Pet Peeve’s

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    Have you ever been driving down the interstate and been passed at an outrageous speed by some idiot, only for them to get in front of you and drive way under the limit? >_< Stuff like that really grinds my gears. So that’s what this thread is about: those little pet peeve’s in life that really set you off. The idea here is to post the little things that annoy you, get you steamed, or even infuriate you, thus venting off some of that steam and maybe even having a good laugh about it. Remember though, we’re not talking about any greater evils like poverty, or *cough* …politics. This is just about little things or even the people that cause them. Keep in mind that people may disagree with you, and don’t pick someone out to argue/cause trouble. In other words, just continue to be respectful to others and their feelings. ^_^
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      don’t know about pets but ive nearly ran over a few people in my time..on my bicycle…DX ticks me off i mean im there and there in my way and know it but too stubborn to move so i take action 8D i get infront of them so fast it hacks them off its great! take that losers!!! XD
      I don’t know about everybody else but one of my biggest pet peeves is when I’m eating something and they’re like “lemme try a bite”. Whenever I get the food back I end up with less than have of what I gave them in the first place >_
      people sneezing with out covering it when your on the bus and everything and when the coughing DX

      devilbecka wrote:

      people sneezing with out covering it when your on the bus and everything and when the coughing DX

      Omg that’s so gross, always makes me cover my face xDDD!

      Another one I have is when I’m in the public restroom washing my hands, a guy will go in, use the urinal, and walk right out without washing up his hands O_o. I’m just like “dude you just touched your Jimmy!”

      the hand dryers at the hospital are awsome!!! all u do is dip ya hands in and then walla ya done XD they great

      Little Washu wrote:

      Yuck, that’s disgusting! I hate when people do that, especially in public as if they don’t even notice you’re there. />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> Speaking of restroom pet peeve’s I hate those hand-dryers that were a fad for awhile. They took about 20x as long and your hands still never completely dried. >_<<e></e></quote></r></div>
<p>Fun fact, those air dryers used air that was in the bathroom so your hands were getting poopy air blown onto them.</p>

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      Ryoko’s Stepdad wrote:

      Little Washu wrote:

      Yuck, that’s disgusting! I hate when people do that, especially in public as if they don’t even notice you’re there. />_>” title=”>_>” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> Speaking of restroom pet peeve’s I hate those hand-dryers that were a fad for awhile. They took about 20x as long and your hands still never completely dried. >_<<e></e></quote></r></div>
<p>Fun fact, those air dryers used air that was in the bathroom so your hands were getting poopy air blown onto them.<e></p>
<p><e>😯</e>   That’s not a “fun” fact at all…</p>
<p>Pet peeve of mine (ladies seem to be primary offenders, at least from my experience).  When we’re out getting food somewhere, I ASK if you want anything, you say you don’t, then 2 min later when I’m eating you’re like “can I try that?” or even worse, just start picking off mah’ plate!  GET YOUR OWN FOOD DAMMIT!!!</p>

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      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      😯 That’s not a “fun” fact at all…

      Pet peeve of mine (ladies seem to be primary offenders, at least from my experience). When we’re out getting food somewhere, I ASK if you want anything, you say you don’t, then 2 min later when I’m eating you’re like “can I try that?” or even worse, just start picking off mah’ plate! GET YOUR OWN FOOD DAMMIT!!!

      I heard that! Your food disappears before you have a chance to even eat it xP!

      Another one I have is when I’m at the movie theater and some jerk is sitting there talking through scenes loudly. I paid way more than I wanted to so that I could go (prices are at 15 bucks per adult at my local theater), have the common courtesy to keep quiet for an hour and a half or two :? ?


      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Pet peeve of mine (ladies seem to be primary offenders, at least from my experience). When we’re out getting food somewhere, I ASK if you want anything, you say you don’t, then 2 min later when I’m eating you’re like “can I try that?” or even worse, just start picking off mah’ plate! GET YOUR OWN FOOD DAMMIT!!!

      GAH yea I get this quite a bit too, it goes a little something like

      “Hey everybody want Pizza?”

      “Scratching sounds followed by a few “Nah”s”

      Order’s Pizza, comes back, put it down

      “Hey man can I have some Pizza?”


      How about this one? When people pick their nose in public and then flick it off in a random direction with no regard for who they might be slinging that bogey at 😥 !
      People chewing their gum ridiculously loudly…just smacking it around, mouth agape…ugh…
      For a good while, I never thought I had a pet Peeve, that is until I found one:" />



      GregTheLion wrote:

      For a good while, I never thought I had a pet Peeve, that is until I found one:" />


      That seriously cracked me up dude XD

      i got another, people who like to lick there finger when there where looking for gold in the ears 😮 YACKKKKK

      devilbecka wrote:

      i got another, people who like to lick there finger when there looking for gold in the ears 😮 YACKKKKK

      disgusting DX ive seen it

      What grinds my gears is when I’m in a public place, right near an ashtray, and I’m smoking a cigarette, people still have the nerve to give me dirty looks. Also, these Anti-Smoking laws (such as not being allowed to smoke in restaurants and bars anymore) are driving me insane. I respect the fact that smoking IS bad for you and nonsmokers hate the smell of cigarettes, but if I’m in a designated smoking section and nonsmokers are coming up to me with disrespectful behavior, they deserve to get smoke blown right in their faces.
      I hear ya there Guts…in my homestate, they passed a no smoking in ANY public place law…right as I turned 18! (Yeah, I used to smoke some, thought I’d try it, it’s not really for me…I may indulge in a cigar on a special occassion if the situation calls for it). & even though I’m not a smoker, I think it’s b.s. that a privately owned establishment, i.e. a bar or restraraunt, can’t make its own decisions with regards to smoking. If a restaraunt/bar allows smoking, & you can’t stand second hand smoke, don’t go there–the owners may have to suffer the loss of potential business, but it should be their decision. I think we’re getting close to smoking becoming a relic of the past…like betamax, or when radios were also furniture… at least the way things are going with it being taxed to death & so many restrictions on it (advertising, etc.)

      Of course for many of us (including me) that wouldn’t be a bad thing really, but I still think if a privately owned mom & pop place wants to have a smoking section, fine by me.

