OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 24 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 24 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_024copy_zpse8af6066.jpg" />

    Notes –

    The background image threw off some of the results. Some of the characters had to be pieced together by hand. Text in upper right corner could not be ripped.

    JP Text –

    国連から派遣されたパイロットのほとんどは大国が自国防衛のための八イロ ット養成とそのノウハウを得る目的で、半強制的に押しっけた者達であるため、 研修期間が過ぎればそれぞれの故国へ帰ってしまう。


    「頭数だけ揃っていればいいってものじやないでしょ!今のままでは羅螺に勝て ない そう言ったのは貴方じやないの』

    「そんなこと言ったかな?…だとしてもそれは-樹君をその気にさせるために言 ったことだ』

    「私が知らないとでも思ってるの?一樹君と三月さん……おもしろい結果が出た のね』


    「確かに一榭君は特殊だわ。男*なのにコアとリンクできる、しかもその力は 飛び抜けて高い…でも三月さんとの比較結果から個々の资質といった要因を省 いても、一榭君の力は異常だわ』

    —樹の特異性、特異点としての要因以外に、彼が男であることが強ぃ力を生 んでぃるのだ。コンビューターユニットは、男の闘争本能に異常に反応してし まうのである。それが異星人達に、女性しか使えないようにリミッターをつけ させた理由のーであった。

    「単体で羅螺軍のロボットと戦えるのは三月さん位、彼女ですら今のままではい つか• • •羅螺に負けてしまぅ」 茜の言葉にをッを受ける一樹はそのままその場を立ち去る。


    「ちょっと前の貴方だったら…羅螺への対抗意識で無理にでも彼をパイロッ卜に したんでしようね」

    —樹に聞かせるためわざとドア**し開けておいたのだった。 「……ふ**!今だってあのパ力にtoんか負けたくはないわぃ」

    貴方が隠そうとも、いつかは一樹翁I)情報は知られるわ。早くしなぃと彼は、 国連管轄になるわよ。最悪の場合、洗脳の可能性も……』 「その国連所厲の監察*殿の葉とも思えないな」

    「—樹君を取り合って、内部分裂をさると困るのよ。それくらいなら…貴方の 趣味ばふ まわ*れ凑方がいいわ」


    地球の本和の炱め、丨というのでば#い本当の理由はあの日、傷ついた弥生 の姿を思い出したからである。


    **が谀なねめ理由り決意ったL 「な…何ですが…これ……」

    着ると女*のようながディ一となるパイロットスーツを着込んだ一樹が、恥 *かじぞう:に真Wに尋ねる。向とうでは三月が突っ伏して笑っている。

    「君がパイロットであるということは隠す必要がある。君も知っている通り、 防衛*の遺跡兵器のパイッ卜全員女性だ。女性でなければ動かせなぃ物に 男が乗っているのが分かれば雀ずぃことは分かるね?」 そう言ってヘルメットを被せる真田。

    「…そんなに矣うにとないだろ……! ! 」 まだ笑っている三月にそう言った一樹の声は女性の物だった。

    そのヘルメットをかぶれば君の声は女性のものになる。それからバイザ一を 透明にすれば……」




    やっと笑いの*さまった三月は真田の説明を聞いた途端、再び笑い出す。 「しかしr樹对は意外と華奢なんだな。驾月よりウェストが細vヽんだからな』 三月があまり笑うので、懲らしめるために嘘をつく真田。

    「! ! 」




    「*父さんと一樹君のバカ! !」 乱暴にドアを開けて部屋を出く三月。

    「……何を怒ってんだ?」 不思議そうに言う一樹と三月の出ていった方を眺めながら笑っている真田。 「そうだ! 」


    「!! ! ! 」





    いつの間に入っぎたのか、呆れ顔でニ人を見ている茜。 「 ス一ツの対シヨック実験j

    新しい奪fcパイロットとして紹介を受け,る一樹。もちろんあのスーツ仓つけ たままだ「..…四加…子です』


    当*、—樹はこの格好がすごく恥ずかしかった。自分がパイロツトであ冬こ とを隠さなければならない理由には納得じ’ていたし、絶対パレないという真田 の言葉を信じてぃた。しかし、*の前の隊員達は全員が笑いを押し殺してぃた。 「たぃへんね—樹君j

    全員がこのスーツの下に一樹がいることを知っていた。三月がここだけの話 と、数人のパイロットにした話が、あっという間に広がってしまったのだ。

    「 ! ! 」



    「あなた達!!こんな時は知っていても知らないふりをしてあげるものよ」 隊員達を睨み付ける麗香。

    「一樹君…… 戻って…くるかしら?」


    「そうだな…私だったら…戻っては来ないだろうな。一樹君はどこだ?」 『F、第一ブロックを逃走中』

    「……もうそんな所まで…ずいぶん逃げ足が早いな」 隊員達に一樹を拉致するように命令する真田。 「!!ちょっと真田長官!」 胸の機能説明(?)をしていた時のことを思い出す茜。彼女の表情で真田も そのことに気付く。


    他の職員達もスーツの中身が一樹ということを知っている。当然、捕まえる のに手加減などしないだろう、しかし……あのスーツを着たままの一樹の外観 は女なのだ。

    「! ! 」

    女の姿の一樹をむさ苦しい男達が押し倒している。その時そこにいた全員が 同じ考えに達し、目を合わす。

    「捕まえるの止め! ! 隔壁を閉鎖、一樹君を閉じこめろ!捕まえるんじゃない ぞ!! 」

    慌てて命令変更を伝える真田。別に問題がある訳ではないが…やはりその光 景を見るのは躊躇われた。その時、敵機影発見の報告が届く。

    「一樹君のことは私に任せて…あなた達はさっさと自分の仕事に戻*なさいJ そう言うと麗香と茜は一樹が閉じこもつた部屋へと向かう。


    「敵が近付いているの。話は後にして出擊してちよぅだ 「この格好で出るのはいやだ! 」 「ちょっと笑われたくらいで…それでも男の子なの! 」 ちょっと苛立ったように言う茜。


    「……なるほど。その通りだわね」 —樹の言葉に頷く麗香。



    「—樹殿が笑われる理由はどこにもない。彼怒り丨售正当なものよ 」 「この非常時に個人的な理由で戦いを放棄1*る节が茁,な理由な, でか? 」 「彼個人のためじゃない、みんなのために戦うのよ。非常時だからって、全て 我慢させられる方は辛いものだわ。だったら出て来やすいやり方をしてあげる

