JGZ’s Old Notes

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    Well once upon a time I was going to write fanfiction… for the sake of posterity or something… I dunno. Here’s what I had laying around in the old archives.

    Take/use whatever.

    JGZinv’s Fiction Series:

    1. Title: To Space… and Beyond/Unknown. Timeline: 2-3 days after Ep 14. Duration: 6 months – 2 years.

    Here the groundwork is laid for much of my fan fiction. Preparations for leaving earth, construction of ships for interstellar travel, and adjustment to space life are the initial themes. Later on, the central characters will have to come to terms with death as a sentient virus wreaks havoc among the crew.

    2. Title: The Mega Fic/Unknown. Timeline: 2-3.5 years after Ep14. Duration: 1-3 Months.

    This is the central core of my fan fiction series, it leans toward character development in Kazuki and Mitsuki Sanada as they are stranded on a jungle planet. However, all of the main characters have critical roles to play. This selection also acts as the staging point for many other events in the series.

    3. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 1. Timeline: Immediately after the MegaFic. Duration: 1 Week.

    Nowhere near home, no sign of the fleet, and no remaining food. Following their exit into regular space, Kazuki and Mitsuki must take refuge in an alien city. With Mitsuki’s recent words hanging between them, will the chance for a relationship with Kazuki end before it can truly begin? Is Kazuki able to be saved before the last of their “friend’s” plans are put into motion?

    4. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 2. Timeline: After TSA Part 1. Duration: 2 Weeks.

    After arriving on yet another strange world, Mitsuki and Kazuki are separated from Zinv and sold into slavery at the underground mines. Can they reach Zinv in time when the planet’s surface is a constant tempest of deadly temperatures?

    5. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 3 – A Valliant Attempt. Timeline: After TSA Part 2. Duration: 1 Month.

    In the distant past, Mitsuki and Kazuki arrive on the planet of Dee’s civilization. While they discover the origin of Jinbu and Dee’s history, the demise of her people draws ever closer. Will Mitsuki & Kazuki be stuck in the artifact period during a futile war, or will they ever have the chance to continue their future?

    6. Unknown title. Timeline: After the MegaFic & TSA Part 3. Duration: Unknown.

    This fan fiction acts as an epilogue for all of the prior chapters; here the remaining characters will be reunited. Depending on the available information – the plot may involve the Galaxy Police or Senia Yamada’s Idol. There are many possibilities for this section – from weddings, a look at the Dual! character’s children in the future, to perhaps another complete series.

    7. Title: Robot’s Day Out. Timeline: Slightly before the launch into space. Duration: 1-4 Days

    The new Core Robots with personalities need to be synched with their pilots, so the cast is brought in for the procedure. An accident occurs during the process, and the pilot’s minds are switched into the incomplete metal shells of each mecha. However, the AI personalities have escaped into the character’s bodies. The “robots” discover human sensations and gallivant around town having fun while causing disturbances. Since Jinbu and Kazuki are linked, only those two can communicate directly; even though Kazuki can “hear” the others trapped within their motionless armor. Hayase realizes that something is wrong and tries to reason with the out of control AI personalities. After much rejection and consideration, Jinbu gets the constructs to return to their previous forms. Later, Dr. Sanada learns that the robot’s experiences have improved their mental linking capabilities, and as a result, they are far more developed then his original design.

    Unrelated Dual! Fiction:

    1. Unknown title. Timeline: Dual! PTA universe. Duration: Unknown.

    The “Choose Your Parallel Adventure” fan fiction. Read through a page, decide on options A, B, C, or D at the end, and click to be transferred to the indicated page. Proceed through the “book” until the series is brought to a conclusion directly affected by your choices.

    2. Title: Through the Dressing Room & Back Again/Unknown. Timeline: Alternate universe. Duration: 1-3 Days or less.

    The female characters go out for a shopping trip around town and fall through a dimensional rip in the dressing rooms. They find themselves in a world with multiple Kazukis, each one a little different. Ultimately, they each discover what they truly love about the original Kazuki. When they finally get back home with the multi-Yotsuga’s help, the original is completely clueless as to their adventures.

    Crossover Fiction:

    1. Title: No Need for a Vacation/Unknown. Timeline: A week after Ep.14/Alternate universe. Duration: One week.

    A decent crossover featuring Dual! and the Tenchi Universe/OVA cast. Both “families” decide on a road trip – Akane is getting really tired of the Dr’s space talk & Tenchi just needs to get out of the house. The two groups end up colliding; general character antics and hilarity ensue.

    2. Title: Dual-yasha: Troublesome Feudal Adventure. Timeline: Start of Inu-yasha series/Alternate universe. Duration: Unknown.

    This particular fiction replaces the Inu-Yasha characters with substitutions from Dual!. Suggested character exchanges include: Kagome – Mitsuki Rara, Inu-Yasha – Kazuki, Kikyo – Mitsuki Sanada, Sango-Dee, Miroku-Shiozaki or Izawa, Kagura-Yayoi, Kirara – Kumu, Myoga – Hiroshi, and Reika as Lady Kyadae.

    Using ancient enchantments to summon symbioses of might (mecha) – our adventurers set out to find the 212 lost pieces of a recipe that will satisfy the great lord Sanada, so that they may each get one wish.

    Similarities to Inu-yasha: Kazuki is unable to commit to Mitsuki Rara, because he does have feelings for Mitsuki Sanada. Kazuki met Miss Sanada first, and both Mitsuki’s are practically twins – similar to Kagome & Kikyo. Songo was reborn in a sense, while Dee helped vanquish the evil of the Rara army. Shiozaki and Izawa are basically lecherous; they just need a push in the wrong direction. Yayoi is locked within her requirements to duty and life as an adult, similar to Kagura’s circumstances.

