Disney buys Lucasfilm for 4.05 billion USD

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      Well, as evidenced most recently by John Carter, live action sci-fi Disney releases aren’t really well received by the public. I predict if Disney does this that it won’t do as well as they hope for that reason coupled with the fact that many of Star Wars’ fans are already sick of what Lucas has done to the franchise. Also, I think the already diminished quality of the franchise will suffer even more as a result of this purchase if Disney actually goes through with their plan.
      I think success will largely depend on who they hire as director.

      Thorn wrote:

      Also, I think the already diminished quality of the franchise will suffer even more as a result of this purchase if Disney actually goes through with their plan.

      Who cares about quality? 😆

      [BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjEdWTk1l9o[/BBvideo]

      I agree with Jabberwocky, I think if they get the right team of people with talent AND A LIFELONG APPRECIATION OF THE ORIGINALS, these new movies just might amount to something good. If, however, Disney follows the example Paramount set when they brought back Star Trek (grabbing whoever happened to be the “hottest” director of the moment, regardless of his utter lack of knowledge and appreciation for the original), then this could be the biggest disaster since, well, since the prequel trilogy 😆

      The first thing they better do, before even considering who to get to direct it, is to throw out EVERYTHING George Lucas has touched or even hinted at with regards to what happens after Episode VI. Seriously, I’ve read some of what he planned and it is simply and utterly garbage. If they’re smart, they’ll try and cut a deal with Timothy Zahn to either write the stories, or adapt one of his novels, because that man is the gold standard of Star Wars writers.

      Secondly, it would be nice if we could see the original cast all come back for semi major roles in the stories, but I would much prefer to see the action portions of the stories passed on to a younger generation. Case in point: While it was great to see Harrison Ford in the new Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, it was kinda ridiculous/sad watching him try to pull off the same level of stunt work as when he was younger.

      Thirdly, and most importantly, Disney needs to treat these movies like pieces of art to be displayed in a gallery, not like pieces of meat to be sold on the mass market. Sadly, Disney has proven absolutely horrendous in this respect for the last 15-20 years. Everything they do seems to be so obviously about making boatloads of money, that it’s really only been their small projects that they never expected to take off that turned out to be their best works in recent years (the first Pirates movie, Enchanted, National Treasure, etc.). The prequel movies made unbelievable amounts of money, but if you scratch the surface you will find MASSIVE discontent with the product itself, and I just hope that Disney has the class to decide that maximizing consumer satisfaction is more profitable in the long-run than going for the quick and easy, and ultimately poorer quality film.

      In the end, I’m not ready to pass judgement just yet, but…….[BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drkh0YLF8rI[/BBvideo]

      So, Princess Leia is now a Disney princess. I need time to come to terms with all this. incomprehensionplz
      ^ Don’t we all.
      Well looks like it’s my turn to make something of this.

      From the official video that ign linked from youtube, it looks as though George is moving on with his life, so he wants Disney to helm more movies, which honestly shocked me more then anything. Love him or hate him, I legitimately thought he would never let that death-grip go, I guess age will do that to you. But I respect the fact he’s willing to hand the reigns over to someone else.

      Now as to whether they do a good job? Well we won’t know until we see something, now as much as many old fans love to hate the new trilogy, I never hated any of them, but you can tell their was definitely a much different focus, and a much different approach being brought to them (though I will say episode 3 felt the weakest of all 6 to me by far). Some parts were awesome, other parts could have just been left out (you mean cut and cg’d in later as a directors cut incentive)

      My only hope for this new “trilogy”, is, they can do whatever they want, as long as they preserve what’s already there, don’t mess with it, don’t “Make it better” let those characters and story’s be the guidestones and not the chalkboard (and please don’t put shia labeouf in there, I love him for what he can do but I can’t take him seriously….ever)

      All that said, Disney now has the force with them, let’s hope they use it for good.

      hahaha this is too funny!
      I think it’s an opportunity at righting the franchise myself.

      Lucas has directly taken helm over things like the creation of the New Jedi Order books which killed 75% of the main cast that had been established for the previous 40 books. I’m just going to skip all the fanboy anger here and reasoning and simply say he’s been a plague to the material since after RotJ.