    のが 大人の女ってものですよ」

    「お祖母ちやん。わたしにやらせて」 それは一樹が助けた弥生であった。病室のモ二ターでー樹を見ていて、病室 を抜け出して駆けっけたのだc




    「…私が誰か分からない? 」 ギブスと包帯で痛々しい姿の弥生。

    「あなたに助けてもらった…白いロボットのパイロッ卜 長かった髪が手術のために剃られ、一樹より短くなって1レ.ヽた。


    ありがと う 」


    「 戦えって…言わないんですか?」

    「あの時の…お礼が言いたかったの。ありがとう、一樹君」 カメラに背を向けて立ち去ろうとする弥生の痛.々しい姿にあの時の*いがよ みがえる。彼女の優しい微笑みとはかなげな後ろ姿が一樹のこだわ*を氷解 させる。







    一樹のロボットは解き放たれたかのようこ凄まじい勢いで飛び出して行くの だった。

    「もっといろいろ言おうと思ってたのに••••••結周あれだけしか言えなかった』 「何も言わない方が伝わるって事もあるものよ。あとは無事に帰ってきたら『お 帰りなさい』って言ってあげればいいのよ」

    「なんでDがここにいるめ!!」 引っ越しの荷物と共に一樹の部屋に座っている!)を指さし濮えていt三月。 「今日から一緒に暮らすことになったんだ、よろしくな」 相変わらず笑いながら言う**。 「私が言ってるのは、なぜ一樹の部屋に居るのかって事よ Dの情緒面の成長を促すため、ー樹という異性と暮らずことが必要なのだと **する真田

    「Dがそんな気を起こすことはないだろうし、もしそうなった’としてもそれは それで、Dが人としての概念を理解したと“うととで、めでたいこど 「一樹が変事したらどうするのかって、言ってるのよ! !」

    「 ノヽッノヽッノヽッ ! 」

    笑いながらふすまを持ってきて部屋を仕切る真田。(もともと一樹の部屋は ふすまを取つ払つて一部尾こしていたもので、もとはニ部屋)

    「 やっぱり、考えてなかた<ね」 「私は構いません」 無表情のまま言うD。 「うむっ。彼女もそう言ってることだし」 ふすまを取っ払う真田。 「その感覚がすでにおかしいのよ!!」 結局、ふすまで仕切った上に大きなタンスを並べてバリケードを作る三月。 ATLAS Translation –

    Most of the pilot sent by the United Nations : so that the large country may obtain eight [irotto] training for the home country defense and the knowhow, Push half compulsorily and because the [kketa] people, It returns to each homeland if the training period passes.

    “The candidate is [daro] that is not [**ru] afterwards. 』

    “..[jiyanai] of [rebaiittemo].. !. become complete only the numberIt is your [jiyanaino] to say that it cannot win Rara so as it stands. 』

    “Such a thing remark [ttakana]…? ..[datoshitemosore].. – To do, it said to the nature of [kikun]. 』

    “Do not you think that I know? Kazuki you and Mr. Mitsuki…… An interesting result came out. 』


    [Konbyu-ta-yunitto], It abnormally reacts to man’s fight instinct. It : to aliens, The reason to make the limiter applied so that only the woman might use it.

    “Being able to fight against the robot of the Rara army with the unit is Mr. Mitsuki title, [U;] in ???Rara at one time as it stands even she ..the defeat… ” Kazuki that receives word [niwo] [] of madder leaves straight from the place.

    “It is known [de] mother as for the stone of Kazuki you ??C.

    of inspection * of the [kokurenjo] 厲. “

    “It struggles for ? [kikun], When an internal division is left, it embarrasses it. Like it… Hobby..person..good.”

    [I;] end when it worried desire, Kazuki that determines thing that becomes core pilot.

    ..this harmony.. ? of the earth, This reason is that day of ..丨 [deba] #.. ..saying.. [hon], It is because the appearance of damaged Yayoi is recalled.

    As soon as everyone is not defended”

    ** is ? [naneme] reason [ri] determination [tta] L. “[Na]… Though what… This……”

    Worn Kazuki : the pilot suit that ..prompting.. becomes ..[de].. one when putting it on ..woman *.., It asks in shame * [kajizou]:and it asks truth W. Mitsuki : the boil for. It pierces and it laughs at [] because it lies down.

    “The pilot you should conceal it. As you also know, It is a woman of all [pai] fortune-tellings of the ruins arms of defense *. If it is understood that it is possible to move and a man has gotten on the [nai;] thing if he is not a woman, sparrow [zui;koto] is understood. ” Sanada who says so and covers with helmet.

    “… [**] [unitonaidaro] so much……! ! ” The voice of Kazuki said to Mitsuki at which it still laughed so was woman’s thing.

    If the helmet is worn, your voice becomes woman’s. After that, if you make baiza 1 transparent……”

    From the under of [natsuta] baiza 1 transparently, Stereoscopic vision woman’s face was seen.

    “This reproduces your expression and same house [ttaku] one. “

    “[A] 888, * Love [iwayo], Kazuki [chiyan]”

    * [samatta] Mitsuki of laughter finally : as soon as having heard Sanada’s explanation, It begins to laugh again. “However, r tree ? shall not be unexpectedly delicate. Because the waist is minute vヽ [n], [na] from ? the moon. 』 Because Mitsuki laughs too much, Sanada who tells a lie to punish.

    Kazuki shouted in woman’s voice is [niramikkeru] Mitsuki.

    “* Kazuki poppa and your fool! !” The door is violently opened and ..room.. ..putting out.. [ku] Mitsuki.

    “…… Is what does you scold and [nda]?” Sanada who is laughing while looking at Kazuki and Mitsuki mysteriously said going out. “It is so.! “

    [I;kina] ** ..[ga] * of the tree.. ..taking.., Sanada who takes it to * of chest of suit.

    “!! ! ! “

    “It is made it as neatly softly as the thing. [Shiyotsuku] is J ..effective… “………”

    Though it is surprised, One ? and Sanada of loosening *.

    “…… What… Do you do?”

    Entering [gitanoka] when, Madder to see [ni] person by amazed face. ” [Ru] Kazuki as the fc pilot ..receiving the introduction… ..[shiyokku].. ..experiment j.. deprive about one [su] [tsu] ..new.. Of course, it remains putting on that suit. “….. Yotsuga… It is a child. 』

    The thing barely and only it is # ..floatage.. Kazuki.

