OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 26 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 26 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_26copy_zps92cc208e.jpg" />

    Notes –

    Few errors. All other text is complete and accurate.

    JP Text –

    因果を減らすたびに一樹と神武のリンクが弱まってゆく。そしてつVゝには三 月の乗る卑弥呼に倒される神武。

    人の心を少しづっ理解し、一樹に特別な感情を持ちだしたDが一樹を助ける ため小型艦で大型艦に突っ込む。その結果、小型艦と引き替えに大型艦の武装 のほとんどを破壊することに成功する。凄まじい爆発で大型艦の探查システム が全て殺された隙に神武に乗り込むD。 特異点という力で強制的にリンクするのではなく、Dが一樹を受け入れ、神 武の接点となることで本来の力を発揮し始める神武。 「これが一樹さんと私の爱情ラブラブパワーだそうです」

    「……..分かっているけど…聞いていいかな? 誰に聞いたの? 」

    「真田長官です」 「やっぱり」





    「三月先輩!大丈夫ですか?」 一樹は三月がみっきの時と同じく洗脳されていると思い込んでいた。(Dを 除く他の人間は事実を知っていた)


    心配してくれる一樹にちょっと嬉しくなった三月は真田側に戻る決心をする。 「そうなの!嫌がる私を無理矢理、羅螺とあのオパサンが」 泣きながら一樹にしがみっく三月。



    「でもよかった。無事で」 「一樹君」



    二人を見っめていたDが突然倒れてしまう。三月を放り出してDに駆け寄る。 「ちょっといきなり酷いじゃない!」 「三月先輩、Dが! 」

    「D?……戻るわよ…急いで! !」

    Dを連れ、急いで宇宙基地に帰還する–榭と三月の前に一人の少女……Dの 本体が立っていた。一樹を愛したことで本体に魂が戻ることが出来たのだった。

    「後は君の好きにするが良い。二っの地球を一っにするもそのままにするも、 特異点たる君の権利だ」 神武の自爆スイッチを指し示す真田。


    く D。




    「一樹お兄ちゃん、一樹お兄ちゃん」 控えめな声でー樹を呼ぶ少女の声。声の主はD。 「そんなんじゃダメよ!このバカを起こすにはこうするの! !」



    「ほれ、とっとと起きんか」 腕組みをして睨んでいる三月。その横で心配そうに見っめるD。

    「まったくいっまで寝て……どァえああああぁぁァ! ! 」」



    「み、みみみっみ、みっき姉さん!なななな何でこんな所で! ? ?」 震えながらみつきを指さす三月。



    「一樹ィ~~…あんたまさか」 すご*形相で一樹を睨む三月。

    「別に何もしてないよ…大体みつき姉ちゃんが寝てるなんて気付かなかったよ!」 「みっきお姉ちゃん、また寝ぼけたのね。この前は私のベッドで寝てたし」 平然と言うD。

    「おはよう。毎朝にぎやかね」 窓を開けて入ってくる弥生。 「弥生先生おはようございます」 これまた平然と挨拶をするD

    「弥生先生!!毎朝毎朝何なんですか! 」 腰に手をやり弥生をにらみっける三月。

    「良いじゃない。お祖母ちゃんは出張中で家には誰もいないんだもの。一人で ご飯を食べてもおいしくないのよ」 笑って言う弥生。

    「ご飯の事じゃありません!何で一樹の窓から出入りするんですかってお聞き してるんです!!」 「近道だからよ」


    「もう、男の子の部屋に入り込んで何を騒いでるの?早く降りてらっしゃいご 飯が冷めるじゃない! !」 下から茜の声。


    にらみ合いをやめて一榭の部屋を出ようとする三月が、いっの間にか一樹に 寄りかかって眠っているみつきに気付き、無言で襟首をっかんで引きずって行




    『…妙な世界になっちやったな 』


    「何をニヤついてるのよ。 まったく恥ずかしい役をやらせて」


    「えっ? 」

    「—榭のお父様とみっき姉さんの両親が外国へ長期出張。そのお友達の父の家 に十年前から居候。Dは八年前に羅螺夫妻が出張先で知り合った人が事故で 亡くなって*女にしてここに来て、四人姉弟のように育って、弥生先生は父 が校長をしている学校の理事長の孫で教師。一樹の部屋の窓から出入りする」 一気に今の彼らの現状を説明する三月。 「もしかして…あの記憶、あるの?」