    3. Title: Dee’s Kawaii Diary Tales. Timeline: Ep. 13-14+/Alternate universe. Duration: 2 Days

    Dee begs Mitsuki Sanada to let her keep a ham-ham – she names it Kumu. Later, another ham-ham creature joins Kumu and its name is Jinbu. Together they explore the bowels of Dr. Sanada’s basement laboratory and accidentally fix the equation that Dr.S needed to recreate his transporter device. At the end, Dee feeds them curry.

    4. Unknown title. Timeline: Feudal Japan or Middle Ages Europe/Alternate universe. Duration: Unknown.

    Original concept by ShadowDance II & JGZinv is still under discussion.

    JGZ Fanfic Interview Outline Additions:

    Unrelated Dual! Fiction:

    1. Unknown title. Timeline: Dual! PTA universe. Duration: Unknown.

    The “Choose Your Parallel Adventure” fan fiction. Read through a page, decide on options A, B, C, or D at the end, and click to be transferred to the indicated page. Proceed through the “book” until the series is brought to a conclusion directly affected by your choices.

    2. Title: Through the Dressing Room & Back Again/Unknown. Timeline: Alternate universe. Duration: 1-3 Days or less.

    The female characters go out for a shopping trip around town and fall through a dimensional rip in the dressing rooms. They find themselves in a world with multiple Kazukis, each one a little different. Ultimately, they each discover what they truly love about the original Kazuki. When they finally get back home with the multi-Yotsuga’s help, the original is completely clueless as to their adventures.

    3. Title: Dual! Digital Trouble Adventure/Unknown. Timeline: Alternate Universe/Unknown. Duration: 3 Days – 1 Week.

    As a result of overloading the old Sanada lab equipment after everyone receives new broadband hardware – the Dual! cast is downloaded onto the internet. Now they must travel through environments based in a worldwide virtual realm while trying to find someone that can return them to normal. Will Ayuko seize the opportunity to regain her lost dominion, can the Core Robots help the situation, or will Kumu simply step on the delete key and end it all..?

    4. Title: Rebel Zinv. Timeline: 3 Years after Ep. 14/Alternate Universe/Unknown. Duration: One week.

    In this dimension, Kazuki and Jinbu are hunted by all the world’s nations – with his friends leading the operation. Kazuki desperately wants to contact Mitsuki Sanada so that they can return to their original universe, but she is held under house arrest by Commander Sanada and his military faction. With this new dimension’s Kazuki & Zinv already deceased as a result of these alter-ego counterparts, can Kazuki succeed where he has already failed?

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      JGZ Interview:

      SD: I was interviewing you some time ago and for whatever reason the trend vanished. In light of the upcoming Fanfiction Section release, I would like to continue the interview. Here is what we have so far:


      SD: Hello there, JGZ. Now, you are a well-known figurehead on the message boards both as a moderator and a poster. Now, explain to us how it is you begin the writing process. Are there any methods that you use, or is it all spur-of-the-moment?

      JGZ: Glad to be here SD…

      Fortunately, my inspiration and plot twists are able to flow as bursts of insight, but my method of developing a composition is just the opposite.

      After assembling a very loose story line in my mind, the next step involves thought concerning the filler material between each key point. Once a general summery of events has been established, I’ll begin to gather data and resources that relate to the subject – in the instance of Dual!, this would include such things as character profiles, environment descriptions, illustrations, and many notes to keep everything in perspective.

      Something you need to understand, is that like many people, I have little tolerance for forced writing. As a result of this over the years, my writing style has evolved with a tendency to be rather long – merging the writing and editing phases into one period to a certain extent. Instead of typing the entire story out in its simplest form and modifying the material afterwards; I compare each and every sentence being written to the preceding content, and what text has yet to manifest itself. In a sense – actively searching for conformity to the atmosphere/plot, word usage, and general appeal with each new phrase.

      On the occasion where I find a total lack of interesting ideas or fading interest from the author’s viewpoint – I skip over that section or work in reverse from the next key event sequence. This typically results in a larger amount of time involved to finish such a project, but the final product is usually superior to another copy of the same composition that has not received the “quality control.”

      What other information would you like to know?

      SD: Those are all very interesting points. But what about those times when you simply stare at the screen wondering how to proceed or, perhaps, how to make the scene seem better? What are your tactics for breaking writer’s block for the aspiring author and what do you do to improve a failing scene in your stories?

      JGZ: Besides the two methods I just described? Well, I find that if I arrive in a situation such as that – then either I’ve been working too long or I’ve exhausted the supply of inspiration. The best way to fix this, is to simply get away from the material for awhile and concentrate on another venue. Work and exercise is able to get the body out of a cramped physical condition, but reading a novel, listening to music, or interacting with the environment fuels the mind.

      Given such a period of refreshment, I can usually conjure up a plot twist or see the story from a new perspective. For authors other than myself, I’d suggest that they read over their material a few times before reviewing the source that gave them the desire to write in the first place. In other words – if you’re tapping out an idea for Dual!, and start to get the sense that you’re loosing the mindset of a certain character, then you need to watch a portion of the series again. Keeping a small mountain worth of notes is all well and good, but more often than not an author will require a bit of “visual aid.”

      On the subject of improving a weak scene – it really boils down to deciding what purpose that particular section originally made you want to have it included. From there, a choice has to be made to fill those plot holes, or discard the selection and use the important information at a later date.

