Discussion: Episodes 56-60

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Anime Discussion: Episodes 56-60

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    Nil Admirari
    NOTE*Do not discuss the promotional spoilery material without the use of spoiler tags as well as a forewarning on what the spoiler contains.

    http://i.minus.com/iZMHRh1CvuUXW.png" />

    Episode 56 is now subtitled and available![/url][/size]

    http://i.minus.com/ifSXzZMQq3pnB.gif" />

    Episode 56:

    Tenchi’s awoken in a familiar station, but one that’s different than he remembers. Not only is the world black and white with only a few shades of color, but the station’s name is a play on the station’s real name. As TITAN pointed out, the characters in the name signify something different than the station’s real name, and the portion of the sign that shows where the train station leads to has been erased. A dark reminder to Tenchi that this is his final chance to save Momo, as there’s nothing further to await her if he doesn’t.

    Washu taunts the Galaxy Police with an “I know something that you don’t know” attitude, the world crumbling around her as she watches the fires burn. I wonder how long it’s going to take before the GP give up and start asking her to clean up the mess, or if the General is going to suicidally attempt to wait her out and leave the entire universe at stake? I loved seeing Mihoshi apologize for arresting her, suddenly remembering that Washu’s a part of the household.

    Our last shot gives us a hint as to where the next few days are going to go. Tenchi’s got quite a lot of backtracking ahead of him.

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  • Replies
      I think I can say that this episode somewhat got rid of the sour taste that Fridays episode gave me but not totally (still dislikes that episode) but this week is a fresh start to what could be a really heartfelt ending. I loved the whole scene with Momo and Tenchi and the whole atmosphere seemed so melancholic and peaceful..yet so empty. Looking forward to see what happens next between Tenchi and Momo. Seems like next up is little Momo. It seemed like today’s episode she seemed younger (maybe 14 or so) I’m thinking in each rift she’s going to get younger and younger until she disappears but of course that won’t happen because Tenchi will save the day (I hope)
      Tenchi still has a journey ahead of him. woooo1 Seeing him interact with different version of Momo, as well as phasing out himself, one wonders if he is time-hopping or dimension-hopping. The first Momo, the one that looked like Lain, seemed younger than the Momo we see at Junai. Then, we see her at the end as a child again, but in the modern era. However, Washu said back in Episode 3 that there were multiple dimensions with one common factor, presumably Momo. Perhaps this is a combination of both, hopping sideways and backward along Momo’s thread of existence. butts1 Visually, these scenes are very contrasting, sepia against the vivid color of Tenchi and his clothes. Notably, Momo’s umbrella was colored as well. What meaning is there here? Keep in mind, this has been done before in TMiL2. When Haruna’s world threatened to collapse, the illusions faded to sepia before vanishing. Could this be happening again? sadface1

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Tenchi’s awoken in a familiar station, but one that’s different than he remembers. Not only is the world black and white with only a few shades of color, but the station’s name is a play on the station’s real name. As TITAN pointed out, the characters in the name signify something different than the station’s real name, and the portion of the sign that shows where the train station leads to has been erased. A dark reminder to Tenchi that this is his final chance to save Momo, as there’s nothing further to await her if he doesn’t.

      Nice catch on the real world reference, Hakubi line in Okayama, as well as the meaning in the name. Tenchismile Perhaps the creators are pointing at Washu to blame. blush1

      Notably, Beni addressed Momo as “Momo-sama” for the first time since her last feudal era dialogue scene, Episode 33. Might her old self be arising a bit? qt1 Also, who’s ready for that Ryoko/Beni team-up? ^.^v

      One does wonder how long Washu will be playing this bluff game between herself and the GP commander. There is a planet, if not a universe, at stake. wth2

      As for the ending of the episode, I had a thought on what it might be. What if that building in the background was Tenchi’s school from OVA series 1 episode 1? What if the series took everything back to the very beginning of everything, literally, for the Tenchi franchise? Talk about a retcon button! gendo1 Now, I find this scenario unlikely, but not impossible. Tune in tomorrow! kiyonesmile1

      It’s kinda going all… dimension-warpy like episode 6 of OVA 3 did, except much more coherent.

      Lovin’ the monochrome with a few touches of color in the scenes with Momo.

      How did Washu get out of her restraints? She’s still in the cage, but she’s not all tied up anymore and no-one seems to have noticed… gendo1

      Good observations, everybody. And here, we see child Momo yet again, albeit not in the feudal era.

      Rrrrriiing! Rrrriiing!

      Somebody gonna’ pick up the phone? Cuz uh, pii called it.

      Nil Admirari
      http://i.minus.com/iCgDQMqVJXCj0.png" />

      Episode 57 is now subtitled and available![/url][/size]

      http://i.minus.com/iXUXQQRLLvpx3.gif" />

      Episode 57:

      Tenchi’s going on a feels trip through time and space alright. Young Momo’s worries about her future self are easily soothed by Tenchi’s assurances, followed by a series of sad vignettes where someone is missing from the picture. One can easily assume it is Tenchi due to her attachment to him, but one could consider Beni a suitable candidate seeing as how she was a big sister to Momo as they left Jurai. Beni and Ryoko’s trip down to the center of the earth gives us another look at their bonding moment, Ryoko managing to sidestep acting like she cares. Washu delivers a fantastic performance in yanking the Galaxy Police around like a toy and getting them to cave. Is it a wonder she’s evaded justice for so long?

      And then at last, the big bomb drops. We’ve finally seen what has happened to Momo’s ship. It has taken root underground as a fully grown tree. What might Beni be able to do with the tree once she reaches it? Will it reveal what happened to her, similar to Funaho in the OVA? Is there some new power that awaits them, like how we’ve seen Tenchi’s sword have new tricks in this series? We’re down to the wire, 3 days left and barely 10 minutes of runtime remaining. So much can happen in so little time!