    「おおありよ! ! 」

    「私はこの設定、気に入っているわよ。それに以前と状況はほとんど変わって いないじやないの」


    「どこが変わってないのよ!!」 立ち上がる三月。


    どこの部分なんだろうね? 」 新聞を読んでいた真田が微笑む。


    真っ赤な顔をしてうっむく三月。一樹と一緒に暮らしたいという部分が三月 の願望だったのだ。

    「先生、おはようございます。おはよう一樹」 そう言ってパイロットの女性達が入ってくる。





    以上が『ぱられルンルン物語』の企画プロッ卜 です。ここまで読んだ方、ご苦労様です。

    ー通りお読みになれば分かると思いますが、か なりの設定が使われず終いになっています。2 6 話から13話へという状況下で、よくもこれだけ 詰め込んだものだと感心しつつも、心情面でのつ ながりの苦しさや設定説明での不足があることも 否めません。大幅な設定変更などの案も出まし たが、企画プロット提出時のイメージから逸脱す る恐れが正直、自分の中にありました故、少し無 理を言わせていただきました。そこを妥協する事 は作品の発生理由、自らの存在意義をも失う事と なるからです。まあ、この機会に一部の方のみ、 対象ですが設定の補足を兼ねた文章にお付き合い 下さい。

    まず羅螺の侵略方法というのは、ある一定の領 土を賭け、敵味方で決められた戦闘領域内で戦う サバイバルゲームなのです。どちらかが全滅、あ るいは降参すればゲーム終了、勝った方が賭けた 土地を領土と出来ます。最悪でもお互いの戦闘員 以外の人的被害は出ないということになります。 このル一ルはもちろん羅螺側からの提案です。羅 螺は征服の過程を楽しんでいますから、賭ける領 土もさはど広くはありません。玩具で遊ぶ子供の ような感覚でしょうか。しかし羅螺の持つオリジ ナルロボッ卜は人類の持つ現有兵器で破壊するこ とが出来ない、極論で言えば一機で地球を相手に 戦うことすら可能ということです。辛うじて相手 になる真田のコアロボットも数が少なく兵器開発 等の時間稼ぎのために、現状では羅螺のふざけた 申し出を受けざるを得なかったのです。

    よく身体の一部を失った人が無くなったはずの 部分に痛みやかゆみを感じる、という話をよく耳 にします。それだけ身体の一部を失うというのは 精神的な負担も大きいのでしょう。コアユニット

    ATLAS Translation –

    Whenever cause and effect is decreased, the link of Kazuki and [kamitakeshi] becomes weak. ..knocking down.. [sareru] [kamitakeshi] in Himiko from whom March gets on obstruction rut VV.

    Person’s mind is understood in trifle [du], It thrusts it in a large-scale warship with a small warship so that D that takes out special feelings to Kazuki may help Kazuki. Result, It succeeds in the destruction of most of arms of a large-scale warship to a small warship and substitution. D to board [kamitakeshi] while it searches and all ? systems were killed of large-scale warship due to terrific explosion. It doesn’t link compulsorily by power of significant point, D accepts Kazuki, [Kamitakeshi] that begins to demonstrate original power by becoming point of contact of [kamitakeshi]. “This seems to be Mr. Kazuki and my affection love love power. “

    “…….. Though it understands… May I hear it? Whom did you ask? “

    “It is secretary Sanada. ” “After all,”

    “…….. Before though it did not understand the meaning… Now is understood. “

    D shamefully said.


    [Kamitakeshi] that demonstrates the net force『Himiko』It takes and a large-scale spaceship is destroyed.

    “Mitsuki senior. Is it safe?” Kazuki had been convinced that it was brainwashed as well as the time of ..Mitsuki.. [mikki]. (Other men except D knew the fact. )

    『…….. Oh dear, Do you differ ..so..?』

    Mitsuki that became glad for a moment does the decision to return to the Sanada side to worried Kazuki. “It is so. Me who dislikes it by force, Rara and that [opasan]” [Shigamikku] Mitsuki in Kazuki. cry

    “Your [sokkuri]』

    Rara to see the appearance in the monitor, The child is seen and it is so dazzling.

    “However, it was good. In safety” “Kazuki you”

    Watched each other Kazuki and Mitsuki.

    “It is good though it keeps favorite of you now. Though two [nno] earth is left just as it is by one [nnisurumo], Significant point barrel Herr’s right. ” Sanada who indicates self-destruction switch of [kamitakeshi].

    The deep emotion is deep and [kamitakeshi] is seeing [mmeru] Kazuki. The mind is decided, [Chirari] and D are seen. D to nod small.

    “Carve it, Do not you get up quickly?” Mitsuki at which it stares folding one’s arms. Seeing [mmeru] D on the side in the anxiety.

    “It sleeps completely with [imma]…… [Eaaaaa;a;] of ..retreat.. [a;] [a;]. ! “”

    Mitsuki that strips off the futon while saying so screams.

    It is because MitsukiGP is asleep ..drinking.. [tonari].

    “[Mi], Seeing [mimimmi], [Mikki] elder sister. With [nananana] [nan] in such a place. ? ?” Mitsuki that points at MitsukiGP while trembling.

    “………….. That?”

    MitsukiGP that looks about [pon;yari] and the vicinity.

    “It is not in the thing of meal.! I ask selfishness ..going in and out.. from the window of Kazuki in what.!!” “Because the shortcut”

    The face of Mitsuki becomes the word of Yayoi blankly said like the prajna.

    “Already, Do you make noise because it enters boy’s room ..what..? It is not cooling the getting off [terasshaigo] rice early. !” Voice of madder from the under.

