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    So yeah, as a long-time Sony kid, I surprised myself when I wasn’t a bit more on pins and needles awaiting the announcement of the PS4 (not that I don’t think it’s awesome, I’m just not sure I want to wait in line/splurge $$$ upfront to buy it immediately when it comes out…oh, who am I kidding? I probably will).

    Watched the announcement on live feed, and of course it looks awesome.

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    (replay of live stream) ^

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      Well it’s certainly a more powerful system, which is great for everybody because the 360/PS3 have been holding back developers for a little while now. I like a lot of the ideas, I also like that they aren’t pushing something like Kinect as mandatory for developers either, which means it will probably be THE more popular platform to develop on.

      The giant downsides I see are

      1. Always on, most people in the US not only have shoddy internet, but have no way to connect at all, which is a large number of people in the midwest. Doing this is going to be a really big downside 6 months out from launch.

      2. No used games. This has been thrown around a lot since it was said, and while it seems like a monumentally bad move to make, we’ve also seen nothing to the former. This would only work if Sony and Microsoft adopted the Steam plan of seasonal sales, up to 90% off, New digital titles at 39.99/49.99. Sadly, they won’t.

      Dagon123 wrote:

      Well it’s certainly a more powerful system, which is great for everybody because the 360/PS3 have been holding back developers for a little while now. I like a lot of the ideas, I also like that they aren’t pushing something like Kinect as mandatory for developers either, which means it will probably be THE more popular platform to develop on.

      The giant downsides I see are

      1. Always on, most people in the US not only have shoddy internet, but have no way to connect at all, which is a large number of people in the midwest. Doing this is going to be a really big downside 6 months out from launch.

      2. No used games. This has been thrown around a lot since it was said, and while it seems like a monumentally bad move to make, we’ve also seen nothing to the former. This would only work if Sony and Microsoft adopted the Steam plan of seasonal sales, up to 90% off, New digital titles at 39.99/49.99. Sadly, they won’t.

      1. Didn’t see that.

      2. That was debunked- used, physical media can be played. After all, some guys want to take their games to other peeps’ places and enjoy them there.

      Unfortunately, it also means that for those of us who have to(or would prefer to wait) for the price to come down, there are about three years post release date until titles stop being launched on PS3.
      Cant wait!! Oh well it will become another computer in my room that has to be on all the time… 😉

      Dagon123 wrote:

      The giant downsides I see are

      1. Always on, most people in the US not only have shoddy internet, but have no way to connect at all, which is a large number of people in the midwest. Doing this is going to be a really big downside 6 months out from launch.

      2. No used games. This has been thrown around a lot since it was said, and while it seems like a monumentally bad move to make, we’ve also seen nothing to the former. This would only work if Sony and Microsoft adopted the Steam plan of seasonal sales, up to 90% off, New digital titles at 39.99/49.99. Sadly, they won’t.

      You are mistaking it for the Xbox760 or whatever it will be called.

      1. games can be played offline. You need online access to buy addons.

      2.Used games are fine. But no compatibility to older games. Popular games will eventually be ported and available over the online store.

      It will be in the $469 range, way cheaper than the PS3 at launch, and cheaper considering the hardware it got. Still it’s not the super hardware consoles used to have, just customized off the shelf hardware.

      It seems the console industry is going to have a higher turn around (shorter life cycle) than Sony said many years ago. Will won’t see a PS9 in 2078 but perhaps a PSXIII. 😆 Maybe one day you just drop components a la plug & play.

      Let’s just skip this generation and move on to 32 core quantum computers for PC use so I can run SAO already…. :Tenchismile:
      Well, add some holocubes, independent safety wake-up function (or lifetime hospital care), homegrown AI companions(wisp/faries) and a tweaked opensource version and I’m on. :D

      And it would be nice if I can import my double blade and double attack skills from FF4. ;) Don’t care about black, dark blue is fine but it has to be a mantle. 😆

      Well about half that was in accel world… So you’ll have to wait another 20 years.
      Nah, don’t want implants with possible backdoors & such and turn myself to some puppet master(or individual 11) or become “unknowingly” a “mnemonic courier”.

      Btw. when you get to the gunworld tell me if the gunshop challenge looks familiar to you. For some reason I got a strong dejavu feeling but can’t put my finger on it.

      Yeah I’m about 80% done with all the translated books thus far…..

      But back on topic ^_^

      The thing many seem to overlook is the state Sony is in right now. Sony is close to it’s last rope, it seems. So the question that comes to mind is will Sony succeed and keep on living so we can see more PS generations. It would be bad if all there is is only MS or Nintendo. Don’t tell me Google is going to jump in. 😆

      On the technical side the PS4 exactly meets the technical level predicted, so it’s a bit less than actual current technology level. And yet it seems to have 50% more graphic power than the last Xbox760 info.

      The consoles don’t look that attractive compared to PCs. Their success and future is really questionable here. If you consider 4k tv, somewhere in 5-6 years games will be technically playable . The difference or advantage of consoles will shrink even more. Even if things change over to tablets the requirements will be the same (perhaps a bit lagging behind, though). So it comes down to just a change of device.

      On the other side cloud-gaming -> matrix…. :|

      Almael wrote:

      The thing many seem to overlook is the state Sony is in right now. Sony is close to it’s last rope, it seems. So the question that comes to mind is will Sony succeed and keep on living so we can see more PS generations. It would be bad if all there is is only MS or Nintendo. Don’t tell me Google is going to jump in. 😆

      On the technical side the PS4 exactly meets the technical level predicted, so it’s a bit less than actual current technology level. And yet it seems to have 50% more graphic power than the last Xbox760 info.

      The consoles don’t look that attractive compared to PCs. Their success and future is really questionable here. If you consider 4k tv, somewhere in 5-6 years games will be technically playable . The difference or advantage of consoles will shrink even more. Even if things change over to tablets the requirements will be the same (perhaps a bit lagging behind, though). So it comes down to just a change of device.

      On the other side cloud-gaming -> matrix…. :|

      You seem to forget that Nintendo and Microsoft are in the same boat gaming-wise. Look at how well the launch for the WiiU went, along with how well its current library is. Same for the 3DS- rocky launch, but it’s picking up for sure.

      On Microsoft’s side- monthly subscriptions for not just the online play, but also for the system itself? Screw that. Even a coworker of mine’s had enough and he’s trading in his Xbox 360 for a PS3 (the God of War one coming out soon, BTW). Also on Microsoft’s side- sure, they’ve got exclusive first-dibs on some online content before the other guys and a couple of hot IPs like Halo and Gears of War… but what else? Really guys… they’ve got jack for s%@# on the First Party Intellectual Properties. Nintendo’s got that market cornered with their line-up of classic and new characters, while Sony’s got a well-rounded mix of peeps both First-Party AND Third-Party.

      Surely, MS isn’t exactly liked but if one can believe the console sales numbers it does seem to fare better then Sony. With most MMO going free now and earning more money on add-ons and paid-upgrades…I guess MS will have to change sometime, too.

      Now Steam is also offering consoles. It may not really be contesting but undoubtedly it opens ways to make consoles more obsolete.

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