Manga / etc Wanted

Forums Off Topic Buy/Sell/Trade Manga / etc Wanted

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    Somewhat separate from the Wanted thread, I made some contacts in the dealers that go around

    to cons and a couple open to receiving a list and seeing if they could fulfill it.

    So get me a list of what all you guys want (reasonable stuff guys not a 10th anniversary set for $24.95)

    and I’ll shoot it up the chain to see what can be acquired. Manga particularly would be one dealer’s forte.

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      Are the Crest of the Star light novels still around?
      Out of print, but I can forward it up the chain.

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      Are the Crest of the Star light novels still around?

      They’re not too hard to find. Rightstuf still has Vols. 1 and 3 in stock, and all 3 can be found from sellers on Amazon for pretty cheap.

      I think I’ll check out what it says there then.Almael was the one that suggested I ask about them.
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