      Disney hasn’t really screwed up Marvel, and while they may be the parent company now, it it still run by LucasFilm people. Clone Wars was wildly received well. Some of the new games coming out are a little ray of hope. Would could potentially see them take the initiative and produce some Xwing games or Battlefront titles that people have been demanding for years.

      The main beef I’ve got, is that they need to stick with the extended universe material up to the Hand of Thrawn set. After that they decdied, with the switch to Del Ray and Lucas having a big anti-EU chip on his shoulder that they needed to make the universe gritty and dark (it was too upbeat), so they destroyed 70% of the SW galaxy. Cut that off there. Make the first set of books, the Heir to the Empire trilogy with Thrawn and Mara Jade. Get Timothy Zahn to help with the screenplay. That series alone, is just as good and iconic as the original 3 films… it literally spawned the entire EU. Use it.

      This is no worse than if Kajishima gave up and handed Tenchi over to another director. Half of us would rejoice the other would question it and worry.

      From what it says in the paper today episodes 7-9 will follow what Lucas already had planned and will continue to focus on Luke,Leia and Han and their lives after Return of the Jedi.Then it is supposed to be

      a film every year or two.

      I agree with chucklocker that it would be nicer to have the newer movies based on the novels or even

      the comics.There are a lot of interesting storylines and archs that are included in them that don’t show up in the movies.The Star Wars Universe is pretty vast already.Why waste it on simply concentrating on a few characters?

      Why not have a movie focus around X-Wing Squadron and Wedge Antilles?

      Or even Jade?

      Do we have to go to the well one time too often with Luke and co.?

      I just read that the new movies will be totally original. So no adaptations of any existing Expanded Universe stories. Also, it is apparently written by Lucas himself, as his final “gift” to the Star Wars Universe. Did you know that “Gift” in German means Poison? 🙄

      I don’t know if any of this is true or not, but I don’t like the sound of it one bit. Oh, HERE is that article.

      Lucas has done story treatments, but he will NOT write them. So long as he isn’t writing or directing, and they get some decent people in for it, there’s always a chance it could be good.

      And actually the recent Star Trek reboot is the sort of example they should be following. Commercially and critically successful, and helped resurrect a somewhat moribund franchise. Plus it was really good.


      charliepanayi wrote:

      And actually the recent Star Trek reboot is the sort of example they should be following. Commercially and critically successful, and helped resurrect a somewhat moribund franchise. Plus it was really good.

      Yes, the new Trek movie certainly did “resurrect” the franchise, but the final product was completely antithetical to what the original was at its core. For me personally, that price was far too high. What we got was a visually appealing, sexed up, low brow, militaristic action movie, which, while decently entertaining, is utterly repugnant to the intellectual/moral focus that made the original Trek what it was. We are obviously both devoted fans of Trek, and our differences are purely opinion based, so I’ll leave it there (for this thread at least!).

      Anyway, I hope that what you say about only the treatments being written by Lucas is true, cause that way they can just ignore it and do what they want anyway lol! I must admit that this whole thing has thrown my whole view of Lucas’ role in the franchise all off. We griped and groaned so long about the terrible things he was doing to “our” franchise, but at the end of the day we could at least take some small solace in the fact that he wasn’t just out to make tons of money (although that was totally up there on his list of priorities), but that he also cared deeply about his creation, if not about his fans. With Disney now at the reins, I’m not confident that we can still say that. Like I said before, I’m not ready to write the whole thing off just yet, but I have this terrible feeling that 12 years of “It can’t possibly get any worse” are about to come bite me in the butt!

      Disney have hardly ruined Pixar and Marvel (The Avengers anyone?), so there’s reason to think they’ll necessarily be just looking for endless cash cows and that they’ll be constantly interfering.
      Well we can’t blame Jar Jar Binks on Disney that,unfortunately was Lucas! :WUTH:

      Personally I would still perfer a series focused around Wedge Antilles and X-Wing Squadron like the

      comics or else Jade.I also would think it be interesting to see a series from the POV of the average

      Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot.That would be intriguing as we don’t even know why someone would fight for the Imperials.


      mitsuki lover wrote:

      I also would think it be interesting to see a series from the POV of the average

      Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot.That would be intriguing as we don’t even know why someone would fight for the Imperials.