      What gets me mad is when you try and order something in a drive thru and your in a hurry but the loser infront of you orders a ton of food or it has to be all fancy and stuff and you have to wait 5 or more minutes just to get one thing. Blargh its so annoying! lol
      yeah same with the shops you got like one fooking item the other one has like loads they won’t let ya go in front…i mean some people do but arseholes don’t..pisses me off DX!
      Even through I don’t drive, my pet peeves focus on drivers who don’t used their turn signals before they turn, and don’t stop fully at a stop sign. Many people are in a hurry these days. I wonder if they left their brains at home.
      Speaking of traffic-related pet peeve’s, I hate when your at an intersection and someone opens their door to spit. Especially when it’s the car right in front!
      Pet peeves? People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. You have the energy to push it all around the store, but suddenly your lazy ass is incapable of walking it 15 feet to the chorale.

      Oh, and the piece of popcorn currently stuck in my teeth.

      Jabberwocky wrote:

      Pet peeves? People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. You have the energy to push it all around the store, but suddenly your lazy ass is incapable of walking it 15 feet to the chorale.

      Oh God yes, that pisses me off to no end. :fight:

      No really people, they could cause damage to cars if they suddenly start moving. Assholes… Western society is declining and this is one of the reasons.


      Ryoko’s Stepdad wrote:

      Jabberwocky wrote:

      Pet peeves? People who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. You have the energy to push it all around the store, but suddenly your lazy ass is incapable of walking it 15 feet to the chorale.

      Oh God yes, that pisses me off to no end. :fight:

      No really people, they could cause damage to cars if they suddenly start moving. Assholes… Western society is declining and this is one of the reasons.

      I hate when I find a rockstar parking space only to find someone has left a shopping cart in the middle of it. I feel like they’re somewhere out there…hiding and laughing at my crushed excitement.

      What’s even worse is when you think a space is free, only to find out a motorcycle is parked right in the middle. At least you can move a cart.
      For Washuu
      My pet peeve is when people rant and rave about how awful they think OVA 3 was. 😮 😡


      You were not hired for your BRAINS, you hippocatamic land mass!

      -Vezini, ‘The Princess Bride’

      I also hate it when people call Washuu-chan a ‘fat walrus’. 👿 And yes, I HAVE heard people call her that on multiple occasions, and I almost cyber-clobbered them. 😈

      For Washuu wrote:

      I also hate it when people call Washuu-chan a ‘fat walrus’.

      The Hell? Washu is a skinny delicious flat chest. Who says that besides people with eating disorders?

      For Washuu

      Ryoko’s Stepdad wrote:

      For Washuu wrote:

      I also hate it when people call Washuu-chan a ‘fat walrus’.

      The Hell? Washu is a skinny delicious flat chest. Who says that besides people with eating disorders?

      Creepy bakas who don’t know squat about Washuu, it seemed at the time. :|

      What about automatic toilets? Seriously, I understand the intentions of why they are installed, but why don’t they ever work when you want them to? You end up manually flushing the previous occupant’s shit or whatever, but just before you mount the throne, and after the effort of making a bird’s nest, IT FLUSHES ALL YOUR WORK DOWN!
      That’s a strangely deep and articulate account of a hatred for automatic toilets :-___-:

      Doesn’t mean they don’t suck though.


      SilverWhisper wrote:

      What about automatic toilets? Seriously, I understand the intentions of why they are installed, but why don’t they ever work when you want them to? You end up manually flushing the previous occupant’s shit or whatever, but just before you mount the throne, and after the effort of making a bird’s nest, IT FLUSHES ALL YOUR WORK DOWN!

      Is there a need to see the deuce? :ghost:

      Akawoa wrote:

      SilverWhisper wrote:

      What about automatic toilets? Seriously, I understand the intentions of why they are installed, but why don’t they ever work when you want them to? You end up manually flushing the previous occupant’s shit or whatever, but just before you mount the throne, and after the effort of making a bird’s nest, IT FLUSHES ALL YOUR WORK DOWN!

      Is there a need to see the deuce? :ghost:

      Well, I mean there could be. I mean blood in the stool is a sign of a problem in your intestines, so when you can’t see it, I mean what can you go off of? The water is gone before you can even investigate it.

      Then what? Horror, that’s what. :cat:

      Ryoko’s Stepdad wrote:

      Akawoa wrote:

      SilverWhisper wrote:

      What about automatic toilets? Seriously, I understand the intentions of why they are installed, but why don’t they ever work when you want them to? You end up manually flushing the previous occupant’s shit or whatever, but just before you mount the throne, and after the effort of making a bird’s nest, IT FLUSHES ALL YOUR WORK DOWN!

      Is there a need to see the deuce? :ghost:

      Well, I mean there could be. I mean blood in the stool is a sign of a problem in your intestines, so when you can’t see it, I mean what can you go off of? The water is gone before you can even investigate it.

      Then what? Horror, that’s what. :cat:

      I wasn’t referring to your own waste, that’s fucking sick. I was referring to all the toilet paper or those sheets used to cover the seat, which get flushed down before I’m able to assume the throne.

      Do you know how hard it was to write that without being too scatological? :Seriousface:

      (sorry, don’t mean to be biased ladyfolk, it’s just how it keeps happening around me) Chicks on their cellphones! Pay attention to where the f*** you’re walking! Why don’t they multitask? Look at phone, then look ahead, then back at phone? No, it’s two hands typing on phone keyboard, eyeballs glued to the screen! Whether it’s walking into me, or walking in front of my car outside of crosswalks or even when the light’s clearly green, it’s beginning to wear on my nerves


      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Why don’t they multitask? Look at phone, then look ahead, then back at phone?

      Hello ladies, I’m on a horse and you’re all soaking wet in a fountain.

      I didn’t even try to do that. Guess I’m an Old Spice guy 8-)
      people who cant spell “you” or use text talk in long replys or when talking rl. yea makes me wanna choke a bitch
      Sub fans. The majority. Because they think ALL dubs are bad

      Mindless idiots :fry:

      Crying babies. Yeah, the first time it’s cute but I just can’t stand the noise for a prolonged period of time.

      Customers who ask where something is, when it’s right smack-dab behind me. Did you look first? :plank:

      Asshole drivers… tailgaters, Mr. Speed and text, girls who put their make-up on while driving and that guy speeding around trying to make his decade-old car look like it isn’t an old piece of crap.


