Against Harem ending who would you make Tenchi choose

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    Like the title says if you had total control who would you make Tenchi choose. This is for all those who could not sort through my previous post. As stated before most fans are against a harem ending as they feel that it is nothing but a cheap cop out and feel cheated out of a final definite ending. According to the polls those that want Tenchi to choose a girl rather than a harem ending numbers fluctuate between 70-80%, showing that most fans are against a harem ending. The vast majority of fans say that they want to see Tenchi choose a girl, with an overwhelmingly most of them saying Ryoko. The polls show that overwhelmingly vast majority say that they want him to choose Ryoko with internet poll percentages ranging between 60-85%. The vast majority of fans want him to choose Ryoko and Ryoko alone as his wife, as they see more development and a deeper bond between him and Ryoko than with the other girls, and say that she loves him the most because of her reasons for loving him when compared to the other girls. Most fans in their responses in internet forums said the reasons for all the girls loving him and their was a general consensus between their statements.

    For Aeka: Because he is descended from royal Jurai lineage and is Yosho’s grandson, making him more or less a Yosho replacement.

    For Sasami: More like a childhood crush than actual love.

    For Washu: First interest was becuase he could produce the lighthawk wings

    For Mihoshi: Because he caught her by accident when she was falling out of her ship.

    But for Ryoko it is much more deeper than that her love for him is not shallow but from a genuine reason she watched over him for years as he grew up getting to actually know him. She looked over him in the good times and in the bad, both when he was happy and when he was sad. She would give up her life for him and has offered to do that before and has quite literally risked her life to protect him and he has done the same for her at least twice without hesitation. The fans see that in the most critical moments in the OVA it is always about the two of them, when things are their most dangerous it is always the two of them that are at risk either one or the other and they always come to each others rescue and share a significant moment together that shows a deeper bond between them. This is why more fans want to see more development between these two specifically, ultimately leading to him choosing her.

    Internet polls and most forums show that most fans don’t want a harem ending but that they want him to man up and choose, showing further character development on his part and they want him to choose the one who he has the deepest bond with and who loves him the most Ryoko. Most fans feel that a harem ending is just a cheap cop out to prevent him from choosing one of the girls and as a way for the creators and writers to avoid offending the fans but most fans find it even more insulting than if their favourite wasn’t chosen, because it is what they have been waiting on for so long a definite, singular decision as to which girl did he would choose, not a broad cheap cop out statement that he chose all of them. That is the biggest insult to fans that have been waiting to find out which one for so long, and shows that he hasn’t grown at all as a character if he couldn’t choose. It would show the most character growth and development if he finally decided and choose one of them. That he can make clear choices now and is no longer indecisive, and finally put to rest the question after all the fighting and arguing and trying to get his attention which one finally won. Otherwise it was all for nothing. There are harem animes where the guy chooses one girl at the end so the notion that he can’t choose is just ridiculous. If he chooses all of them then the whole thing would be pointless. There would be no point to all the arguing and fighting over Tenchi’s affections if in the end he just marries all of them. It makes it all pointless, if there is no definite winner. No Tenchi has to man up and make a decision and actually choose. Most fans say that they should have him reflect on who loves him the most and for the genuine reasons. Some fans make the arguement that if he chooses it would break up the family which isn’t true. Tenchi Universe shows that this isn’t true where in the end he chose Ryoko and the family unit still is together. It even showed character growth where Aeka accepted that Ryoko truly loved Tenchi and that he loved her back and all the other girls accepted that he loved Ryoko and still remained together as a family. It was one of the most beautiful endings to the series and will certainly be a lot more beautiful than a cop out harem ending. This could work in the OVA where he chooses to be intimate with Ryoko and the others no longer look at him or live with him not as a love interest but as a family member, which most are anyway. That is not to say that there still would not be fights along the way with them still fighting over Tenchi, but some suggest that halfway through the OVA he finally chooses say Ryoko and the other half shows the progression and the growth of the rest of them coming to accept his decision and still live with him not as potential love interests but as family members. Because honestly the only one of them that truly could not live without him as a love interest is Ryoko.