    “..peel.. [?i]”

    Mitsuki that starts stopping the feud and going out of the room of one ?, MitsukiGP to lean against between [inno] or Kazuki and asleep is noticed, The back figure of madder looks with Sanada who is reading the newspaper like the kitchen when the nape of the neck is silently dragged with [kkan] and it gets off under the line. Yayoi,

    Mitsuki, Arriving at [te-punore] that [mikki] and D are long tries to sit down to eat.

    A little big for sat by [ru] family now * table.

    『… [Nacchi] and [ttana] in the strange world. 』

    Kazuki that spills smile instinctively while thinking so.

    “What.. [niya]ing attaches. A quite shameful post is done. “

    Expression at which it gets angry and Kazuki is [niramikkeru] Mitsuki.

    “What? “

    “[Noo] father and [mikki] elder sister’s parents a long term make a business trip to the foreign country. It is a sponger in the friend’s father’s house for ten years. D dies of the accident by the person from whom Mr. and Mrs. Rara got acquainted in the business trip destination eight years ago, is made to * woman, and comes here, It grows up like four person brother and sister, The Yayoi teacher is chief director’s at the school where father is the principal grandchild and a teacher. It goes in and out from the window of the room of Kazuki. ” Mitsuki that explains their today current states at a dash. “It lends it… That memory, Are you?”

    “It is.! ! “

    “My [hakono], setting, It likes it. Former and the situation were hardly changeable and are [ijiyanaino] in it. “

    Yayoi said while eating meal.

    “It doesn’t change where.!!” Mitsuki to stand up.

    “Because Mitsuki is one of the significant points, ..becoming it.. .. Your wish is sure also to influence…… Might the part on earth where. ” Sanada who was reading the newspaper smiles.

    “Separately… I……..”

    [Ummuku] Mitsuki with a red face. The part that it wanted to live with Kazuki was a wish for Mitsuki.

    “Teacher, Good morning. Good morning Kazuki. ” It says so and pilot’s women enter.

    A long table is just filled.

    『I might do hereafter very, Kazuki you?』

    It is Sanada in the newspaper who is laughing at ? [rete].


    The above『[Parare] [runrun] story』The picture of ..drinking.. [takurami] [puro] fortune-telling. It reads here, The hardship externals.

    Though it is thought that it understands if the street is read, A considerable setting is not used and it becomes putting away. 2 Under the situation said from 6 stories to 13 stories, Though it feels admiration in case of the one that only this was often packed, There are painful on the feelings side of the connection and lack in a set explanation and it is not possible to spurn it. Though the idea of a great setting change etc. came out, too, The fear that deviates from the image when the project plot is submitted is honest, My reason, I was going to ask a big favor a little. The thing there to compromise is a generation reason for the work, It is because an own significance of existence will be lost. Oh dear, On this occasion, only part :, Please ..sentence that holds the supplementation with the setting concurrently though the object.. associate.

    First of all, the method of invading Rara :, A certain constant territory is bet, The survival game that fights in the combat area decided by the friend or foe. Either is annihilated, Or, the game is ended if giving up, Land that winning bet can be done with the territory. The personal sufferings other than each other combatant come not to go out even if it is the worst. The proposal from the Rara side to say nothing of this one [ru] [ru]. Because [**nishi] enjoys the process of the conquest, Bet territory [mosahado] [hiro] [kuhaari]. Is the sense like the child who plays with the toy? However, the [orijinarurobo] fortune-telling of Rara cannot be destroyed with human race’s existing arms, The other party of the earth by one plane. The core robot of Sanada who becomes an other party is also barely few and for the temporization of the arms development etc, I could not help receiving the offer that Rara joked under the present situation. I often feel the pain and itchy in the part where the person who lost the any body part is sure to disappear, It often hears of the story. As for the loss of the any body part, the mental burden might be also so large. Core unit

    Google Translation –

    Link of Jimmu and Kazuki Yuku weakened every time to reduce the cause and effect. The Jimmu to be brought down to Himiko ride of March The V oh and one.

    The plunge in the large ship in a small ship for D you have small Shizu~tsu understand the human mind, began to have a special feeling to Kazuki to help Kazuki. As a result, it is able to destroy most of the large armed ship in exchange for a small ship. D boarding to Jimmu is the opportunity for exploration system of large ship were killed all the tremendous explosion. Jimmu begin to demonstrate the power of the original in that instead of linking to force with the power of singularity, D to accept Kazuki, it is contact of Jimmu. “This is the affection seems to love love my power and Kazuki-san”

    The “know …….. but … did you hear anyone? wonder if I hear?”

    It “is Sanada Secretary”, “still”

    “I did not know the meaning, but you know … now before ……..”

    D says shyly.


    Jimmu that displayed their true power to destroy the large spacecraft as “Himiko”.

    Kazuki? “Do you Mitsuki senior! Okay” was convinced Mitsuki has been brainwashed as well as the time of Mickey. (Human beings other than the D knew the facts)

    “Well …….., either to that kind of thing”

    Mitsuki it becomes a little happy to Kazuki to us to worry about to decide to return to the Sanada side. “Forcibly, that Opasan and Rara me hate! That so is” Kazuki Nishigami~tsuku Mitsuki crying.