      Little Washu wrote:

      “An arrow to the knee” jokes…. :Seriousface:

      Me. Too.

      Little Washu wrote:

      “An arrow to the knee” jokes…. :Seriousface:

      I used to think they were funny…

      I have to go to the bathroom. :scared:

      I, too, thought they were funny…
      And then
      I thought they were funny till i took a ……….








      Wait for it







      A ryoko’s kick to the nuts the last time i said the arrow to the knee joke.. and by sheer luck and mercy from a goddess …I still have all 3 of them :Cheeks:

      When people mock my height. I’m 5’2″, and people constantly feel the need to remind me of my small stature. D< ..oh, and those people who can’t type right, and th3y typ3 1ik3 d1s. It’s irritating, and it must make your english teachers feel bad that they didn’t do anything about it. Dx

      franzycat wrote:

      When people mock my height. I’m 5’2″, and people constantly feel the need to remind me of my small stature. D<

      We can both be short togetherrrr… I’m 5ft 1. It doesn’t really bother me that I’m short and am always reminded of it, but I also look very young for my age because I was cursed with a youthful face, and it pisses me off that, usually old ladies, will, after I tell them that I’m 24, respond “Oh I thought you were 14-16!”.


      Mittens wrote:

      franzycat wrote:

      When people mock my height. I’m 5’2″, and people constantly feel the need to remind me of my small stature. D<

      We can both be short togetherrrr… I’m 5ft 1. It doesn’t really bother me that I’m short and am always reminded of it, but I also look very young for my age because I was cursed with a youthful face, and it pisses me off that, usually old ladies, will, after I tell them that I’m 24, respond “Oh I thought you were 14-16!”.

      MITTENS, I KNOW HOW THAT IS. My entire family is like, one big youthful band of people who don’t get along.

      I’m 17, soon to be 18 in February, and most people think I’m A.) still a freshman, while I am a senior right now, or B.) 12 years old, and not old enough to ride that ride.

      For Washuu

      Mittens wrote:

      franzycat wrote:

      I also look very young for my age because I was cursed with a youthful face, and it pisses me off that, usually old ladies, will, after I tell them that I’m 24, respond “Oh I thought you were 14-16!”.

      Oh, you mean like how people think Washuu is about twelve years old? ;D

      If I looked as young as she does (relative to our respective ages, 18 and ~20,000), I’d look… [whips out his TI-85] 3.8 days old. Or I’d be 30,000.

      So… would you rather look .006 times your age, or be 1666 2/3 times as old as you look?


      For Washuu wrote:

      Mittens wrote:

      franzycat wrote:

      I also look very young for my age because I was cursed with a youthful face, and it pisses me off that, usually old ladies, will, after I tell them that I’m 24, respond “Oh I thought you were 14-16!”.

      Oh, you mean like how people think Washuu is about twelve years old? ;D

      If I looked as young as she does (relative to our respective ages, 18 and ~20,000), I’d look… [whips out his TI-85] 3.8 days old. Or I’d be 30,000.

      So… would you rather look .006 times your age, or be 1666 2/3 times as old as you look?

      When I am 40, I’ll still look 20’s. ;)


      Mittens wrote:

      …because I was cursed with a youthful face…

      Will you listen to yourself?!


      While I’m here, I guess I’ll add I share opinions with regards to remarks about, how to put this… over-zealous sub fans. I’m not dissing on subs, or people that prefer a certain series in subs, or even subs in general…but I think thanks to youtube/the internet, we all know some people that just insist on mindlessly bashing any dubs of any anime, & trolling said videos/fans any chance they get. Most are just trying to cause an uproar/negative reaction in others anyway (trolls) 🙄 Sure there are bad dubs out there, but denying there are any good dubs in existence is just purposefully belligerent and/or ignorant.

      For Washuu
      Hear, hear! Well said, Who.

      Mittens wrote:

      When I am 40, I’ll still look 20’s. ;)

      Yeah, it’s the same for me and my family. xD My grandmother is 65, but she looks like she hasn’t aged a day above.. oh, I’d say 45.

      For Washuu

      Little Washu wrote:

      Be glad you two, being tall isn’t fun. x_X

      I hit my head on car roofs, hallways, stairwells, and it isn’t very fun!

      Sounds like a lady-friend of mine: 6′ 3″ and wears 3-inch heels on Sundays. >.< Only girl in the world I can legitimately say “How’s the weather up there?” to. 😆

      People who only root for sports teams because they have a ‘dynasty’ or ‘winning record’.That’s not being a sports fan,real sports fans root for their team no matter how bad they are *Koff*Chicago Cubs*Koff*.
      Oh,I just thought of something when I was looking at an ad for Dish Network today.That is people who are too stupid to

      read the fine print and then afterwards complain that they were scammed.If you don’t want to be scammed then read

      the fine print!

      Yeah,the reason why they call it The Fine Print is because it’s so hard to read,but if you don’t want to be scammed you have to read the fine print as it gives all the details that they never tell you in the commercials.

      When it rains just as you’re finishing up the lawn work.
      When some d00khead doesnt clean up they dogs shite. Hahaha get caught and fined jackasses. lol:x
      Wannabe Indians and other wannabe Minorities.Face it if you don’t look the part don’t pretend to be.
      Revisioning tv series that don’t need to be either remade or revisioned.No,I’m not talking about

      J.J.Abrams’ Star Trek(at least he had respect for the original),this has to do with the fact that NBC

      decided suddenly that ‘Gee,wouldn’t it be nice to remake The Munsters into a Gothic edgy dramedy?’ isawitplz

      Or as one reviewer put it:F**k You!(In this case F**k You NBC!)

      I gotta disagree about JJ Abrams. He even referred to himself as a non-Treker. I think he had no respect for the originals whatsoever, and hijacked a classic franchise for his own career. Rant complete.

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      When it rains just as you’re finishing up the lawn work.

      I don’t want to rain on your parade (haha pun) but I’d prefer that to before or during lawn work, but that’s just me 😉

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      Wannabe Indians and other wannabe Minorities.