    This is not just my idea here but one that I also agree with and I’m going to expound on. It is to remove Zero from Ryoko but do it in a way that ties into the story and allows Ryoko to still express her emotions whenever she wants. The idea of a robot assimilating with Ryoko never quite sat well with me, honestly it didn’t seem necessary as in previous episodes especially episode 10 it showed that Ryoko was starting to be able to express her true feelings on her own. The addition of Zero is like it is forced to express her true feelings. So it is almost as if it is no longer the true Ryoko, so it is not natural character development that she has learnt to express her feelings it is being forced. Before the assimilation it was like when you see her crying for Tenchi it was like oh she is learning to show her true emotions she is progressing as a character, but after it is like is she showing these emotions and acting like this because of development of her character and she has learnt to do this on her own or is it because of Zero. The thought that she is like this only because of Zero and not because she has become like this on her own is what bothers me and other fans it is like everytime you see her it is like is she like this because of Zero is she doing this because of Zero the thought of her being forced to be like this because of assimilation that affects her emotions instead of her being like this on her own is what gets to me. Whereas in other series like say Universe we know that she is like that because of her own growth that she becomes who she is at the end because of her own character development, that that is really how she is and has changed this much on her own and not because of some added factor or assimilation so you get to see the real Ryoko which is what I meant when I said that in the OVA it is like it is no longer the true Ryoko, but just her being forced to be like that and not really on her own.

    A solution to this and also an excellent plotline that would tie in to what other fans have said about her getting together with Tenchi halfway through the OVA would be to have through the OVA you see that she is growing as a character becoming kinder and expressing her emotions and getting closer to Tenchi, but there is a problem because she assimilated with Zero, Zero is now getting jealous that she is getting close to Tenchi, and feels that it is because of her that she is getting so close and wants to escape Ryoko but not before fully extracting Ryoko’s life energy and become the only Ryoko and have Tenchi to herself. Washu realizes this when Ryoko begins to get weaker, and after analysis realizes that the only way is to remove Zero in order to save Ryoko’s life. She either uses her goddess powers or some scientific method to remove Zero from Ryoko, but she has already absorbed half of her life energy and assumed once again her form as Zero Ryoko. Since she looks exactly like Ryoko no one can tell them apart no even Washu.

    A battle between her and the real Ryoko ensues with no one being able to tell them apart and are so unable to help. This is where that supposed psychic link that Tenchi has with Ryoko that was shown in episode 11 which could signify a deeper bond comes into play. At a point during the battle when the others want to help but can’t tell them apart Tenchi steps in with his sword but with eyes closed. Through his psychic with Ryoko he is able to tell them apart and attacks one of them revealing it to be Zero Ryoko. Because of his attack she reverts to her robotic form. Giving Ryoko enough time to attack Zero Ryoko destroying her. But Ryoko collapses from lack of energy. They take her back to Washu’s lab where upon analysis Washu determines that all traces of Zero have been completely removed from Ryoko and that her life energy will replenish with some rest, but she is not sure about her emotions as she may just go back to how she was before the assimilation. Washu says that they should leave her and let her rest but Tenchi asks if he can stay and watch over and take care of her. Washu agrees and she and the rest leave them alone. While she rests Tenchi began to think back on how she was from the start of this OVA of how she had become and starts to wonder about his psychic link to her and his bond with her. He starts to wonder if she will still be the same but then thinks as long as she is alive that is all that matters. She awakens and they exchange a few words, he says that Washu says that she will be alright but, and she stops him mid sentence and says she heard all that she said and tells him not to worry, because she will still be the same, because she has learnt to express her emotions on her own through all this and doesn’t need Zero anymore to do that. She then asks how he knew that she was the real one and he states that he can always tell who is my Ryoko, they hold hands it becomes a very romantic moment and goes to end credits. After this it progressively leads to where he realizes his true feelings towards her then halfway through the OVA he chooses her, by this time the others see that he truly loves her and she truly loves him and have come to accept it and the rest of the OVA is spent showing them coming to accept it and deciding to live with him as family members while Washu investigates and explains the psychic link between the two of them. I wouldn’t mind one bit if the creators and writers used exactly this or something like this for the fourth OVA in fact they should. I wouldn’t ask for one bit of credit I would just want to see it help make a good OVA and that would be enough for me.