      Oh man, the look on the GP Commander’s face when he made the realization they needed Washu to fix everything! Absolutely priceless.

      The multiple spots in time where Momo’s “left behind” or left alone seem to jive with the original premise that Momo was scattered, as it were, across dimensions and/or time itself. But who is this missing other alluded to in the latter sequence of shots next to Momo? Tenchi? Beni? Someone else?

      Tenchi’s role in this, possibly using Tenchi-ken in some fashion as he travels, along with Momo’s tree being revealed (a source of distortion, or perhaps some kind of “anchor” for Momo herself to keep her psyche from being completely lost?), remind me of Yosho confronting Haruna (Haruna’s psyche/spirit) via her tree using the sword. When Tenchi asked “what am I supposed to do?” is part of that frustration stemming from the fact that this Jurain ability or technique is something he has yet to learn or encounter? (Yosho being able to enter into Haruna’s world may be due in part to his access to a greater trove of experience using his powers, being much older than Tenchi.)

      And where is Ukan during these events? Watch out, she may yet make a startling appearance; more so, she just may yet turn villainous! (I don’t quite trust her; if her drive to diffuse the situation and catch Washu lead her to stand up to Jurain royalty, then I doubt she would be hunky-dory with simply letting Washu free and leaving Momo, Beni, Tenchi and the space pirate Ryoko to do as they please on top of that.)

      The FEELs are getting turned up today. dawohki1 This seems to illustrate very concretely Momo’s comment in episode 36 that she was “always alone”. One wonders if Tenchi’s comments about her making friends influenced her to meet Hachiko, Hana, and Tori, perhaps even to become class president. woooo1

      Also, I’m still on the fence as to what is happening with Tenchi and Momo. Is Tenchi visiting different incarnations of Momo across different universes, or is he hopping across her lifespan? If the latter, one would think she would have some memory of seeing him or some recognition. Notably, last episode, she did ask him if they had met before when she stumbled into his arms. I believe there are some similarities with that fall and the one Washu instigated in episode 17. I believe Washu will be sorting this out shortly with whatever she’s about to do. blush1

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Tenchi’s role in this, possibly using Tenchi-ken in some fashion as he travels, along with Momo’s tree being revealed (a source of distortion, or perhaps some kind of “anchor” for Momo herself to keep her psyche from being completely lost?), remind me of Yosho confronting Haruna (Haruna’s psyche/spirit) via her tree using the sword.

      I’m not wholly convinced that Tenchi is controlling this. Given the peach petals every time he “leaps”, I think Toshika is controlling this. Moreover, Tenchi and Momo were enveloped by Toshika’s light and petals when they vanished in the first place. I bet you are right that Toshika is acting as the anchor, much like Haruna’s camellia. gendo1 I bet Tenchi is trying to “put right what once went wrong”, fighting his leaps, trying to get to Momo.

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      When Tenchi asked “what am I supposed to do?” is part of that frustration stemming from the fact that this Jurain ability or technique is something he has yet to learn or encounter? (Yosho being able to enter into Haruna’s world may be due in part to his access to a greater trove of experience using his powers, being much older than Tenchi.)

      I wouldn’t doubt this at all, particularly if this incarnation of Tenchi did not live through the events with Haruna.

      Nice that Ryoko also noticed Beni using “Momo-sama” suddenly. tuxedodouche It appears that Last Crusade reference from episode 42 made a lasting impression, as well as all those memory flashes. mmhmm1

      Of course, the GP have to eat some crow. Kiyofacepalm1 I find this quite ironic since the commander was so arrogant toward the Japanese ambassador in episode 51, that Terran scholars couldn’t understand what was happening, until he too is put into the same position. In Washu we trust. butts1

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      And where is Ukan during these events? Watch out, she may yet make a startling appearance; more so, she just may yet turn villainous! (I don’t quite trust her; if her drive to diffuse the situation and catch Washu lead her to stand up to Jurain royalty, then I doubt she would be hunky-dory with simply letting Washu free and leaving Momo, Beni, Tenchi and the space pirate Ryoko to do as they please on top of that.)

      Ukan is the wild card at the moment. We don’t know what went down with her and the princesses. Moreover, given that she is GP as well as wielding an energy whip, might she be a reference to “evil Kiyone” from the Mihoshi Special ending? Wouldn’t it be a twist if she swooped in at the end and scooped up Toshika’s power for herself at the last instant, stranding Tenchi and Momo? After all, I don’t think Negishi has spent this entire series building her up for no reason. gendo1

      Washu is still up to her usual tricks. Not surprised she was able to weasel her way out police custody kiyonesmile1

      That underground tree-chamber looks awfully familiar…

      Ai Tenchi Muyo

      http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag115/LGKillpack/AiTenchitree_zps58eb3f95.png" />

      Daughter of Darkness

      http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/hnU48M5LNheRQ2MX2EZ1QaRH7mW.jpg" />

      Nil Admirari
      http://i.minus.com/iPUGBbIiikRuA.png" />

      Episode 58 is now subtitled and available!

      http://i.minus.com/iB05IwnZMGeb2.gif" />

      Episode 58:

      Washu’s now got all the ingredients she needs to set this right – Beni, Toshika, cute cell phone minigames, and a little bit of rocket launcher space magic. Momo and Tenchi are still stuck in their own cyclical hell, a Groundhogs Day scenario they may never get out of. Ukan follows her orders instead of going completely insane, pulling out her troops and suggesting the school girls retreat as well. The rift looked just about ready to strike, but it looks like Toshika’s power might be just enough to send it back where it came from. And in our final moments, it appears as though our two protagonists have found each other again. I get the feeling that Momo and Beni are going back home very soon.