    This *, This shape was terrible and shameful to ? tree. Consent [ji] ‘..the reason why I had to conceal [fuyu] ..[pairotsuto]…., Sanada’s named no [pare] word is never believed and [i;ta]. However, Members ahead of * subdue laughter by all members and are [i;ta]. “All [tai;henne] [kikun] j knew there was this suit under Kazuki. Mitsuki : with the mum’s the word, The story made several pilots, It has extended with surprising swiftness.

    ” ! ! “

    If it comes to light, There is no shape as shameful as this.

    Kazuki that flings out of a room.

    “You.! The one pretends not to know even if it knows at such time. ” Reika that stares at members and puts up.

    “Kazuki you…… It returns… Do come or”

    Madder turns to Sanada and it is dazzling with [potsuri].

    “It is so… In case of me… It is likely to come whenever returning. Where are Kazuki you?” 『F, It is escaping the first block. 』

    “…… To such a place already… Speed of flight shall not be fairly early. ” Sanada who orders members to abduct Kazuki. “!! Secretary Sanada for a moment. ” Function explanation of chest(?) Madder recalled at [woshiteita]. Sanada notices that in her expression, too.

    “…..!? — ? [kikun] that ran away remained putting on that suit……”

    Contents of the suit know Kazuki as for other staff. Naturally, It is likely not to take allowances to capture it, However,…… Externals of Kazuki in the state of putting on that suit are women.

    “! ! “

    Squalid men are throwing down Kazuki of woman’s appearance. All members who existed there at that time reach the same idea, Eyes are suitable.

    “Stop ..capture… ! The partition is closed, Confine Kazuki you. I will not capture it.! “

    Sanada who tells instruction change panicking. Though there is separately no problem… It hesitated to see the spectacle still. That time, The report of the enemy plane shadow discovery reaches.

    “Kazuki you leave it to me… You quickly face it in your work, and Kazuki shuts oneself up and faces Reika and madder with the [tsuta] room as for J when saying so at return *.

    Madder and Reika that keeps persuading ? tree.

    “Nanjo academy… Because the emergency, Please ..multi.. leak and do four [pu] [ntoka] seedling [ga] you who doesn’t consent. “

    “There is no reason ? [kidono]’s being laughed anywhere. The one of right [kareikari丨**]” “Is ..reason.. ,? ..茁.. ..[ru].. however ..fight.. abandon it 1* by a personal reason for this emergency ” “The purpose is not piece person of him, It fights for everyone. Because of the emergency, It is painful that it is made the endurance of everything. An adult woman is the one. go out then and do the way that comes easily”

    “Grandmother [chiyan] . I am made to put it. ” It was Yayoi that helped Kazuki. The tree is seen with two [mo] [ta-] of the sickroom, Yayoi that makes all members slip out sickroom, leave running [kketanoda] c me one, and fall.

    “Kazuki you”

    Yayoi called toward power [mera] in place in door.

    “… Do not you understand who I am? ” The plastic cast, the bandage, and Yayoi of a miserable appearance.

    “You helped… The [pairo] fortune-telling length [katta] hair of a white robot is shaved for the operation, It shortens more than Kazuki and one [re]. ヽ ..passing.. .

    『Yayoi… [Sa], [n]?』

    Thank you. “

    [**] ..gentle.. ..with a smile.. ..the peel.. though then, it is weakly when the camera ..seeing [mmetesou].. is said for a long time. ” Can the fight… Do not you say?”

    “That time… I wanted to say the reward. Thank you, Kazuki you” Algo of Yayoi that turn one’s back to to camera and tries to leave. That..bur..read..get. Her gentle smile seeing and a transient back figure stick to and melt * of Kazuki away.

    『They do not want to go straight. 』

    It is driven by such a strong desire, Kazuki of door that lock f and removes and comes out.

    丨…… Mr. Yayoi… I… It goes. “

    Kazuki that begins to run.

    “See you soon. 』

    The word of Yayoi was comfortable.

    The robot of Kazuki to untying and to have gone out by [youko] [sugo] [majii] power of [taretaka].

    “Only [musushuu] was able to be able to be said though it was thought that it said more variously. 』 “..transmitting.. [rutte] thing is a certain one. do not say anythingWhen safely coming back『Welcome home. 』It only has to say [tte]. “

    “[Irume] ! in D [gakoko] why.!” It sits on the room of Kazuki with the luggage of the move. )..[wo] pointing at [**] food.. tMitsuki. “It will live together since today, My best regards [na]” It says with a laugh as usual **. “I say, To press growth on the emotion side of D, the thing : why in the room of Kazuki, When it is necessary, it is ** Sanada who does. [zukoto] ..opposite sex named the tree.. live”D will not cause such a nature, It became it so. ‘In it ..it.. even if it makes it, When D understood the concept as the person, ..”.. [utotode], ..happiness.. [ikodo]”Kazuki is [katte] of incident [shitaradousuru], It says. !”

    ” [No] ヽ [nno] ヽ [nno] ヽ []! “

    Sanada who brings sliding door laughing and partitions room. (An original room of Kazuki is tail of a part of [tsu] ..payment.. [tsute] ..taking.. [koshiteitamonode] as for the sliding door, Original is [ni] room. )

    ” After all, It thinks and [nakata] <. " “I do not care. ” Said D. remain about expressionless “[Umu]. What she also says so. ” Taking [hara] sliding door ..floatage.. Sanada. “The sense is already amusing.!” After all, Mitsuki that displays big chest of drawers after it partitions it in sliding door and builds barricade. Google Translation –

    For the purpose of major powers get that know-how and eight Irotto training for their own defense, it is we who digits ll push semi-forced most of the pilots were dispatched from the United Nations, homeland of each training period if Sugire I would come back to.

    “Candidate is coming will do afterwards”

    “I will not Ya same thing I do head count only if all together! I say so you do not win Rara remains of now is not Ji Ya you”

    “- And I said to to motivate the tree-kun it even as it … would say such a thing?”

    “As a result Mitsuki’s funny …… and Mr.? Kazuki thinks that I did I had no even do not know.”

    “The thing of what?”

    Can be linked with the core Yet * ​​man.’ll’s Special is one 榭君 “To be sure, moreover, must not omit the factors such as 资質 individual from comparison with Mitsuki’s … but high by far, the force power of one 榭君It is abnormal for “

    – That factors other than the specificity of the tree, as a singular point, he is a man of N Dill’s raw strength ~I force. Con view ter unit is the Mau to react abnormally to the competitive instincts of man. It was over the reasons to put a limiter on the alien people, only women as it can not be used.