    “…… Kazuki ……”

    D had Mi~tsume the two people fall down suddenly. The run up to D in threw the Mitsuki. “Not a terrible suddenly a little!” “Mitsuki senior, is D!”

    The “I’m Back D? …… … in a hurry!”

    The body of the girl …… D of one person was standing in front of Mitsuki and 榭 – you take the D, is fed back to the space station in a hurry. It was were able soul returns to the body by loved Kazuki.

    Sanada pointing “To love your After, but to one Tsu Tsu of the earth good. Two also be left as a right for you which is singularity” suicide switch of Jimmu.

    Kangaibukaku and Kazuki Mi~tsumeru the Jimmu. The Decisions meaning, look over at the D glance. Small 頷

    Ku D.

    Kazuki to blow with an external ~Yunitto of D 遗跡 civilization the last remaining, the Jimmu.

    Earth to be one again Innovation. And ………

    Yes epilogue (final episode)

    The voice of the girl to call over trees in a voice “Kazuki older brother, Kazuki older brother” modest. Main voice of D. “It’s this way’m no good not you like that! To cause this idiot!”

    Severe pain in the pit of the stomach is running around just at the moment.

    “Sister … Mitsuki’m terrible”

    Mitsuki you are staring with “love, Okinka hurry up” with his arms folded. Mi~tsumeru D anxiously at the side.

    “Oh …… Aaa~a Do~ae to sleep until gone at all! ‘”

    Mitsuki that rip off the futon while saying so is screaming.

    – It is because was sleeping next to MitsukiGP 榭.

    Mitsuki you “look, Mimimi~tsumi, what a Mickey sister! Nanana in a place like this??” and pointing at MitsukiGP trembling.

    “………….. There?”

    MitsukiGP to look around and spear pop.

    Mitsuki you factor out Kazuki “No way Kazuki Tze ~ ~ Anta …” in Form * terrible.

    “I did not notice MitsukiGP sister is myself lying in bed and roughly …’m not doing anything apart!” “I did half asleep also Mickey my sister,. Had been sleeping in my bed this before to” D says calmly.

    Yayoi coming by opening “Good morning. Busy every morning I” the window. D, which also nonchalant greeting “Good morning teacher Yayoi” this

    Mitsuki and Keru ll glare the Yayoi spears “Yayoi sensei!! Is that what each and every morning,” your hand on your hip.

    “Not a good. Grandma is it ‘s not delicious to eat rice with. One thing I do not have anyone in the house on the road,” Yayoi to say with a smile.

    “I’m to ask you and I Do you and out through the window of Kazuki It is not a thing of the rice in! Anything!” And “because it is a shortcut”

    Face of Mitsuki is as shown in the words of wisdom Yayoi say Akkerakan.

    Akane voice of “the other, what are you making noise to get into the room of the boy? Your rice is! Not it cool Come down quickly” from the bottom.

    “The doctor ~ ~”

    Mitsuki to be about to leave the room of Ichi榭 to stop the standoff is, noticed MitsukiGP you are sleeping leaning on Kazuki or between say, line trailing chew ‘ll the nape of the neck in silence

    Akane back figure can be seen in the kitchen and Sanada reading a newspaper and get off the bottom. Yayoi,

    I’m going to start a meal D Mitsuki, and Mickey has got a long Tepunore.

    It was a great little family table * Ru now is to sit.

    “We did it in Natchitoches a strange world …”

    Kazuki that smile would spill unintentionally while thinking so.

    “It ‘s grinning what. By prearranged embarrassing role at all”

    Mitsuki Keru ll the glare Kazuki with a look that was stuffy.


    People Rara and his wife met on the road in eight years ago in an accident and D freeloader from decades ago in the house of the father of your friend the long-term business trip to foreign parents of Mickey sister and father of 榭 -.. ” Come here to the woman * gone, growing up as four elder sisters, brother, Yayoi teacher and out from the window of the room. Kazuki teacher grandson of the president of the school that his father is the principal “at once Mitsuki that describes the current state of their now. “Remember that … You mean, there?”

    “Oh Yes!”

    “This setting, I’m’ll really like. Situation as before it is not Ya same little has changed”

    Yayoi to say while eating rice.

    Mitsuki that “Where is gonna not changed!” to stand up.

    Do not because it is one of the singular point. “Mitsuki also …… heck of desire, you too should have an effect

    Of Where I guess a part? Sanada was reading the “newspaper smile.

    “I … apart from ……..”

    U~tsumuku Mitsuki with a red face. Part to want to live with Kazuki is it was a desire of Mitsuki.

    Women of the pilot comes in to say “Teacher, Kazuki good morning good morning.” So.

    Long table is full just.

    What I guess going to do “to come, Kazuki-kun? “

    Sanada that laughing is 隐 the newspaper.