      An additional way to improve a weak scene, is to learn more about the situation you have placed your characters in. Think about how they would react to their surroundings or use personification. Reading other author’s material can often provide a different perspective on various subjects – while giving you an idea of how certain areas could be improved for use in your own literary work.

      If all else fails… go to sleep. The solution to the problem is much more likely to present itself if your mind is well rested.

      SD, you recently posted a thread titled “Opinions Regarding All Forms of Fiction”. If the section is still available on the DualFans Community forum; then I would recommend its content to any aspiring authors searching for a critical review of the world of literature.

      SD: So in other words you are saying that if a scene seems weak, try to get your mind off of the material for a little bit or seek out a means to strengthen the weakness by turning to other inspiration? Personal experience maybe?

      And speaking of personal experience, I hear that you are actually writing a piece of Dual fan fiction yourself! How is that coming along and could you tell us a bit about what it is about? How closely does it relate to the Dual universe and in what ways have you decided to veer it from the Dual-ish premise?

      JGZ: As to “personal experience” – writing is not an exact science, so I would think that every author needs their own method of breaking writer’s block. In my case, it may take a combination of the tactics listed above so that I am able to continue with a certain selection.

      There is simply no predetermined time when an author will be able to “open the floodgates” and let his or her ideas flow. As far as my experience goes – the situation is always variable.

      Yes – I do have a series of fan fiction planned for Dual! PTA. Although right now the main portion of content exists in my mind’s eye, I do have some notes and reference sheets.

      To give an example of how long the original concept has “sat on the back burner” – a portion of my fiction was actually generated as a result of the deceased TechTV forums. It is also worthy of note, that at the time, COhugh’s “Spaghetti or Curry” fan fiction was being introduced and it provided me with the initial inspiration to get started.

      Of course, since then I’ve made many necessary adjustments.

      How closely will it tie in with the Dual! universe? I would like to keep the characters themselves as close to their official counterparts as possible. However, I also want to have the characters grow and change as a result of age and events in their lives. The very nature of this action means that some deviation from the original is going to be unavoidable.

      I failed to mention it earlier, but there are other Dual! fan fiction stories I plan to write. Some of these will link with the main series, while others may occur in an alternate universe setting.

      Much of the core material takes place in space – but we will also see various planet environments, space structures, and possibly asteroid fields or nebula. The side story fiction primarily concerns earth. So this is also a departure from Dual!, even though Ep. 14 did suggest that the cast would traverse the endless boundaries of space.

      As to the timeline my fiction takes place in – the series will start just after episode 14. While the additional fiction pertains to a variety of points in Dual! “history” – past, present and future. Recently, there has been discussion about multiple Dual! crossovers; if I was to write or co-author such a composition, then it might need to start from the beginning of Dual!.

      In terms of new characters for the central series – there will be characters that interact with the Dual! crew on a regular basis, background characters, as well as pets and new species. One female character in particular becomes a mentor for Mitsuki Sanada; currently I am working with the idea of introducing Reika Nanjyoin’s husband.

      If you would like, I have a preliminary timeline of these fan fiction projects for our audience.

      SD: That would be spectacular! I am sure the readers will be curious about all of your projects to come. Now, if you would indulge, are you willing to give us a sort of synopsis of your works and is it at all possible that there will be a sort of “preview” excerpt available any time soon?

      You mentioned a side story, what will that entail and which of the characters will be involved? How close to the Dual universe will this side story be? And also, why have you decided to have a spin off of the main story that you are producing?

      JGZ: I think I can take care of those first questions by projecting my fan fiction outline where our entire audience can see it.

      It would appear to be ready – so let’s take a look…


      JGZinv’s Fiction Series:

      1. Title: To Space… and Beyond/Unknown. Timeline: 2-3 days after Ep 14. Duration: 6 months – 2 years.

      Here the groundwork is laid for much of my fan fiction. Preparations for leaving earth, construction of ships for interstellar travel, and adjustment to space life are the initial themes. Later on, the central characters will have to come to terms with death as a sentient virus wreaks havoc among the crew.

      2. Title: The Mega Fic/Unknown. Timeline: 2-3.5 years after Ep14. Duration: 1-3 Months.

      This is the central core of my fan fiction series, it leans toward character development in Kazuki and Mitsuki Sanada as they are stranded on a jungle planet. However, all of the main characters have critical roles to play. This selection also acts as the staging point for many other events in the series.

      3. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 1. Timeline: Immediately after the MegaFic. Duration: 1 Week.

      Nowhere near home, no sign of the fleet, and no remaining food. Following their exit into regular space, Kazuki and Mitsuki must take refuge in an alien city. With Mitsuki’s recent words hanging between them, will the chance for a relationship with Kazuki end before it can truly begin? Is Kazuki able to be saved before the last of their “friend’s” plans are put into motion?

      4. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 2. Timeline: After TSA Part 1. Duration: 2 Weeks.

      After arriving on yet another strange world, Mitsuki and Kazuki are separated from Zinv and sold into slavery at the underground mines. Can they reach Zinv in time when the planet’s surface is a constant tempest of deadly temperatures?

      5. Title: Time & Space Adventures Part 3 – A Valliant Attempt. Timeline: After TSA Part 2. Duration: 1 Month.

      In the distant past, Mitsuki and Kazuki arrive on the planet of Dee’s civilization. While they discover the origin of Jinbu and Dee’s history, the demise of her people draws ever closer. Will Mitsuki & Kazuki be stuck in the artifact period during a futile war, or will they ever have the chance to continue their future?