    Kazuki to receive the head of the word “Mitsuki’s position, the fight with the robot of Rara army by itself Shima~u lost the • • • Rara eventually it stands even her” Akane to leave the place as it is.

    Mother should know C 漪妒 stone “Kazuki-kun.

    “Was to pilot Bok him even to force in rivalry to … Rara Nde I suppose we were you before a little”

    – It was the had been opened to door ** deliberately order to hear a tree. The “Naiwa~i You want to lose or to N in that performance even force **! fu now ……”

    You can even try to hide, Kazuki Okina I) information’ll be known someday. And his Na~i is,’ll be in the early United Nations jurisdiction. In the worst case, the possibility of brainwashing also …… “I do not think even the leaves of inspection * rear guard of the” United Nations Tokoro厲 “

    “-. Keep in touch with the tree-kun, it ‘s in trouble with the monkey internal division 凑方 is good hobby is Bafumawa * of you … If you’re about it.”

    After she was troubled think ~I, Kazuki that decided to become a pilot core.

    The real reason is because I remember the figure of the Yayoi that day, the wounded had # 炱 Me of this sum of the earth, than if it 丨.

    The appearance without Ya keep everyone “

    ** L was determined to Tsu Ri reason Neme a 谀 is a “…… this but … – what”

    And like a woman * when I wear it, but Kazuki that I wore a suit pilot to be de-one is, shame * Kajizou: ask to true to W. The laughing is Mitsuki fall her face in the direction the party.

    Divided there is a need to hide that “you that is a pilot. As you also know, it’s Pai~tsu Bok all women remains weapons of defense *. Guy’s riding a Na~i thing Ugokase If it is not women I understand that the ~Iko and in no sparrow if? “Sanada to cover the helmet to say so.

    voice of Kazuki said so to Mitsuki that “…… would not 矣 and so so much …!” you are laughing still had a thing for women.

    Your voice will be a thing of the woman if the rash helmet. Then …… if the transparent visor one “

    From under the five years previous to the visor one, female face of a stereoscopic image had appeared transparent.

    “This is us to reproduce the same thing and wanna Ie~tsu expression and your”

    “Eight hundred eighty-eight A, * love Iwayo, Kazuki Chillan”

    As soon as I heard the description of the Sanada, Mitsuki that I waited a * laugh laugh again at last. “R Ki对 the Na’m surprisingly delicate. Waist Na because fine v ヽ do than 驾月 However” Mitsuki so much laugh, Sanada to lie in order to punish.


    As soon as I heard the word 莱 Sanada, Mitsuki to do a hand to Wes me.

    “I made the Glamour Because had * to ablation grateful. Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~” “not be happy with anything like that mon!”

    Mitsuki and Keru ll the glare Kazuki screaming in the voice of a woman.

    Do Mitsuki the room to open the door, “fool of Kazuki-kun and * Dad!” Wildly.

    Sanada laughing while looking at the person who went out of Mitsuki and Kazuki says “I’m angry …… What?” Curiously. “I know!”

    Sanada you taken the moth * of * ~Ikina over tree *, to bring the chest of the suit *.


    You are surprised, but Sanada and one of 榭 * loose.

    “I’m a … make yourself …… What?”

    Is it skill was entered when did, Akane has seen two people in the face amazed. Versus Shiyokku experiment j of “su one tree

    Response to the introduction as new fc deprived pilot, Kazuki Ru. I remain put that suit 仓 course, “is the child ….. Yotsuga …”

    The Kazuki cormorant # it only with difficulty.

    * This, – dressed like this was terribly ashamed tree. Tita believe in the words of Sanada and Ji assent ‘Teitashi The reason that I must hide and this winter Oh by the pilot, that there is no absolute Palais. However, our members before the * is Tita everyone muffled laughter. J Mr. Tree – ~Ihenne was “

    I knew that there are Kazuki under this suit everyone. And you and me, that story was the pilot of several people, he had spread quickly is Mitsuki.


    The Once Barre, not dressed more shameful than this.

    Kazuki to shoot out the room.

    “You guys!’m What I’ll pretend I do not know even if you know when this” Reika glare that the members who.

    “Kurukashira … back …… Kazuki-kun?”

    The dazzlingly and Mashiro Akane is facing the Sanada.

    The “Do not will not come back … if I were you … Yeah. Kazuki-kun’s Where am I?” “and the run F, the first block”

    Sanada you are instructed to kidnap Kazuki to our members “Do not run away fast is a lot … as far anymore ……”. Akane reminds me of when I was a (?) Feature Description of chest “Sanada Secretary! Little!”. Sanada also notice that in the expression of her.

    “? ….. And ran away – • tree kun …… Na remained and wore the suit”

    I know that the contents of the suit that Kazuki also our other staff. Of course, the appearance of Kazuki of remains wearing a suit that …… It’s a woman but would not like to go easy catch.


    Painful men Moussa Kazuki of the figure of the woman is pushed down. Everyone was there at that time reached the same idea, I match my eyes.

    “Stop the catch! Closing the septum, and the Tojikomero Kazuki-kun! Is not it catch!”

    Sanada to pass the word change in a hurry. Although not a problem separately, but to see the light again … the landscape was hesitate. At that time, reports of enemy aircraft shadow discovery reach.

    We … you leave me madder and Reika head to the room that Kazuki was Tsu Tojikomo If you say so J * Ready to return to their work quickly things “Kazuki-kun.

    – Reika and Akane Continue persuasion of the tree.

    . Episode “enemy is approaching to Akane to say get out in this” fair game’s Yo Aminoglutethimide The De擊 in the later I hate! “‘s The boy still … With much was laughed” Hey! “As frustrated little .

    The “Do not you embarrassed because it man!”

    Reika that nod to the words of the tree – “I see …… I’m’s Exactly.”.

    “Nanjo Institute sama … Because I’m an emergency, such as seedlings flop 4 and multilingual or do you moth is not convinced

    Please do me “

    “-. Reasons for tree-dono be laughed at is not anywhere I legitimate his anger 丨售”? “And why verse Ru 1 * abandoned a 茁, the fight for personal reasons, big in this emergency,” ” It’s not because of his personal, it’s gonna fight for everyone. ‘s because it is an emergency, I’ll do it in easy to come out to you were painful.’ll’s what the person who is allowed to put up with all

    The thing is like a woman! “Adult

    “Have to do with your grandmother Chillan. Me,” It was a Yayoi that Kazuki helped. C to watch over the trees in the two ter model of a hospital room, I was Kke ran in out of the hospital room

    Yayoi to fall everyone to leave myself.