      Have to say, I’ve been loving the way that they’ve treated Washu’s interfaces through this series. It always has some sort of digitized version of herself somewhere. I laughed aloud when I saw the hacking process upload meter being a version of lemmings, but with mini-Washus.

      http://i.minus.com/idhALsJMH3jYg.gif" />

      Today gives us a lot of super-science and Juraian space magic. mmhmm1

      Ryoko and Beni inspect the wrecked ship, which Beni has access to command. Toshika hasn’t forgotten her. kiyonesmile1 Beni’s memory might be coming back too. soawesome1

      I am curious about the space magic here. Washu has hacked the d.o. bullet no doubt to follow her commands, while Beni simultaneously activates Toshika. The beam from the bullet changes to pink, and Momo’s key reacts, allowing her to meet Tenchi. Given its name, I propose that the d.o. bullet pierced the rift, allowing Washu to channel Toshika’s signal to Momo’s key.

      There is precedent for this theory in both TMiL films. In TMiL1, Washu used the five color Fudo temples to mimic Juraian energy to power a vortex for entering subspace. In TMiL2, Washu used all the Juraian camellia trees planted by Katsuhito throughout his youth in tandem with the dimensional hardware of the SA to pierce into Haruna’s world, allowing Ryoko and Ayeka to enter.

      In fact, all three of these situations seem to be very similar: dimensional hardware channelling Juraian or pseudo-Juraian energy to break the barrier between universes. butts1

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Ukan follows her orders instead of going completely insane, pulling out her troops and suggesting the school girls retreat as well.

      I am mildly disappointed that Ukan did not have a heel turn, but needless to say, her retreat does play to her as a GP officer doing her job. Also, she seems to have released Ayeka and Sasami. mmhmm1

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      Have to say, I’ve been loving the way that they’ve treated Washu’s interfaces through this series. It always has some sort of digitized version of herself somewhere. I laughed aloud when I saw the hacking process upload meter being a version of lemmings, but with mini-Washus.

      I do love all of Washu’s egomaniacal toys. We got the classic “A” and “B” puppets from Universe! iloveit1

      Nil Admirari
      http://i.minus.com/iv8fvR5s2sEID.png" />

      Episode 59 is now subtitled and available![/url][/size]

      http://i.minus.com/iNJrW8o3L4YpT.gif" />

      Episode 59:

      I uh, I got something in my eyes here. Gimme a minute.

      Oh my God. Beni and Momo reunited, Tenchi and Ryoko surrounded by a blossoming tree, and ending with the exact same ending shot–I mean, EXACT–as that of Universe…yep, Ai did it right. Those same feels, all these years later.

      That was the Tenchi I know and love.

      & to top it all off, on Christmas day! What a wonderful gift! Thank you Tenchiforum Translations! Thank you Mr. Negishi!

      Still one more episode to go? I don’t know if I can take the excitement.

      It was a very nice ending for Tenchi and Momo, but was it ever explained in the show explicitly what the Feudal segments were? Was the Ryoko and the Mihoshi of those segments confirmed to be alternate versions of the characters or was it some kind of simulation by Washu? Were the versions of the other girls the ancestors of the students at Junai?
      Nil Admirari

      drillmaster wrote:

      It was a very nice ending for Tenchi and Momo, but was it ever explained in the show explicitly what the Feudal segments were? Was the Ryoko and the Mihoshi of those segments confirmed to be alternate versions of the characters or was it some kind of simulation by Washu? Were the versions of the other girls the ancestors of the students at Junai?

      There’s not been anything specifically about those yet. Perhaps tomorrow’s episode will squeeze a quick explanation in. Though man, 4 more minutes hardly seems enough. There’s so much more I want to know and see.


      Nil Admirari wrote:

      I uh, I got something in my eyes here. Gimme a minute.

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Oh my God. Beni and Momo reunited, Tenchi and Ryoko surrounded by a blossoming tree, and ending with the exact same ending shot–I mean, EXACT–as that of Universe

      … I have no emoticon for this.

      http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/blade-tears_zps54435d74.png" />

      High school Momo, I will miss you. Momo seems to have been able to control the time-jumps through her key, and likely its connection to Toshika. Hence, when she calmed down, she could put things right herself. Indeed, she is the tragic hero here.

      The bench scene gave me chills. Not only did it remind me heavily of Eva, but the prolonged goodbye carved a peach-shaped hole in my chest, and likely Tenchi’s as well. However, much like Sakuya from Tokyo, child Momo could still grow up to be the high school Momo we have met. Also, much like baby Mayuka from Manatsu no Eve, she has a chance to learn from Tenchi and the family. Can you feel it?

      The scene with Washu and the others brought me back to both TMiL movies like yesterday: the time running out, Tenchi trapped in some offshoot universe. I feel it.

      “Please, remember me.”

      http://www.reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/raining_david_tennant.gif" />

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      That was the Tenchi I know and love.

      This man said it all. That feeling is the magic of Tenchi Muyo! doing its job.

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      & to top it all off, on Christmas day! What a wonderful gift! Thank you Tenchiforum Translations! Thank you Mr. Negishi!

      This was a great Christmas present to the fans. Merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you, everyone at TenchiForum Translations.


      Nil Admirari wrote:

      drillmaster wrote:

      It was a very nice ending for Tenchi and Momo, but was it ever explained in the show explicitly what the Feudal segments were? Was the Ryoko and the Mihoshi of those segments confirmed to be alternate versions of the characters or was it some kind of simulation by Washu? Were the versions of the other girls the ancestors of the students at Junai?