      6. Unknown title. Timeline: After the MegaFic & TSA Part 3. Duration: Unknown.

      This fan fiction acts as an epilogue for all of the prior chapters; here the remaining characters will be reunited. Depending on the available information – the plot may involve the Galaxy Police or Senia Yamada’s Idol. There are many possibilities for this section – from weddings, a look at the Dual! character’s children in the future, to perhaps another complete series.

      7. Title: Robot’s Day Out. Timeline: Slightly before the launch into space. Duration: 1-4 Days

      The new Core Robots with personalities need to be synched with their pilots, so the cast is brought in for the procedure. An accident occurs during the process, and the pilot’s minds are switched into the incomplete metal shells of each mecha. However, the AI personalities have escaped into the character’s bodies. The “robots” discover human sensations and gallivant around town having fun while causing disturbances. Since Jinbu and Kazuki are linked, only those two can communicate directly; even though Kazuki can “hear” the others trapped within their motionless armor. Hayase realizes that something is wrong and tries to reason with the out of control AI personalities. After much rejection and consideration, Jinbu gets the constructs to return to their previous forms. Later, Dr. Sanada learns that the robot’s experiences have improved their mental linking capabilities, and as a result, they are far more developed then his original design.

      Unrelated Dual! Fiction:

      1. Unknown title. Timeline: Dual! PTA universe. Duration: Unknown.

      The “Choose Your Parallel Adventure” fan fiction. Read through a page, decide on options A, B, C, or D at the end, and click to be transferred to the indicated page. Proceed through the “book” until the series is brought to a conclusion directly affected by your choices.

      2. Title: Through the Dressing Room & Back Again/Unknown. Timeline: Alternate universe. Duration: 1-3 Days or less.

      The female characters go out for a shopping trip around town and fall through a dimensional rip in the dressing rooms. They find themselves in a world with multiple Kazukis, each one a little different. Ultimately, they each discover what they truly love about the original Kazuki. When they finally get back home with the multi-Yotsuga’s help, the original is completely clueless as to their adventures.

      3. Title: Dual! Digital Trouble Adventure/Unknown. Timeline: Alternate Universe/Unknown. Duration: 3 Days – 1 Week.

      As a result of overloading the old Sanada lab equipment after everyone receives new broadband hardware – the Dual! cast is downloaded onto the internet. Now they must travel through environments based in a worldwide virtual realm while trying to find someone that can return them to normal. Will Ayuko seize the opportunity to regain her lost dominion, can the Core Robots help the situation, or will Kumu simply step on the delete key and end it all..?

      4. Title: Rebel Zinv. Timeline: 3 Years after Ep. 14/Alternate Universe/Unknown. Duration: One week.

      In this dimension, Kazuki and Jinbu are hunted by all the world’s nations – with his friends leading the operation. Kazuki desperately wants to contact Mitsuki Sanada so that they can return to their original universe, but she is held under house arrest by Commander Sanada and his military faction. With this new dimension’s Kazuki & Zinv already deceased as a result of these alter-ego counterparts, can Kazuki succeed where he has already failed?

      Crossover Fiction:

      1. Title: No Need for a Vacation/Unknown. Timeline: A week after Ep.14/Alternate universe. Duration: One week.

      A decent crossover featuring Dual! and the Tenchi Universe/OVA cast. Both “families” decide on a road trip – Akane is getting really tired of the Dr’s space talk & Tenchi just needs to get out of the house. The two groups end up colliding; general character antics and hilarity ensue.

      2. Title: Dual-yasha: Troublesome Feudal Adventure. Timeline: Start of Inu-yasha series/Alternate universe. Duration: Unknown.

      This particular fiction replaces the Inu-Yasha characters with substitutions from Dual!. Suggested character exchanges include: Kagome – Mitsuki Rara, Inu-Yasha – Kazuki, Kikyo – Mitsuki Sanada, Sango-Dee, Miroku-Shiozaki or Izawa, Kagura-Yayoi, Kirara – Kumu, Myoga – Hiroshi, and Reika as Lady Kyadae.

      Using ancient enchantments to summon symbioses of might (mecha) – our adventurers set out to find the 212 lost pieces of a recipe that will satisfy the great lord Sanada, so that they may each get one wish.

      Similarities to Inu-yasha: Kazuki is unable to commit to Mitsuki Rara, because he does have feelings for Mitsuki Sanada. Kazuki met Miss Sanada first, and both Mitsuki’s are practically twins – similar to Kagome & Kikyo. Songo was reborn in a sense, while Dee helped vanquish the evil of the Rara army. Shiozaki and Izawa are basically lecherous; they just need a push in the wrong direction. Yayoi is locked within her requirements to duty and life as an adult, similar to Kagura’s circumstances.

      3. Title: Dee’s Kawaii Diary Tales. Timeline: Ep. 13-14+/Alternate universe. Duration: 2 Days

      Dee begs Mitsuki Sanada to let her keep a ham-ham – she names it Kumu. Later, another ham-ham creature joins Kumu and its name is Jinbu. Together they explore the bowels of Dr. Sanada’s basement laboratory and accidentally fix the equation that Dr.S needed to recreate his transporter device. At the end, Dee feeds them curry.

      4. Unknown title. Timeline: Feudal Japan or Middle Ages Europe/Alternate universe. Duration: Unknown.

      Original concept by ShadowDance II & JGZinv is still under discussion.

      By now, I’m sure our audience has noticed that there are quite a few “Unknowns” in my listing. This is because of the fact that all of these entries are for potential fan fiction – nothing substantial has been written as of this point. To be completely honest, I doubt the “Unknown” tag will disappear until each individual work of fiction is entirely ready to be released.