    Yayoi that call towards the power that is in the camera at the door.

    Yayoi appearance of painful bandage “… I? Do not know who” said Gibbs.

    Hair was long pilot Boku white robot … that helped me to “you shaved for surgery, it was one level. ヽ shorter than Kazuki.

    “Yayoi …’s? “

    You very much “

    Although it is weakly to say so long Te Mi~tsume towards the camera gently across smile

    “Do not say I do … I fight?”

    In pain. Youthful appearance of Yayoi that you want Tachisaro toward the back, “thank you. Wanted to say at that time is … thank you, Kazuki-kun” in the camera at that time and * Igayomigaeru. From behind a Kimushita is to break-up the Kazuki Nokodawa * A gentle smile of her.

    “I do not want to let go as it is”

    Kazuki that a fit of such a strong thought, come out and remove the door lock f.

    丨 …… Yayoi-san … I will go … “

    Kazuki you start running.

    “Have a nice time.”

    Words of Yayoi was Kokochiyoka~tsu.

    Kazuki robot was going to jump out at tremendous momentum Yoko if it were unleashed.

    “I did not say only • • • • • • binding Zhou there and I thought I will try to say things more” Yo what is also the person who can not say “What I travel. If you came back safe and sound after you” can I if I saying “Welcome home”

    I’m sitting in the room along with the baggage of Kazuki “D is Irume! Here why” of moving! TMitsuki have Eh 濮 pointed to). ** To say “I was supposed to live with from today, Na Best regards” with a laugh as ever. Sanada to ** for promoting the growth of emotional of D I can Why the what in the room of Kazuki, “I am talking, and I need is Kurerazu that the opposite sex that over tree

    would not make “D causes such a mind, and it in it, D is the Utoto” and understood the concept of as a person, what can I do to “Kazuki After the mishap auspicious Holodo even as’ happens if , and are you talking about! “

    “Nononnononnono Tsu!”

    Sanada to partition the room to bring the bran with a laugh. (Kazuki room of the thing that had strained some tail convex pay the commission is originally bran, two-room original)

    “After all, to think how I lack <" “I do not care,” says D remains expressionless. “Umu~tsu. She also said that to say so,” Sanada to pay taking the bran. “Gonna funny already have that feeling!” After all, Mitsuki to make a barricade by arranging a large chest of drawers on which it was partitioned by bran. Free Translation –

    《主語なし》Most of the pilots that I was dispatched from the United Nations have come back to each own country if a/the training period passes, because they are push っけた person forcibly a/the half, in order to a/the powerful nation obtains 8 of イロット training and the know-how for country defense.

    “Is able to be assembled say thing じ the times and’ ろ that is 來るん even after that and only “the number of heads a/the candidacy and be nonexistent and do and ょ! 《主語なし》Now of as Rara obj win able to not so said that you じ and nonexistent of’ “things like that said whether or not な? the is it it is it 《主語なし》..Is granted that it wa-Mr. 樹 obj the worried about cause to said that is’ “I sbj know not even that thinking be that? is it I it it do 《主語なし》”What case is it’ ね that the Mr./ Ms. Mitsuki….interesting result went out with Mr. Kazuki? ‘

    《主語なし》”Be it 1 certainly? You be わ that is special. 《主語なし》Man*is although core with link able to, also the power wa flies come off high..even with Mr./ Ms. Mitsuki with comparative result from individual? a/the the is it it and and and 《主語なし》Be it 1, even if I omit the factor such as quality? Your power wa abnormal is わ’? that 《主語なし》Giving birth to strong ぃ power that he is a man other than the factor as the singularity, singular point of 樹, it is ぃる one. A/the コンビューター unit closes react to the fighting instinct of a/the man abnormally. That was ー of the reason that caused a/the limiter attached as only the woman is able to spend to, abnormal star people.

    “Simple substance with Rara corps of robot with fight able to to Mr./ Ms. Mitsuki place, her with even now of as someday? a/the the a/the be ? ? Rara to defeated do まぅ” madder of word to obj ッ obj receive Kazuki wa as it is perfect situation obj leave. the a/the that

    《主語なし》”Is I Mr. Kazuki? ? It is a/the mother with wisdom っ a/the C stone.

    《主語なし》”A little bit before of you am if..Rara to rivalry with forcibly even if him obj パイロッ 卜 make because do will ね”? the I it that 《主語なし》A/the door to tell to 樹 purposely**doing I opened it. “…… ふ**! I want to defeated whether be now and not to that パ power to and nonexistent わぃ” you will hide the information be わ that be known in all of, someday Kazuki 翁I). Making it early なぃ and he be わよ that becomes United Nations jurisdiction. 《主語なし》Worst in the case that, brainwashing of possibility even….’ “the United Nations place 厲 of inspection*lord of leaf in all of seem not な” “? the the the is it that does 《主語なし》It is よ to have difficulty when scramble for Mr. 樹 and an/the internal disunion is left. 《主語なし》So is if..your hobby ばふまわ*れ? be it Kazuki that determines that one becomes the future, core pilot who worried 思ぃ” good わ.

    Earth of this sum of? 《主語なし》Because it calls it with め, 丨 it is ば # and the real reason is the figure of Yayoi that attached that day, damage because it recalled.

    《主語なし》Everybody obj Mamoru etc. な comes and”**sbj? it It is “な.. なねめ reason り determination ったL. 《主語なし》Although it is what.. 《主語なし》This….” Kazuki, that woman*wore the pilot suit that becomes ディ 1 asks it to real W to shame*rudder ぞう: when it wears it. Mitsuki lies down 突っ in direction and う and be laughing.

    《主語なし》”I need to hide that you are a pilot. 《主語なし》As even you know I am a woman all パイッ 卜 of the ruin weapon of defense*. 《主語なし》Does sparrow ずぃ that understand if that causes moved and the man be getting on a/the なぃ thing understands if I am not a woman? ” Sanada who says so and put a/the helmet.

    “… ろ that is nonexistent with to 矣う so….! ! ” The voice of Kazuki that said to Mitsuki that is laughing yet so was the thing of a woman.