      There’s not been anything specifically about those yet. Perhaps tomorrow’s episode will squeeze a quick explanation in. Though man, 4 more minutes hardly seems enough. There’s so much more I want to know and see.

      So I thought. I just wish we had more time. This might be the last new Tenchi series in a long time…I’m gonna miss seeing the girls and Tenchi weekly again. It was always something to look forward to when coming home from work.

      Merry Christmas all! Tomorrow’s gonna be a rough one.

      Yes today’s episode was beautifully tragic. The way that Momo was engulfed by peach blossom just had me at awe for a moment and indeed gave me the vibe of the tragic hero but her last moment certainly left beauty and impact. I will remember you Momo. sadface1 it certainly reminded me of Sakuya and Tenchi in Tenchi in Tokyo when she also disappears among blossoms and I was kinda hoping for a kiss during Tenchi and Momo’s scene. Sakuya got one. Momo should get one too!

      I also loved seeing Ryoko and Tenchi under the glowing peach blossoms (also was hoping for a kiss at that part… -_- lol) and Beni and Mini Momo being together again is nice to see too. I hope we find who exactly Momo is and where in the royal family she stands and what her status is and family etc. And also more about Beni’s background as well and if the other girls will remember all that has happened now everything is slowly coming to a end and just how Yuki and Rui ended up under Washu’s wing so to speak. So many answers I want to know and such little time!

      https://33.media.tumblr.com/fd5a07957adfe805e13bd83b41365738/tumblr_nh5sro9n3h1rpnowto1_1280.png" />

      I don’t know if you guys can see it but… she’s blushing.

      Nil Admirari
      http://i.minus.com/icLzEAcksfB61.png" />

      Episode 60 is now subtitled and available![/url][/size]

      http://i.minus.com/iLZjaOQ473ivj.gif" />

      Episode 60:

      Our adventure winds down with a quiet moment back home at the Masaki shrine. But as always, quiet is but a fleeting thing with Ryoko and the girls around. We get a look at Beni and Momo’s final moments before they go back to their own dimension, with some interesting differences. In the version where they were originally captured, the extra characters were represented by Hachiko, Hana and Touri. In this iteration, the Hachiko character is an older man, and the two women with him have similar hair colors but slightly different designs than Hana and Touri.

      We also get a look at all of that lovely paperwork Mihoshi’s famous for needing during every case, Ukan’s worth ethics still being rather questionable, Washu finally yawning after a hard 50-episodes’ work, and Ryo-ohki falling into a carrot coma. The final moments drop a delicious final hint, leaving everyone to imagine the meaning of those 20 or so seconds.

      It’s been a crazy ride working on this with you all and being able to bring the fandom fresh Tenchi material every single day. Thank you all for watching and being here with us for the carnival.

      I spotted Ryo-ohki…..

      I get the feeling that it insinuated the Masaki shrine was founded in the TU by Juraians.

      There’s plenty of evidence I think to support it leans toward TU as the source material, but is

      still it’s own spin off.

      Thank you so much to everyone on the translation team! You guys are the reason our carnival came back around dawohki1

      It’s going to take a little bit of time for me to digest this series, but I can’t wait to finally unpack my thoughts about how it all turned out. It’s been one hell of a ride, though, and I’ve loved sharing every minute of it with everyone here!

      Welp, that’s that.

      Good work on the translation and presentation, team.

      Onward to Comiket!

      This episode gave the series a nice send off, with lots of symbolism and hints to other parallels. Tenchismile

      I loved seeing the Masaki household back to business as usual. I got the happy FEELs again, particularly seeing Ryo-Ohki at last after endless debates on her appearance. dawohki1 Ryoko atop the shrine gate was very nostalgic for me. mmhmm1

      While silent, I did enjoy the final moments with Momo and Beni. Also, we got to see a Juraian tree become a spaceship, without carving or physical action! WANT1 I’m not sure if Juraian space magic was the cause or Washu’s reset button returning Toshika to her original state. Either way, might this set a new precedent? Also, this has been theorized before. gendo1

      Interestingly, Momo and Beni return to their voyage, to what seems like Earth. In fact, the cliff they stand upon is exactly the one from Yosho’s flashbacks in Universe.

      http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/yosho2_zps5c5f2f7a.png" />

      The shrine gate notably had no name. Again from episode 8, Momo and Beni were to met “Sou-sama”. Was Sou-sama already on Earth waiting? There are lots of open questions regarding these two. More on that in a moment. qt1

      Not unlike the ending to Universe and TMiL1, the show gives a quick review of everyone’s epilogue. Presumably, with Momo and Beni set back to their original place in spacetime, Junai Academy became what it should have been. The student council positions shifted slightly, and Yuki and Rui were set back to build Goriki-kun without Washu’s insight. Perhaps Yuki can one day impress her mentor with her own talents. mmhmm1 Ukan is still Mihoshi’s superior, but is notably dressed in a standard GP uniform. Apparently, she’s a slave driver. Kiyofacepalm1

      However, one wonders about what Mihoshi doused at the Masaki shrine. gendo1 Given Momo’s sword is inside the shrine, one really has to wonder how connected Momo’s world and this one are. Perhaps there are more stories to tell here. butts1

      JGZinv wrote:

      I get the feeling that it insinuated the Masaki shrine was founded in the TU by Juraians.

      There’s plenty of evidence I think to support it leans toward TU as the source material, but is

      still it’s own spin off.