      ‘wannabe minorities’ lol never heard that one, but i think i might know what you mean. You mean when white people say they’re part native-American trying to cash-in on some government money? Yeah, get a decent amount of that where I’m from. Sometimes it’s legit, but still… so, you’re 1/32 Cherokee, you’re white & you were born and raised in middle-class American suburbia? I’m all for being proud of your heritage, but using it in such cases to garner sympathy and/or money? come on, guy… 🙄

      I’ve seen a lot more crazy, and frankly twisted ways of getting money from the government then suggesting your part Native American. Indeed, we’re all God’s children, except this guy… :dexter:

      [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

      I was referring of course to Mrs. Warren up in Mass.

      Yeah,we’re all God’s children but some people act like they’re more than others.This might be a good segue to say that Religious Bigotry is probably the worse form of Bigotry IMO.

      Anyone else hear about the guy in Conneticut that called 911 because he didn’t get his proper order at a sandwich shop?It sounds funny but when you think of it he could have tied the line up,meaning if there had been a REAL emergency the 911 operator wouldn’t have been able to answer it.
      ^I live in the national capital for idiot 911 calls where they even dispatch the fire engines if no physical hazard is presented. But Connecticut? I am disappoint.
      Well we live in an age of idiocy and are ruled by an idiocracy to boot.When ARE the Vulcans going to land so we can replace the idiots with some more logically minded rulers?Heck I take the Romulans from the

      Mirror Universe over some of the people we have in power any day.

      Tear-off strips, which are very prevalent on frozen food boxes. I always seem to rip half the box off when I do what the instructions told me to in the first place. First-world problems? Yes. Does it still annoy me? Yes.
      For Washuu
      How about this:

      Just put Tenchi in charge, ne?

      Nah, they all have Sasami cooking from scratch.
      For President Rally Cheyenne(Silent Mobius)

      For Vice President Slyia Stingray(Bubblegum Crisis)

      yeah the Japanese certainly love their Supermarionation! 😆 😆 😆 😆

      It will never fly and besides that Kira,Amuro,Heero,and the others haven’t been born yet!

      No,the solution is to clone Lacus Clyne! 😉

      For Washuu
      I tell ya’, the solution to ALL politics is just this simple…" />


      Well they do have a better record than Obama. 😆

      For Washuu
      And 20,000 years’ experience under their belts, as well.
      For Washuu
      For Washuu’s pet peeve of the week #28: Getting fired from one’s job for looking “unmotivated”, when really it was just a happy attitude and small, consistent smile. Yay.
      ML’s Pet Peeve of the Week:The continual politicialization of candidates’ genealogies.Or does it really matter or relevant that B.O.’s 11xs great grandfather on his mother’s side might have been the documented first

      African slave in America any more than does it matter really WHEN Romney’s ancestors came to America?

      I hate it when genealogy gets mixed into politics by both sides.

      Especially when it’s just a pale distraction. I mean, the fact that the news media will talk about that, but they won’t talk about the obvious attempts at internet censorship by our own government is flatly embarrassing, if not some sort of indictment on the world we live in.

      For Washuu wrote:

      I tell ya’, the solution to ALL politics is just this simple…" />

      Oh, we can only hope.

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      ML’s Pet Peeve of the Week:The continual politicialization of candidates’ genealogies.Or does it really matter or relevant that B.O.’s 11xs great grandfather on his mother’s side might have been the documented first

      African slave in America any more than does it matter really WHEN Romney’s ancestors came to America?

      I hate it when genealogy gets mixed into politics by both sides.

      Wasn’t he somehow related to Bush and Jefferson Davis?

      I think it was Cheney and Palin actually.Also while some of Romney’s ancestors only arrived in the 1850s or so,others were in fact here in colonial times.

      Also interesting is that I believe there is also a link to Benedict Arnold,it comes through the Rev.Lathrop,

      who seems to be a common ancestor to a lot of prominent New England descendants.Which makes me

      happy that so far all my known ancestors are either Southern or Middle Atlantic(New Jersey and

      Pennsylvania).Although I have no idea where my Pettite ancestors came from.

      Computers been acting slow over the weekend.Seems like the same thing as been true at the library as well.

      So it’s not just us.

      Speaking of geneology, I really detest it when a colored person (who in their poorest conditions are still.better off than their ancestors) says that I owe them reparation when A. I’m not racist and have never in my life done anything to oppress or belittle another race and B. For all they know, my ancestors may have fought for them.

      Thorn wrote:

      Speaking of geneology, I really detest it when a colored person (who in their poorest conditions are still.better off than their ancestors) says that I owe them reparation when A. I’m not racist and have never in my life done anything to oppress or belittle another race and B. For all they know, my ancestors may have fought for them.

      And C.Reparations are really just another way of saying Welfare.

      btw:Some of my ancestors did own slaves. :|

      Some of mine did too (It’s only natural, being that most of my American ancestry is Southern), but some of them also fought against it. A few of my Czech ancestors were also interned at Aushwitz, but I don’t assume that every German/ German-American owes me something just because they may or may not have Nazi ancestry.
      The latest my own German ancestors came to America was 1850.
      My father’s mother fled communism and lost everything, and I’m not asking for reparations because it would be counterintuitive on my part to do so.
      But where would the cycle end?Everyone could claim reparations from everyone else if you think about it.
      This probably sounds really mean, and very vague, but people who ask blatantly stupid questions, be it in person or online, you know like one of those really obvious questions that makes you go..Really? You really just asked that?

      Also people who ask Funimation (or insert U.S. licenser here) to make another season of an anime…. seriously… you’d be surprised how many idjits do that on a daily basis at Funi Forums.

      How do they NOT know that Funimation doesn’t make the shows…..How?

      ^ yeah, lack of common sense IS a very annoying, and growing problem.*
      Indeed it is, I fear we are all doomed.

      And another pet peeve of mine in the online realm. Dub & Sub Elitists. I can’t stand people who instantly dismiss viewing/buying a title just because its sub only or people who dismiss all dubs as “garbage” both of these extremes vex me. I think at times people forget how lucky we are just to have anime being brought over to the states in general.

      Here’s something that really annoys me: people who call my number when they dial a number wrong, then immediately call back looking for the same person!

      Thorn wrote:

      Here’s something that really annoys me: people who call my number when they dial a number wrong, then immediately call back looking for the same person!

      We had that happen couple weeks ago.Someone from Arizona called up wanting to someone in Alaska.

      Fortunately they both happen to be my sisters! 😆

      To be serious though.Yeah I have read on the Funi forums where people ask if Funi will make a second or third season of a series,and then the Mods have to waste their time explaining things for the umpteenth time.

