OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 5 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

Forums Tenchi Muyo! Discussion Translation Zone TM! Heisei-Ban 3 OZnY Heisei Ban 3 Pg 5 – (Needs Clarity Editing)

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    Source Image –

    http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff307/AyekaFanClub/Translation/OZnY%20Heisei%20Ban%203/omaturi3_05copy_zpse2505cf2.jpg" />

    Notes –

    Few errors in the latter portion of the text. Everything else is complete and accurate.

    The text referring to “Godzilla” is the bold text by itself.

    JP Text –

    弥生=シュパエル(やよい)• • • 23歳戦闘部隊隊長

    元コアバイロッ卜だったが戦闘時の負傷で引退、隊長の任に着く。 その時、自分を助けてくれた一樹の教官を兼任する。ハーフだが名 家の出で、古き日本女性の権化のような祖母に育てられ、私立名間 女子校卒業までは古風な大和撫子(笑)であった。大学時代に一気 に砕けた性格となるが、それでも根本は変わっていない。

    命の恩人である一樹の嫁になるよう祖母に命ぜられるが、本人も しだいに『それも良いかも』と思うようになる。敵への恐怖に靂え ながらも自分を助けようと戦っていた一榭の印象は強烈に弥生に中 に残っている。戦いの中しだいに強くなっていく少年を頼もしく思 うが、今のところはどちらかと言えば弟扱い。

    成人するまで純和食しかロにしたこと無い弥生は、初めて食べた ラーメンに感動し、それ以来おいしいラーメンを食べると涙ぐむ。 —樹が助けた羅螺みつきを規則に従い軟禁しようとしたが彼女のラ ーメンがあまりにも美味であったため、思わず食堂で働くことに贊 成する側に回る。

    一樹の部屋の窓と弥生の住むアパー卜の部屋の窓が向かい同士な ので、よく屋根から一樹の部屋を通り道にして真田博士の家へ出入 りする。最初は真田家の広いお風呂を使うため、そして羅螺みつき が来てからは彼女のご飯を食べるため。


    D (ディー)• • •年齢不詳(外見年齢は16位)パイロット

    『神武』の中で眠っていた地球外生命体女性の外部端末として作 られた人型の機械ュニット。

    長い年月は彼女の肉体と頭脳に多大な損傷を与えていた。肉体の クローニング修復と共に、人としての概念や記愤の欠落部分の補佐 のために外部端末体を通し通常の生活を経験させている。外部端末 体ではあるが本体の魂、アストラル体はここに宿っている。—つの試みとして真田博士は一樹にDを預ける。こうして二人の 奇妙な半同棲生活が始まる。今までの教育である程度の人間的感情 を理解できるが、まだ感情は無いに等しい。

    彼女もコアロボットパイロッ卜。最後に外部端末体は『神武』と 共に一榭の手で爆破される。

    真田賢(さなだけん)• • • 4 9 歳 防衛軍司令長官

    羅螺以外には彼しか遗跡文明の言語が理解できないのを良いこと に、遗跡文明のテクノロジーを独占して防衛軍を組織、ちゃっかり 総司令官におさまる。

    今だ独身のため、世話好きの弥生の祖母が幾度となく見合いを持 ち込むのが悩み。国連監察官の茜とこっそりつき合っているが、並 行世界から来た娘、三月の存在がごたごたの種となっている。

    温厚で沈着冷静。しかしこいつも羅螺博士と同じく遗跡の船を乗 り逃げしようと考えていた。羅螺に先を越され、しかも愛真を取ら れた悔しさで防衛軍を作ったようなものなのだ。羅螺が初めて世界 征服宣言を行った時、通信に割り込んでロ暄嘩をした。いまだに 羅螺と通信で罵り合いをする。

    どこかお遊び的に始まった戦いだったが、いざ人が傷ついたり死 を目の当たりにするうちに真田の中で戦いを終わらせるという強い 使命感が生まれてくる。

    羅螺の戦いの元凶となった遗跡の船と、オリジナルのコンビュー ターュニットの全てを破壊するように一榭に頼む。

    山野茜(やまのあかね)• • • 3 8歳 国連監査役

    国連から派遣された真田の監視役。ある意味、羅螺博士と同類の 真田が不審な行動をとらないように監視をするのが本来の仕事。 何らかの行動を起こすにはお金や物資が必要と考え経済的な監査を 行う

    遗跡のテクノ ロジー欲しさに羅螺に寝返る国が相次ぎ、国連が事 実上機能しなくなってからは防衛軍のロうるさく締まり屋の経理係 となっている。自らの使命感に目覚めて行く真田に心惹かれ、真田 と恋人関係となるが、立場上それを公に出来ないためその事を隠し ている。もっともそういう状況を楽しんでさえいる。

    夫は七年前に死に別れている。彼女も腿香の見合い攻筚にさらさ れている一人である。

    南条院麗香(なんじよういんれいか)• • •67歳 弥生の祖母

    名家の生まれで財界政界に顔が広い。防衛軍設立の際にいろいろ 口添えをした、防衛軍の影の支配者。

    人に見合いを勧めるのが趣味。武道の達人だが、技よりも一榭の 精神的修養の師となる。女性隊員達をつかまえてはお茶やお花とい つた花嫁修業をさせる。

    羅螺博士(ららひろし)• • • 4 9歳 悪の組織『羅螺軍団』総帥 自らの趣味のために宇宙船を持ち逃げする。一応『人類の恒久な 平和のため、世界は統一されるべき』という考えを持っているが、 世界征服すら彼の趣味。ロボット軍団を使うという非合理的戦い方 をたのしむ。真田の防衛軍以外はロボッ卜一機でどんな国も制圧可 能なので奇*は一切行わず、住民の避難が出来るよう事前通告を行 う。物語中盤で世界征服を成し遂げてしまう。