    I have heard from some of you on this forum who helped to both gather the data and give your thoughts, but now I want to hear from the rest of you on this forum. After reading this if you had control what would you make Tenchi decide a cheap, generic indecisive harem ending or would you make what happened in Tenchi Universe happen where he chooses one (cough cough Ryoko cough) and live with the rest of them as family members.

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  • Replies
      Ryoko. End of discussion.
      I also don’t like the harem ending shadowstorm and I hope they change it too well if they are smart and listen to fans they will. If they want to avoid another disaster and if they want to keep the fans they’d do well to listen to what the vast majority has to say to keep the franchise alive and the vast majority say they don’t want a harem ending they want him to just pick Ryoko. I choose Ryoko too by the way. lol Ukinojo92 I like that response did you even read any of it. lol


      Deathsight wrote:

      lol Ukinojo92 I like that response did you even read any of it. lol

      Not one word. Too long.

      wow Ukinojo92 you missed some good stuff
      Vital Info Did you see this video, also some of the translated manga and light novels? They shed more light on relationships, sort of.
      Thanks for the link Ukinojo92. Man that was really Petrea Burchard the voice of Ryoko! Man I can’t believe it! Is that really her posting messages in the comments below the video man I can’t believe it! Is it true though that funimation didn’t use her to voice Ryoko in the third OVA was because she missed her plane to the recording session. But man hearing that comment made by the co-creator though about there are no strong female characters like that in real life, no wonder they are so messed up in OVA 3. That is why always said Tenchi Muyo wasn’t made by just one person it was an entire team that made it. They need to get that team back together. Plus after reading the comments below the video basically everybody was against a harem ending and everybody was for Tenchi picking only Ryoko.
      Honestly I am against the harem ending too. I would let him choose Ryoko. I always felt that they belonged together. If they don’t let him choose just Ryoko I might just be done with this series, a lot of my friends and family say that they would. I really liked that idea to have Ryoko fighting Zero in the fourth OVA, but still being able to express her emotions. They should use that or do something like that where Ryoko fights Zero again.
      I hate the harem ending. I hope they change it to him choosing. I would let him choose just Ryoko. It is like you said she loves him the most and for all the right reasons, she deserves him. I loved that idea about Ryoko fighting Zero because Zero gets jealous over her and Tenchi and wants to drain her life energy and be the only Ryoko so she can have Tenchi all to herself. I like how you explained how it all would happen and how Tenchi and Ryoko get their moment together. They really should do this or something like it in OVA 4. I DON’T WANT A HAREM ENDING. I JUST WANT TENCHI AND RYOKO!!!
      I think the whole harem ending is simply the way it’s been set up for better or for worse.Yeah,it’s a cop out but really they did paint themselves into a corner with the way things have developed over the decades since episode 1 of OVA 1.

      It would be easier if say only Aeka and Ryoko were interested in Tenchi and Mihoshi and Kiyone were

      partners the same way that Uranus and Neptune were in Sailor Moon for instance,and

      Washu was only into Tenchi for his brain.

      That would indeed make things both more interesting and simpler but again it’s just the way the whole franchise has been developing since OVA 1 and episode 1.

      As I said in your other thread about OVA 4 if it were up to me it be either Aeka or Kiyone or else a

      trio of Aeka,Ryoko and Kiyone and simpilfy everything.

      Then again if it were up to me the whole thing would’ve ended with the final episode of


      I would have to disagree with you that the whole harem ending is the way it was set up. The creators themselves admitted that the story itself was designed to be about Ryoko and Tenchi, and you still see that original design in the first two OVA’s because that was the way it was structured to be. I would also have to disagree that things have been developing that way since episode 1 of OVA 1.

      The whole franchise has not been developing that way since episode 1 of OVA 1 for the same reason as stated above. Yes there are other girls that are after him and it being a harem anime, but there are many harem animes with almost identical situations in which they are set a lot like how they have been set up in Tenchi Muyo, but the guy eventually picks one girl and the rest come to accept it. Those animes are just as successful and the same can happen for Tenchi Muyo.


      Deathsight wrote:

      The creators themselves admitted that the story itself was designed to be about Ryoko and Tenchi,

      Well, Hayashi saw it that way, anyway. :/


      I would also have to disagree that things have been developing that way since episode 1 of OVA 1.