      This reminds me of this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING clip I found a few months ago. Watch in HD if at all possible!

      [BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tBM2ZfncoU[/BBvideo]

      To my knowledge, all of this animation was done by one guy on his computer! Now if Disney could get people like this, with amazing talent, admiration for the classics, and an eye towards the future, they could really have something!

      [BBvideo 425,350]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUbH1SEsqiE[/BBvideo]


      Correction,it’s Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron,I was able to take a peek at my Star Wars Universe

      book(came out before the prequels and a lot of the other stuff)on Friday.

      Any ways,thank you Chuck for that clip.It was really well done.I especially like the way he showed

      the indiviual Tie Fighter Pilots underneath their masks.Interesting that that one was a woman.

      Michael Arndt, screenplay writer of “Little Miss Sunshine” and “Toy Story 3” will write the screenplay for episode VII. He’s a lifelong Star Wars fanatic and he’s obviously got talent. Check one in Disney’s column, but they still have many more hurdles to cross before I’m convinced.
      It also depends on what type of story they decide to develop.If it’s more like the original trilogy,that be one thing.On the other hand if it ends up being like the prequels…

      Also it would be hoped that they stay away from being CUTE,no more Ewoks please. 🙄

      http://gameological.com/2012/12/play-the-year-star-wars-debacle-simulatron/” class=”bbcode_url”>http://gameological.com/2012/12/play-the-year-star-wars-debacle-simulatron/

      Rather than sit around and speculate, use this awesome/hilarious flash game to figure out all the possibilities for the star wars movies!

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      no more Ewoks please. 🙄

      Fun fact, they were never officially referred to as Ewoks in “Return”.

      Disney can make great films. They’ve done so many times even with stories that aren’t completely theirs. I can only see this as a good thing; the problem with Lucas is that people were afraid of challenging his ideas and stories. The prequels became distant from reality with the over reliance on CGI and almost complete suspension of disbelief that followed that it was hard to feel anything.

      This is probably the best thing to happen to the franchise in a long time. Disney will challenge his vision (if they even consult with him) and ultimately deliver a finer product.

      http://io9.com/5978817/jj-abrams-will-direct-the-next-star-wars-movie” class=”bbcode_url”>http://io9.com/5978817/jj-abrams-will-direct-the-next-star-wars-movie

      I should have known. Well, that dream didn’t last long. I’m going to go cry now.

      Hollywood is funny because eons ago, I remember hearing the dude who directed American Pie was going to direct a live-action Metroid movie.

      Also, Danial Radcliffe is going to be Shinji in the upcoming live-action Evangelion. :Cheeks:

      I like Abrams, I think he’s a good choice.
      There is a big gap between Episode 3 and Episode 4.
      Do you mean year wise between Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith?
      I think he meant the time between the old and0 new movies:

      Ben’s exile

      Yoda’s exile

      the rise of Darth Vader

      the battles of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin

      the exploits of Luke (a la john connor saga)

      (the adventures of spacy jack sparrow 😆)

      the hunt for the last Jedis

      the plot to exterminate the Mandalorians (& triples)

      Boba Fett’s rise to fame

      well, just reworking all of it again and again


      Looks like every (important) character gets dedicated movies.


      kazuki wrote:

      There is a big gap between Episode 3 and Episode 4.

      And here’s part of what’s filling it.


      Rebels is set 14 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith, before Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo entered the fray against Darth Vader and the fearsome Galactic Empire and after Luke’s father Anakin became Vader and led the extinction of the Jedi order.

      In the new cartoon, the Empire has taken hold of the frontier planet Lothal and begins a recruitment drive to bring more folks into their fold, be it to join TIE Fighter and Stormtrooper academies or work at a factory to create vehicles of destruction.

      However, a motley crew of youngsters rise up against the Empire and climb aboard the spaceship the Ghost to fight against fleets of Star Destroyers and a whole army of Stormtroopers.

      The panel introduced the show’s primary villain, an Imperial Inquisitor who wields a double-bladed lightsaber and is tasked by Vader to continue the hunt for stray Jedi. The cast will also include new and established alien species in the Star Wars universe plus bounty hunters and characters from the seedier corners of the galaxy.

      :add: Complete panel run-down, courtesy of Toon Zone. 😎

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