      As I said earlier, I do wish have a sense of quality control concerning my works. If I do not feel satisfied with a particular area – then it will simply remain “In Progress” until it can be fixed. This may extend the amount of time it takes to produce material for any viewers I might have – but in the end, it should provide better results.

      While we are talking about potential material – I’d like to point out that “MegaFic” is only a temporary title. All of the items in the list that are partnered with an “Unknown” are likely to change at some point.

      You also asked about my spin-off plans. Really, the only spin-offs I have linked with the main series is the Time & Space Adventures trilogy. The reason TSA is included – is that each volume occurs in either a different dimension than the MegaFic, or a different location and time. I originally had plans to make a fourth installment, but I may be able to include everything in just three parts.

      Having the material split up in this fashion will allow me to work on them with less restrictive ties. This primarily concerns the potential epilogue fiction, as well as any other connected story.

      As to characters: TSA mainly concerns itself with Kazuki, Mitsuki, and Zinv; although we get to see the original Dee later on. Now since the two main characters are going to be traveling around, they are going to meet different species, leaders, animals, and so forth… The universe is by no means devoid of life – at least not in my fan fiction. Besides the alien’s point of view, there will also be brief “check up” chapters concerning the other Dual! characters. This will help the trilogy retain some of its roots to Dual! and closely link it with the epilogue section.

      Robot’s Day Out could fit into the side story category, but it does tie directly into the events associated with characters in the future tense. It should also be able to stand on its own as a small fan fiction – so that will help separate it to a certain extent. RDO draws its character set from episode 14 – so that should cover everyone besides a few miscellaneous “filler” characters.

      Anyway, I’m sure you have more questions as a result of that outline – what’s next?

      SD: Would you like to see any of your stories published, aired on TV or as a movie? How about art, do you ever draw scene or characters from any of your work?

      JGZ: At its inception, I planned to write the MegaFic so that it would fit with Dual! as closely as possible and be in a TV series format. This means that each section would be divided into “episodes” while including space for commercials – keeping within the typical anime length so to speak. At one time, I had even decided how the opening sequence was going to look.

      Everything considered, I was designing it to be a convenient option for Kajishima Masaki.

      Well that eventually changed…

      Somewhere along the line, I realized that if I wanted to enjoy the material and make it the best that it could be – then I had to drop the “presentation” concept I’d been using. There were also other circumstances that encouraged this decision, such as the need for a prequel.

      So to summarize all of that – yes, I would have liked to see it made into a TV series. After all, we all wish to have more Dual!.

      As to publication, since the official rights to Dual! are held by AIC – I doubt that it would be possible. If the various authors of Dual! fanfiction could gather their works into a paperback book, for distribution at a convention or fan panel – then I would be honored to have my stories included. The movie format holds no interest for me; mainly because the series is too long to watch in that manner. An average person simply cannot see Star Wars or Noble House in one sitting. Removing parts of the plot to reduce the running time, is also out of the question.

      Concerning art – I would like to produce a few conceptual images when the MegaFic is finally released. I really feel that it would help the readers relate to the story, while also giving a clearer picture of each environment. If I’m able – some of these images might arrive as wallpapers for your computer monitor.

      So far, I have not drawn any characters or locations. But it would appear that I need to start in the near future – because my memory is not very efficient at times.

      SD: How do you pick the titles of your stories and has there ever been a time where you have based a character on a real life person?

      JGZ: With finished literature I like to have the title relate to either the central event or the general purpose behind each story. This might seem the natural course to take, but there are many authors that allow their books to have extravagant titles just so they sell a bit better in stores.

      In some cases I’m willing to put a little whimsy or humor in my titles. For example, with TSA and No Need for a Vacation, the titles are actually derived from Tenchi Muyo. With NNV this is acceptable because it directly relates to the Tenchi series. “Time and Space Adventures” is actually the title from a set of Tenchi Universe episodes where the characters are tossed from one manufactured dimension to another. To me – even though TSA has little to do with Tenchi related material, it fits the general theme enough for my purposes.

      Right now, my title choices appear to be rather weak. “Dual-yasha” is a slightly improper usage of Japanese, “To Space… and Beyond” is very generic, and “Through the Dressing Room & Back Again” ends up being a lot to type. But as I’ve said before, I doubt that all of the “Unknowns” will disappear until each project is fully completed.

      On the subject of characters, I don’t draw their personalities from real life as much as I do with books or visual media. Dropping real people into an anime or fictional environment often results in a distorted or improper view of their living, breathing counterpart. So I find it easier just to skip that process.

      However, there are a couple of “pluses” to my own character recipe:

      1. If you combine parts of several different characters together, you still end up with an original creation.

      2. Upon encountering the inevitable writer’s block, you have the option of researching the original source characters for an example of what they might do in any given situation.

      3. Readers usually have an easier time identifying with characters they already know. This simply allows the fiction to be accessible to a larger audience.

      Now does this mean that I have never used an expression or the mannerisms of a real human being in my writing? Of course not – everyday experiences can mold an author in many, many different ways over time. Inspiration is key, and it can often come from another individual.

      In short, I prefer to keep fictional characters with fictional stories. But I like to place said characters in real life situations for variety, as well as other various reasons.