    愛真鲇子(かなまあゆこ)• • • 48歳『羅螺軍団』副総帥 羅螺と共に宇宙船を持ち逃げする。一番脳天気な女性。 もう一つの地球で真田と結婚した鮎子は、いつまでもうだつの上 がらない真田に見切りをつけ家出。羅螺と一緒になった鮎子は世界 征服を羅螺に任せて征服した国々のリゾートで遊んでいる。

    防衛軍の忘年旅行先で偶然、真田三月と出会い、三月のことなど 知らない鲇子は訳の分からないうち一方的にひっばたかれる。


    そこは彼、四加一樹の住む世界となんら変わりはなかった。少年の家、学校、 町そして行き交う人々、しかしそこは彼の住む世界ではなかった。


    「な…何だあれは! ?』

    一樹は思わず叫んでいた。授業中に何気なく見た窓の外、見惯れた町並み間で 戦う巨大なロボッ卜の姿を見たからであった。しかし窓の外を指さす一樹に級友 の笑し、と教師の駡声が浴びせられた。何故ならそれは彼にしか見えていなかった からであった。




    「ねえ、君……本*にあれが見えているの_?J 校庭にたたずむ一樹に声をかけてきたのは、彼の通う学校の上級生、近隣の学 校で一番の美人といわれる真田三月であった。多くの生徒が彼女に何らかの好意 を持っていた。もちろん一樹も彼女に憧れてい


    三月に話しかけられた緊張で赤面しながらも、級友達のうわさ話を聞きっけて、 からかいに来たのだと思い、憮然としたまま視線を逸らす。


    「………! ! 』








    「三月先*。遅レヽって…何か約束しましたっけ?J 「助けてあげたのよ…感謝してちょうだい』








    だが舞い上がった一樹を三月の家で待っていたのは、彼女の父と訳の分からな い膨大な機械類だった。



    「何がどういう事なんですか! ?』

    —榭の問いに答え、もう一っの地球、並行世界の事を語りだす真田博士。ある きっかけで二つに分かわ


    「向こうの地球に僕を送り込んで何をしようというんですか! ? 』

    「それは そこまで考えたことはなかったな…まあ、科学的興味という奴



    「•••それに何をするかは私が考えるんじやなく、r君が考えるんだ』……さあ!ス イッチオン!!』「こら待て*〜〜〜〜! ! !』

    真っ白な光に包まれる一樹。何もかもまっ白な光の中に消えて行くその時、遠 くから三月の悲鳴が間こえたような気がした。


    凄まじい淼音と振動の中、目を覚ました一樹。その向こうでは白い機体と毒々 しい色使いのニ体のロボッ卜が戦っていた。

    神武イメージ画 光鷹翼がゴジラの背鰭のよう に発生している。登場時の イメージは敵を上回る凶悪さ を持った禍神。

    ATLAS Translation –

    Yayoi = [shupaeru](Yayoi)Commander of ??? 23 years old combat force

    It retires due to injury when combatting though the former [koabairo] fortune-telling, It arrives at the duty as the commander. That time, It serves as the teacher of Kazuki that helps me concurrently. In going out of the distinguished family though the half, It is raised by the grandmother like the incarnation of an old Japanese woman, Even the girls’ school graduation between private names is an antique Japanese pink. ([Wara])[Deatta]. Though it becomes a character that was able to be broken at a dash at university days, Still, foundation has not changed.

    Though it is commanded by the grandmother that it become the bride of Kazuki who is the person to whom one owes one’s life, The person in question also gradually :. 『Is it also good?』 It comes to think. When I am helped though [**] food in fear to the enemy, ..fight.. V, It remains in Yayoi on the inside as the impression of ? of ..departure.. [ichi] is strong. To a situation of the fight though it thinks the strengthening boy to be reliable, At present, the younger brother treatment if anything.

    Yayoi without having made only a pure Japanese food [ro] until growing up, It is impressed by the ramen eats for the first time, It moves when it eats a delicious ramen since then. Because her ramen was too a delicious dish though RaraMitsukiGP that helps ? tree tried to be placed under house arrest according to the rule, It turns instinctively round working at the dining room and it turns to [ru] side where [**] is done.

    Because the window of the room of Kazuki and the window of the room of the [apa-] fortune-telling where Yayoi lives face it, The room of Kazuki is often made a passage from the roof and it goes in and out to Dr. Sanada’s house. First to use a wide bath of the Sanada family, And, to eat her meal after RaraMitsukiGP comes.

    Her parents live in a foreign country.

    D (Dee)Unknown age(The face age is 16th place. )Pilot

    『[Kamitakeshi]』Machine [yu;nitto] of person type made as external terminal of extraterrestrial life woman who drinks and was sleeping with [chuu].

    The long tract of years gave large damage to her body and brain. With the cloning restoration of the body, Notethe concept as the person and it drinks and usual life is experienced through the external terminal body for the assistance for [ka] [otobu]. The soul of the main body though the external terminal body, An astral body stays here.

    Dr. Sanada entrusts D to Kazuki as ? [tsuno] attempt. Thus, strange half cohabitation life of two people starts. Though human feelings of the level that is the current education can be understood, Feelings are still equal to not being.

    [Koarobottopairo] fortune-telling also of her. The external terminal body : at the end. 『[Kamitakeshi]』Both are blasted by the hand of one ?.

    Masaru Sanada([Sanadaken])Secretary of command of ??? 4 9 years old defense forces

    To goodness only his understanding of the language of ? mark civilization besides Rara, The technology of ? mark civilization is monopolized and defense forces are organized, It is shrewdly ..captain general.. settled.

    Still because of the single, The grandmother of Yayoi of obliging bringing the meeting with a view to marriage in on countless occasions worries. With the madder of United Nations Inspector General though it is quietly attached each other, Daughter who came from the going side by side world, The existence of Mitsuki is a disorderly seed.

    It is gentle and the deposition is calm. However, it was thought that this fellow also rid away with the ship in ? mark as well as the Dr. Rara. It is preceded by Rara, Moreover, like establishing defense forces with the chagrin where [aishin] is taken. When Rara does the world conquest declaration for the first time, It interrupted the communication and [ro] [****] was done. It still blames each other because of Rara and the communication.