      I also agree on the whole elitist thing.

      It doesn’t matter in what language you enjoy anime.Heck if you enjoy it in KLINGON good for you! 😎 😆

      People who #dothis on Facebook.
      People who bash/bully others online for stupid/fickle reasons, like being an arse just because you like a different show then them, or people who try to belittle you because your nerdy in general. Oh and people who belittle you for having a spiritual side…. those people…. peterb me.

      Also people who smoke in public places, like right next to the door, I don’t mind if you go to the side of the building, but if your right next to the door, yeah, I can still smell that yeah know…..

      People who claim to be devout in a particular religious faith, yet are ignorant of its message, laws and/or commandments.




      Thorn wrote:

      People who claim to be devout in a particular religious faith, yet are ignorant of its message, laws and/or commandments.




      Yes, that is also very annoying.

      And as for the video, yes don’t you just hate it when those things happen. 😆

      That one friend that calls at three in the morning “just to talk”.
      For Washuu

      Thorn wrote:

      That one friend that calls at three in the morning “just to talk”.

      Still being up at 3:00 a.m. thanks to homework when said person calls, thus nixing any possibility of sleeping that night.

      People on Facebook who complain that other people need to man up and quit complaining about everything, then turn around and use their account as a diary of all the little daily hassles that piss them off.
      People who get into genealogy just to be able to join a particuliar genalogical society and aren’t really that interested in learning the truth.
      People who do everything but watch the road while driving.
      People who fly right up behind you because they’re driving way over the speed limit and then proceed to ride right up on your tail for miles… (or any distance really). SO. FREAKIN. ANNOYING.
      People who weave in and out of traffic without using a blinker.
      They’re probably the same people who also stop half way at cross walks and then start up just when you’ve

      gotten into the middle of the street and are trying to get across without warning.

      Ahhh, the jerks of the world. isawitplz

      when your washing dishes and a family member or room mate walks by and drops something in the sink. Even worse is when they do it immediately after you finish and walk away.

      May I dare to say it?:The idiots in Washington D.C. ……’nuff said.
      ^ That! A thousand times over!

      Women that try to talk to me from the next stall in public restrooms.


      The way sportscasters always seem to be rooting for the OTHER team.

      When people state the f***ing obvious to me when asking me to do something.
      My current rant is about how the people complaining about the Seahawks win over the Packers yesterday.

      The rule that the official cited to Pete Carroll definitely states that in case of a tie,wherein the DEFENSIVE

      and OFFENSIVE player make a simultaneous catch,the tie goes to the OFFENSIVE PLAYER.Ergo,because

      it goes to the offensive player it was a Seahawks TD.

      That and the fact that the officials took enough time to make certain of the call…that it was a TD

      and not a interception…well stop gripping Packer fans.

      I mean if the Pack had won we wouldn’t be hearing all of this nonsense.Even though the play would still be

      considered controversial.

      I guess I went overboard on that last one.But when you get even Fox News Channel personalities complaining about it…give me a break. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
      For Washuu
      When you’ve rehearsed a song over and over and overandoverandover and then the one time you get to perform it, your voice shreds that one high note that is supposed to sound awesome.
      ^same goes for an instrument when you’re in band.
      For Washuu
      ^Oh, man. I feel for ya’, bro. T_T
      Why do they have to tell us after political speeches and debates,what we already heard for about a couple of hours?I mean it be nice if we could interpret what was said on our own instead of having to listen to

      a group of pundits tell us what it meant.

      Seriously! My aunt was just griping about that and I agree! We all are (at least we should be) intelligent enough to decipher what the candidates said without having to be told. The people who aren’t smart enough to understand are probably not the sort that are going to even watch the pundits after the debate anyway.
      Not quite a pet peeve but:

      wth is up with Google trying to make us use our real names on youtube? HORSEAPPLES I SAY!!!

      reading up on it a bit, they say it’s to try to limit ‘uncivil’ or ‘hurtful’ comments on youtube…


      Well, I’ll tell u this google people: you make that a requirement, and you’re gonna’ see a whoooole lot more negative, hurtful comments–directed at YOU!–I can guarantee that.

      People who let their dogs run loose and then the said dogs like to use your lawn for their toilet.

      wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

      Not quite a pet peeve but:

      wth is up with Google trying to make us use our real names on youtube? HORSEAPPLES I SAY!!!

      reading up on it a bit, they say it’s to try to limit ‘uncivil’ or ‘hurtful’ comments on youtube…


      Well, I’ll tell u this google people: you make that a requirement, and you’re gonna’ see a whoooole lot more negative, hurtful comments–directed at YOU!–I can guarantee that.

      Hmm. I’ve not had that problem.

      Boy, I have so many pet peeve’s I don’t know where to start
      People who end their inquires with “hmm?” I find it condescending, uncivilized, and if you’re talking to a girl, extremely inappropriate.

      [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

      ^ I think it’s probably meant to be condescending in most cases…or at least to express frustration at someone.
      You can get the same feeling by watching certain people on tv *koff BILL O’REILLY koff*. 🙄

      Just mentioned BO’R because I was reading his book Killing Lincoln,which leads to a pet peeve about people who write history or supposed history books or biographies but don’t leave proper citations in the text or in the form of foot or end notes to back up what they have qouted or named their sources in a proper manner.Along with that no proper bibliography.

      Hey Bill,if you want to write a proper history book read one of the books written by Bruce Catton or

      Burke Davis to see what an actual book on the Civil War looks like!

      ^I haven’t watched Bill in ages, but I find his guests usually more condescending than him. The reason people hate him is because he’s down-to-Earth.
      ^ I agree to a point although he does cut off his guests in the middle of an argument, granted they usually do the same as well and refuse to hear the point he’s trying to make.
      True,true..and too many times they tend to overtalk each other so the viewer doesn’t know what point is being made.

      Thank God that we get METv now so I can watch Emergency instead! 😆

      dislike it much when you’re a few cars away in line from the stoplight, it turns green, but traffic is SO backed up ahead of intersection, you can’t move anyway.
      😆 And the car directly behind you is beeping it’s horn at you like a dumbass.
      ^^Or the light turns green and the front car sits through half of it before deciding to move.
      Can’t say as I don’t drive and don’t own a motorcycle.
      Though I wouldn’t like to be riding around on a motorcycle in the cold.BRRRRR…..

      and speaking of which:

      Doncha just hate it after you have a nice pile of heaves all raked and then a big ol’ wind comes up…

      Sorry about the spelling.I did mean leaves.