      However, there are several other notable indications that the OVA had significant influence on the series as well. As a celebration of the franchise, this series pulls from all sources, even Tokyo, though certainly not equally from each. I can agree that a shrine was founded by Juraians, but one looks at the front of Momo’s shrine and the Masaki shrine, they are dissimilar. Now, perhaps the shrine has been rebuilt or renovated, and Mihoshi’s dousing and Momo’s sword definitely point at the possibility. However, just like the ending of TMiL2, nothing is stated outright or for certain.

      chucklocker wrote:

      Thank you so much to everyone on the translation team! You guys are the reason our carnival came back around dawohki1

      It’s been one hell of a ride, though, and I’ve loved sharing every minute of it with everyone here!

      Nil Admirari wrote:

      It’s been a crazy ride working on this with you all and being able to bring the fandom fresh Tenchi material every single day. Thank you all for watching and being here with us for the carnival.

      Folks, it’s been a fun show, and my thanks go to the entire translation staff for putting in the hours of effort to bring this show to us all. Bravo, gentlemen, and well done. fyeah1

      Nil Admirari
      http://i.minus.com/ildICWRkZrE1Y.png" />

      The final Super Cut, Episodes 56-60, is available now!

      Very cool to have an episode set back at the house. Overall, a very fun finale.

      With Hana being president now, it does make me wonder if they remember Momo, or if its like she never existed?

      Yay, Ryo-Ohki is alive after all! lol

      Ukan wears that GP uniform well tuxedodouche , and at least Mihoshi seems to actually leave the house and go to work sometimes…

      It’s interesting to see that Momo and Beni traveled to Earth and worked at the shrine, if not founded it themselves. But how did they know where to go? O.o This poses several new questions. Did they not know, and simply built a shrine in an ideal location that Tenchi’s ancestors just happened to take over? Are Beni and/or Momo actually Tenchi’s ancestors!?

      And what was up with the visitors at the shrine? Man-Hachiko with (presumably) his wife, Hana and daughter, Touri. That was odd. The only possibly explanation I can think of is that it was to show that there are multiple iterations of everyone throughout time and space, and that these alternate iterations don’t necessarily have to be identical to the “present-day” versions like the previous feudal-era council trio was. If so, that bit of info feels rather… extraneous. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it…

      One thing I do find odd was the fact that Juraian politics never really came into play regarding Momo and Beni. Ayeka and Sasami never reacted to them either, and as far as I can remember their reasons for fleeing Jurai were never fully explained. It was just like, “oh, by the way, Momo is Juraian (and Beni too?) and she has a ship and a sword just like Tenchi’s. Those latter two things will be important later, but her nationality? Nah, you can forget about that. We’re not really going to talk about it again.”

      Am I over-thinking this, or is that underground… thing Mihoshi was searching for a possible hint at a continuation? That bit felt kinda out-of-place, like it might’ve been important, but was downplayed by Mihoshi getting distracted by food.

      And not to question the accuracy of the translation or discredit the work that was done on the subs, but was the elusive “Sou-sama” (did I spell that right?) actually a name that was mentioned, or was it a possible mistranslation? Or was it supposed to be Momo’s father, from the Jurai flashback? If so, the show didn’t do a very good job of making that clear.

      Thanks for the hard work!

      As for the series itself: Fun, but the format wasn’t the wisest way to do this show. This kind of short format works better for slice-of-life 4-koma style shows, and/or quick comedy than for Tenchi Muyo! So, what about the show?

      The Good: The new girls were a lot of fun, with enjoyable characters abounding. Momo is a truly sweet character and Hachiko was a riot.

      The Bad: At least partly due to the format, but something easily within the purvey of the director and production team to take care of, ask yourself: Aside form Momo and Beni, what do we know about these characters? Answer: Other than some general overbroad characteristics, nothing. No depth was given to the girls, even Momo and Beni. We’ve no idea why Beni was in trouble with Jurai, why they trusted her as being Momo’s protector, why they were going to Earth, etc. What’s the deal with Hachiko and swords? In short, the new girls don’t get the depth they deserved. We just get some stereotypical tropes in the form of some cute girls.

      The Good: Aeka, Sasami and Ryoko all get good time and good moments. There was a distinct worry about whether the veteran girls would lose time and not have much to do, as was all too often the case in OVA 3.

      The Bad: Ryoko so evenly matched against Beni, Aeka and Sasami being detained by the GP – the gals seemed a trifle underpowered, even by Universe standards. Sure, they kick the tushies of high school students, but the GP? fyeah1

      More The Bad: Universe. The first dilution of the OVA cast and templates brought its weaknesses over to this show. Aeka able to take care of a human student, but not the GP? C’mon, man! Ryoko relatively weak, but especially compared to Beni, she of no background.

      Really More Bad: Washu and Mihoshi. Absent for waaay too much of the show, we get Mihoshi appearing back in time with a demonic Ryoko, seemingly as a tribute to the OVA origin, but we hardly ever see her until the end. Washu appears a bit more, but not much, and then, alas, in full blown Universe mad scientist mode. Given that Washu had some of the best screen time in OVA 3 of the original gal cast, it’s a shame to see her character stripped of wisdom, maturity and a degree of competence. Mihoshi is pretty much her Universe self, lacking that certain mystique, but she comes out far better.

      AWOL: It appears that there can be only one, Kiyone, that is, in any of the Tenchi continuities. No Noboyuki, and Katsuhiko is also MIA. But especially, a few seconds of Ryo-Ohki eating carrots outside Washu’s lab door in the final episode does not excuse the horrific misuse of one of the best mascot characters of all time! rageblow1 dawohki1 wtfisthis1

      So, this show managed to show off a number of characters having good moments, some nostalgia tie-ins, some nice new characters, but ended with a shallow story, no depth to any of the new cast, far too many loose ends and unexplained events (such as Ryoko and Mihoshi in the past and the rift they went through), and the blatant nonuse of a great income generating character.