    Though the fight that started playing somewhere, Now a strong sense of mission of damaging [nin] and ending the fight in Sanada while witnessing the death arises.

    Did it become the ringleader of the fight of Rara? With the ship in the mark, It asks one ? to destroy all of original [konbyu-ta-yu;nitto].

    Akane Yamano([Yamanoakane])Auditor of ??? 3 8 years old United Nations

    Watch post of Sanada sent by the United Nations. A certain meaning, Observing it so that same kind of Sanada as the Dr. Rara should not take the suspicious activity is original work. To take some actions, an audit that thinks it is necessary and is economical money and goods is held.

    The country that betrays one’s ally to technology desire [shisani] Rara in ? mark comes one after another, United Nations..in fact..function..defense forces..annoying..tightfisted person..accounting. The [kokoro**] ..awaking Sanada.. withering. an own sense of mission, Though it becomes Sanada and a lover relation, Because it is not possible to deflect publicly on the standpoint, the thing is concealed. It enjoys such a situation and there are bright most.

    The husband is bereaved seven years ago. It is one person that she is exposed to meeting with a view to marriage attack ? of [momokao].

    Nanjo academy Reika(Thine [youinreika])It is well-known in the financial world political world in arising of the grandmother distinguished family of ???67 years old Yayoi. When defense forces were established, it variously recommended it, Ruler of shadow of defense forces.

    It is a hobby to recommend the person the meeting with a view to marriage. Though it is an expert of martial arts, It becomes the master of mental cultivation of one ? from the technique. When the female members are caught, tea, the flower, and the [itsuta] bride are studied.

    it has the idea, Even the world domination is his hobby. It enjoys illogical [tekitataka] of robot Army use. Because any country can suppress it with one [robo] fortune-telling excluding Sanada’s defense forces, [**] * is not done at all, To take shelter of the resident, the advanced notice is done. The world domination is accomplished a middle story.

    it leaves home indefinitely. [Natta] [ayuko] plays with Rara by resort in countries that leave the world domination to Rara and conquered.

    A coincidence in [**] year of defense forces destination, It meets truth Mitsuki Sanada, Does not it know Mitsuki? The child is one-sidedly [hibbatakareru] among incomprehensible.

    Outline [sokoha] he 0 stories, There was neither world where YotsugaKazuki lived nor a change. Boy’s house, School, Town and coming and going people, However, no world there where he lived.

    Boy ■ that was ..peel.. ..[nan].. common. Until that spectacle is seen on that day……….

    “[Na]… What [daareha]. ?』

    Kazuki shouted instinctively. The outside of window seen during the lesson casually, It is because the appearance of a huge [robo] fortune-telling to fight between looking ? [reta] towns had been seen. ..classmate.. ..laughter.. [shi] in Kazuki that points at the outside of the window however, The voice of the teacher was poured. Because only he saw it.

    『…… Then, That is what… Phantom? It sees it so clearly. 』

    The appearance of the robot of the [ni] body that fought still in the valley in the building was clearly seen in eyes of ? tree.

    school of which he commutes, Truth Mitsuki Sanada called the best beautiful woman at the school in the vicinity. A lot of students had some goodwills in her. It is one person who was yearning for Kazuki to her of course.

    Though it blushes because of the tension talked to by Mitsuki, The classmates’ rumors are hearing [kkete], I think coming to make fun, The glance is averted while made to [****].

    “[Kusu]……… It sleeps so… With a white [robo] fortune-telling… ** Red [shii] ..yellow.. robot……… Roughly, Another plane… Healing [ni] machine』

    “………! ! 』

    Now, Mitsuki to guess spectacle seen one ? right.

    “It sees it in case of the appearance. 』

    That time, Kazuki was in the look of envy and the envy of men.

    The next day, It is enclosed by the schoolboy, Kazuki to which relation to Mitsuki is asked.

    “Kazuki you. It is slow. 』

    Mitsuki in ..[otoko**].. ..pull.. [ttakuruyou] that takes Kazuki.

    “Mitsuki ahead *. ヽ of ..slowness.. [re]… Is something promised and [mashitakke]? J “It helped… We must give to me with wish to express our gratitude by us. 』

    In * the day before, It knew to what kind of eyes Kazuki encountered.

    “…… [A]… Thank you. 』

    “When thinking so… [Kki] for a moment each other”

    『It attaches each other and [tte]… It lends it. 』

    One in Mitsuki expected ..saying.. [warechotsu] so.

    However, having waited for Kazuki that flies up in the house of Mitsuki :, It was her father and huge incomprehensible machines.

    When you restrain Kazuki to the machine, Sanada who begins to take measurement data.

    “It is terrible… It is as thinking.

    “What kind of what thing is? ?』

    It answers it is [mon] drinking, The another [nno] earth, Dr. Sanada who begins to talk about thing in the going side by side world. Amount of [kawateshimatta] earth to two in a certain chance.

    “Shall I be sent to the earth in the other side and what we do? ? 』

    “It had not been thought there… Oh dear, It is a fellow named scientific interesting. “

    Sanada who laughs. In the furnace afterwards, Mitsuki that matches hand to one ? and apologizes silently.

    “I am idea [runjiyanaku]. what you do to it, r you think. 』…… Now. Switch on.!』”Making ..[ma].. * ! !』

    Kazuki wrapped in pure-white light. That time in all light of ..white.. [na] when it disappears, I thought excess among screams of Mitsuki from a long distance.

    “…………………………. That?』

    Inside of terrific 淼 sound and vibration, Kazuki that wakes up. A white airframe was fighting against the [robo] fortune-telling of the [ni] body of glaring coloring in the other side.

    [Kamitakeshi] image picture [hikatakatsubasa] has been generated like Godzilla’s dorsal fin. The image when appearing is [wazawaikami] with the brutality more than the enemy.

