Aoi Uma Con ’13

Forums Fan Stuff Convention Stuff Aoi Uma Con ’13

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    Well I have returned from AUC day two with much victory I think.

    I went a Yosho again with my saber in tow, and wasn’t long before I ran into

    the Tenchi and Ryoko couple from Ohayocon in plain clothes. Gave a card to them, whom

    evidently lurk. Had another guy who recognized me before and after that, and gave him a card.

    Had another guy in passing that recognized Yosho, no card.

    In the 3D printing panel, in which I showed off the Tenchi-ken, had 4-5 people catch me

    and 2 were previous fans, got them cards. Also one of that group had a bigger group of friends

    that had since moved to Ohio, that were trying to get a big Tenchi cosplay group together, but had

    gotten postponed as of late. She was thinking of going as Achika, but didn’t think anyone would recognize her, so thought instead of doing a Funaho. Gave her a card.

    Just after that, got caught by another guy wanting a picture, and gave him a card too.

    Also got to listen to Lisa Ortiz (Lina Inverse) talk about the golden days, saw a couple of panels and a little bit of other anime.

    So while it’s a very small con, (4 event rooms, 1 game room, 1 viewing/misc room, 1 dealers room) it was quite a bit more productive than Chiisaicon. In some ways I got in contact with even more fans than Ohayocon and Otakon combined.

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      Wow, quite an eventful con! Awesome work JG, you make us all proud!
      Indeed, sounds like you really got us around over there :Tenchismile:

      I would love to meet Lisa Ortiz someday

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