      I can’t decide if this show’s problem was that it wasn’t ambitious enough, or if it was overly ambitious. Because there was a really nice chance here, one which would’ve made great sense for an anniversary show: Do a Dr. Who special, a continuity crossover. They touched on it back in the feudal period, but didn’t follow up on it. In the end, the feudal time period ends up being wasted programming. Negishi would’ve been better off slimming down the story and consolidating the feudal episodes and spending some time on character and story development. Either way it was a wasted opportunity.

      In the end, this show brought in some nice things for the fans, and is certainly not the worst of the Tenchi shows out there. But after the depth of GXP and OVA 3, despite the flaws, especially of OVA 3, this show is shallow in comparison. Say what you will about Kajishima, he fleshed out his universe. Negishi didn’t and it shows.

      Nice to read you again Beagle-san.

      I do have good news, there will be a novelized of Ai Tenchi Muyo! which as all Tenchi Novel will provide more details about the story.

      Indeed, welcome back to the fold Beagle-san! You made several points, many of which I agree with to an extent, but I have to entirely disagree with your analysis of the new characters’ “depth.” In my opinion you have misassociated back story with actual depth. Just because we don’t know every little biographical detail about these characters doesn’t make them “stereotypical tropes in the form of some cute girls.” We don’t need to know exactly what crime Beni committed in the past to know that she was a bad girl whose heart was softned by baby Momo. One is back story and the other is depth. We don’t need to know what precise trauma occured in Hachiko’s past to cause her to break down when her sword is taken away to know that she is tough girl who has hidden confidence issues. One is back story and the other is depth. I’m not saying that the new girls were as deep as the old girls were back in OVA 1, or even as deep as I would have liked. Neither will I comment as to the relative depth of one Tenchi series to another. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions in such matters. I will say only that in my opinion, to claim that the new characters had no depth whatsoever is simply untrue.
      Its been a while since I posted here, a few reasons for that, first I didn’t want to see any type of spoilers for Ai Tenchi or any type of feedback for the show until I fully finished it. But I have now finished watching all 60 eps :) Also love the new layout look for Tenchiforum

      First let me say a huge thanks to all the people involved in getting the show translated at and uploaded at such a fast pace, you guys are awesome.

      I really enjoyed watching Ai Tenchi from start to finish, it was so nice to be able to experience a new Tenchi show (something of which I haven’t done since I was a child, so it really is close to heart for me :) ) The animation was very nice and I really liked some of the new girls (something I wasn’t expecting to do and I’m sure a few here wasn’t either).

      The ending was definitely quite emotional but there are a few things I’d like to learn more from the last ep
      like what exactly had Mihoshi found buried underneath the shrine? Surely it can’t just be coincidence, do any of the girls at the school remember Momo & Benni or has that encounter been completely removed from memory. Has teenage Momo gone forever? The petal’s at the end of ep 60 and the “Tenchi sensei” that was spoke at the very end while we had a scene with the sword could mean otherwise plus she did say “we’ll meet again” which I don’t think relates to her younger child self but maybe I’m just over thinking here, of cause the “Tenchi sensei” could just have just been a warm way to send the show off. Still I would love to have to have seen Momo and Tenchi share a kiss during ep 59, I think she really deserved one sadface1 Apologies if someone has already answered my questions on this board already.

      So yes overall I really enjoyed this show a way lot more than I was expecting too Tenchismile I would certainly love to see the show extended with perhaps a season 2 or by novel form maybe see seeing more team ups with Ryoko and Benii and seeing the growth of young Momo but that’s just my likes :)

      Thanks for reading and thanks again to the staff here for getting the show translated so quickly.

      Pretty sure if Tenchi and Momo actually kissed Frieza, there’d been blood raining from the sky.
      Lol in a earlier post I too said that Tenchi and Momo should have kissed and I would have been okay with that.
      I actually wouldn’t have minded if teenage Momo kissed Tenchi right before she disappeared. It was for all intents and purposes the end of her life, and she clearly had grown very attached to him after all they had been through across space and time. Tenchi wouldn’t have initiated it, of course, but I bet he would have appreciated the meaning it would have had for Momo. Fun food for thought :)

      Beagle-san wrote:

      Thanks for the hard work!

      Thanks for posting!

      And with that being said, you’re wrong in almost every single way due to a very simple lack of understanding the content in any way, shape, or form.

      Before we even get started here, there are 2 fundamental truths that need to be understood, this is a an ADVERTISEMENT series, first and foremost. The second, is that this series consisted of 50, 4 MINUTE episodes. (60 if you include the recaps)

      This means, that one can only put so much into a single “episode”

      Beagle-san wrote:

      The Bad: At least partly due to the format, but something easily within the purvey of the director and production team to take care of, ask yourself: Aside form Momo and Beni, what do we know about these characters? Answer: Other than some general overbroad characteristics, nothing. No depth was given to the girls, even Momo and Beni. We’ve no idea why Beni was in trouble with Jurai, why they trusted her as being Momo’s protector, why they were going to Earth, etc. What’s the deal with Hachiko and swords? In short, the new girls don’t get the depth they deserved. We just get some stereotypical tropes in the form of some cute girls.

      Beagle-san wrote:

      …But after the depth of GXP and OVA 3, despite the flaws, especially of OVA 3, this show is shallow in comparison. Say what you will about Kajishima, he fleshed out his universe. Negishi didn’t and it shows.

      Just because something is explained, doesn’t mean it makes sense, and if something isn’t explained, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.

      GXP and OVA3 didn’t have depth, they had about as much depth as a puddle in Texas in the summer. You’re also comparing an OVA budgeted series in 2003 against a 4 minute short series that ran on TV in 2014 with a total planning time (according to Negishi) of 4 months, of course there is going to be a discrepancy there.