    If the helmet is taken on your voice becomes the thing of a woman. 《主語なし》If it does then バイザ 1 transparently…..” it was seen the face of the woman of a/the solid picture from under of なつた バイザ 1, transparently.

    《主語なし》”This takes the trouble to reproduce your facial expression and house ったく same thing” be “ア 888,*love and まったMitsuki begin to laugh once again, as soon as I heard the explanation of Sanada わよ, Kazuki ち and ん” finally laughter of*!. 《主語なし》”However, is it r 樹? 《主語なし》It is delicate with incredulity. ? It is Sanada who tells a/the lie to punish, because Mitsuki remains な’ and laugh because the waist is not Hoso v ヽ from a/the month.

    “! ! 《主語なし》” It is Mitsuki that does the hand to rag 卜, as soon as I heard word 莱 of Sanada.

    《主語なし》”Because it was*makes to glamorous I thank and toast. ハッハッハ? ? ? 《主語なし》” “It is quite nonexistent わ even if it is joyful ん even if it is loss! ” Glaring at Kazuki that cries out with the voice of a/the woman it is っけるMitsuki.

    “*It is the foolishness of a/the papa and Mr. Kazuki! ! ” Violently opening and go out a/the door a/the room it is くMitsuki.

    “….What obj scold ん be? and ” It is Sanada who is laughing while looking at the one who Kazuki and Mitsuki of which say left to seem mysterious. 《主語なし》”It is so! 《主語なし》” It comes ぃ and be Sanada who a/the suit of chest brings ガ*of な*ー 樹 取*,*to.

    “! ! ! ! 《主語なし》” “I have made it softly as a/the real thing properly. J that is effective to pair シヨツク “………”

    《主語なし》Although I am surprised it loosened*of it is 1? 《主語なし》I am Sanada that.

    “…… What obj..doing be? you ” Entrance っぎた of without knowing it or it is the madder that is amazed and be seeing a/the ニ person with a/the face. “It is るKazuki following an/the introduction, as the pair シヨック experiment j new 奪fc pilot of ス 1 ツ. 《主語なし》Needless to say is it that suit? 《主語なし》It is while it attached it “….it is # うKazuki that alone with the case of finally that is’ a Yotsuga..child.

    This*,? 樹 was ashamed of this shape remarkably. 《主語なし》It was て understanding じ’ to the reason that the self must hide あ winter that with パイロツト and ぃた that absolutely believe the word of such Paray nonexistent Sanada. However,*of as for in the members of the front everyone be ぃた that press to death laughter. 《主語なし》”Is it んね to たぃ? Mr. 樹 j everyone knew that Kazuki is under this suit. The conversation, that Mitsuki made to only here conversation, several pilots has spread in just about no time.

    “! ! ” There is not an abashed shape as this, if ばれて is closed.

    Kazuki that goes jumping out a/the room.

    “You! ! It is Reika that glares members!” the one that does the pretension that does not know and attach even if such time knows.

    “Mr. Kazuki….. 《主語なし》Doing whether it comes..returns it is ら? ” Madder faces one of Sanada and 眩く alone.

    《主語なし》”If I am な..I who am so..it will not come that it returns. Where is Mr. Kazuki? 《主語なし》” ‘It is Sanada who commands as I kidnap Kazuki to members” “….already such a place to..considerably flight early な’ while I escape F, the 1st block. “! ! 《主語なし》I am Director Sanada a little bit! ” Chest of function explanation (? the 《主語なし》a/the ) It is the madder that recalls about when it was doing it. Even Sanada notices the case with her facial expression.

    “…..! ? 《主語なし》Escaped–? I Other staffs who Mr. 樹 was while that suit is worn….” the content of a/the suit even な knows that called Kazuki. Will not do allowances etc. to naturally, catch but….the appearance of Kazuki is a woman while that suit is worn.

    “! ! “

    Messy men are pushing down Kazuki of the figure of a/the woman. Everyone who was that moment there reaches to the same thought and fit the eye.

    《主語なし》”It is stopping to catch! ! A/the bulkhead lock up closure, Mr. Kazuki! 《主語なし》ぞ without んじゃ that I catch! ! ” Sanada who is upset and convey a/the command change. 《主語なし》It is not it is hesitation われた to see the sight although..after all the translation with a problem particularly. That moment, the report of enemy shadow of a flying aircraft discovery reaches.

    “Kazuki you entrust it..when you say to the job of a/the self to me so いJ 戻*nonexistent ness quickly Reika and madder Kazuki closes and face to the た room where has こ.

    ? The madder and Reika that continue the persuasion of 樹.

    “That an/the opponent is coming near. Does the conversation make the back and come out? 《主語なし》To go out with “this shape that does and be ちよぅ yes and it is! ” “A little bit was laughed about with..be that be a boy none the less! 《主語なし》” It is the madder that says as it got irritated a little bit.

    《主語なし》”Because I am a man be nonexistent it shame ず or じゃ that are not doing it? ” “….It is indeed. The passes be わね”? and that Reika that nods at the word of 樹.

    “Nanjo 院! 《主語なし》..Emergency is because, understanding are not ガ you or many or プ 4 not or seedling って do” “? an is who it it The reason that 樹 is laughed absent in where. 《主語なし》Is it abandonment 1*る a/the fight with a personal reason in “this emergency”! a he anger 丨售 justifiable thing? However whether or not with 茁, な reason? 《主語なし》” “Be not due to a he individual it is よ to fight for everybody. 《主語なし》The one who it is caused all put up with って, be わ that is a painful thing because it is an emergency. 《主語なし》If it is it does the way that is easy to come it is the woman って thing of a grown-up to” it is “grandmother ち and ん. 《主語なし》It causes me it” done it it was Yayoi that Kazuki helped. Yayoi that leaves 1 c self who is seeing ー 樹 with モ 2 ター of a/the sickroom and get out a/the sickroom and run and be っけた one and cause everyone dropped.

    Yayoi that calls toward the power meller that is in the place of “Mr. Kazuki” a door.

    “..I sbj someone understand not? do ” It is Yayoi of a pitiful figure with a/the cast and bandage.

    《主語なし》”I received the aid of to you..it is shaved because the パイロッ 卜 long hair of a white robot is an operation and consist shorter than Kazuki and 1 レ. ヽ た.

    《主語なし》’Is it Yayoi..3? 《主語なし》’ I see for long one of the camera that thank you” and “able to fight 弥 that smiles kindly although it is in feebly and do not you say っめて so speaking って..? ” “That time in..it is that the gratitude wanted to say. 痛 of Yayoi that thank you and try to leave and try to turn the back to Mr. Kazuki” a/the camera. 《主語なし》It is doing 々 and recover although that time is to a/the figure*. Or her gentle smile causes to thaw わ*that a/the なげな back figure is こ of Kazuki.

