February 10, 2022
Top 10 Best Tenchi Muyo! Episodes in 2022 #30YearsofTenchi
It’s finally here! The top 10 episodes of Tenchi Muyo! as voted on by YOU, the fans. Here’s what you chose! 10. Tenchi Universe EP12 – “Time and Space Adventures Part II” The things that will never get old to fans of any franchise are what-if scenarios featuring their favorite characters, whether that’s Marvel’s own…

May 30, 2018
Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo are coming to blu-ray!
You heard that right! According to both Neowing and CDJapan, Tenchi Universe (Tenchi Muyo! TV) and Tenchi in Tokyo (Shin Tenchi Muyo! TV) are coming to blu-ray! Unlike the OVA and Movie sets which released in Japan a few years ago, these sets do not contain the English dubs or English subtitles, so we’ll have…