      The characters who got depth were the characters who needed it, not every character needs a novel written about them, that’s what a background character is.

      But even so, every character in the show who had a distinct name was given as much time as they needed to be established, the show establishes everyone of them in the best way they can. We also have to take into account that many of these characters were based on characters from the local Okayama legend of Momotaro, so many of their characteristics could be likened to their original base in the legend which is something us westerners just would not get.

      Beagle-san wrote:

      The Bad: Ryoko so evenly matched against Beni, Aeka and Sasami being detained by the GP – the gals seemed a trifle underpowered, even by Universe standards. Sure, they kick the tushies of high school students, but the GP? fyeah1

      Beagle-san wrote:

      More The Bad: Universe. The first dilution of the OVA cast and templates brought its weaknesses over to this show. Aeka able to take care of a human student, but not the GP? C’mon, man! Ryoko relatively weak, but especially compared to Beni, she of no background.

      How does this dilute the OVA characters? This show is it’s own continuity

      Ryoko NEVER looked weak to Beni, hell none of the original cast looked weak in this show, in comparison to their OVA3 selves (which you keep referring to on such a pedestal of “depth”) they were far and away superior.

      The first thing that everyone wanted to see when Ai was announced, was “Where are the old girls?”, nobody gave a shit about the new girls, they had no reason to.

      So now we ask ourselves, how do we endear these new characters to the audience? You make them stand toe to toe with the old girls without making the old girls look bad, so what did they do? EXACTLY that.

      When Ryoko is shown in the Feudal era the first time, she completely dominates the feudal versions of the girls except for Momo, but instead of Ryoko looking weak, with a smile on her face she says “Oh, you think you can dance with me? The GREAT Space Pirate Ryoko?” Momo looked powerful and Ryoko still looked like a badass, who lost in that situation?

      And the Beni comparison, the first time they arm wrestled, that was an important moment in establishing Beni, because not only did she stand toe to toe with Ryoko, but they were BOTH psyched out by the other’s power, why is this important? It’s important because Beni was shocked and didn’t look more powerful than Ryoko. Everybody is already looking for Ryoko to dominate, but by not having Beni be smug or dominating Ryoko. Beni looked strong, Ryoko still stayed strong, they tied, and everybody wins, because Ryoko didn’t lose.

      Do you know how you DON’T introduce characters? By having someone like Airi’s first introduction in OVA3 completely dominate and slap Ryoko, making her powerless, or Noike completely squelching Ryoko and Ayeka fighting, neutering the power of both characters, how again is OVA3 and GXP more “deep” than Ai? If Kajishima doesn’t even know how to correctly establish any character?

      Beagle-san wrote:

      Really More Bad: Washu and Mihoshi. Absent for waaay too much of the show, we get Mihoshi appearing back in time with a demonic Ryoko, seemingly as a tribute to the OVA origin, but we hardly ever see her until the end. Washu appears a bit more, but not much, and then, alas, in full blown Universe mad scientist mode. Given that Washu had some of the best screen time in OVA 3 of the original gal cast, it’s a shame to see her character stripped of wisdom, maturity and a degree of competence. Mihoshi is pretty much her Universe self, lacking that certain mystique, but she comes out far better.

      Beagle-san wrote:

      AWOL: It appears that there can be only one, Kiyone, that is, in any of the Tenchi continuities. No Noboyuki, and Katsuhiko is also MIA. But especially, a few seconds of Ryo-Ohki eating carrots outside Washu’s lab door in the final episode does not excuse the horrific misuse of one of the best mascot characters of all time! rageblow1 dawohki1 wtfisthis1

      So let me get this straight, it’s ok to not explain everything for Mihoshi in OVA3 and her have “mystique”, but none of the new girls are allowed to have that “mystique”? Now you’re just being hypocritical.

      Also Mihoshi wasn’t actually a bumbling idiot in Ai, she was way more akin to her OVA1 self and even double crossed the family by not letting on what she was really doing and reporting back to Ukan, she was way more competent here then she’s been since 1999.

      If Washu losing to Mihoshi is a loss of competence, then she wasn’t that competent to begin with, because throughout the OVA especially, Mihoshi finds a way to foil her.

      And how was Ryo-Ohki “horridly misused” when she wasn’t used in the first place? Aside from the fact that the cast for Ai was already crowded, having Ryo-Ohki there made no sense, the same for Katsuhito and Nobuyuki.

      If Ryo-Ohki had been around, she would have immediately alerted the GP through Ukan and everything would have failed, the whole point of the operation was stealth.

      A lot of people also don’t seem to understand who the characters are at all anyway, some people have said “Well Tenchi WOULD have used the Lighthawk Wings to contain the girls” “Ayeka WOULD have stopped the GP” “Ryoko WOULDN’T have hit Tenchi”, All of which are COMPLETELY out of character for the character themselves.

      Just because they can, doesn’t mean they would, When has Tenchi EVER hurt the girls or used his power as a way to control them? Why would Ayeka openly go against the Galaxy Police?

      Why didn’t they? Because they wouldn’t, and they didn’t here.

      Beagle-san wrote:

      Either way it was a wasted opportunity.

      Obviously not, considering that after episode 50, the fan reaction in the East and the West has been majorly positive, and especially after Negishi let slip that In Love 3 was almost a thing, it’s almost like Tenchi has a second chance because of this show.