    More is planned plot Boku “Parare euphoric story”. The person who’s read this far, Gokurousamadesu.

    You’ll notice if accustomed to read over street, but it has become all there setting of Nari or is not used. Under the circumstances to say to the 13 episodes from 2 Episode 6, and while still impressed that it is a thing that only this stuffed How dare you, that there is a lack of settings and descriptions pains of rising Na Tsu in feelings surface also not be denied. Plan, such as a significant configuration changes came out but, because honestly, there was in me is a risk of departing from the image of the plot plan submitted at the time, I was allowed to say a little unreasonable. This is because it becomes having to compromise on there and losing occurrence reason of work, but also the raison d’etre of their own. Well, some people only, is subject to this opportunity, but please bear with the text that also serves as a supplement to the setting.

    The method of invasion of Rara First,’s a survival game to fight in the battle area to bet the territory of certain, as determined by the friend or foe. Either wiped out, or you can territory land who the end of the game, you win if surrender was bet. It means human suffering of non-combatants of each other not out at worst. Le Ichiru this is a proposal from the Rara side of course. Ranishi Because I enjoy the process of conquest, territorial gambling is no widely soil is. Is it feeling like a child playing with toys. But that the destroy in Gen’yu weapons possessed by the human race can not be the original robot Bok to have of Rara, it is that even possible to fight against the earth in one aircraft In terms of extremes. In to save a bit of time of weapons development, etc., I had to receive the offer of the playful Rara at present number of smaller core robot Sanada made to the other party barely. I often hear talk of, feel the pain and itching to part people who have lost part of the body well is supposed lost. Of losing a part of the body is much mental burden will also greater. Core unit

    Free Translation –

    《主語なし》Whenever I decrease a/the cause and effect the link of Kazuki and God Take abate. And it is God Take who March is thrown down by to Himiko who gets on つV ゝ.

    D that a little of the heart of a/the person understands づっ and started to have a special feeling to Kazuki drives it into a large ship with a/the small size ship because it helps Kazuki. As a result, most of the armaments of a large ship are succeeded in destroying in exchange for a/the small size ship. 《主語なし》Is it 探 of a large ship with a terrible explosion? D that all the systems get into God Take into the gap that was killed. Kazuki God Take who begins to demonstrate original power by do not link forcibly with the power called a/the singular point and D accepts and becoming the point of contact of God Take. “This Mr./ Ms. Kazuki and my? 《主語なし》Feeling love love power be is said to” “…… understanding am even though..hear good whether or not な? be is I and it it 《主語なし》To who is it that heard? 《主語なし》” “I” be Director Sanada “after all” “…… I did not understand the meaning before I understand although..now” it is D that says to seem abashed.

    “……” God Take who demonstrated real power destroys ‘Himiko’ and large spaceship.

    “A/the Mitsuki senior! 《主語なし》Is it safe? ” Kazuki was thinking that Mitsuki observes and come っ and be brainwashed same with at the time of that. (The human being of the others other than D a/the fact knew) ‘…… such to Kazuki that takes the trouble to be afraid of’ whether or not, will it well Mitsuki that became joyful a little bit does the determination that returns on the side of Sanada. “So of! Me which dislike it Rara and that オパサン” make Kazuki while crying forcibly, and observe and っくMitsuki.

    “You quite similar’ the situation obj monitor with seeing was Rara wa,? a/the that 《主語なし》Seeing one of a/the child it is 眩く so.

    《主語なし》”Even with it was good. 《主語なし》It is safe” it is Kazuki and Mitsuki that I gaze at each other “Mr. Kazuki”.

    “…… Kazuki……”

    Seeing two D that was っめて has suddenly fallen. 《主語なし》Throwing out Mitsuki I run up to D. 《主語なし》”It is not awful suddenly a little bit! ” “A/the Mitsuki senior, D! 《主語なし》” “Is it D? …… わよ that returns..hurry! ! 《主語なし》” D obj accompanying, hurry universe base in returns–? an/the it The main body of 1 girl….D was standing before Mitsuki that. Soul could return in a/the main body with that loved Kazuki.

    《主語なし》”It is good although it does it to your favorite after. The earth of 2 っ Sanada who indicates the 自爆 switch of God Take that is” the right of singular point Mr. たる even as it is, even 1 っ.

    Seeing God Take deeply a/the deep emotion it is っめるKazuki. 《主語なし》Deciding a/the mind I see one of D by chance. D that nods small.

    《主語なし》Did it remain last? Kazuki that explodes site civilization, God Take with outside ュニット of D.

    The earth that becomes 1 っ once again. And……

    The voice of the girl that calls ー 樹 with a/the 〇 epilog (the most last round) “a/the Kazuki older brother, Kazuki older brother” the modest voice. Main of the voice be D. 《主語なし》”It is poor in such what! It is to do this way to cause this foolishness! ! ” Suddenly acute pain runs in wind neighborhood.

    It is Mitsuki that is glaring and is doing the folding arm” whether or not “adore “a bad..Mitsuki older sister” and do not occur with っ that. Seeing it to seem be afraid of with the side it is っめるD.