      I will be glad when the last bunch are all raked up.

      Here’s another one. It really annoys me when I buy a new box of cereal and it bulges when I open the bag inside.
      People who can’t read the hours when a business is open on the front door.The library where I volunteer constantly gets the question of when it’s open even though the hours are posted for everyone to see

      clear as day.

      ^It’s because a lot of people can’t be bothered to read information like that for themselves.
      Here’s a very recent one!

      When banks go “herp! Fraudulent activity! Derp!” and cut of your credit/debit card without any notice whatsoever….simply because you tried to make a purchase that was juuuust a smidge outside the normal spending pattern.

      Well my parents had problems with the phone company.It seems that someone had made a long distance

      call to Phoenix using our phone number and we don’t know anyone from Phoenix so my mom was trying to get them to subtract the charge from the bill and explain where it came from.

      I am officially tired of polls now.Mainly because I already voted and don’t care what people in Ohio or

      Wisconsin think.I’m also tired of this stupid Red State/Blue State thing.It was all started by CBS back in

      2000 to distinguish between Bush and Gore.

      Actually, states were unofficially using red and blue before then to distinguish Democrats from Republicans on a map. Prior to 2000, red was usually the democratic color and blue the republican color, though they would swap.

      Anyway, I agree. I’m sick of hearing about the election in general. My parents eat, sleep, and breathe politics every four years and it’s frustrating trying to carry a conversation when I’m fed up with the whole process and don’t care to discuss it any more than I really need to beyond doing my research and voting.

      Politics,Sandy and the Politics of Sandy are the three things I am tired of right now.
      So irritating how tptb in our country can take any disaster or other humanitarian issue and pretend to genuinely care about the people around voting time. I’m sure some of them actually do; it’s just so difficult to discern those that are sincere from those that aren’t.
      Obam-… I mean, seeing all the campaign signs still out months after the election. Seriously, I want to set all of them on fire.
      And then the campaign ads that keep airing for the rest of eternity…I think that Hell will be one endless

      cycle of campaign ads…

      All the people who publicly moan and groan about the outcome of an election. I don’t like the outcome either, but it’s over and there’s nothing we can do about it now. Move on and focus on doing your part to better the country.

      Thorn wrote:

      All the people who publicly moan and groan about the outcome of an election. I don’t like the outcome either, but it’s over and there’s nothing we can do about it now. Move on and focus on doing your part to better the country.

      So you want us to join the Army? :WUTH:

      What I really hate is those people who moan and groan about politics but still won’t care enough to cast

      their vote if their eligible to do so.

      Oh and for the record,I really thought the election was lost at the VP debate.Ryan certainly lost my

      vote and I ended up voting for Goode and Clymer of the Constitution Party.


      mitsuki lover wrote:

      Oh and for the record,I really thought the election was lost at the VP debate.Ryan certainly lost my

      vote and I ended up voting for Goode and Clymer of the Constitution Party.

      Absolutely nothing personal against you ML, but this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. In my mind, you not only wasted your vote, but by doing so you in effect SUPPORTED the very candidate you least supported. This isn’t rocket science, and it certainly applies equally to both sides because if people hadn’t voted for Ross Perot in 92 Bill Clinton would have lost, and if people hadn’t voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 George Bush would have lost. The American system does NOT, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES allow for three parties to exist without one of them automatically winning by default. So by voting for Goode rather than Romney, you might as well have voted for Obama because the end result is the same.

      Again, I mean absolutely nothing personal against you ML, and this is all just my opinion.

      ^ This!

      And the way that elections have come to be decided on issues that really have more to do with the power of the individual state governments and, at most, congress rather than the president himself. That, and single issue voters.

      chucklocker wrote:

      mitsuki lover wrote:

      Oh and for the record,I really thought the election was lost at the VP debate.Ryan certainly lost my

      vote and I ended up voting for Goode and Clymer of the Constitution Party.

      Absolutely nothing personal against you ML, but this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. In my mind, you not only wasted your vote, but by doing so you in effect SUPPORTED the very candidate you least supported. This isn’t rocket science, and it certainly applies equally to both sides because if people hadn’t voted for Ross Perot in 92 Bill Clinton would have lost, and if people hadn’t voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 George Bush would have lost. The American system does NOT, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES allow for three parties to exist without one of them automatically winning by default. So by voting for Goode rather than Romney, you might as well have voted for Obama because the end result is the same.

      Again, I mean absolutely nothing personal against you ML, and this is all just my opinion.

      Yep Ross Perot screwed us twenty years ago, but it wasn’t really Nader in 2000. It was more because of Pat Buchanan, who people accidentally voted for instead of Gore. Of course, as these people were Democrats, they were stupid enough not to understand the ballot their party designed in the first place.

      Seriously, everybody is complaining about ballot from the election we just had, comparing it to the SAT. People should do their research beforehand, no excuses. My Supervisor of Elections office even mails out sample ballots.

      Seriously? What’s so difficult about a ballot? It’s not rocket science.
      It’s not.But if people don’t like either of the two major party candidates they should vote for either an

      independent or third party candidate.I actually wish Romney had been more aggressive in attacking Obama and allowed his surrogates to attack Michelle Obama as well once the Obama surrogates had attacked Anne

      Romney.Another one of my pet political peeves is politics isn’t NICE,it’s NASTY and MEAN and you have to get into the dirt at times to win.Just ask the men who assured Hayes’ victory in 1876.

      Ok…enough politics…my new pet peeve is the weather.Had to shovel snow today and it’s still falling. 🙄

      ^ See, that’s a major reason why he didn’t win. After the first debate, people started to respond to him because he was being more aggressive towards Obama and calling him out on some key issues, but then he let up around the second and third debates and didn’t fare so well.
      For Washuu
      Wait, there was a politics ****storm and I missed it? O_O

      Thanksgiving.Can we rant on how the entirety of Thanksgiving has been hijacked by the New England

      Interests to perpetuate the Pilgrim-Mayflower Myth?Even though: 1)the Spanish were the ones to hold the first actual Thanksgiving on North American soil and 2)the first ACTUAL Thanksgiving in English North America

      was held at Jamestown,Virginia a decade BEFORE the Mayflower even sailed.

      btw:They weren’t called Pilgrims,they were Separatists and more to the point the majority were Brownists.