    Google Translation –

    Yayoi = Shupaeru (Yayoi) • • • 23-year-old combat troops captain

    It was based Koabairo~tsu Bok but retired due to injury in combat, get to charge the captain. At that time, I concurrently serve as instructor of Kazuki who have helped you. It’s half but in the name of out house, raised by his grandmother, such as incarnation of old Japanese woman, old-fashioned Yamatonadeshiko to name between private girls’ school graduation was (laughs). It is character that was broken to gulp in college, but still fundamentally has not changed.

    It is ordered by his grandmother to become the daughter-in-law of Kazuki is a lifesaver, but himself becomes “I think it also be good” and gradually. Impression of one 榭 was V, fighting and trying to help yourself while example 靂 in fear of the enemy remaining in the Yayoi intensely. The U reliably think the boy will gradually become stronger in the fight, brother treats if anything for now.

    Yayoi is not that you have to zero only pure Japanese until adults, nearly in tears and impressed by the ramen you ate for the first time, and eat the delicious ramen ever since. – Because it was trying to arrest in accordance with rules RaraMitsukiGP that helped the tree but ramen her was delicious too, go around the side to 贊 going to be working in the cafeteria unintentionally.

    Because it is between room window UPPER me who live Yayoi windows and room Kazuki is opposite, to Ri and out to the house of Dr. Sanada by the way the room from the roof of Kazuki well. To eat rice her RaraMitsukiGP has come from, and to use a bath wide Sanada house first.

    (Appearance age 16 in) pilot D (Dee) • • • age unknown

    Machine ~Yunitto of human type was created as an external terminal of extraterrestrial life woman was sleeping in the “Divine Might”.

    Many years had given a great deal of damage to the brain and body of her. Along with the cloning of body repair, thereby experience a normal life through the external terminal body for assistant missing part of the serial 愤 concepts and as a person. Although it is an external terminal body but the soul of the body, astral body dwells here.

    – Dr. Sanada leave the D to Kazuki as an attempt of one. Thus strange cohabitation half life of two people begins. I can understand the human emotions to some extent in education up to now, but equal to not feeling still.

    Her core robot Pyro Tsu me. External terminal body is blown up in the hands of one 榭 both the “Divine Might” at the end.

    Sanada Ken (Ken Sanada) • • • 4 9-year-old Defense Forces Commander Admiral

    Better language 遗跡 civilization is not only able to understand him, and organized the defense forces a monopoly on technology 遗跡 civilization, fit commander in chief shrewdly in Rara other.

    Trouble for the single is now, grandmother of Yayoi is accommodating’s crowded Chi hold the matchmaking time and again. The dating secretly and Akane UN inspector general, the presence daughter came from concurrent world, of Mitsuki has become a species of trouble.

    Deposition in the gentle calm. But I was thinking this guy also trying to escape Ri power the ship 遗跡 as well as Dr. Rara. It’s a thing, such as those made in the defense forces chagrin that are preempted by the Rara, moreover taken the true love. When Rara has performed world domination declaration for the first time, was a Russian 暄嘩 to interrupt the communication. I make a screaming match communicate with Rara still.

    It was a fight that began to play your typical somewhere, strong sense of mission end the fight in the Sanada while you witness the death people to be damaged emergency is born.

    I ask one 榭 to destroy ships and 遗跡 became the ringleader of the battle of Rara, all of the configuration view Tar ~Yu knit original.

    Akane Yamano (Akane Yamano) • • • 3 8-year-old United Nations auditors

    Monitoring role of Sanada were dispatched from the United Nations. Tasks, not a sense, is to monitor the likes Sanada and Dr. Rara not to take any suspicious behavior. To perform audits economically considered necessary supplies and money to take some action

    Countries to sell out to the Rara wanted technology 遗跡 is one after another, it is the accounting charge of annoyingly close with Russia defense forces of the United Nations from not function fact. Is appealing to Sanada to go wake up to a sense of mission of their own, it is lover relationship with Sanada, but is hiding about it for that you do not want to reveal it on the stand. The most I’m even enjoying such a situation.

    Husband is Shiniwakare to seven years ago. It is one person that she is also exposed to attack matchmaking 筚 thigh of incense.

    Grandmother of • • • 67 years Yayoi Nanjo Institute Reika (factor Reika thou)

    Know a lot of people in the business world politics born of good family. Was put in a good word in various ways during the military defense establishment, the ruler of the shadow of the defense forces.

    Hobby is recommending the arranged marriage to a person. It is a master of martial arts, it is master of the spiritual discipline of one 榭 than skill. It makes the domestic training was one keep in flower tea and caught the female members us.

    I run away with the spacecraft for the hobby of their own evil organization years • • • 4 9 (Hiroshi et al et al.) Rara Doctor “RaraArmy” leader. I have an idea “for a permanent peace of mankind, the world should be united” and tentatively, his hobby even world domination. I enjoy the irrational way of fighting of using the robot Army. * The odd without any any country because the control possible in one machine robot I defense forces other than Sanada, U line prior notice so that the evacuation of residents can be. I would achieved world domination in the middle story.

    I run away with the spacecraft 48 years • • • (Yuko oh wonder) true love 鲇子 with “RaraArmy” deputy leader Rara. Female brain weather most. Ayuko married to Sanada in Earth Another, ran away from home to give up Sanada forever reluctant on Udatsu. Ayuko that together with Rara are playing at the resort of countries conquered and left to Rara world domination.

    By chance, I met a true Mitsuki Sanada in speeding the old year travel destination of defense forces, 鲇子 you do not know such things Mitsuki is Takareru if hits to unilateral one you do not know what the reason.

    Yes story summary

    He did not change any of the world live in YotsugaKazuki out there. People coming and going home boy, school, and towns, but there was not a world where he lives.

    • 榭 was a boy ■ nondescript. The ……… until you see that scene that day.

    The “That’s What … what is?”

    Kazuki was screaming unintentionally. It was because he saw the figure of a giant robot Bok fighting in streets between out of the window I saw casually in class, was accustomed to see. But 駡声 teacher was peppered with, lol classmates to Kazuki to point to the outside of the window. This is because it was because it was not visible only to him.