    《主語なし》”It is entirely and go to bed to っ….. Obtaining ど ァ it is ああああぁぁ ァ! ! “” While saying so Mitsuki that strips off a/the futon raises a/the shout.

    ? ? 《主語なし》Of it is because I was going to bed MitsukiGP with a/the neighbour.

    《主語なし》”It tries to try to observe, observe and observe, observe っ and come っ and an/the older sister! It is in such a place with なななな what! ? ? ” It is Mitsuki that points at MitsukiGP while shaking.

    《主語なし》”………….. That? is it ” It is MitsukiGP that looks around neighborhood that ぽん is done.

    “Kazuki ィ~~… it is Mitsuki that glares Kazuki with a/the す go*look” ever you.

    《主語なし》”Even what is not doing particularly..a/the MitsukiGP older sister is going to bed almost I did not notice how! ” “That observes and come っ and was half asleep and also it is older sister ね. 《主語なし》I was going to bed” it is D that says impassively with my bed the other day.

    “Good morning. 《主語なし》ぎ each morning in and it combines it” it is Yayoi that opens a/the window and will enter. It is “a/the Yayoi teacher D that also does a/the greeting impassively “Yayoi teacher good morning”! ! 《主語なし》What is it every morning every morning? ” Waist to hand obj doing Yayoi obj glare at っけるMitsuki. a/the the

    《主語なし》”It is not good. The ancestor mummy be the one that even who is not in a/the house during a/the business trip. 《主語なし》It is Yayoi that laughs よ” and say to be not delicious or I eat rice alone.

    《主語なし》”It is not rice! 《主語なし》It goes in and out from the window of Kazuki with what I am hearing at one time! ! 《主語なし》” “Because it is a shortcut the face of Mitsuki becomes to the word of Yayoi that says unconcernedly!” a/the female demon.

    《主語なし》”What is it that penetrate in the room of, boy and have already clamor? 《主語なし》Early I get off and do らっ and be nonexistent じゃ that ゃい rice cools! ! ” It is the voice of madder from under.

    “Wa? ? 《主語なし》It is”

    《主語なし》Each other I glare at it and quit and 1? Of Mitsuki, that tries to go out a/the room is and between っ or notice MitsukiGP that leans on Kazuki and be sleeping and bite the nape っ voicelessly and drag and the back figure of madder seen in a/the kitchen with Sanada who is reading a/the newspaper when it gets off under a/the line. Yayoi, Mitsuki, are observed and come っ and then D arrives at long テープノレ and about to start a/the meal.

    《主語なし》It was a little big table now*for the purpose that the る family sits.

    ‘..It is Kazuki that the smile has overflowed involuntarily while thinking so’ な that did it in the strange world なっち.

    “It is よ that attached what ニヤ. 《主語なし》It causes” an entirely abashed role done I glare at Kazuki with the facial expression as ムッ and っけるMitsuki.

    “Obtaining it it is っ? ” “? ? 《主語なし》Of it observes it with a/the father and come っ and the parents of an/the older sister a/the business trip for long time to a/the foreign country. 《主語なし》I live on in the house of the father of the friend from 10 years ago. 《主語なし》As for D the person who a/the Rara couple got acquainted in front of a/the business trip 8 years ago passes away with an/the accident*it makes 4 women and come here and grow up like an/the older sister younger brother and a/the Yayoi teacher a/the teacher with the grandchild of the managing director of the school who a/the father is doing a/the principal. 《主語なし》It” go in and out it is Mitsuki that explains their present condition of now all at once from the window of the room of Kazuki. “Perhaps..those memory, be of? 《主語なし》” “It is! ! “

    “I this わよ that is liking, setting up. It is Yayoi that says while eating じ and nonexistent of” rice that hardly the situation is changing to it with before.

    “Where be よ to is not changing! ! ” Mitsuki that stands.

    《主語なし》”Because Mitsuki even is 1 of a singular point it is な. 《主語なし》It should be influencing….where of part even your desire is a unit is it? ” Sanada who was reading a/the newspaper smiles.

    “Particularly……..” it is Mitsuki that does a crimson face I wa and peel うっ. The part that wants to live with Kazuki was the desire of Mitsuki.

    “Teacher, good morning. Good morning saying so Kazuki” the women of a/the pilot will enter.

    A long table becomes full just.

    《主語なし》’Is it ね, Mr. Kazuki that may be going to do it how it is hereafter? ‘ Newspaper to? a/the Sanada who is laughing れて.


    The above is plan プロッ 卜 of ‘a ぱられ La, la, la, la! story’. 《主語なし》It is the one, trouble that I read up to here.

    《主語なし》Quite a lot setting are not used, although I think that I understand if pass ー and read and be to be 終. 《主語なし》Even that there are the lack in the pain and setting explanation of the connection in a feeling face does not deny it, although I am admiring when it is the one that I jammed only this or it is good, under the situation that says to 13 conversation from 2 6 conversation. I asked to cause say unreasonableness a little, reason that the fear that even the plan such as a substantial setting change deviates from from the image at the time of plan plot submission, although went out was in honest, self. 《主語なし》It is because it becomes with that loses the occurrence reason, subjective existence significance of a/the work to compromise there. Please keep company with the sentence that doubled as the supplement of setting although only, a part of one is to this opportunity an object well.

