Recasting Characters

Forums Fan Stuff Fanfiction Recasting Characters

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    This thread is a sibling to the Fan-Made Characters thread. While authors can create their own characters to serve particular roles, an author can also take an existing character from another continuity and integrate them into their tale.

    For example, consider a fan fiction set in the OVA continuity, but the author would like to use Makibi Kiyone from the Universe continuity bth_20081020 , or Ramia from the Pretty Sammy continuity" />. Since these characters did not exist in the OVA continuity originally, they may need to be modified to fit into the overarching universe. For Kiyone, Noike has been stated as being Mihoshi’s partner, so how does one rectify the resulting contradiction? Perhaps Noike was Mihoshi’s partner for a time and then Kiyone later, or vice versa. Similarly, Ramia is not listed as a claimant to the throne of Jurai in OVA, but could she play a role as a lesser noble in the royal house? How would these scenarios proceed? How would they interact with the other cast members? How much of the character can be changed before becoming, for example, “Ramia in name only”?

    Recasting as defined here does not include a crossover between continuities. An example of this would be for Washu to use a dimension tuner to allow the actual Ramia from Pretty Sammy into the OVA.

    The goal of this thread is to discuss recasting characters from one continuity to another, its benefits and pitfalls.

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      This may not be much of a character to re-cast but an interesting thing to see, would be a re-cast of Mayuka from The Daughter of Darkness. She could be recast into the OVA but I wouldnt be too sure how her role would be within the house. If you were to propose Kiyone joining in as a re-cast in the OVA it could fit in, possibly, since in the movie she was in there. The movie also had lighthawk wings so it has a bit more of a closeness to the OVA story than Universe even though it is overall a standalone movie.
      "For the curse of life is the curse of want. And so, you peer... Into the fog, in hope of answers."

      shadowsfall0 wrote:

      This may not be much of a character to re-cast but an interesting thing to see, would be a re-cast of Mayuka from The Daughter of Darkness. She could be recast into the OVA but I wouldnt be too sure how her role would be within the house. If you were to propose Kiyone joining in as a re-cast in the OVA it could fit in, possibly, since in the movie she was in there. The movie also had lighthawk wings so it has a bit more of a closeness to the OVA story than Universe even though it is overall a standalone movie.

      Well, the movie is part of a branch of the OVA family of continuities. Hasegawa Naoko’s novels continue from the end of OVA Series 1 and ignore OVA 2, OVA 3, GXP, and SKT. “Daughter of Darkness”, or “Midsummer’s Eve”, is an adaptation of her tenth novel by the same name. Thus, adapting Mayuka and Kiyone as they appear in the film to the OVA wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. You might have to do some juggling with Kiyone’s backstory as mentioned above, but Mayuka and Yuzuha might be pulled off without too much of an issue. ^^v

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