    Peace “…, That 觉 illusion … I’m what? And even though it has already been clearly seen so much “

    – In what looked like clearly the figure of two-body robots fighting in urban canyons still in the eyes of tree


    “Hey, it’s has been called out to Kazuki that there is stands to schoolyard _? J’s is visible to …… this * You are, true is said to be the beauty of the most senior man of school attending his, in a school in the neighborhood It was Mitsuki Sanada. many students had some sort of favor to her. Kazuki also longed her course

    It is one person was.

    And I think that while blush in tension that has been spoken to Mitsuki, it Kke listening to the gossip of classmates, and he came to teasing, refuse eye contact while and disappointed.

    “Oh ……… robot and red … * Shii and yellow robot Bok pure white … Well ……… Kusu~tsu, two machine said one machine … more”


    Now, Mitsuki to guess the scene that can be viewed in one 榭.

    “I are you look it’s the state”

    At that time, one

    Was in the eyes of jealousy and envy of the men tree.

    The next day, surrounded by boys, Kazuki that Toitadasa a relationship with Mitsuki.

    “I’m slow. Kazuki you”

    Mitsuki that takes the Kazuki to whip from man of us.

    Give me I did give help “with … thank you? J Did I promised … or What Rere late” Mitsuki destination *. “

    The previous day and a *, one

    I knew trees or caught in what order.

    “Thank you … Oh ……”

    “The match Ki Tsu little … When was I think so”

    “Did you mean … go dating”

    One to expect Chotsuto said so in Mitsuki


    But it was waiting in the house of the Mitsuki Kazuki that soared was a huge machinery do not know the reason with her father.

    When you bind the machine to Kazuki, Sanada to start taking the measurement data.

    It is as “Wow … I thought!

    “What gets you mean?”

    – Dr. Sanada to answer the question of 榭, begins to speak of earth Tsu one another, that of parallel world. I’ll split into two by some chance

    About the earth had.

    “What do you do that attempt to by feeding me to the other side of the earth?”

    Well … That was not thought that far, “It’s that guy scientific interest

    I “

    Sanada laugh. Behind the scenes, Mitsuki have apologized silently to fit the hand to one 榭.

    “Needless to Ya same do think me what to do it • • •, r you’ve got think!” Switch on Come on …! “The * ~ ~ ~ ~ wait Hey”! “

    Kazuki wrapped in pure white light. At that time disappear in a pure white light everything, I feel far Kukara scream like Mitsuki exceeded between the.

    “…………………………. That?”

    In the vibration and tremendous 淼音, Kazuki you woke up. Bok robot of two-body of poisonous use of color and white fuselage had fought in the other side.

    Kohtake image images light hawk wing is occurring as dorsal fin of Godzilla. Image appeared at the time of evil God with evil is greater than the enemy.

    Free Translation –

    Yayoi=シュパエル (and good)? that ? ? Twenty-three years old battle corps captain

    《主語なし》I arrive at the duties of retirement, captains with the injury of when that fights although it was former コアバイロッ 卜. 《主語なし》I hold an additional post of the instructor of Kazuki who took the trouble to help a/the self that moment. 《主語なし》Although it is a half a/the distinguished family of comes out and be brought up was by the grandmother like the incarnation of an old Japanese woman and an old-fashioned Japanese woman (笑) to the woman school graduation between a private name with. Foundation is not changing none the less, although it becomes the character that smashed all at once in an/the university era.

    《主語なし》To become the daughter-in-law of Kazuki who is the benefactor of life as for the said person even even ‘it is good gradually as for, although it is assigned to a/the grandmother, I come to think as’ be even whether or not. Fighting to help a/the self even though 靂 is obtained to the fear to an/the enemy it is V, た 1? Of an/the impression is remaining to the middle to Yayoi strongly. 《主語なし》Be if I say that which be now, it although I think the boy who is becoming strong gradually the middle of a/the fight reliably younger brother handling.

    Until it becomes adult Yayoi without that that only pure Japanese food makes ロ sheds tears when be impressed with the Chinese noodles that ate for the first time and eat delicious Chinese noodles since it. ? Tried to confine RaraMitsukiGP that 樹 helped in accordance with a/the rule revolve on the side that does 贊成 to that works in a/the dining room involuntarily, because her Chinese noodles were relish so much.

    《主語なし》Making a/the way through the room of Kazuki from a/the roof well, because live the window and Yayoi of the room of Kazuki that the window of the room of アパー 卜 faces and be a fellow it goes in and out to the house of Dr. Sanada. The beginning be to eat her rice after RaraMitsukiGP comes furthermore, to use the wide bath of a/the Sanada family.

    Her parents live abroad.

    D (Dee)? ? ? Age unknown (appearance age the 16th place) a/the pilot

    Person style machine ュニット that was made as the outside terminal of the extra-terrestrial life body woman that was sleeping in ‘God Take’.

    Long time was giving great damage to her body and brain. 《主語なし》Is it the concept and description as a person with the cloning reconstruction of a/the body? Of usual life is being caused experienced through an/the outside terminal body for the assistance of an/the absence part. Although they are an outside terminal body the soul, アストラル body of a/the main body are dwelling here.

    ? As the attempt of つ Dr. Sanada entrusts D to Kazuki. This way two of strange half cohabitation life begin. The feeling is equal to absent yet, although it is able to understand the human feeling of the degree that is education until now.

    Even she is core robot パイロッ 卜. Last outside terminal body wa ‘God Take’ and with 1? the is it as for 《主語なし》Of it is exploded with the hand.

    Sanada 賢 (wow な only ん)?! ? ? 4 9 years old defense corps commander in chiefs

    Rara other than he only? Site civilization of language sbj understand able to not that obj good case to,? the an is 《主語なし》Monopolizing and organize the technology of site civilization a/the defense corps it subsides to a/the ちゃっ debt supreme commander.

    How many degrees, due to the single that is now and the grandmother of obliging Yayoi is nonexistent that brings an/the omiai be a/the worry. 《主語なし》Although I am associating stealthily with the madder of an/the United Nations inspector the existence of the daughter, Mitsuki that came from the parallel world are the seed of a confusion.