    ‘Removing f that is ridden to loss strong thought that’ does not want to cause it gone as it is and door lock it is Kazuki that appears.

    《主語なし》丨….Mr./ Ms. Yayoi..I..I go” it is Kazuki that starts running.

    《主語なし》”I do and do らっ and ゃい’ the word of Yayoi was comfortable.

    《主語なし》It goes jumping out with こ terrible impetus to be whether the robot of Kazuki was released and was solve.

    “Various say intending to was although? I ? ? ? ? ? Was said the one who not say only 結 circumference that’ “anything be! the one that there be to spread 《主語なし》It is め that D is here because “it be” よ of good if I say って that’ imp come back ‘if I will come back safely after! ! 《主語なし》” I am sitting down in the room of Kazuki with the load of moving! 《主語なし》) I point at and be obtaining 濮 and tMitsuki. 《主語なし》”While have come to live together from today and laughing usual my best regards な” I say**. 《主語なし》”To urge the growth of the emotion face of D! a/the case at one time that what I am saying is to the room of Kazuki why when it needs to not the opposite sex and 暮ら called ー 樹**it is Sanada who it does.

    “Even for’ D, does will not cause such a feeling and became so it is it and よ that be saying at one time, to do how if “Kazuki makes an/the accident happy こど with ‘う, if D understood the concept as a/the person! ! ” “ノノッノノッノノッ! ” It is Sanada who brings a/the papered sliding door while laughing and divide a/the room. (Originally the room of Kazuki is that was filtering a/the papered sliding door a part of tail 取つ払つて and the base D that inside た<ね" "I say do not mind" just as the unfacial expression that thinks "after all, a/the ニ room) and. “うむっ. 《主語なし》It is” to be saying so even she it is Sanada who pays a/the papered sliding door 取っ. “The sense be よ of funny already! ! 《主語なし》” It is Mitsuki that arranges big drawers as well as it divided it with a/the papered sliding door after all, and make a/the barricade. Excite Translation –

    Most pilots dispatched from the United Nations are 8 Illo for their own country defense of a major nation. It is the purpose of acquiring ット cultivation and its know-how, and since it is those who pushed in half a little more than system, if a training period passes, it will return to each country. also after that, “candidate is 來るん — ろ” Probably, it is not a thing as only “member has gathered! Rara can be won as at now and there is [ ] nothing — you did not say so ” “– such a thing — it is not 言った — though it is ?– it — the – tree — in order [ the ] to make it care — word った — they are things — ” “– I do not know — でも — you consider — Mr. ?Kazuki and Mr. Mitsuki …. that of out of which the interesting result came — ” “– it is [ what ] — ?”

    “To be sure, Mr. 1? is special. The deer which can be linked with a core although it is the man * is also the power. It is a prefecture about the factor of [ excel and ] the quality of ? of each [ — / high / comparative result / with Mr. Mitsuki ]. Even if it is, Mr. 1?’s power is unusual.” That he is a man forces in addition to the singularity of – tree, and a factor as a singular point, and it is raw about power. It is that of んでぃる. コンビューターユ knitting reacts to a man’s combative instinct unusually, and it makes it into it. It is that of まう. It attaches a limiter so that only a woman can use for extraterrestrials. It was – of the reason carried out. “It is at least in Mr. Mitsuki that it can fight with the robot of a Rara army alone even by her as at now. Is it つ? ??Rara is lost and it is しまぅ”. Kazuki which receives ッ for 言葉に of a madder leaves the spot as it is. “It is 知っ about a Kazuki Mr. ??C stone, and she is a mother.

    “If it is you a little before — Since that it is also impossible Made him パイロッ 卜 by the feelings of competition to Rara, does it carry out?” In order to tell – tree, it door ** Carried out purposely and opened. “…… ふ** — わぃ ” not to lose that パ power in in to ん even now — even if you will hide — some day — Kazuki — an old man — I information is known. If it does not carry out early, it will become him and the U.N. jurisdiction. In the worst case, it is also the possibility of brainwash…. ” “I cannot think the leaf of Mr. inspection * of the U.N. place ?, either.” “It scrambles for the – tree and an internal division is troubled with さる. If it swerves — You Hobby ばふ The まわ * れ ? direction is good.” Kazuki which determines becoming a core pilot after worrying. ば # Since it is called eye ? of Motokazu of the earth, and ?, be and a true reason is that it remembered the figure of Yayoi which got damaged on that day.

    It is や” without 守 et al. about everybody. * * — reason り決意った[ for / ? なね ] L … although it is what … this …. “– ” If it wears, Kazuki dressed warmly will ask shame * rudder ぞう: the pilot suit which serves as が Di 1 like the woman * at true W. Mitsuki is falling prostrate and laughing at 向 and an arm. “It is necessary to hide the fact that you are a pilot. She is the パイッ 卜全員 woman of the ruins arms of the defense * as you also know. thing which cannot be moved if it is not a woman if it turns out that the man has ridden — 雀ずぃ — things are understood — ?” — Sanada which says so and puts a helmet.

    “… so much — 矣う — there is nothing ….! ! ” The voice of Kazuki which Mitsuki at which it is still laughing was told so was a female thing. Your voice will become a female thing if covered with the helmet. And visor 1 If it is made transparent –…” The face of the woman of 3-dimensional scenography looked transparent from under the なつた visor 1. “– this — your expression and 家ったく — the same thing is reproduced — ” “– ア 888 and * — 愛いわ — my [ Kazuki / ” ] — at last, just as * trivial た Mitsuki of laughter listens to explanation of Sanada, it bursts into laughter again. “However, the r tree ? is delicate in it being unexpected. the waist is thin vヽ ん from ? moon –” [ since ] Sanada which tells a lie in order to give a lesson since Mitsuki laughs not much.

