Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 50 – Looking Back Pt. 10 ENG Sub release!
Please note: This is not the final episode! When we began subbing episodes, it was believed that all episodes, recounts included, were a part of the 50 episode order. However, recaps do not count as numbered episodes. There are still two whole weeks of Ai Tenchi Muyo left to go! Momo’s final recap comes…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 49 – Showdown at the Summit ENG Sub release!
The final debate between Momo and Yuki has come. Momo is feeling the heat, but with Tenchi’s strength, she finds herself willing to take a stand against the odds. Her scandalous contact with Tenchi is still white-hot off the presses, her opponent Yuki using her public speaking skills to rally against such a sinful woman! But,…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 48 – Scandal Coverage ENG Sub release!
Miss Ukan’s ready to get a little physical with Tenchi-sensei over his… extracurricular activities with Momo. With the entire school on the fritz over the latest gossip featuring their male teacher, there’s quite a PR disaster ahead for the Student Council and Tenchi’s future career prospects! Momo shows little fear in the face of the…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 47 – Investigation of Seized Assets ENG Sub release!
Momo’s pushing herself with overtime to get work done in her potential final days as Student Council President. Hana’s done some digging and found some of the Science Club’s tools they’ve been using to cheat. And it looks like Washu’s fingerprints are all over the evidence of the crime! Rodger Rabbit himself would have dug…

Ai Tenchi Muyo! Episode 46 – Corruption Scandal ENG Sub release!
Yuki’s up to no good with her campaign tactics, winning the hearts of the student body over with false promises and forgery. The council tries to get her to stop, but she’s got plenty of tricks up her sleeve. Promises of presents, a spider… and a bomb?! With only a minute left to go, what…