      Yeah, it was episode 7. ;)


      Nobuyuki wrote:

      Well, Hayashi saw it that way, anyway. :/

      Yeah as well as Miss Hasegawa who is the other co-creator of Tenchi Muyo.


      Yeah, it was episode 7. ;)

      I would have to say a little bit later than that, but either way that development is really weak with just singular moments, where as you can still see the foundation of the story and the way it is structured of it being between Tenchi and Ryoko with these two having both the most frequent and meaningful moments together.

      That may be true but the way they kept introducing the other girls into the mix made any Ryoko/Tenchi relationship quite impossible to continue without it becoming what it became.

      Simply put no matter what their plans for the series may have been,once they introduced both

      Aeka and Mihoshi it could have gone no other way than the way it went.

      Perhaps they should have done what was done with Mamotte Shugogetten and spent more time developing the Tenchi/Ryoko relationship before introducing Aeka.And perhaps that was the biggest fault that led to the harem problem:the introduction of the other characters too soon.

      Wasn’t Sasami established as the final bride in the future?
      Yet again I have to disagree with you mistsuki lover, it has not already gone that way as nothing is set in stone. Two it is not impossible to continue a Tenchi and Ryoko relationship, while adding the other girls. The introduction of the other girls does not hinder any further development of a Tenchi and Ryoko relationship, as you can still see the structure of the show being about between the two of them in the way it plays out. The whole premise of the show is about who he is going to choose, which girl is he eventually going to end up with. This was how it was through OVA 1, but after the disagreement between Hayashi and Hasegawa with him those two left. While he then used their notes and scripts for OVA 2 but with his version of damage control which devalued the characterization with changing a few things. He then tried to force a notion of a harem ending in OVA 3 which doesn’t work because of the way the story is structured and the characters losing their characterization to do that, which helps to result in a horrible ending.

      Add to the fact that most fans and viewers don’t want a harem ending and that the company that owns the rights is no longer keen to listening to his ideas and you get the fact that the harem ending more than likely will not happen due to a number of factors that are happening, in no small way due to fan response.

      So it is very possible and likely for more development between Tenchi and Ryoko on top of the already significant development they have had so far. Also to answer the question from Almael no Sasami was not established as the final bride in the future.



      The whole premise of the show is about who he is going to choose,

      Said who, exactly?

      P.S.- the answer is “Nobody”. ;)



      Said who, exactly?

      Not that it needs explaining as you can clearly see that from the first OVA, but the other two creators of the show.


      shadowstorm wrote:

      the other two creators of the show.

      [citation needed]

      P.S.- neither of them said that. ;)



      neither of them said that.

      Uh yah they did. Along with it being about Tenchi and Ryoko after OVA 1 it was decided about who he would choose, which was also part of the allure of the show in the beginning. Regardless you can clearly see it from watching the show.


      shadowstorm wrote:


      neither of them said that.

      Uh yah they did. Along with it being about Tenchi and Ryoko after OVA 1 it was decided about who he would choose, which was also part of the allure of the show in the beginning. Regardless you can clearly see it from watching the show.

      Hayashi definitely did, but I don’t remember or know of any current source where Hasegawa did.


      Deathsight wrote:

      The whole premise of the show is about who he is going to choose,

      This is what I dispute.

      Dagon123 wrote:

      Hayashi definitely did

      again- [citation needed].


      Nobuyuki wrote:


      Dagon123 wrote:

      Hayashi definitely did

      again- [citation needed].

      That would be my bad, I thought Shadowstorm was talking about Tenchi x Ryoko, not whether or not the premise was on choice, carry on, lol.

      For Washuu
      I was gonna have aaaalll sorts of quotes and rebuttals and links and sources and… then I looked back up at the title of the thread.

      Er, yeah. How many posts in this thread actually answer the initial prompt OP set forth?

      >sigh< every time i come back

      Fine! Fine. Many of you know that I -subscribing exclusively to Kajishima- hate this question, but I’ll answer it!

