

    4. Ikoma rina (Nogizaka46/AKB48)

    5. Shimazaki haruka (Yeay!!)

    6. Nakano ikumi (Team 8 )

    7. Miyawaki sakura (HKT48/AKB48)

    8. Kitagawa ryoha (SKE48)

    9. Mukaichi mion

    And the aliases are

    Big Four: still no clue who’s going to play the main parts



    Bakamono (the idiot)


    Jisedai (Next Gen)

    Kusogaki (Brat)

    Dodobusu (The super ugly one)


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