    《主語なし》It is courteous and composed cool. 《主語なし》However, is it always same with a/the Rara doctor こ? 《主語なし》I was thinking the ship of a/the site that get on and will do an/the escape. 《主語なし》I might as well made a/the defense corps with the mortification that, is gone over to Rara and was also taken love real. 《主語なし》When Rara did a/the world conquest declaration for the first time cutting in in a/the communication it did ロ 暄嘩. 《主語なし》I curse each other with Rara and communication yet and do.

    《主語なし》Although it was the fight that began like somewhere play it is and the strong sense of duty that terminates a/the fight in Sanada will born while a/the ざ person attaches a/the damage and also eye make death.

    《主語なし》Did it become the ringleader of the fight of Rara? 《主語なし》Be it 1 as all of ship and, original コンビューターュニット of a/the site are destroyed? 《主語なし》To I ask.

    《主語なし》Does it combine) Akane Yamano (and あ of ま? ? ? 3 8 years old United Nations auditors

    《主語なし》The surveillance role of Sanada that I was dispatched from the United Nations. It is an original job to do surveillance as Sanada of the same kind does not take suspicious action with a certain meaning, Rara doctor. Money and goods think a/the necessity to cause some action and do the economic inspection

    ? The country where double-crosses to Rara to the technology want of a/the site succeeds one another and be the accounting charge of a niggard noisily ロ of a/the defense corps after the United Nations stops working virtually. 《主語なし》I am hiding the case because it is not made it to 公 on a/the position, although be drawn to Sanada who goes awaking to a subjective sense of duty heart and become Sanada and sweetheart relation. Even the situation that says will light っ enjoy even be.

    A/the husband is separated by death 7 years ago. Is even she omiai 攻 of a thigh smell? 《主語なし》To it is exposed it is alone.

    《主語なし》Nanjo 院Reika (what じ as is not れ is whether or not)? that it ? ? The face is wide to the business circles political world with the birthplace of the grandmother distinguished family of 67 years old Yayoi. 《主語なし》I attach it the various mouths on the occasion of defense corps establishment and be, the ruler of the shadow of a/the defense corps who it did.

    It is a/the hobby to recommend an/the omiai to a/the person. 《主語なし》Be it 1 even from a/the technique, although I am the expert of chivalry? 《主語なし》Of it becomes the mentor of a mental character-building. 《主語なし》Tea and flower that I seize woman members and た bride Osamu business is caused when.

    《主語なし》Does it do) (pl らひろ a/the Rara doctor? ? ? 《主語なし》I make off with a/the spaceship for the organizations ‘RaraArmy’ the commander subjective hobby of 4 9 years old evil. The world is his hobby even a world conquest, although it has the thought that should be unified’ due to ‘the lasting peace of mankind, tentatively. 《主語なし》I enjoy way of irrational fight which uses robot Army. Because even any countries are possible control with a/the ロボッ 卜 1 machine except for the defense corps of Sanada eccentricity*does an/the advance notice such that the refuge of a/the resident is possible, without doing at all. 《主語なし》I have accomplished a/the world conquest with a/the story middle phase.

    《主語なし》Is it real love? Child (or な well ゆこ)? a/the ? ? 《主語なし》I make off with a/the spaceship with 48 years old ‘RaraArmy’ subcommander Rara. 《主語なし》I am a/the brain weather な woman most most. つ that the sweetfish child who got married to Sanada with another earth is anymore until when attaches abandonment to Sanada who does not rise and run away from home. The sweetfish child who became with Rara entrusts a/the world conquest to Rara and be playing with the resort of the countries that conquered it.

    《主語なし》Do not I know by chance, real Mitsuki Sanada and encounter, Mitsuki etc. with the 忘 year trip destination of a/the defense corps? A/the child is able to swarm ひっば one-sidedly the house where translation does not understand.

    As for 〇 story outline there, there was not a change at all from the world which he, YotsugaKazuki live. And people, but there who come and go the house, school, town of a/the boy were not the world which he lives.

    ? ? 《主語なし》It was boy ■ that there is no strange Satoshi. 《主語なし》Until I see that that day sight………

    “That that is な..what! ? ‘ Kazuki was crying out involuntarily. 《主語なし》Do I see outside, of the window that I saw casually during a/the lesson? 《主語なし》It was because I saw the figure of huge ロボッ 卜 that fights between the れた street. 《主語なし》However, window of outside obj points at Kazuki to classmate of 笑 does, that teacher of? the a/the that and it The voice was poured. It was because it was seen only to him.

    《主語なし》’….In あ, that wa what are..illusion? an is it ? 《主語なし》So clearness seen is although’? it 《主語なし》It was seen the figure of the robot of the ニ body that fights to the eye of 樹 in the valley of a/the building even now clearly.

    “ね obtains, you….book*to that sbj seen be that_? and 《主語なし》Without standing in the J school grounds the senior, the vicinity of the school of which he commutes, that it has applied the voice to むKazuki it was real Mitsuki Sanada that is called the beauty of No.1 at school. Many students had some kindness to her. 《主語なし》Needless to say even Kazuki was yearning for her it is alone.

    《主語なし》The eyes are diverted while it made thought, 憮然 when hear and came the rumor conversation of a/the class friend to っけて, teasing, even though I blush with the tension that was talked at Mitsuki.

    “クスッ…….. Being making ね..real っ white ロボッ 卜..*々 so it is yellow and red robot…….. A/the fault, another machine.. 《主語なし》It able to say and’ a/the ニ machine “……! ! 《主語なし》’ Be it 1 now? To it is Mitsuki that guesses the sight that is seen.

    “1 樹 was in the eye of the envy and jealousy of men that moment, ね’ that be seen when it is the situation.

    Kazuki that is enclosed by a/the male student next morning, and be questioned the relation with Mitsuki.