    《主語なし》It is the survival game that the invasion method of Rara fights in the battle range where bets a certain regular territory first of all and was decided with a/the friend and foe. 《主語なし》If which whether surrenders or annihilated it is possible the land where the one who surpassed game completion, bet with a/the territory. The human damage other than the combatant of each other assumed that it does not go out or it is worst. Needless to say this ル 1 ル is the proposal from a Rara side. 《主語なし》さ is not widely ど even the territory where I bet, because a/the 羅 grain is enjoying the process of a/the conquest. 《主語なし》Is it the sense like the child that plays with a/the toy? However, Rara of original ロボッ 卜 that holds is not able to destroy it with the present 有 weapon that mankind hold and even that fights the earth to a/the partner with 1 machine is the case called possibility if it says with a/the pole argument. A/the number even the core robot of Sanada that becomes a partner narrowly had to receive the offer that Rara joked as it is for the playing for time of weapon development etc., less.《主語なし》The person who lost a part of a/the body well observes pain and or ゆ to the part of the intention that was gone and it makes the conversation that I feel the ear well. 《主語なし》Even a mental burden may be big that I lose a part of a/the body to that extent. Core unit

    Excite Translation –

    Whenever it reduces cause and effect, the link of Kazuki and Kotake becomes weaker. And in つ Vゝ, it is 3. Kotake pushed down on Himiko of the moon who rides. He understands people’s mind little by little, and D which carried out feeling special to Kazuki helps Kazuki. It accumulates and plunges into a large-sized warship by a small warship. As a result, they are armaments of a large-sized warship to a small warship and exchange. It succeeds in destroying most. It is a 探 ? system of a large-sized warship by frightful explosion. D which gets in the spare time killed altogether at Kotake. It does not link compulsorily by the power of a singular point, but D accepts Kazuki, and it is God. Kotake who begins to demonstrate original power by becoming a point of contact of 武. “It is said that this is ? 情 lovey-dovey power of Mr. Kazuki and me.” “…. although is it a part for .. and is — may you hear it? whom it asked” or “he being Director Sanada” “Too” “…… although he does not understand [ the ] before — it understands now” — D said shamefully.”…. ..” Kotake who demonstrated true power destroys a large-sized spacecraft with “Himiko.” “– a Mitsuki senior — whether to be OK — ? — ” It was convinced that Kazuki is brainwashed as well as the time of Mitsuki being みっき. (Other human beings except knew the fact for D) Mitsuki which became slightly glad at Kazuki which has “such a thing is used [ …… ] well” worries makes a decision to return to the Sanada side. “– one with that right — me disliking — forcibly — Rara and that オパサン — ” — Mitsuki which hangs on to Kazuki while crying. “– you — similar” Rara which was looking at the situation by monitor is dazzling so, seeing ? children. “It was [ but ] good. Are safe.” “Mr. Kazuki” Kazuki and Mitsuki which are gazed at mutually. “…… Kazuki ……”D which was gazing at two persons will fall suddenly. Mitsuki is thrown up and it runs up to D. “It is slightly severe suddenly”! “A Mitsuki senior and D”! “D? …… It returns. — In a hurry! ! ” D is taken and it returns to a space base in a hurry. — She is a one girl before ? and Mitsuki…. D The main part stood. The soul was able to return to the main part by having loved Kazuki. “Although you make the rest like, it is good. Sanada indicating being [ it / the singular point barrel’s right ]-regardless of leaving as it is regardless of making the earth of 2 っ into 1 っ” Kotake’s suicidal-explosion switch. Kazuki which gazes at Kotake impressively. He makes up his mind and it glances at the D. D which bows its head in assent small. Kazuki which explodes the remains civilization of ? which remained at the end, and Kotake with external ュニット of D. The earth which serves as 1 っ again. and …. .. O Epilogue (Last Round) “a Kazuki elder brother and a Kazuki elder brother” — the voice of the girl who calls – tree in moderate voice. The Lord of voice is D. “そん — it is useless what — carrying out like this for starting this バカ! ! He gets a sudden sharp pain just at the” time the pit-of-stomach neighborhood. “It is severe. — Mitsuki elder sister” Mitsuki which carried out folding its arms “which is it charmed and is not occurred at a brisk pace” and at which it has glared. D gazed at anxious by the side. “He completely sleeps till when…… ど ァ えああああぁぁ ァ! ! ” Mitsuki which strips off bedding gives a cry, saying so.” MitsukiGP is because he was sleeping into the next door of -?. “– seeing — みみみっみ and みつき姉さん — なななな何 — such a place! ?? Mitsuki which points at MitsukiGP while trembling.” “…………..That [ ? ]” MitsukiGP which looks around ぽん, り, and the neighborhood. Mitsuki which glares at Kazuki with an “it is [ Kazukiィ~~ … ] you まさ” すご * look. “Nothing is done independently. — he has not noticed that my MitsukiGP elder sister goes to sleep generally, and it shines!” “He was [ that my he is みつきお姉 and ] half asleep. sleeping before this and doing it on my bed,” — D said cooly. “good morning. Yayoi which opens a busy-every morning” window and enters. “Mr. Yayoi good morning” This and D which greets cooly Mitsuki which gives a hand to the “what it is every morning Mr. Yayoi!! every morning!” waist, and glares at Yayoi. “It is good. my grandmother is taking an official trip and nobody stays at home — a thing. With one person It is not delicious even if it eats boiled rice.” Yayoi laughed at which and said. It is not “boiled rice! it goes in and out from the window of Kazuki with what — it is carrying out [!! ] by cutting and hearing it — ” “Since it is a shortcut” The face of Mitsuki becomes like a jealous female spirit at the language of Yayoi said blankly. “– do you enter a boy’s room and in what are already making noise — getting down early [ ? ] — らっしゃい — meal gets cold! ! ” Voice of the bottom to a madder. “は — Be.” Mitsuki which is going to stop enmity and is going to come out of the room of 1? is Kazuki unawares. MitsukiGP which is leaning and sleeping is noticed, and when it drags by nape をっかん silently and gets down under a line, the sight of its back of a madder is visible to Sanada and the kitchen which are reading the newspaper. Yayoi, Mitsuki, みっき, and D arrive at long テープノレ, and are going to begin the meal. For * る家族’s sitting down now, it was a big table for a while. “– it is the strange world.” Kazuki from which a smile falls involuntarily with an idea so. “– what — Niya — it shines just. Mitsuki which glares at Kazuki with the expression made into making [ do ]-completely shameful role” ムッ. “えっ?” “The father of -? and the parents of the Mitsu き姉さん are long business trips to a foreign country. House of the friend’s father From ten years before to a hanger-on D is [ the person with whom Mr. and Mrs. Rara became acquainted at the destination eight years ago ] in an accident. It passes away, is made * woman, comes here, grows up like four brothers and sisters, and Mr. Yayoi is a father. It is a grandchild of the chairman of the board of directors of the school which is acting as a principal, and he is a teacher. Mitsuki which explains their present present condition to a breath which goes in and out from the window of the room of Kazuki.” “– possibly — that — memory — ” “– おお — it is — よ! ! “”I go into this setup and mind. Most of before and a situation changes to it. Yayoi said while eating absent” boiled rice. Mitsuki which “change [ where /!! ]” Rises. “Mitsuki is also one person of a singular point — since. Your wish should also have influenced…. what portion it will really be — Sanada which was reading ?” newspaper smiles. It is “An exception — me ……” Mitsuki which wears a crimson face and looks down. The portion of liking to live together with Kazuki was the wish of Mitsuki. “teacher, good morning. Good morning Kazuki” It says so and a pilot’s women enter. A long table fills exactly. what he will plan to do henceforth [ “] — Mr. Kazuki — Sanada whose ? れて笑 is in ?” newspaper.