      And Miles Standish was a Roman Catholic.

      ^ And also how “Thanks” giving has lost it’s meaning and become a holiday about gorging ourselves on food that many people believe they’re entitled to while people starve in the streets.
      Or for just another excuse to shop.

      Any way,related to how I hate the Revisionist History wheter from the Left or Right(both are equally guilty of rewritting it to suit their tastes)is Revisionist Genealogy.Sorry but you can’t rewrite who or whom your

      ancestors were.You’re stuck with ’em for better and worse.Part of that pet peeve is people who don’t bother to do the research adequately enough…. 😈

      And finally people who decide to claim a certain ethnic heritage just because:A)it makes them sound

      exotic and B)helps them to get ahead if they claim it.

      Realistically though, most people can claim at least a smidgeon of just about any ethnicity somewhere in their family tree.
      True.But you do have to have proof like anything else.You simply can’t claim to have,say for example,

      Cherokee ancestry without proving that you had at least one ancestor on the Rolls for the Cherokee tribe.

      btw:Why does every white politician claiming Native American ancestry want to be a Cherokee in the first place?How come no-one wants to be a Creek or Powhatan?

      Has no Native American ancestry that personally know about so making no such silly claims for self.

      I guess because it’s one of the more well known tribes.
      “All that glitters is not gold.” It’s crap that comes off old Christmas decorations and it gets all over the place.
      People who don’t take the time to learn to pronounce the names of towns and cities where I live correctly.

      For example it happens to be SPO-can NOT Spo-KANE and Core DUH lane and not COUER di lane.

      People who say BAZINGA! I refuse to watch that show, but I sometimes find myself saying it, and each time I have the intention of brutally hurting myself.
      Right now it’s our computer.Been erratic ever since December.Can’t tell day to day how it’ll work.

      Drives me mad….

      my biggest pet peeve is when my roommates lose their keys and call me up to borrow mine while im at work or something….if you cant hold onto your own keys…what makes you think I want to hand mine over to you?It drives me nuts…why would you lose your keys? cant you keep them safe?How did you expect to get in your house?Is it like so complicated to keep track of a set of keys?Its not much to ask….

      I know I know…a lot of people are misplacing things all of the time…

      well…I dont hate you for it….but it sure does drive me insane! I just want to have a normal day without any back tracking!

      I hate it when someone starts a thread on a forum on a subject that not too many people may know about and they don’t bother to explain what they’re talking about.I mean if you’re going to start a thread at least

      have the curtesy of cluing people in on what the subject is about.

      One of my biggest pet peeves is when some people who live outside the South assume that Texas (among other Southern states) is inhabited by people technologically trapped in the mid-nineteenth century.

      Thorn wrote:

      One of my biggest pet peeves is when some people who live outside the South assume that Texas (among other Southern states) is inhabited by people technologically trapped in the mid-nineteenth century.


      I’ve not heard that one before.

      zombie thread bump:

      The whole deal with me misreading the Toonami announcement with IGXP reminds me of how I hate it when

      people aren’t precise about what they say and mean when they write or speak.You don’t have to say or write a lot to get what you mean across,just concentrate on what in fact you actually MEAN.This could also be that the people who run our entertainment industry today skipped basic English 101 like the guys at Toonami obviously did.

      In light of the events in Boston, this is another one that came to me. I really can’t stand it when something bad happens and rather than coming together, people immediately start pointing fingers, placing blame on some random unknown party, and starting fights over the issue without knowing a damn thing.

      Thorn wrote:

      In light of the events in Boston, this is another one that came to me. I really can’t stand it when something bad happens and rather than coming together, people immediately start pointing fingers, placing blame on some random unknown party, and starting fights over the issue without knowing a damn thing.

      i know what you mean. i live about a hour away from boston so it can be scary. but sometimes people bring up good points. if we all take the time to see things we can stand beter as a people caring for people, not as animals that want to blame the closest thing

      Minor irritation that Funi uses the official Tenchi facebook to promo/sell the tenchi discs, mostly WoG, and when they post the 2 min Tenchi Toonami promo… the post the Slim made one with poor audio, not even mine or the one Slim redid himself recently. Arrrgh….
      Biggest pet peeve for me.

      Let’s say someone comes in, comes to the bar I’m working at, and decides to order a drink they never had before. I give them a warning…a disclaimer…that it may be a bit stronger or weaker than if they get something normal. I mix it, serve it. They start complaining and expect me to make another of what they wanted originally x.x As a bartender, I don’t have time to settle to just one persons need, and in the end they barely tip you any money. They basically don’t pay tip because of there own mistake.


      Other than that, if I’m watching any show or movie that I am trying to pay attention to, and there are people talking…It drives me crazy 😡

      Haha, done ranting x.x

      "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."
      Yeah, I feel for bar tenders, man. They have to cater a room full of drunk people in as timely a manner as they can. Oftentimes, the patrons are either incapable of taking into account that they are not the only customers, or they are and simply don’t care. I’ll admit that while I’ve never been rude to a bartender I am guilty in that respect of not always being empathetic towards the bartenders situation, myself.

      shadowsfall0 wrote:

      Other than that, if I’m watching any show or movie that I am trying to pay attention to, and there are people talking…It drives me crazy

      On that note, it really bugs me when I’m watching a series/movie with someone, and instead of watching it with me as I am taking the time to either introduce them to something I thought would interest them, or am entertaining a recommendation from them/their desire to watch it with me, they’re just flipping through their smart phone the whole damn time. Off and on, off and on, the looking up then looking back down, grrr!

      What’s more annoying is if they won’t put their damn thing on vibrate/silent, and they somehow can’t figure out that it might be distracting for other people, or themselves (seriously, during my recent Tenchi Saturday Night viewings with friends, my one friend was an offender in this regard for three weeks in a row. I thought he would figure it out, but finally I had to be “rude” and say “could you possibly please put that on vibrate?”).

      Darn smart phones in general. Everyone’s always on them, surfing the web, checking their status updates, while they’re out to dinner with you, while watching a movie, while walking around downtown, ALL THE TIME! To me it conveys disinterest in whom you’re spending time with (in my case, me) and intentionally or not, is rather rude.