      (really ancient *as in first time on a forum* little blurb)

      “Zinv’s Folley”

      Imagine this:

      At the end of Ep14 were the girls dress up in RaRa uniforms and are all on zinv’s knee, Kazuki gets bit by Kumu and all eyes turn toward him. Just as that happens Zinv decides that he doesn’t like these gals hanging on him, so he takes his hand right behind them, balls up a finger, and flicks them halfway across the city! Now anyone who’s left is staring at zinv with baseball sized eyes. Switching to a view behind zinv’s shoulder he sees this little roadrunner like cloud coming down the streets toward him, and just as it reaches his foot, a slightly tattered Mitsuki Sanada jumps up; and SMACKS zinv so hard, that not only did Kazuki feel it, but all of Japan hears it! Zinv gets tossed from the impact two blocks and tries to get up, but falls back down literally knocked senseless. While M.Sanada slowly walks back to the house and everyone is starring at the prone zinv, Kazuki hears this little voice from the robot via their mental link, “So thats why you like her so much” Kazuki just smiles.

      (this was part of the Insane thread of a sort, we had a first part which was actually rather well written at the time and funny as heck. Unfortunaately that got lost when TTV’s boards died, this is part two)

      Come in up!

      JGZ boils the lobster till it turns a nice shade of red, takes him out, chops off the unnecessary parts into a black hole waste basket. Chops up a few flying fish, tosses em in the deep fryer. “Hmmm where do I get red meat at a fish fry? Ah!” A platter of steaks/lamb/veal materializes next to the grill. JGZ flips em on up, and adds his tangy yet sweet bbq sauce so they will marinate. “Still missing something, lets see, we need chips, dip, rice, cole slaw, bread, mayo, ketchup, lemon, tartar, cocktail sauce, salt, plates would be helpful, and flatware, oh and …” Dozens of items begin appearing as JGZ rattles off more and more goods.

      Both mitsukis and yayoi come up behind JGZ “What are you doing! That’s all wrong, you’ve got to do it like this zinv.” JGZ gets pushed aside as the three take over the prep area. “Gals I appreciate the help but you’re guests, you’re not here to cook” They all give him a long glare before returning to cooking. “Alright fine” JGZ erases the last sixty seconds of their memories with a wave. “Um what were we doing here? “You were all saying how good everything looked and were on the way to your seats.” JGZ motions them out “You can take the cooking out of the kitchen, but not outta those three” Alarms go off, bells ring, whistles blow, Dr RaRa runs down the left main path yelling “Fire! There must be a Fire!” Dr Sanada does the same thing on the right side until Akane comes up and smacks him one “Sit Down Now” “Alright dear” Akane looks over to see Ayuko twisting her fists in to Hiroshi’s bald skull. “Some things never change” Meanwhile JGZ runs around flipping stuff on to plates, emptying pots, pans, and so forth until all the alarms finally quiet down. JGZ gets tapped on the shoulder while checking the bacon wrapped crab, “What is it Kazuki?” “Wa… How did you know it was me?” “By using the force, now why are you here?” “I just wanted to know if there was anything I could do.” “Well I’m ready to serve the mass of hungry people out there, but, why don’t you take this plate out” JGZ hands him a platter with just the right stuff “Go on out and deliver it, I’ll be right behind ya” “But who do I give it to?” “The plate will find its recipient, trust me.” “Ooookay” He heads out. “Now this will only work if I do it just right” JGZ begins gathering force energy by the kilowatt, glowing a brighter blue every second. Kazuki steps on out with the platter and walks to the middle of the tent but nothing happens, while numerous people look at the delectables on his platter. JGZ walks out almost a translucent crystal blue, lighting up the entire tent with color; Kazuki noticed the abrupt lighting change, but he saw other people more interested in the air above them and turned to look; and said “Well…thats one way to serve” as the trays, serving dishes, and everything else came levitating out of the kitchen area and over the people, until they settled down in front of their respective owners eager eyes. Dr Sanada paid more attention to his plate when it landed, trying to figure out how it had flown, but once the smell caught him, he dug in. While many of the plates were still airborne, Kazuki’s tray started to budge,”Huh.” he said as he looked at it. Then it literally whipped him around and took off around tables and between people “Ahhhh!! Where’s the brakes!” He tried to let go but his hands wouldn’t budge. Some people noticed him running by, but just figured he must be really hungry and went back to eating. Still acting as a light show, JGZ answered a few guys who asked how they had managed to get exactly what they wanted to eat, while half watching Kazuki get dragged behind a row of tables and barely missing a Rara tech who chose the wrong time to get up; “Well the reason you and everyone else got what they wanted was that, I simply read your minds or rather, your stomachs, as you came into the tent.” “Nah man you couldn’t have done that, just really great luck on our part” “Which ever” {Hold on just another minute Yotsuga, and you’ll get an even bigger surprise than that tray.} “Alright that’s enough! I want off this thing!” Yelled Kazuki as he had to jump over the third person in the way. {I know the tray is dragging me somewhere in the general direction of the left corner of the tent, but what could be over there? I didn’t see anything when I came in.} Another duck under someone trying to get up, and Kazuki was in the clear. He continued past a tarp, separating the main area from this one; only then did he spot the oval table in the back with a single figure sitting half in the shadow. “Hey! Get outta the way, I don’t think I can stop!” “Kazuki?” {Wait a second, it can’t be} and that was the last thing Kazuki could think before the tray went into overdrive, and closed the distance between him and the table in an instant. The tray raised up a foot so Kazuki’s feet weren’t able to hold ground, then pulled him halfway across the table and finally let him loose, but with enough velocity to skid into the lone occupant. Both only had a instant to recognize each other but that was plenty.

      “Mitsuki!!!” “Kazuki!!”

      They collided with enough force to make them black out. But both woke up rather quickly when they realized they had fallen on top of each other, and had a full lip lock. Mitsuki and Kazuki both blushing a red that could have easily registered a block away; immediately sat up at the same time, and managed to knock themselves in the head.”Owwww!” “Oh owwwww!” They both sat up back to back, but Mitsuki turned first, and delivered a slap that made Kazuki wonder if the tray had ricocheted off something and had come back for more; but it did nothing to darken his already red face.