      This series was so much fun! I can’t believe a Tenchi series was fun for me again! The ending of Ai was maddeningly enticing:

      Though in Universe continuity (if I recall) it’s implied that Yosho brought the “Jurai element” to the Masaki shrine, here it is highly suggestive that Beni and Momo founded it! (This lends more credence in my opinion that Ai is indeed in its own sandbox as a separate continuity, but perhaps there’s room in Yosho’s recounting from Universe for the possibility of an earlier Jurain encounter that assimilated with Terran culture, which he then adapted to easily.) What’s more, unless Tenchi keeps his sword on him at all times (plausible) there’s even room to suggest that Momo’s “Tenchi-ken” is actually Tenchi-ken, albeit from a different era (though again this could also work for separate series angle, in Universe I don’t recall the sword being explicitly bonded to a particular tree, as in OVA (it was used to thwart Haruna, but not necessarily bonded to her), thus there’s “room” for such in Negishi’s canon).

      Thank you 1,000x to the translation team for the incredible effort: you’ve effectively brought the latest installment of the franchise to the West, and it’s not gone unnoticed (ahem, tweet tweet).

      Post contains spoiler’s from ep 59,60
      Maybe teenage Momo didn’t completely fade from existence, maybe her spirit lye’s in the sword inside the shrine. She did say that the sword gave her the power to catch up to Tenchi (or something similar to those lines) Could be a theory especially with the floating petals and of cause the words that was said at the very end of ep 60 at the sword (not to mention the “We’ll meet again” from ep 59) and then of cause this could have some connection as to what Mihoshi was detecting at the shrine (which does leave a big unanswered question). Perhaps its possible that 2 Momo’s can still exist even if from a different reality. If a continuation via anime or novel was ever planned maybe once Tenchi uses Momo’s sword, she could materialise from it? Okay maybe sounds far fetched but who knows :) I do agree with wwwwhhhhooo that this version of Tenchi seems like its own sandbox as a separate continuity
      Thanks for reading Tenchismile
      *SPOILERS *

      Originally, Tenchi was not intended to even be at the academy. He was put up to by Washu to go into another dimension, find Beni and Momo and reset so the incident never happened. Tenchi and the gang would have just gone on doing the usual, and Momo and Beni would have done what they were intended to do. That is and what did happen, resetting so that all the new girls would not be affected by the alterations.

      Tenchi was only there for a week as a Temp teacher assistant to fix the problem as quickly as possible, along with the other the old girls. It would be impossible and terrible to try and make a person that just started to work at a school to know the life story of several new girls and make you feel for them in only a several days. That is why the shows format works, it introduces as if you were getting to know someone in the beginning and slowly warm up to them and not forced down.

      At the end when Tenchi resets, you do feel good you got to meet new people and sad at the fact that they will have no memory of all that they experienced. In the epilogue, it provides a certain comfort about seeing all the girls where they ought to be living their usual lives.


      Something that I forgot: Were their two Mihoshi’s in the dig site?

      My theory is that Mihoshi A of the original gang (One that wore overalls) and Mihoshi B from the other Univerese (One that wore GXP bunny suit) both were there but not at the same time.

      We see Mihoshi in the site first early on and is believed to be sent by Washu to help out or is just there to search for treasure. However, when we see Mihoshi again and in GXP uniform in ep 53 she tilts her head to Ryoko, when Questioning her on her STILL being down in the site. My guess is that Mihoshi A was first, and was pulled out by Washu when she got there or simply left beforehand. That would explain how Washu was caught, she didn’t plan on Mihoshi B on investigating at the dig, then coming up to arrest her.


      Ukinojo92 wrote:


      Something that I forgot: Were their two Mihoshi’s in the dig site?

      My theory is that Mihoshi A of the original gang (One that wore overalls) and Mihoshi B from the other Univerese (One that wore GXP bunny suit) both were there but not at the same time.

      We see Mihoshi in the site first early on and is believed to be sent by Washu to help out or is just there to search for treasure. However, when we see Mihoshi again and in GXP uniform in ep 53 she tilts her head to Ryoko, when Questioning her on her STILL being down in the site. My guess is that Mihoshi A was first, and was pulled out by Washu when she got there or simply left beforehand. That would explain how Washu was caught, she didn’t plan on Mihoshi B on investigating at the dig, then coming up to arrest her.

      You’re overthinking it. There were two Mihoshi’s, the one from the feudal era (that we never hear from again after she’s sucked into the vortex along with feudal Ryoko) and the one at the school, but the Mihoshi in the GP bunny suit is definitely the same Mihoshi from the dig site, she simply changed clothes. Digging was apparently part of the cover for her secret GP mission, or something.

      Washu clearly states when she got captured that she simply forgot Mihoshi was still there.



      You’re overthinking it. There were two Mihoshi’s, the one from the feudal era (that we never hear from again after she’s sucked into the vortex along with feudal Ryoko) and the one at the school, but the Mihoshi in the GP bunny suit is definitely the same Mihoshi from the dig site, she simply changed clothes. Digging was apparently part of the cover for her secret GP mission, or something.

      Washu clearly states when she got captured that she simply forgot Mihoshi was still there.

      Looking through the 50 eps, it wasn’t clearly stated which universe the GXP HQ came from. The GXP commander argued protocol precedents about aliens on earth over Okayama. This would mean there would have to be another GXP presence in that universe that AI takes place.

      Also Momo was sucked into the vortex as well and came back, but not as original self and no memory. In any Tenchi series, Mihoshi is Mihoshi and can do ridiculous things, it is possible she made it through, and as for Ryoko, I have been building the theory she came back as Ukan.

      Ukan is super strong, her personality is the same as Ryoko when playing with Tenchi, and notice her kind of whipping out her energy sword and holding it just like Ryoko usually does in ep 52.

      https://tenchiforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/tenchicast31-card.png" />

      Tenchicast 31: No Need for Ai Tenchi Muyo! PT.8 | Latest Tenchicast


      (VERY big thanks to Who for editing the cast)

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