    “! ! ” Mitsuki which gives a hand to the Wes 卜 just as it hears 言莱 of Sanada. “Since it made glamorously and * Was, appreciate and roast. ハッハッハ—” — “– such もん — わい which is not not at all joyfully! ” Mitsuki which glares at Kazuki cried for in a woman’s voice. “* father and Mr. Kazuki are foolish! ! ” — opening a door violently — the room — 出く Mitsuki. ” …. it is not angry about what — a だ ?” wonder — Sanada at which it is laughing while looking at the direction which Kazuki said right [ that ] and Mitsuki left. “That is right!” Sanada which brings ガ * of ぃきな *-tree to * of the breast of 取* and a suit. “!! !! ” “It has made softly like thing perfectly. it is effective also in an opposite shock — J “………”

    1? and Sanada of * which loosened although he was surprised. ” …… what — he is doing — ?” — the madder which is looking at ニ people by that of 入っぎた, and an amazed look unawares. “– ス 1 Thu’s experiment j for shocking — receiving introduction as a new 奪 fc pilot — る Kazuki. of course — that ? suit Attach. ..– Yotsuga — it is as [ た ] — “–” which is a child # obtaining only it by the utmost thing — Kazuki.

    This appearance of this [ * ] and – tree was very shameful. He is あ冬こ at a pilot. 納得じ’ て does at the reason which must be hidden and there is Sanada that there is not Pare absolutely. Language was believed. However, as for the members in front of *, all the members had pressed laughter to death. “– being serious — all the members’ – tree Mr. j knew that Kazuki was under this suit. Mitsuki is the talk here. The talk talked several pilots has spread in the twinkling of an eye. “! ! ” If disclosed, there will be no such shameful appearance like this. Kazuki which jumps out of the room and goes.

    “– you [!! ] — what carries out ふり which is not known even if it knows such at the time — it is — ” — Reika which glares at members. ” Mr. Kazuki …… return. — it comes — ?” A madder turns to Sanada and is as dazzling as ポツリ. “That is right. — It is if it is me. — It will not come, if it returns. Mr. Kazuki is where — ?” ” — F and the first block — under an escape — ” “– also obtaining …. Up to such a place — flight is early fairly — ” — Sanada ordered to abduct Kazuki to members. “– !! — just for a moment — Director Sanada — the madder which remembers a thing when giving functional explanation (?) of” breast. It is also Sanada at her expression. He notices that. The personnel besides “….. !? It escaped. — the ? tree wore that suit ….” know Kazuki in the contents of the suit. naturally, it catches …. it will not treat with discretion to that — however — appearance of Kazuki which wears that suit She is a woman. “! ! “

    Filthy men have pushed down Kazuki of a woman’s figure. All the members who were there then The same idea is reached and eyes are put together. “Stop catching! ! Shut up closing and Mr. Kazuki for a partition! It does not catch. !!. ” Sanada which is panicked and tells command change. Although there is not independently necessarily a problem — It is the light too. Seeing a view hesitated. The report of enemy plane shadow discovery arrives then. Leave Mr. “Kazuki’s thing to me. — you 戻 * do to your work quickly — J — if it says so, Kazuki will close Reika and a madder — straw matting — it goes to the つた room. The madder and Reika which continue persuasion of – tree.

    “The enemy is approaching. talk behind, it comes out, is ? carried out, and is a butterfly — “it is disagreeable this for it to be suitable and to come out!” and “About [ at which it laughed just for a moment ] — he being still a boy” — the madder referred to as having become irritated just for a moment. “Since it is a man, isn’t it shameful?” “…. indeed . It is just like that.” Reika which nods to the language of – tree. “– Mr. Nanjo 院! — ガ to which it is not convinced since it is an emergency — プ 4 ん and the seedling should also do you or 多 — ” “There is no reason for laughing at the – tree anywhere. he anger ? 售 — just — a thing — ” “– a reason individual in this emergency — a battle — abandonment 1* る ? — ? — whether to be well-grounded — ? ” it is for “he individual — it fights for everybody. Since it is an emergency, they are all. The direction which you are made to put up with is hot. since だったら出て — I am easy — carrying out a way A grown-up woman is a thing.” “My grandmother. making me do” — it was Yayoi which Kazuki helped. seeing – tree by モ 2 Tarr of the sickroom — sickroom it slipped out and ran — Yayoi which leaves itself and makes all the members fall. [ c ] [ one ]

    “Mr. Kazuki” Yayoi for which it appeals toward power Mela in the place of a door. Yayoi of a figure pitiful with “? [ — ] which I do not understand some” gypsum, and a bandage. “– I got you to help. — a white robot’s パイロッ 卜 [ ] — it being shaved for an operation of the long hair and becoming shorter than Kazuki — 1 レ .ヽ た. “Mr. [ Yayoi– / ? ]” it is — が Obtain.” 弥 “fight — doesn’t it say?” which it is then weakly when the camera is gazed at for a long time and it says so, but smiles gently “At that time — He wanted to thank. pain . 々しい姿 of Yayoi which turns the back to Mr. thank you and Kazuki” camera, and it tries to leave — * at that time — いが — みがえる. her smile gentle to — it seems to be transitory — the sight of its back is こ of Kazuki — it is thaw about * It carries out.

    “I do not want to send as it is.” Kazuki in which such a strong thought runs, it locks f removes and a door comes out. ? …. Mr. Yayoi — me — it goes.” Kazuki which begins to run. “It is らっしゃい” as a line. The language of Yayoi was comfortable.

    the robot of Kazuki is as if it was released — こ — jumping out and going by frightful vigor it was . “– I thought that I would say many things more — ??? 結周 –” which was able to say only that — “– the direction which nothing says is transmitted — things — being certain — a thing . If the rest comes back safely, it should just say, “He Returns and does”.” It is sitting on the room of Kazuki with the load of the “め [!! ] where D is here why” move! It points and is 濮えてい tMitsuki. it will live together from “today — well — ” — ** said while laughing as usual. “– it is things that I have said as why it is in the room of Kazuki — the opposite sex called – tree in order to urge growth of the emotion side of D, and 暮らず — Sanada which will be ** carried out if things are required.

    “D did not cause such a mind and it is said whether it is with “うと as , then D understood the concept as a person also as ‘which became so, and if auspicious こど “Kazuki carries out the accident of it, what we will do with it! ! ” “ノヽッノヽッノヽッ”! Sanada which brings bran with laughter and into which it divides the room. (1 copy of 取つ payment intermediary fish room [ From the first / Bran ] of Kazuki being what was exceeded a basis ニ room) “– thinking too — inside た — < -- " "I do not care" -- D said while it has been expressionless. “– obtaining — Mutsu. Sanada which removes bran し it is that she also says so.” “The feeling is already amusing”!! Mitsuki which divided with bran, and also puts a big wardrobe in order after all, and makes a barricade.

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