    “Mr. Kazuki. 《主語なし》It is Mitsuki that takes Kazuki as it comes 引った from man 逹’ late わよ.

    “A/the Mitsuki tip*. 《主語なし》Is it っけ that I promised 遅 Lele って..something? 《主語なし》I “helped J よ..I thank upon be being’ ちょう previous day in*with, I knew the eye that 1 樹 says how whether I encounter.

    “….あ..thank you’

    《主語なし》”So think if..a little bit っ comes each other” ‘associate って..perhaps’ Mitsuki to so said ちょつ as expect 1? is be and that it and I it .

    《主語なし》However it was the voluminous machinery that translation does not understand with her father, that I was waiting in the house of Mitsuki for Kazuki that flew up.

    It is Sanada who begins to take measuring data, when Kazuki is restrained to a/the machine.

    《主語なし》”Remarkable..it is as I thought!

    “What is that says how? ? ‘? ? Of it is Dr. Sanada who starts to tell about the earth, the parallel world of another っ in answer to a/the question. It is about the earth that closed a/the minute or わて to two with a certain opportunity.

    《主語なし》”What does it say to send me to the yonder earth and do? ? ‘

    “It な that had not thought to there..is” Sanada who laughs the fellow called a scientific interest well. 《主語なし》Be it 1 in the back? To it is Mitsuki that combines the hand and be apologizing voicelessly.

    “? ? ? 《主語なし》Mr. r who I think and what it does to it is nonexistent, んじ thinks’….it is さあ! Switch オン! ! 《主語なし》’ “こら wait able to*? I ? ? ? ! ! ! ‘ Kazuki that is wrapped to pure white light. The such feeling that everything goes disappearing into pure white light and the scream of Mitsuki obtained period こ from distantly that moment, did.

    《主語なし》”…………………………. That? is it ‘ Kazuki that woke up middle, of terrible 淼 sound and vibration. ロボッ 卜 of the ニ body of the white body and spiteful color messenger were fighting in the other side.

    A/the God Take image picture light hawk wing has occurred like the dorsal fin of Godzilla. The image at the time of the appearance be calamity God that had the atrocity over an/the enemy.

    Excite Translation –

    Yayoi= シュパエル (good)? ??23 years-old fighting-forces captain Although it was former core バイロッ 卜, it arrives at the duties of retirement and a captain in the injury at the time of a battle. An additional post of the instructor of Kazuki who helped himself is then held. It is a name although it is a half. It is raised into a grandmother like [ in the appearance of a house ] an old Japanese woman’s incarnation, and is between private names. Girls’ school graduation was an old-fashioned graceful Japanese woman (smile). Although it becomes the character easy at a stretch to college days, the origin still has not changed. He is also the person himself/herself although a grandmother is ordered to become a bride of Kazuki which is a person who saved its life. I come to think gradually “whether it is also good.” the fear to an enemy — 靂え ながらも — fighting, if I will help myself — the impression of V and た 1? — intense — Yayoi — inside It remains. Although the boy who becomes strong gradually in the battle is regarded as reliable, for the moment, it is rather younger brother treatment. Yayoi which made only pure Japanese-style food ロ until it became an adult and, as for, things are not was eaten for the first time. It is impressed by ramen noodles, and if delicious ramen noodles have been eaten since then, it will be moved to tears. It is 贊 for working involuntarily in a dining-room, since Her ラ – メン was too much delicious although it was going to put under house arrest RaraMitsukiGP which – tree helped in accordance with the rule. It turns to the side which carries out 成.

    The window of the room of Kazuki and the window of the room of アパー 卜 in which Yayoi lives go, and there are comrades. By that, a path is improved the room of Kazuki from a roof and it goes in and out to Dr. Sanada’s house. りする. In order to use the large bath of the Sanada family at first, and after RaraMitsukiGP comes, in order to eat her boiled rice. Her parents live abroad.

    D (Dee)??? age unknown (appearance age is the 16th place) pilot as the external terminal of the extraterrestrial life object woman who was sleeping in “Kotake” — 作 ら — れた — people — machine ュニット of type. Long years had done great damage to her flesh and brains. Flesh In cloning restoration, they are a concept as a person, and assistance of the lack portion of the account ?. The usual life is made to experience through an external terminal object to a sake. External terminal Although it is the body, the soul of a main part and the astral object are dwelling here. Dr. Sanada deposits D with Kazuki as a trial of – つ. In this way, two persons A strange half-cohabitation life starts. Humane feeling of the grade which is old education Although he can understand, feeling is equal to there being nothing yet. She is also core robot パイロッ 卜. An external terminal object is with “Kotake” to the last. It is exploded by both the hands of 1?.

    Ken Sanada (さなだけん)? ??4 9 Years-Old Defense-Forces Commander in Chief it is good in the ability only of him to understand the language of the remains civilization of ? in addition to Rara monopolizing the technology of the remains civilization of ? — it is an organization about defense forces — shrewdly — It fits in a supreme commander. it is now — there is no grandmother of obliging Yayoi with how often for single — a formal meeting for engagement — 持 that of ち込む — trouble. It is the average although he associates with the U.N. inspector’s madder secretly. Existence of the daughter who came from the line world, and Mitsuki serves as a kind of trouble. It is affable and is self-possessed calmness. However, this is also the same with Dr. Rara and it is 乗 about the ship of the remains of ?. I thought that り逃げ would be carried out. The point is exceeded to Rara and, moreover, he is 取 et al. about 愛真. It is what made defense forces from れた regret. Rara is the world for the first time. When a conquest declaration was made, communication was interrupted and ロ 暄嘩 was carried out. It still speaks ill by Rara and communication, and 合い is carried out. although it was the battle which started in [ somewhere ] play — that people get damaged if compelled たり — death while carrying out before its eyes, it is said that it makes a battle finish in Sanada — strong A sense of mission is born. The ship of the remains of ? used as the ringleader of the battle of Rara, and original コンビュー It asks 1? to destroy all the ターュ knitting.