    the above — plan プロッ 卜 of a “ぱられ merry tale” it is . The direction read so far, thank you for your work. If you read as -, I will think that it understands, but it is か. It is a setup not being used but stopping. 2 the bottom of the situation of saying from 6 talk to 13 talks — good — this much — although he will admire if stuffed — つ in a feelings side There are also painfulness of ながり and a shortage in setting explanation. It cannot deny. proposals, such as a large setting change, also come out た — 逸脱す from the image at the time of plan plot presentation the reason which had る恐れ in — a few —less — I was allowed to say 理. [ honesty and ] A compromise is reached in that. The reason for generating of a work and their raison d’etre are also lost. It is because it becomes. It is association to the text which served as the supplement of a setup at this opportunity well although only some directions were objects. Please give. The invasion method of Rara is a certain fixed 領 first. The ground is bet and it fights in the battle domain decided by friend and foe. It is a survival game. Either is total destruction and あ. When surrendering, it game-ended and the direction which won risked るい. Land is made with a territory. He is a mutual combatant even when it is the worst. It will be said that the personal suffering of an except does not come out. Of course, this ル 1 ル is a proposal from the Rara side. 羅 領 risked since the muricoid is enjoying the process of conquest the ground — さ — ど — it is not large. Is it feeling like the child who plays with a toy? However, オリジ which Rara has ナルロボッ 卜 is こ destroyed with the existing arms which human beings have. If it can do and says with the extreme argument which is not, it will be against the earth at one set. Fighting is even that it is possible. barely — partner the core robot of becoming Sanada — a number — few — arms development etc. — under the present circumstances for time earnings, Rara played a trick The proposal had to be accepted. The person who lost a part of body well must have been lost. It is an ear well about the talk of feeling a pain and itchiness for a portion. It carries out. It says [ losing a part of body so much ]. Probably, a mental burden will also be heavy. Core unit

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