      After about five minutes, when they both had rubbed their injured heads enough; “I’m a… I’m sorry Mitsuki” “Its alright, you didn’t hit me that hard” “No its not; you could have been hurt worse, and out here nobody would have heard a thing. Speaking of that, why are you out here by yourself anyway?” “I just wanted to be away from Rara and the others for awhile” “Well the reason I came out here, was to bring you your food” Kazuki looks around “But I ah guess it went somewhere” Two trays float down in front of Kazuki and Mitsuki, both loaded with their favorites. They blink a couple times at the new arrivals, then turn their heads to look at each other; the glance becomes longer and longer until they notice just how close their faces are, and turn away again blushing. “Let’s eat before it gets cold Kazuki” “Alright” Mitsuki starts delicately eating her food, while Kazuki slurps a big curry noodle down. “You know, that stuff will turn you yellow” “I know, but I love it” Slurps another noodle “Ya know Kazuki, this is really good cooking” “Yes it is, but, its still not as good as yours” That brought a smile to Mitsuki’s face and she scooted sideways so she could see him better. He had a solemn look across his face as he put down his finished curry bowl “What’s the matter, Kazuki, empty?”

      “No its not that, its..its.. just do you ever think about that one day that we went back to our own world?” “All the time” “What?!” He rotated to directly look at her “All the time”

      “Why?” “Because there was no war, no Rara, no more endless fighting; it was just us, together.” “Oh mitsuki” kazuki said, barely a whisper “Do you remember the beach that night Kazuki?” “I said those rice balls you made were really great” “Yeah well, then I tickled you like this!!” Mitsuki tickled until once again, he batted her hand away, and she fell on top of him. “And we were this close” Their noses almost touching as Misuki spoke “And then” She sits up and wraps her arms around herself. “And then?” Kazuki asks. “And then, you fell asleep” Shooting a watery eyed look at him as her voice began to break and she drew her knees up to her face. “As I asked you to stay with me” She then started to cry, crying out all the loneliness and sorrowful tears she had locked up inside. Kazuki went over to Mitsuki and wrapped his arms around her. She relaxed into the warm embrace as her emotional barriers broke down.

      (and another weird running on board fic part)

      [Caution – This is a really long post]

      *JGZ drives a bit faster*

      JGZ: Don’t worry too much about it Ms. Ra.

      *JGZ activates a GPS homing missile which launches from the 2 in. hitch receiver in the rear of the vehicle, and it summarily destroys the device she just tossed in the ocean*

      * JGZ switches the truck over to active camouflage/AI drive mode as it takes the off ramp to the beach, making it invisible – other than the tire tracks. Then he swivels around in his chair to face everybody else.*

      JGZ: Before we get around to why on earth the FBI is looking for “us guys”, I’m going to scan Andy for any tracers they might have placed inside of him…

      *Andy starts to object, but his seat folds back to a table-like position and a blue light scanner runs over him three times before returning him to a normal position. A red light blinks around the area of the hand rest Andy’s palm sits on*

      JGZ: You did get bugged… any of the FBI people get near your hand?

      Andy: Well… there was this one guy with spiky yellow hair and…

      Xtor: Can we get rid of it?

      JGZ: Oh – sure! *Flips out his 6 in. pocket knife*

      Andy: Isn’t there a… less… invasive method?

      Akane: Oh stop… Andy give me your hand.

      Andy: It’s sort of attached at the moment. *Akane & Ms. Ra glare*

      *Andy reaches over and Akane takes a hairpin out of her head, pinches the skin behind the tracker device, applies pressure with her thumbs and the little chip pops right out of Andy’s hand and lands at JGZ’s feet. Which is promptly put in the incinerator before being scattered across the street below as ashes.*

      Andy: Actually… *Rubs hand – Surprised* that didn’t feel too bad.

      JGZ: Now what’s going on with the FBI?

      *Andy relates the story: Thus saving JGZ extra typing*

      JGZ: Well I don’t know about any “renegade mech pilot” I’m licensed and certified on most robot frames by IGSCRMP (pronounced EggsCrimp) which is the International Geek and Scientist Committee for Responsible Mecha Pilots; and by Dr. Sanada of course. *Nods in Ken’s direction*

      Ken: Yeah… you tested out a bit above average under the tense simulation patterns.

      Xtor: Anyway… why were they interested in me?

      Andy: I don’t know, “the Voice” didn’t have a lot to say. But it seemed like it was real determined to find you two. The FBI had nice doughnuts tho…

      *All others present raise a questioning eyebrow*

      Andy: What?! I was hungry and I didn’t get any at the party…

      Xtor: Oh, have some. *Presents Andy with box of pastries*

      *The dash beeps – Arrival at destination imminent, please resume driver functions JGZ turns back around in his chair and drives on to the beach, giving a view of the beautiful sunset glistening across the crests of each wave. Everyone gets out of the vehicle (those with formal shoes going barefoot) and takes a moment to soak in the environment.*

      *Andy takes a quick look and precedes to munch on the doughnuts*

      Ken: It’s been too long since I was here…

      *Akane comes up behind him and they hold each other’s hand*

      Akane: Is it very peaceful… why did you stop?

      Ken: *Sighs* In that world, after Ayuko left, I lost myself in the study of parallel dimensions – Mitsuki…well… I didn’t know what to say; she tried to keep everything together the best she could.

      JGZ: (Over by the SUV) Hey… are you two ready?

      Akane: For what?