    Akane Yamano (dirt of ま)? ??3 8 Years-Old U.N. Auditor The watchdog of Sanada dispatched from the United Nations. A certain meaning, Dr. Rara, and the same kind It is original work to supervise so that Sanada may not take doubtful action. Money and goods consider it necessity to take a certain action, and it is economical audit. It carries out. the techno of the remains of ? logy — need — the country which goes over to Rara succeeds one another — the United Nations — things since it stops real-upper-functioning — defense forces’ ロ — noisy — a thrifty person’s accounting staff It has become. It is impressed by Sanada which wakes up to its sense of mission and goes, and is Sanada. Although it becomes sweetheart relations, since it cannot be published on a position, the thing has been hidden. But such a situation is enjoyed and it is [ it is clear and ]. The husband has died and separated seven years ago. She is also さ and others to formal-meeting-for-engagement Osamu ? of 腿香. He is one れている person.

    Nanjo 院 Reika (なんじ it needs いん Reika)? ?It is widely known in the business world political world at the birth of the grandmother distinguished family of ? 67 years-old Yayoi. Various in the case of defense-forces establishment Ruler of defense forces’ shadow who spoke up. It is a hobby to recommend people a formal meeting for engagement. Although it is an expert of martial art, it is 1? from work. It becomes a teacher of mental discipline. If female members are caught, it is with tea and flower arrangement. つた training for married life is carried out.

    Dr. ? Rara (ら — Hiroshi) ??4 Organization “RaraArmy” chief of 9 years-old wrong It runs away with a spacecraft for its hobby. Even world domination is his hobby although it has the idea “the world should be unified for human beings’ lasting peace” once. Method of an irrational battle [ INL / of using Robot Army ] He enjoys himself. any countries can be controlled at one ロボッ 卜 except Sanada’s defense forces since it is ability, no 奇 * is performed but can perform residents’ refuge — as — advance notice — line obtaining — 。 World domination will be finished in the middle of a tale.

    a 愛真 ? ? child (it is — well — ゆこ) ??It runs away with a spacecraft with the 48 years-old “RaraArmy” vice-chief Rara. The happy-go-lucky person woman. 鮎子 which married Sanada on another earth gives up on Sanada which has no chance of getting on forever, and runs away from home. 鮎子 which became together with Rara is the world. The resort of the countries which left conquest to Rara and conquered it is played. It meets with truth Mitsuki Sanada by chance in defense forces’ indifference-to-age travel destination, and is a thing of Mitsuki, etc. On the other hand, unfamiliar ? child is ひっばたかれる to a target, before a translation is known.

    O Tale Outline There was no change in any way with the world where he and YotsugaKazuki live there. A boy’s house, a school, a town and people that go back and forth, however that were not the worlds where he lived. ?? was the featureless boy ■. Until it sees the spectacle of that Japanese あ ……… ” — what — that! ?” Kazuki was cried for involuntarily. It sees outside the window casually seen during session, and is between ? れた rows of houses. It was because a sight of huge ロボッ 卜 to fight was caught. However, he is a classmate to Kazuki which points at the outside of a window. The smile was carried out and ? voice of 、 and a teacher was showered. because, only he could see it from — it was . “In …., あ and that are what. — It is a phantom. The figure of the robot of the ニ object fought even now in the valley of a building was visible to the eye of the so clearly visible-“-tree clearly. “You …. That has spoken to Kazuki which stands still at a visible [ to the book * / that ]_?J schoolyard was truth Mitsuki Sanada called first beauty in the upperclassman of the school to which he goes, and a neighboring study school. Many students are a certain good will to her. It had. Of course, Kazuki is also one person who was yearning after her. classmates’ rumor is heard though it blushes with the strain spoken to by Mitsuki — he thinks that it came for teasing, and a look is diverted, making it disappointed. “クスッ ……… well — pure white ロボッ 卜 — * — 々しい — The robot of yellow and red ……… oh and one more set … it can say — the ニ machine ” — “……! ! ” Mitsuki which guesses right the spectacle which is visible to 1? now. Are visible in case of “such child.” It is 1 then. The tree was in men’s envy and まなざし of jealousy. Kazuki of which it is surrounded by boy students on the next day, and inquires about a relation with Mitsuki. “Mr. Kazuki. It is late.” Mitsuki which takes Kazuki so that it may snatch from 男逹. “Mitsuki point *. 遅 レヽ — he promised some — ?J “– It helped. — appreciating — receive ” It is * the previous day and is 1. It was known what kind of eye a tree would encounter. “…. あ — thank you” “If it thinks so — ちょっとっき合” “Associate. Also — a deer is carried out.” 1 which Mitsuki is told so and expected just for a moment? . but having waited for Kazuki where it soared in the house of Mitsuki — her father and the part of a translation — from It was and they were a vast quantity of machines. Sanada which will begin to take measurement data if Kazuki is restrained to a machine. “It is great. — It is satisfactory! “What is what kind of thing? ?” replying to the question of -? — already — the earth of 1 っ, and Dr. Sanada that begin to tell the parallel world. It is. It is a cause and they are a part or わ to two. The thing of the earth for which it て(ed) and waited. “What does it say I will be sent to the earth over there and will be carried out? ?” “– it [ ] — It had not thought to there. — he is a fellow called scientific interest well — ” Sanada at which it laughs. Mitsuki which prays with its hands joined and for which he is apologizing to 1? silently behind that. “??? — not ん I consider but Mr. r considers what you do to it — ” …. now — ス itch-on [!! ] — “”こら待て*—-! !! ” Kazuki wrapped in a pure white light. It is 遠 when all disappearing and going into a pure white light. I felt from く that the scream of Mitsuki surpassed in between.

    “…………………………. That [ ? ]” Kazuki which woke up in frightful ? sound and vibration. The white body on the other side, and 毒々 It carried out, and it was and ロボッ 卜 of the ニ object of use of color was fighting.

    The Kotake image drawing 光鷹翼 is like the dorsal fin of Godzilla. It has generated. At the time of an appearance An image is cruelty which exceeds an enemy. 禍神 which it had.

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