Otakon 2012

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    I will be heading down to Baltimore this week (Thursday-Sunday) for what will be my third Otakon. As some of you may or may not know, Otakon is one of the larger East Coast USA conventions and gets roughly 30,000 attendees. There usually are a ton of guests (Though this year there seems to be a Madoka theme).

    This is a spot to talk about the convention, and so long as I remember, I’ll give updates here-and-there before and from the convention.

    Here is something currently on the schedule, for next Sunday at the convention:

    Geneon, a FUNimation Retrospective {Geneon/FUNi/Retro}

    A brief description of the panel: From it’s start in 1993 to it’s close in 2007, Geneon released some of the most innovative and provocative series available to the American anime audience. Take a look back with FUNimation as we being the re-release the jewels of the Geneon crown.

    Will there be an announcement about Tenchi? If I’m going to be there at 9:30 in the morning, there’d better be something.

    The guests this year are a mix-bag of Madoka voice cast, Japanese guests and returning guests like Peter Beagle (He wrote The Last Unicorn) and J. Michael Tatum. (Full list here: http://otakon.com/guests.asp )

    And here is the entire schedule as of today: http://otakon.com/events_schedule.asp

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      Well, maybe its finally time, I go on ANN, and I see an ad for the new Armitage III complete Saga, which was new to me, and it ships tomorrow (In a sexy as hell case I might add, ALMOST, but not quite makes me want to buy it, lol although whoever did the editing for that part of the sites, needs to fix his cropping and fixing skills, damn)

      Anyway, a tad early in the morning, but interesting none the less.

      I think any announcements would come out at their main panel on Saturday (4:30). *HINTHINT*
      I guess someone realized that everyone is getting older these days with a panel on The Aging Otaku.

      I also noticed that Saturday has a panel about Sexism in Anime.

      Hi everyone, from sunny, hot Baltimore. Otakon, day 1. Cosplayers cosplayers, everywhere… A lot of ponies of every gender, every Sailor Scout and even a cosplayer of Otakon’s own Ice Cold Water man (yes he’s here again). Today was mainly a day to shop at the Dealer’s Room and hang out with friends. Tomorrow, more panels and hopefully meeting up with Chuck ;D.

      The panels I did go to were Anime News Network’s and Funimation’s Sneak-Peak. The first was about how the popular anime news source works, as well as updates coming soon to the site.

      Funimation on the other hand was full of video clips of titles they have released and ones coming up. Hetalia Season 4 had two clips, since it seems to be Funimation’s favourite, followed by Full Metal Alchemist: Milo (film that debuted last year at Otakon) as well as Ergo-Proxy. The woman up front presenting these clips then makes a comment that they have obtained a lot of Geneon titles, then names a few such as Ai Yori Aoshi which apparently “defined the harem genre”. I simply blinked and rolled my eyes at that.

      Next up was Cat Planet Cuties…. fanservice fanservice and more fanservice. Texhnolyze, a mind-fuck anime by the creator of Lain, which is another Geneon title. It was then mentioned that there will be a new Hellsing anime soon. Nexttttt was Dragon Age, a series because Funimation co-directed the game so they are promoting that series more. Next next, a horror genre called Shiki, which seems more like yaoi vampires. Another popular Funimation title that got a lot of noise was Panty and Stocking… and it got two video clips. Not quite sure how I feel about that show.

      Finally the trailer for Ai Yori Aoshi is shown, and NOW the girl mentions that AYA AND Tenchi defined the harem genre. That was the only mention of Tenchi at that panel. The last two trailers were Freezing (fannnnnnservice) and C Control *shrug*. I sat through this panel, which had maybe 400 people and a lot of clapping/cheering. People love Funimation.

      That’s my report; I am le tired.

      Mittens wrote:

      Hi everyone, from sunny, hot Baltimore. Otakon, day 1. Cosplayers cosplayers, everywhere… A lot of ponies of every gender, every Sailor Scout and even a cosplayer of Otakon’s own Ice Cold Water man (yes he’s here again). Today was mainly a day to shop at the Dealer’s Room and hang out with friends. Tomorrow, more panels and hopefully meeting up with Chuck ;D.

      The panels I did go to were Anime News Network’s and Funimation’s Sneak-Peak. The first was about how the popular anime news source works, as well as updates coming soon to the site.

      Funimation on the other hand was full of video clips of titles they have released and ones coming up. Hetalia Season 4 had two clips, since it seems to be Funimation’s favourite, followed by Full Metal Alchemist: Milo (film that debuted last year at Otakon) as well as Ergo-Proxy. The woman up front presenting these clips then makes a comment that they have obtained a lot of Geneon titles, then names a few such as Ai Yori Aoshi which apparently “defined the harem genre”. I simply blinked and rolled my eyes at that.

      Next up was Cat Planet Cuties…. fanservice fanservice and more fanservice. Texhnolyze, a mind-fuck anime by the creator of Lain, which is another Geneon title. It was then mentioned that there will be a new Hellsing anime soon. Nexttttt was Dragon Age, a series because Funimation co-directed the game so they are promoting that series more. Next next, a horror genre called Shiki, which seems more like yaoi vampires. Another popular Funimation title that got a lot of noise was Panty and Stocking… and it got two video clips. Not quite sure how I feel about that show.

      Finally the trailer for Ai Yori Aoshi is shown, and NOW the girl mentions that AYA AND Tenchi defined the harem genre. That was the only mention of Tenchi at that panel. The last two trailers were Freezing (fannnnnnservice) and C Control *shrug*. I sat through this panel, which had maybe 400 people and a lot of clapping/cheering. People love Funimation.

      That’s my report; I am le tired.

      Ai Yori Aoshi defines the harem anime genre? 😮

      I would’ve had said either Tenchi or Love Hina myself.It’s not that I don’t like Ai Yori Aoshi,I do,in fact I have one vol. of the first season and the final two of season 2,the Enishi season(Geneon only had 3

      volumes for Enishi).The fact is it’s probably one of the more lesser known harem comedies.I mean when you think HAREM COMEDY,it’s Tenchi or Love Hina.

      Hey everyone! Well, Otakon was great, and after spending horrendous sums of money here are the goodies I bought while I was there!:

      The Ryoko pencilboard iheartitplz

      http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff178/chucklocker/Anime%20Cons/Otakon%202012/RyokoPencilboard.jpg" />

      The Ayeka pencilboard (on the reverse of the Ryoko one)

      http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff178/chucklocker/Anime%20Cons/Otakon%202012/AyekaPencilboard.jpg" />

      The relatively hard to come by Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind DVD

      http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff178/chucklocker/Anime%20Cons/Otakon%202012/Nausicaa.jpg" />

      And finally….. These epic vintage Space Battleship Yamato posters!

      http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff178/chucklocker/Anime%20Cons/Otakon%202012/Posters.jpg" />

      All in all, a pretty successful haul I’d say for my first con :D

      Otakon 2012 was a lot of fun. I got to meet and hang out with some awesome friends, we got the announcement we’ve been waiting for (and the surprise of Funimation getting War on Geminar), and my wallet bled out cash. Here’s all of the stuff I bought ;D

      All of it (Posters: Sailor Mercury and a Dual poster featuring Mitsuki):

      http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i410/kitteascone/e743e8b5.jpg" />

      Pencil boards(both sides) (I didn’t buy the Mihoshi/Kiyone one at Otakon but this is my collection ^_^):

      http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i410/kitteascone/3576db61.jpg" />http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i410/kitteascone/cca9a579.jpg" />

      I got this too:

      http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i410/kitteascone/aca6fef1.jpg" />

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