OLD Digimon 02/Tenchi Muyo! crossover fiction….

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    I can’t believe this site is still here after all these years:

    Digimon 02 & Tenchi Muyo! presents: MYST: Forsaken 2

    This was not just a crossover between Digimon 02 and Tenchi Muyo!, but a sequel to an old Digimon sci-fi story I wrote back in 1999.

    When I wrote the sequel, I decided to go all out and create a website with a interactive FLASH interface. The interface itself featured both the Digimon Digivice & Tenchi Sword as part of the visual interface itself. The interface also included buttons to sub-tabs in the interface, including the story itself, cast bios, and “screenshots” & original alien character designs I mostly drew myself (except for the Macross valkyries which I used as part of the tech for the alien characters – don’t ask, I plagiarized a lot at the time). Even the Digivice itself has inactive buttons. Just check out the interface here and you’ll see what I mean: http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/myst/myst_mainframe.html” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/myst/myst_mainframe.html

    I’m not going to write in a short synopsis here or anything, as everything you need to know is in written in the interface’s ABOUT section. All I can say is that the both the story and prequel before it were both among my first written fan works at the time, and when I wrote them both, I was very proud of my work. But I look back at it now, and realize just how BAD my writing was at the time. I swear, I skim through, and the writing is terrible! LOL! I can write something better than that now.

    Plus, at the time, I kinda plagiarize a lot concept-wise when it came to drawing original characters, which you’ll not only read in the story, but see in the visual illustrations I made in the GALLERY section for the story.

    I look back at the story now, and realized just how terrible and unoriginal the OC characters were at the time.

    On a side note, the alien characters themselves were a creation I made while I was in Junior High in the 90’s. It was a crossover concept between Robotehc/Macross technology, Star Trek, Star Wars, Guyver, and Power Rangers (with a little StarGate mythology thrown in) called “Star Force Rangers.” It’s a concept I’m stilling working on in my head even today.

    The original idea I had was, “What if Zor (from Robotech) wasn’t the only one to create Robotechnology? What if the Creators (from Guyver) weren’t the only one to create the Guyver technology? What if a race of tiny little 3-inch tall aliens (which looks like green-skin human versions of the aliens from ID4) not only just created a fused version of both technologies, but made improvements? Such as creating a means of transforming their own bodies into guyver-style/valkyrie-style transformers? In short, making themselves pint-size version of their guyver/veritechs? And what if they were the ones to prefect the technology from Star trek and Star Wars?”

    That overall was my Star Force Ranger concept in a nutshell. I know it’s a lot of plagiarism involved, but that’s the concept I came up with. And I even went as far a having a Star Force version of Darth Vader as the villain (since as kid growing, the ultimate bad guy for me that I thought was worse than the devil was Vader), and the Enterprise-E as the SF Ranger’s ship. Yeah, that’s proves how unoriginal I was at the time. So yeah… blush1

    Anyways, just thought I throw a link to this old piece-of-shit story I wrote back then, just for kicks. Here’s the link again. Read at your own risk if you like to read really bad writing:

    Digimon 02 & Tenchi Muyo! presents: MYST: Forsaken 2

    Enjoy (or not) blush1

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  • Replies
      When I actually have a few frickin’ moments to catch my breath! rageblow1 Sorry, work, ugh, okay I’m back…when I have time, I’d like to give this a read because I have a soft spot for Digimon (season 1 & 2).
      same when i have time from all of the collage entrance bs. so much paper work. i hope class sign ups are easy
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