      The product of our age. We’re everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

      Who, I believe we are on the same wavelength about people not setting their phones at least to vibrate >.<. I tend to have nights where my buddies come over, we watch Tenchi, or other shows like Darker than Black(a show you have to pay a lot of attention to, otherwise you will be lost). They are busy on their smartphones through half of it, and it goes off every half-minute. I honestly have a smartphone, I admit that, but I do have courtesy not to use it during a conversation, or during movies/shows, or whenever the occasion is needed to give undivided attention. A productive product to negate productivity. It’s a man-made paradox 😆
      "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."
      I don’t even know what to type. I am SO pissed. People who you can’t reason with and people who just… what.
      I’m sick for the third time for this time of the year when it usually only happens once and I am just SO frustrated. I hate being sick so much. This just hasn’t been my weekend. I guess I shouldn’t have procrastinated on that math homework either, being sick just makes things 100x more difficult. Cold medicines don’t work for me… etc…
      Airlines. Just fucking airlines. Update to come later today. Need to conserve battery. Fuck.
      I… kinda hate my job… like a lot.

      I want to Quit everyday.

      I need money though.

      it makes me mad.. and le sad.


      Not a fan of our General Manager either.

      For Washuu
      If you ask me, start job-searching. NOW.

      Don’t quit your job, but make it an unwavering and daily routine to check for new job opportunities. Find a place you’d actually LIKE to work at, even if it’s less pay, as long as it will make ends meet.

      Why go through a painful experience -daily- any longer than you have to? Search!

      Just my $.02


      ZERO-Ryoko wrote:

      I… kinda hate my job… like a lot.

      I want to Quit everyday.

      I need money though.

      it makes me mad.. and le sad.

      I’m here right now.

      For Washuu wrote:

      If you ask me, start job-searching. NOW.

      And here! isawitplz1

      Who is the dumb fuck who placed lime cleaner in our sanitizer line for the dishwasher?
      Ass kissers and know-it-all’s
      People who take a cart to shop around a warehouse store… only to come out with TWO THINGS that could’ve easily been carried by hand out the door with them IN THE CART THEY DENIED SOMEONE ELSE THE PRIVILEGE OF USING FOR AN ACTUAL HAUL OF GROCERIES!!!
      I don’t know why this bothers me so much, but people who leave time on the microwave. Meaning that whoever used the microwave before you overestimated the amount of time it would take to warm up their food and didn’t hit the clear button. I shouldn’t have to hit the clear button for you or have to worry about overcooking my food because there was an extra 2 minutes on the timer. UGH! rageblow1
      People (women, mostly) who go through the clothing area of a store, toss about every single FUCKING PIECE OF CLOTHING KNOWN TO MAN… and not buy even a single shirt.
      For Washuu

      Makoto_Mizuhara wrote:

      People (women, mostly) who go through the clothing area of a store, toss about every single FUCKING PIECE OF CLOTHING KNOWN TO MAN… and not buy even a single shirt.

      Ungrateful bastards.

      And today, in the life of Elliot, the clock at work got to 7:30 pm – dinnertime.

      I work at a small Chinese restaurant, and they feed me dinner (’cause they’re awesome) so I grabbed the bowls and rushed them up to the counter, to the cook, and he filled them. I took them back around and was about to eat when a customer came in.

      Eh. That’s fine. I can help one. (I don’t have a choice – I was the only cashier there today.)

      When she got done deciding an eternity later, there was another behind her. And by the time I rang up that order, there was a LINE OF FIVE PEOPLE AND THERE SCREAMING TODDLERS waiting.

      I got back to my (cold) beef and broccoli at 8:05.

      To finish work at closing time, I have to start cleaning the bathrooms and floors at 7:50.

      Guys… I know you don’t mean any harm by coming in and buying our food, but GET OUTTA MY WORKPLACE WHEN I’MMMA EATIN’ MAH DINNER.

      rageblow1 wtfisthis1

      Those times when you think you’re getting awesome extra hours on a Friday… on top of a visit from the company’s VP THAT SAME DAY.
      This one comes from my high school days working as a sale’s associate in a department store:

      Jackasses who blantantly look through every size and every style of the folded shirts on a shelf only to ask me as I stand there with a very, very, forced smile screwed onto my face (because I have to refold all of said shirts) if we have ONE of those shirts in a particular size. Meanwhile, I’m thinking “You freaking tell me!”

      Here’s another one:

      I have a friend who’s getting into anime, but comes to me about what to watch so we watch a lot of shows together. The problem is that she’s the kind of person who asks constant questions…questions that would answer themselves if she simply waited a few more minutes. On top of that, she tends to check her phone at EXACTLY the moment when an important question is answered. So, I told her if she misses something I’m not explaining it later.

      Hate at school:

      -Talk blocking

      -Talking during when I need to listen to a teacher

      -people blocking the doorways

      -people that cut in front while driving without turn signals

      The most I hate is when the internet drops all of a sudden

      who here can relate to these?

      For Washuu

      Ukinojo92 wrote:

      -Talk blocking

      Not sure what you mean on that one.


      -Talking during when I need to listen to a teacher

      THANK you!


      -people blocking the doorways

      Depends. Do they move when they realize what they’re doing?


      -people that cut in front while driving without turn signals

      Doesn’t happen here in Kansas. Not enough to remember, at least.

      But yes, it is infuriating.


      The most I hate is when the internet drops all of a sudden

      or when the BASS drops all of the sudden?? woooo1

      How about when the teacher gives you a group assignment and you’re one of only two people

      who actually does the bulk of the work?

      aahh….school day memories….


      For Washuu wrote:

      Ukinojo92 wrote:-Talk blocking Not sure what you mean on that one.

      When you want to say something but some say it first, and then it keeps happening.

      For Washuu wrote:

      -people blocking the doorwaysDepends. Do they move when they realize what they’re doing?

      sometimes no

      When you go to the grocery store and come out and find someone with a large truck or car

      parked next to you and you can’t see either direction to tell if anyone’s coming.

      The internet is working fine but then for some reason it starts acting broken and either loads the pages all screwy or doesn’t work at all.
      Or when you want to print something it won’t and then when it does all it prints is pages of the same thing until it either runs out of paper or it’s finished.

      Having to go outside anywhere when it’s 0 or below out there!

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