Tenchi TalkBack: From humble beginnings.

Welcome to the first ever Tenchi TalkBack segment!

We’re going to start with a question that we’ve seen numerous times over the years in one form or fashion, across our own website, social media, YouTube accounts, and so on.

Im confused about which series to watch first or which one came first.

I started with tenchi gxp, is that bad??

First off, no it’s not bad at all to start with Tenchi Muyo GXP!

Though GXP is often derided by hardcore fans, and was one of Toonami’s greatest failures, every Tenchi series seems to leave an impression on those who are watching it for the first time.

Tenchi also has the unique distinction of having multiple canons, so you, the brand-new viewer, often asks “Where do I even begin?”

Well that, thankfully, is easy to answer!

The very first release of Tenchi Muyo! was the OVA episode (or OAV to tell who’s REALLY old) “Ryoko Resurrected” from Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki on September 25th, 1992 on the now-obsolete LaserDisc format.

This first OVA series lasted 6 episodes. After that Tenchi splits apart into many different continuities which we’ll cover another time.

Despite the “Ryo-Ohki” moniker, you may also see this referred to as just “Tenchi Muyo!”, “Tenchi Muyo OVA series” or as some fans put it the “Muyo” series.

This is because Pioneer dropped the “Ryo-Ohki” sub-title from their North American release of the first 13 and a half episodes (and Funimation confusingly only put on the third OVA series release).

Here are some video links to help you get started.

Episode 1: Dub (Youtube) , Sub (Funimation.com) ,

The nostalgic Toonami version can also be found on our facebook page: (Part 1, Part 2)

Got a question you want to see answered? Send us a message on social media, discuss on the forum, or email us at contact@tenchiforum.com


Michael Perge - Owner & Founder of Tenchiforum.com.
Midwest-borne, utlagatus ab initio.