      JGZ: Why not have the ceremony here?

      *They both look at each other*

      Ken: *Smiles* Sure…

      *Slightly later – Mitsuki Sanada, Kazuki, Dee, Yayoi, and Reika arrive by transportation arranged by JGZ to assure of no further FBI interference.*

      *JGZ grabs a slip-on preacher’s collar and Bible from the center console of his truck and begins to walk over to Dr. Sanada and Akane*

      Ms. Ra: What are you doing?

      JGZ: Well… as it turns out – my IGSCRMP membership allows me to legally wed two individuals in holy matrimony once per decade. I’m a bit rusty, but considering we don’t have anyone else available… So let’s get this started shall we?

      *Everyone gathers around*

      JGZ: Dear friends, we are gathered here today to witness the blessed union between Akane Yamano and Ken Sanada. It is not intended for marriage partners to cease to be individuals, but so that both will continue to grow in love by caring and support for the improvement of each other’s life. You have each followed various paths in life to reach this point. From the day you met, you have both experienced times of happiness, tribulation, and even frustration. During this period, your knowledge of each other has increased and the connection that has formed in your lives has become known even to others around you. Those of you that were arranged to be here, mainly because of the author, but otherwise asked to view this event in their lives – know that the joining of individuals is not to be taken lightly. If anyone should have a legitimate reason these two should not be married; they can quietly file a complaint that will be lost, or go wait by the cars.

      *Only the sound of waves and Andy’s munching is heard*

      So without further ado… do you Akane take Ken to be your husband – to have, to hold, comfort in sickness and in health, and share your utmost joys and greatest sadnesses together, till death do you part?

      Akane: Yes – I do.

      JGZ: Do you, Ken, take Akane to be your lawfully wedded wife – to do all that was previously mentioned, plus every now and then take a break from those calculations you’ve been absorbed in the last few days?

      *Some chuckles and light laughter goes around those attending*

      Ken: Absolutely.

      JGZ: Then by the power vested in me by absolute chance, and the little card in my back pocket… I now pronounce you husband and wife. You can kiss at your earliest convenience.

      *JGZ steps off to the side, the kiss completes; Akane throws the bouquet (brought by Reika) and Mitsuki catches it, much to Yayoi’s dismay. She gives Kazuki a knowing look which he doesn’t notice at first, then turns quite red.*

      *JGZ passes out a box of tissue to those tearing at the event, then steps over with Ms. Ra, Andy, and Xtor.*

      JGZ: So what’s next? I’m out of ideas at the moment.

      (and for kicks my old RPG profile when we ran the Dualfans – write it as you go RPG.)

      CHARACTER NAME: Zachariais Irridium Neuavenhal Valeforion (or Zinv for short)


      Phase Shifting – Translocation (Similar to the Shadow when exiting a wall), Limited to 2 Mi. range, Max load 3 people or total of 700 pounds, Running speed +2, Must be able to see or envision destination.

      Forthcoming Knowledge – Leadership skills appear in tense situations, Negotiation, Extra sensory awareness of human proximity, Raises awareness level of group by +3 when working as a team.

      Tactical Demolitions – Precise explosives placement, Programmable bombs, Limited to 20 per mission/event.

      Guru of Gadgetry – Customizable technological devices, Various functions, Limited to 8 per every 40 posts (Reconstructed over time).

      Terran Alchemist – Ability restricted to plant life (Control & growth), Limited healing powers concerning herbs and lotions.

      Melee Master – The four generations of training with swords, whips, staffs, and hand to hand martial arts skills embodied in this forlorn warrior make him a force not to be taken lightly.


      Increased Sensitivity – Weak against sonic attacks and stronger psychic assaults.

      Inept Gun Combat – Incredibly inaccurate with gun-type weaponry unless automated and connected to a computer system. If offered a weapon of this type, character will utterly refuse to wield unless in life or death situation.

      Cannot Fly – Weak against airborne enemies (Item based attacks are more effective).

      Speed Defect – Weak against spikes in gravity (Slow or no movement, some items/weapons are unavailable, May cause physical damage if left under increased gravity for extended period of time).

      Poisoning – If serious poisoning results in character, the Phase Shift ability automatically places character in a trance within a separate pocket dimension for a duration dictated by the type of poison.


      Roughly 6 ft. 5in. tall. Black trenchcoat/cloak and black garments laced with threads of cortosis ore (for lack of better examples – think the Shadow mixed with Vash, Zorro, or Aoshi Shinamori) which gave a shimmering or oily appearance when walking. Dark crimson red sash located around waist. A wrist watched sized computer allows character to interface with gadgets and computers. Hair: Dulled silver when not covered by a hat. Eyes: Green. Age: Unknown, but appearance suggests early to mid 30s. Semi-frequent pain in left shoulder from old wound – an annoying distraction. To use or activate his alchemist abilities, he must place his left foot and right hand on soil of any type.

      Weapons: 2 slightly longer than average Kodachi swords in sheaths on back (Each sword was modified to release energy around the blade for a limited time “ie temporary lightsaber”). Goku’s legendary staff in left coat pocket (Grey colored with ornate scroll work along the shaft). 8 Miniaturized gadgets in right coat pocket. 42 ft. whip (Coiled/expanding) hanging from waist. Explosives fabrication materials in various small pockets down sides of both legs.

      After completing a journey across the known galaxy, this traveler returned home to find his daughter brutally slain by the very thing he had sought to find and protect. This consumed him with a solitary goal to become a protector of those without the strength to fight for themselves, and to take the war to the beings that would condone such evil. Otherwise, a decent tactician that will crack a joke every now and then.

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