      Sasami. Why? (read it all, now…)

      She’s not pushy like Ryoko, she’s not prissy like her sister, she’s not erratic like that space cop. Young or not, the girl is one with whom Tenchi can actually just share time and appreciate being around. She actually cooks (props to Mihoshi for being the other one), she actually is consistent with the chores, oh- and when she’s all grown up, she’ll have the form of Tsunami. Ryoko and Ayeka both admit they don’t rival her beauty. [OVA 2:2, last scene] Though that is, of course, subjective. YMMV, as always.

      I’m not weighing in Noike because she hasn’t had as long for her character to develop, Kajishima’s doujin already have things to say about her and Tenchi, and I really don’t feel like talking about her in a community that *seems* to have so little appreciation of her.

      And Washuu… eheh. Well. Yeah. I’m so biased about her that it’d be unfair to the other girls for me to consider her.

      tl;dr: That wasn’t too long, you impatient blaggard. Read it. />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /></p>
<p>Edit: Obligatory multi-age collage pic!</p>
<p><img decoding=" />

      Ryoko and Aeka never said that. Besides Ryoko looks way better than Sasami when she’s grown up. All I’m saying Ryoko and Tenchi belong together and that’s how it should be and only them. RYOKO AND TENCHI FOREVER!!!!
      For Washuu

      DragonLord wrote:

      Ryoko and Aeka never said that.

      Go watch the episode for yourself. Ryoko’s is implied; Ayeka’s is right there in the script.

      Hm. I wonder what other anime out there has such militant division in its shipbase. (Time to make a thread, I says…)

      The only problem I see with a Tenchi/Sasami relationship is that he only sees her as a little sister no matter how old she is.

      In the end it has to come down to one of three: Aeka,Ryoko or Kiyone. What they should do is have

      a Grand Tournament(tm) and the winner gets Tenchi.

      That would be fun and there would be no question at the end of who gets Tenchi.

      AFAIG: Dual is the only anime I can think of where shippers would be as divided over who the hero should pick(MS or MR).

      I actually agree with you on the first part mitsuki lover, he does only see Sasami as a little sister no matter how old she is. But I disagree with you on the second part. A tournament is no way to decide who you should be with. That is like making the person more of a prize than a life partner and shouldn’t be done for either guys or girls as the prize. That also still makes Tenchi indecisive as it makes him look like he can’t make up his mind for himself, which is part of growing up. No he needs to make a decision on his own and choose which one for himself. I still say he should and will choose Ryoko. I’m with DragonLord. RYOKO AND TENCHI FOREVER!!!

      For Washuu wrote:

      Go watch the episode for yourself. Ryoko’s is implied; Ayeka’s is right there in the script.

      I did, Ryoko’s was never implied there was no implication of that whatsoever. Ayeka also never said that. Also don’t criticize me and tell me to go watch an episode when you’re clearly wrong. It just ended up wasting my time to check.

      For Washuu

      DragonLord wrote:

      Also don’t criticize me and tell me to go watch an episode when you’re clearly wrong. It just ended up wasting my time to check.

      I’ll grant you that anything implied can be interpreted, but I’m not alone on this one. I’d say to make a poll about it, but I’m guessing that’d also just be a waste of your Time. (Quick, someone cue David Bowie!)[/url][/size]

      But… what part of Ayeka’s line, “Sasami’s beauty will surpass mine” doesn’t make sense to you?

      Yeah it would be a wast of my time, because it doesn’t matte if you are alone or not, the reality is there was no implication whatsoever, because everything she said had absolutely nothing to do with that. It had no meaning towards that. Ryoko still looks way better than Sasami. Ryoko is the one meant for Tenchi and only Ryoko. TENCHI AND RYOKO FOREVER!!!
      There’s no arguing with this logic, FW.
      My arguement is logical, and my statement is based on fact not false interpretation of what was not there. There was no implication towards that in what she said. So there is no need to be dissing me or my statements on the topic of this thread.
      For Washuu
      You’re claiming to make “logically deduced statements” about you subjective interpretation of a story. Art. Translated and re-dubbed lines. Your declaration of what “should” happen.

      Nobuyuki’s right: there is no arguing with your logic. That would imply that solid data could be presented. So.. yeah. Forget it. I made my one post that actually answered the thread’s prompt, and that’s that.

      Have fun with your opinion.

      This thread has gone about as far as it’s going to go, locked.
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